Power Sharing "Base" PowerStarting in Mod 10 (Apr 2016) Power Sharing works differently than before: DC's 3 power-sharing abilities (Blessing of Battle (BoB) w/ Battle Fervor feat, Anointed Army (AA) daily, and Weapons of Light (WoL) feat) and OP's Aura Gifts feat only share "Base" un-buffed Power.
Rule of Thumb- If it's a pre-Mod12 buff with an icon by your portrait, or it's a Companion of any sort, it doesn't count towards "Base" Power. If it's Mod12 or later gear, it likely counts.
Note: With Mod12-13 additions, we are seeing more items that both feature a buff icon and count for "Base" Power (it muddies the rule of thumb, but at least it's in our favor).Notable Exceptions to Rule of Thumb
- Mod12+ Gear (Primal Arms & Rings, Rex Corona, Omu rings) - have buff icons, but do count towards "Base" Power
- OP Class feature Oath of Protection - has buff icon, but does count towards "Base" Power
DO Count Towards Power-Sharing "Base" Power:
- Passive Stat Campaign Boons
- SH Power Boon
- Cool Resolve (IWD Boon)
- Passive Equipment Stats
- Some Passive Equipment "Equip" Effects without icons by your portrait. Confirmed: Jarl's Gaze, Bloodstained Shirt, Guise of the Wolf Clan
- Some Passive Equipment "Equip" Effects with icons. Confirmed: Primal Arms and Rings, Huntsman Arms, Rex Corona, Ring of the Gravestriker, Decaying Habit
- Some Passive Equipment Set Bonuses without icons by your portrait. Confirmed: Dusk party set bonus, Company Neck + Belt set bonus, Pioneer Weapons)
- Some Equipment Set Bonuses with icons by your portrait Confirmed: Mod14 "of the Dead" set bonus
- Healer's Lore Offhand Bonus
- Insignia Stats
- Companion Active Stat Bonus (ex. +power from Sellsword)
- Mount Equip Passive Stat Bonus (ex. +power from Guard Drake)
- Manticore Equip Passive Stat Bonus for owner (+power +defense from having it equipped)
- Assassin's Covenant Insignia Bonus
- Berserker's Rage Insignia Bonus
- Dragonborn Fury Racial Bonus (+3% power)
- OP Class feature Oath of Protection (VIOLATES RULE OF THUMB)
DO NOT Count Towards Power-Sharing "Base" Power:
- Ring of Brutality
- Ring of Rising Power
- Twisted Weapon Set Bonus
- Lifeforged Weapon Set Bonus (formerly called Firesoul)
- Overload Enchantments (Corrupted Black Ice, White Dragon Glyph, etc.)
- Bloodlord's Visage (not retested in Mod13, I'm assuming it still doesn't count)
- Rampaging Madness (Dread Ring Boon)
- Elvish Fury (Sharandar Boon)
- Eye of the Giant Active Bonus (artifact)
- Companion's Gift (Bonding Runestone Stat Bonus)
- Augment Companion Stat Bonus
- Protector's Camaraderie / Friendship Insignia Bonus
- Cavalry's Warning insignia bonus
- Tenser's Floating Disk Combat Power
- Manticore Equip Passive Team Stat Bonus (+power + defense from someone else having it equipped)
- Companion Legendary Active Bonus (+X% stats do not count, but the legendary stat bonus is based on companion's buffed power)
- Eldritch Runestone in Defense Slot Stat Bonus
- OP Aura Gifts (sum together but don't interact?)
- Other DC WoL (only best counts)
- Other DC BoB / AA (only last applied counts)
- BoB and AA: Only the most recently applied BoB and AA count. Sometimes multiple sets of orbiting AA balls will visually overlap, but you don't gain any additional benefit from this.
- Weapons of Light (WoL): As of Mod13, only the highest WoL counts. (Before Mod13, different DC's WoL added together, and before Mod10 WoLooped endlessly)
- Bonding Companions: Power-sharing increases companion power, which gets amplified back to the owner through bonding stone's "companion's gift" buff. In a perfect situation, the owner would get 1x power directly + [1.95x from companion's gift (R14 bonding) + 0.31x from legendary active bonus (5 orange pets)]*1.2 for Master Striker ~ 3.712x power aura
- Augment Companions Unfortunately do not benefit from power sharing. Anyone wearing an augment only gets 1x power directly. Augment stats also do not count for "Base Power".
