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Offcial Feedback Thread: changes to Item Level system



  • kalina311kalina311 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,082 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    kalina311 said:

    "One other thing worth mentioning: the new queue values in the above chart were calculated WITHOUT counting guild boons."


    Queue values. They balanced the queue values against players without any guild boons.


    Right then how is a player supposed to know why he does not meet the min requirements ( on this graph the dev posted to enter dungeons )then if they(sources of power) are both cumulative as far as item level ( regular boons gear enchantments etc ) yet ... guild boons are excluded for the sake of entry requirements yet added to the final item level tally.... we essentially need 2 item level values then displayed

    its like sorry you are high enough gear score with guild boons to enter but not enough without it ( so it stops people in low guild from feeling alienated .. but also stops people in higher level guild from joining that have the boons to make up for power (that they also grinded and payed for ) but not the gear to enter

    (also a whole bunch of people alts will now fail to make the Q lol time to pay up ( very alt unfriendly the opposite of what the devs want )

    so essentially open your wallet to get in the meet the min gear score cause your guild boons that you grinded and worked so hard so wont carry you as far as dungeon entry requirements (cause it is not fair to lower guilds blah blah) ... but we will still add them to your item level anyways ...

    oh and we dont want you switching to higher level established guilds to avoid having to pay or gear up either (to make entry requirements ) is what Im reading between the lines (also under the guise of protecting lower level guilds)

    hmmmm essentially teasing the player 2 values must be shown the one on the curve to enter the dungeon and the one that is total item level with guild boons it is very confusing care to comment

    perhaps dungeons need bronze silver and gold difficulties /scaling accounting for guild boons and power ranged 1-6 6-14 and 14 20 lets say and add this to the level to get in redo the graphs bro
    no low level guild will be aliened cause there will be a lower level Q and your items levels scaling will be accurate

    you are trying to set difficulty level for a dungeon /scaling to one item number when a guild can have such a range of guild power 1- 20 adding thousands in stats ... now you have worse item level problem on your hands not better under the guise of worrying about low level guilds

    you have the data what is the average guild level in the game not 0 not 1 not 2 .
    you need to balance based on average guild levels as well not discount them to make it "fair" when it is not


    you guys created this item level disparity with all these high level guild boons
    Players want to be able to run the same area scaled
    just one dungeons entry level setting wont do it

    are you a solo player no problem potions a temp buffs should be added to item level as well to meet requirments to get in just like it is with the gear and potions you need for everfrost resistance to make it in the newer dungeons and skirmish
    Post edited by kalina311 on
  • bigredbrentbigredbrent Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    adinosii said:

    Giving people with passive legendary companions more IL? Seriously? *Facepalm* - Prokiller

    Well, it doesn't matter if it is the summoned or not as long as you have just one...the issue is that you can artificially boost your IL by having multiple legendary companions, but that will not improve your stats in any way.

    ....which is why people are suggesing letting epic and legendary have the same value, + a single bonus for having at least one legendary.

    Or, actually increase the active bonus for legendary companions...

    Utility slots should still count towards item level, they just should not count as much towards your item level as offense and defense slots do. The aim of this change is to make it so anything that improves your character now counts towards your item level, utility slots are an improvement and should count for something. I would sugest making it so utility slot enchantments only provide half the item level that the same enchantments in offense and defense slots do.

    I suggest that they only count toward one tenth as much item level. They are almost completely worthless for combat situations. I would be satisfied if they did not count toward item level at all.
  • dratomic1#3275 dratomic1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Castle Never requirement
    CN Dungeon should have it's IL required increased to 9000 (2500) as that is about the level a very well skilled tank is able to tank Orcus. Too often groups grind to a halt at Orcus because the tank can't cope.

    Utility slots item level
    I think the amount of bonus enchaments in Utility slots give should drasticaly be lowered. The enchantments in these slots add utility to the player but no functional output increase towards the group.