- Striker Companions: The 10% Expert Striker and 10% Master Striker companion stat buffs apply to power auras the companion is receiving, amplifying the effect for Companion's Gift.
- OP's Aura Gifts: only one OP Aura Gifts is applied (allegedly the "best" but it's hard to check all situations)
- OP's Oath of Protection: Power bonus from Oath mechanic DOES count for base power. Some clever folks just re-tested this for Mod12.5
- Ring of the Gravestriker: As of Mod13, BiS ring for Base Power. Different rarities stack (+3/+4 or +4/+5), but multiples of the same rarity (+4/+4) do not.
- Applicability of "Base Power": It appears that other effects in the game also use "base power". For instance, Protector's Camaraderie and Friendship bonuses are based on "base power". I'd be interested in separately assembling a list of what other powers / effects utilize "base power" vs. "buffed power".
- DO vs AC: @thefabricant created a spreadsheet for comparing the relative benefit of DO vs. AC in various party configurations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10RapA0AVBmd29JkLHeAwXT_eos4CgIc98IOLT0V2U4g/edit#gid=0
Items not tested
- Brynnyr's Demise (if your defense is higher than your power, which would be silly for a power-sharing build)
- Elemental Weapon set bonus
- Golden Weapon set bonus
- Mod12 Pioneer equip bonuses
- Haven't retested Bloodlord's visage in Mod13 (since it got an icon)
Please shoot me a note if you can test any of the items I haven't gotten to.
@vincentr6669 diligently pointed out that Oath of Protection has a buff icon
@putzboy78 was sure about the Dragonborn racial bonus counting
@trzebiat#2067 showed up in a Bloodstained Shirt, then came back later with a nuanced examination of Manticore Equip Powers
@thefabricant tested Company cloak + belt, Guise of the Wolf Clan, and zerged all the RD lairs so he could test all the weapons, but still thinks Firesoul was a cooler name (and he's not wrong) And for Oathing around with
@greyjay to clear up the confusion
@dairyzeus corrected my baseless speculation and proved that Protector's Camaraderie is based on "base power"
@michela123 eyed the Eye of the Giant, which was crying because it doesn't count
@darthtzarr toppled the King of Spines to test Rex Corona, and ended up violating the rule of thumb
@rjc9000 (Tenser's) DISCO LOVE, except it didn't count
@artifleur For Pioneering some Weapons in Mod13
I also missed some contributors because I copied this list out of an update thread that I can't find anymore. If you stumble upon it or remember helping me out (for instance with AC insignia bonus) give a shout
However, AA is getting changed soon so I'll likely be retesting how things work. Not sure how much I'll be doing on preview tbh, life is busy atm.
That would mean it violates the rule of thumb, as it doesn't have a portrait buff icon...
I repeated the test with various configurations and powers, but can anyone try to confirm?
In less exciting news, AA now gives 33% as advertised. Nothing else has changed as far as i can tell.
EDIT: in a sense of what counts towards Power Sharing and what doesn't.
Thanks for your answer!
Thanks for any input!
I'll verify dragonborn % bonus (also almost entirely certain it counts) and get around to testing cavalry's warning this weekend.
I don't have a disk, neither on live nor on preview. But if someone has a spare laying around...
Firesoul weapons do not count.
Guise of the Wolf Clan does count.
And thanks a lot Sharp. I wasn't going to get to lifeforged for quite some time (working on other toons).
Also, regarding Wolf Guise, any chance you checked to see if the defense bonus + Assassin's Covenant --> 10% into base power? I'm still trying to pin down exactly how AC is calculated, but nothing I've tried so far seems to work out exactly
Can WoL(Weapons of Light) share power in party from Lifeforged weapons bonus?
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
I've updated the OP to use the right name (and note the old name too).
It is addressed in the current version of the OP, but the weapons are given their Preview name of Firesoul rather than the Live name of Lifeforged. Probabaly should be edited.
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
I would assume so as protector's works off of base power as well correct?
That said, I would venture a guess that it's +12% of your buffed power, not base power. If it was base power only, it wouldn't work with bonding companions and wouldn't be as popular to stack with the dps classes. Additionally, one time I forgot I had un-slotted my insignias for a test and I noticed my power (on a power-sharing DC) was well... noticeably lower. If it was 12% of my 40k base, I don't think I would have noticed.
BUT I could totally be wrong. Deserves a test for sure.