  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User

    Castle Never requirement
    CN Dungeon should have it's IL required increased to 9000 (2500) as that is about the level a very well skilled tank is able to tank Orcus. Too often groups grind to a halt at Orcus because the tank can't cope.

    Utility slots item level
    I think the amount of bonus enchaments in Utility slots give should drasticaly be lowered. The enchantments in these slots add utility to the player but no functional output increase towards the group.

    You don't actually NEEEEED a tank for orcus... so raising the IL entry req is silly.
    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

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  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    No need to change IL (based on what is on preview now) because many newbies don't have insignia bonuses or don't have the 5 (i pug a lot and run acts so thrust me, this is true), with these changes, they will want to get those bonus and will have easy acess to them (mounts on ah are pretty cheap), all devs have to do is put some more bright arrows and shinny indicators and they will follow.

  • dratomic1#3275 dratomic1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    weaver936 said:

    Castle Never requirement
    CN Dungeon should have it's IL required increased to 9000 (2500) as that is about the level a very well skilled tank is able to tank Orcus. Too often groups grind to a halt at Orcus because the tank can't cope.

    Utility slots item level
    I think the amount of bonus enchaments in Utility slots give should drasticaly be lowered. The enchantments in these slots add utility to the player but no functional output increase towards the group.

    You don't actually NEEEEED a tank for orcus... so raising the IL entry req is silly.
    The CN requirement states IL 2000, 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps.

    Show me the 2200 IL group with max rank 7 bondings that is able to complete CN. Even if you manage to get that group together, what will the result be when we are talking about a true 2200 group (not 4k players on 2200 toons)?

    I suggested 2500 since GFs seemingly need to be around 2450 when in a major guild to be able to tank Orcus.

    And sure I've seen 2200's tank Orcus when they have 4K support with them but that's not the point. IL entry means that the group should be viable when the entire group is at that level; that simply isn't the case with the 2000 IL requirement CN has now.

    Edit: My suggestion comes from running 100's of CNs through normal queues and having seen tanks fail and get booted over and over. Heh, there are even high level tanks/players out there that do nothing but CN rescue missions and abandon fresh CN queues. The data here is my personal experience; that could be flawed but ARC should be able to data mine the boot ratio versus class, current item level and location in the dungeon and data mine dungeon success rate with tanks It would be a nice improvement if the Item Level requirement for Private queues was removed (just require the level i.e. 68 or 70, to prevent powerleveling). This would allow guilds/alliances to run a private queue on their own terms outside of IL requirements set by the game for regular queues. The game allready allows this partially through removing the group makeup requirement.
    Post edited by dratomic1#3275 on
  • dratomic1#3275 dratomic1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    weaver936 said:

    Castle Never requirement
    CN Dungeon should have it's IL required increased to 9000 (2500) as that is about the level a very well skilled tank is able to tank Orcus. Too often groups grind to a halt at Orcus because the tank can't cope.

    Utility slots item level
    I think the amount of bonus enchaments in Utility slots give should drasticaly be lowered. The enchantments in these slots add utility to the player but no functional output increase towards the group.

    You don't actually NEEEEED a tank for orcus... so raising the IL entry req is silly.
    CN normal entry requirement is currently 1 tank, 1 healer, 3 dps.

    I've ran 100's of normals and seen many a failure where the tank was below 2450; especially when the rest of the support cast is below or around that level too.

    My personal experience is a flawed data set however. Data mining should proof or disproof my statement that it needs raised (kick ratio tank versus other classes versus item level versus location in dungeon and also tank plus support IL versus CN succes ratio). The fact that there are highlevel tanks that specialise in CN rescue missions and even abandon normal runs in favor of getting a rescue enforces the need to raise the IL for CN imho.

    It would be great if IL requirements would be removed from private queues all together; in such a way that there will only be level requirements. This would allow guilds to run all content with all their members in a private setting.
  • plasmageek#1706 plasmageek Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I saw people asking for ilvl change examples, so I did mine up. I'm not sure how to embed in the post, but here are links:


    Guild boons include: Power Bonus (level 3), Lifesteal Bonus (level 1) and XP bonus (level 1).

  • masterogamasteroga Member Posts: 474 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Utility slots should count. A more geared, more player can slow a dungeon down more than a less geared player who has 5 dark 12s in utility.

    Should all the other utilities count? Probably, they help fuel progression
    Making them not count will slow down character development
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    masteroga said:

    Utility slots should count. A more geared, more player can slow a dungeon down more than a less geared player who has 5 dark 12s in utility.

    Should all the other utilities count? Probably, they help fuel progression

    Making them not count will slow down character development

    But the tendency to happen is the opposite, that is just a rare can. And why will it slow down character development? They will be worth to the player over long time (take the example of QM's, opening 300 bags in a double enchants event is a mini gold mine, players may be more tempted to upgrade the rest (non utility slots) to get in dungeons but that is a matter of choice, in that case players should be informed better about those enchants long time benefits, not making it count to a system that aims at measuring the capacity of a player.

  • sundance777sundance777 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    Bonding stones pass over stats, so I think they should be worth 1.X more IL than other enchanments, where X is the % of stats they send, so a r12 would be 1.95 times the value of say a r12 radiant, unless you want to chop it down a bit because they have a timer, but you get the idea.

    I think the IL requirements for entry to content are fine, although they are and always have been a little low IMO. I don't see a need to increase them as the minimum IL characters can be carried by the rest of the group from time to time.
    TR - Sun: 16000 IL
    OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL

    Casual Dailies
  • dratomic1#3275 dratomic1 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    masteroga said:

    Utility slots should count. A more geared, more player can slow a dungeon down more than a less geared player who has 5 dark 12s in utility.

    Should all the other utilities count? Probably, they help fuel progression

    Making them not count will slow down character development

    They add no functional benefit to the group, as such they should not be included or have a minimal impact.

    It is more likely to happen that a low level 70 is using R12's in his utility slots in order to get maximum benefit in drops towards his character progression. This would mean he would be useless to the group but meet the IL requirements set, which is something we as a community want to get away from.

    A functional level indicator towards that characters current group potential should not include utility slots.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User

    masteroga said:

    Utility slots should count. A more geared, more player can slow a dungeon down more than a less geared player who has 5 dark 12s in utility.

    Should all the other utilities count? Probably, they help fuel progression

    Making them not count will slow down character development

    They add no functional benefit to the group, as such they should not be included or have a minimal impact.

    It is more likely to happen that a low level 70 is using R12's in his utility slots in order to get maximum benefit in drops towards his character progression. This would mean he would be useless to the group but meet the IL requirements set, which is something we as a community want to get away from.

    A functional level indicator towards that characters current group potential should not include utility slots.
    is an indomitable runestone rank 12 of any use then?
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Utility enchantments either need to have the same IL as any other enchantment, or a proportional decrease in cost to upgrade (both in RP and materials). Since it is extremely unlikely that they would be able to separate out enchants in a reasonable way for the utility slot IL rebalance, they must stay the same IL as they would be were you to slot them in an offense/defense slot. Frankly suggesting they be worth less IL when they cost the same to upgrade and in many cases can be committed to multiple slots is silly.
  • bomber#0573 bomber Member Posts: 156 Arc User
    I can honestly say that I don't feel that these changes are going to be a positive change on the game. If anything it will only create more elitism and bs where we already have an abundance.
    Things such as boons and upgraded insignias have always been the icing on the cake not the cake itself, and not mandatory to access or complete content.

    Imo this seems like a bad idea and that the time could could have better spent working on other long standing issues.

    But that is just my 2c
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    rayrdan said:

    masteroga said:

    Utility slots should count. A more geared, more player can slow a dungeon down more than a less geared player who has 5 dark 12s in utility.

    Should all the other utilities count? Probably, they help fuel progression

    Making them not count will slow down character development

    They add no functional benefit to the group, as such they should not be included or have a minimal impact.

    It is more likely to happen that a low level 70 is using R12's in his utility slots in order to get maximum benefit in drops towards his character progression. This would mean he would be useless to the group but meet the IL requirements set, which is something we as a community want to get away from.

    A functional level indicator towards that characters current group potential should not include utility slots.
    is an indomitable runestone rank 12 of any use then?
    If you are a faithfull DC DO with acess to overloads:

    But only single target and very restricted situations and very well buffed companion, but you will be loosing personal stats for other things that not damage. And ignore the 50% additional damage, although the damage does apply after all buffs in the game it will only be from 31 to 39% of total companion damage. All this already considering that the maximum effectiveness you will get from a companion attacking a Boss Brute lvl 73 will be around 45%(assuming nothing is debuffing the target already, basically, 60% DR and almost no RI from you companion because the ifluence from equipment on your companion will be very low to your companion but runestones will be much more significative, for example a Eldricht in a offence slot would increase the effectiveness of your companion by 9% i think or something around that while if you have 700 arm pen on your companion equipment it will be way less).

  • nickjdowenickjdowe Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    The changes are nice but won't make much of a difference IMO. If anything this just kinda smells like a cash grab. You have 2 players at 4383 who are content with their status..after these changes one is at 15000 the other is 16000. The 15000 ilevel player is exposed for having inflated his ilevel by gearing his character but lacks in his comps, insignias, boons or what have you. Player then rushes to the zen store to purchase what he needs to get back into the Eite Club.

  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    I don't think it's wrong to capitalize on players with that kind of mentality. They're not buying anything exclusive, they just want it NOW. Which bankrolls everyone else.

    I'm going to have to bestir myself to finish my neglected EE campaigns, ohwell.

    I might find it in me to get more annoyed about my unwillingness to upgrade companions with the current pricing schemes, but probably I'll just continue to live with it.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • panteleeleepanteleelee Member Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I dont know what about legendary companions but in preview i have ALL 5 companions legendary but only for summon companion give me 400 il...for others 4 only 100 il per companion, same in epic.

    Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
    May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
  • fireefly#3353 fireefly Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    Oh look, gear score is back!

    Question - the bonus for orange companions/mounts - does this apply to the main one only, or the 5 in the stable/active? Because active companions don't have a bonus going from purple to orange, but according to these numbers I'll get more Item level from them.

    Let's be realistic - Gear Score never left at least not from the Player perspective. People looked at that first thing in Dungeons and many never bothered to look at the stats... sadly.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    kalina311 said:

    kalina311 said:

    "One other thing worth mentioning: the new queue values in the above chart were calculated WITHOUT counting guild boons."


    Queue values. They balanced the queue values against players without any guild boons.

    Right then how is a player supposed to know why he does not meet the min requirements ( on this graph the dev posted to enter dungeons )then if they(sources of power) are both cumulative as far as item level ( regular boons gear enchantments etc ) yet ... guild boons are excluded for the sake of entry requirements yet added to the final item level tally.... we essentially need 2 item level values then displayed

    its like sorry you are high enough gear score with guild boons to enter but not enough without it ( so it stops people in low guild from feeling alienated .. but also stops people in higher level guild from joining that have the boons to make up for power (that they also grinded and payed for ) but not the gear to enter

    (also a whole bunch of people alts will now fail to make the Q lol time to pay up ( very alt unfriendly the opposite of what the devs want )

    so essentially open your wallet to get in the meet the min gear score cause your guild boons that you grinded and worked so hard so wont carry you as far as dungeon entry requirements (cause it is not fair to lower guilds blah blah) ... but we will still add them to your item level anyways ...

    oh and we dont want you switching to higher level established guilds to avoid having to pay or gear up either (to make entry requirements ) is what Im reading between the lines (also under the guise of protecting lower level guilds)

    hmmmm essentially teasing the player 2 values must be shown the one on the curve to enter the dungeon and the one that is total item level with guild boons it is very confusing care to comment

    perhaps dungeons need bronze silver and gold difficulties /scaling accounting for guild boons and power ranged 1-6 6-14 and 14 20 lets say and add this to the level to get in redo the graphs bro
    no low level guild will be aliened cause there will be a lower level Q and your items levels scaling will be accurate

    you are trying to set difficulty level for a dungeon /scaling to one item number when a guild can have such a range of guild power 1- 20 adding thousands in stats ... now you have worse item level problem on your hands not better under the guise of worrying about low level guilds

    you have the data what is the average guild level in the game not 0 not 1 not 2 .
    you need to balance based on average guild levels as well not discount them to make it "fair" when it is not

    you guys created this item level disparity with all these high level guild boons
    Players want to be able to run the same area scaled
    just one dungeons entry level setting wont do it

    are you a solo player no problem potions a temp buffs should be added to item level as well to meet requirments to get in just like it is with the gear and potions you need for everfrost resistance to make it in the newer dungeons and skirmish
    Geez... You keep getting it all wrong. They excluded guild boons while determining how much IL is required, so that the entry requirement is reasonably achievable even if you ain't in a guild. This is a design process. It DOES NOT affect your IL sources.

    *sigh* I felt it was clearly explained already, dunno how to make it clearer...

    Hmm... Had they included guild boons to determine required IL, the required IL would have been like 11.5k for FBI instead of 10.6k.

    This does NOT mean your guild boons don't count when you're queuing. If you're getting 9.1k from gear, and 1.5k from guild boons, you CAN enter FBI.

    They did a good thing. You're unnecessarily screaming cause of misunderstanding.

    EDIT: @kalina311
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    Oh look, gear score is back!

    Question - the bonus for orange companions/mounts - does this apply to the main one only, or the 5 in the stable/active? Because active companions don't have a bonus going from purple to orange, but according to these numbers I'll get more Item level from them.

    Let's be realistic - Gear Score never left at least not from the Player perspective. People looked at that first thing in Dungeons and many never bothered to look at the stats... sadly.
    He just means the name xP

    We had GS before we got IL. And that GS was in the range of where the proposed IL numbers are.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    Aww HAMSTER... I edited to add a tag and the whole post got deleted when I saved -_-

    **** Vanilla!!! x(
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    kalina311 said:

    kalina311 said:

    "One other thing worth mentioning: the new queue values in the above chart were calculated WITHOUT counting guild boons."


    Queue values. They balanced the queue values against players without any guild boons.


    Right then how is a player supposed to know why he does not meet the min requirements ( on this graph the dev posted to enter dungeons )then if they(sources of power) are both cumulative as far as item level ( regular boons gear enchantments etc ) yet ... guild boons are excluded for the sake of entry requirements yet added to the final item level tally.... we essentially need 2 item level values then displayed

    its like sorry you are high enough gear score with guild boons to enter but not enough without it ( so it stops people in low guild from feeling alienated .. but also stops people in higher level guild from joining that have the boons to make up for power (that they also grinded and payed for ) but not the gear to enter

    (also a whole bunch of people alts will now fail to make the Q lol time to pay up ( very alt unfriendly the opposite of what the devs want )

    so essentially open your wallet to get in the meet the min gear score cause your guild boons that you grinded and worked so hard so wont carry you as far as dungeon entry requirements (cause it is not fair to lower guilds blah blah) ... but we will still add them to your item level anyways ...

    oh and we dont want you switching to higher level established guilds to avoid having to pay or gear up either (to make entry requirements ) is what Im reading between the lines (also under the guise of protecting lower level guilds)

    hmmmm essentially teasing the player 2 values must be shown the one on the curve to enter the dungeon and the one that is total item level with guild boons it is very confusing care to comment

    perhaps dungeons need bronze silver and gold difficulties /scaling accounting for guild boons and power ranged 1-6 6-14 and 14 20 lets say and add this to the level to get in redo the graphs bro
    no low level guild will be aliened cause there will be a lower level Q and your items levels scaling will be accurate

    you are trying to set difficulty level for a dungeon /scaling to one item number when a guild can have such a range of guild power 1- 20 adding thousands in stats ... now you have worse item level problem on your hands not better under the guise of worrying about low level guilds

    you have the data what is the average guild level in the game not 0 not 1 not 2 .
    you need to balance based on average guild levels as well not discount them to make it "fair" when it is not

    you guys created this item level disparity with all these high level guild boons
    Players want to be able to run the same area scaled
    just one dungeons entry level setting wont do it

    are you a solo player no problem potions a temp buffs should be added to item level as well to meet requirments to get in just like it is with the gear and potions you need for everfrost resistance to make it in the newer dungeons and skirmish
    Geez @kalina311... You keep getting it all wrong. The guild boons excluded was just a design part, and has nothing to do with the players and IL sources. Excluding the guild boons helped get the average entry of 10.6k IL instead of something like 11.5k. This DOES NOT mean the guild boons are excluded when YOU are queuing.

    It was already pretty clearly explained. Hmmm... Let's say you have 9.1k IL from gear, etc and 1.5k IL from guild boons, you CAN do FBI. All they meant was that those numbers were not used while determining the averages.

    All this rage and passages over a misunderstanding. :p
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    Agreed. Even toons meeting just the minimum requirements are generally too weak for those dungeons.
  • firdraingfirdraing Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 58 Arc User
    After all the math, I can say that maximum TIL is over 17k.

    I like the change. It's lacking, but better than what we have now.
    I think that bondings deserve double or even tripple item level though. They give us 30% of our total stats at least, they're not just normal enchants that give i.e. 700 power... which isn't even 2% more damage.
    Orange companions don't do a thing to you if they're not active. So you should either give them a new bonus effect as passive (please don't) or count them as purple companions... that way item level would drop about 400 to be above 16,5k

    Why? Because I am a 3508 TiL GWF and on preview I have a whole 13700 TiL. Let me get two more epic companion gear pieces and you can make it ~14500+ in the end, of the week I will get three more boons for another +100.

    However... Am I the only one that thinks that pvp boons aren't really worth it? Because 6 boons each giving item level seems like way too much if we bear in mind how useless they are :/
    The whole pvp campaign is outdated like crazy...

    And once again: utility slots are there to help those who need just a little bit more to get into somewhere. I.e.a dungeon and even though +30—80 il seems like a lot right now — they will barely do a thing to til after the change.
    And even if we do remove it, then why not remove il from guild boons too? Especially pvp and utility.

    Talking about mounts, I agree with the above that insignias' item lvls are pretty fine. However the problem here is that their given bonuses should count towards item level too. For example a bonus out of 3 would provide +50 or something like that? A dual insignia bonus would give +25 and just like that because those bonuses do affect your powers!
  • aaramis75aaramis75 Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    My guildless HR is at 2840 IL on live. On preview he's now at 10673 GS, making him eligible for FBI/SVA/Spellplague.
    Not sure I'd want to run him through there though :pensive:
    I wouldn't even feel super happy taking him through CN, even though the new GS for that is a mere 7600.

    I foresee a lot of deaths in people's futures.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    A functional level indicator towards that characters current group potential should not include utility slots.

    Well, if you have Dark enchants you get a +Movement stat, right? That *might* improve your survivability, so in turn it migh help the group.

    But yeah, I would cut the contribution from utility slots in half and double or triple the value that Bonding runestones give.

    What annoys me is that the PvP boons contribute, and they absolutely do not help in PvE, and will give PvP players an unfair advantage - those the that PvP at lower levels and get the boons would be able to enter higher-level content earlier than pure PvE players.
    Hoping for improvements...
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