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"Leveling Dungeons" needs to be removed from game asap and here is why

etelgrinetelgrin Member Posts: 1,611 Arc User
The instances are easily filled, the queue pops with the speed of sound. The easiest way to earn AD in game is via playing "leveling dungeons", it takes around anywhere between 3 minutes to maybe 8 minutes maximum to go through Temple of Spider, even if you're instance is filled by characters that are not controled by human hands, cant say what I exactly mean here due to the censorship or rather forum politics. Then we have an accounts with 50 toons owned by a players/workers who do leadership massively or just do this for living if you know what I mean. They bring everyday these characters to Temple of Spider (even toons leveled with leadership and invoking can do this) lets see what it does. For example my character without VIP gets 7k AD when I complete ToS, then If "I" or the thing that does it for me do it on 50 characters for 30 days the guy who did that will earn 10.500.000 AD. If the same guy decides to run all this hamsters again for secondary 3.5k value, he will gain another 5.250.000 AD/month. This can't be probably done by human hands unless Temple of Spider is the only thing you do in game to achieve this amounts, but I think Cryptic should be aware that this is happening.


  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    While i could totally agree with this, there's one main thing you forget here: new coming players. Thats a good way for them to make ADs before they reach lvl 70 aswell. And we all know that the population of this game is 90% of new coming players. Please stop beating on this game already. Lets remove everything, lets remove the play button and lets all go to the beach? And its also a good way for a 2.5k iL player to complete the 36k daily ADs he can get.

    One more time in the name of the bots lets remove everything. God im so sick of reading this.

  • edited October 2016
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  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Please,no. Just stop with giving them ideas on taking away things. I have 8 characters, only do 3man dungeons on 1-6 of them max. This is my method of generating AD. I don not care to run epics just to get what I need to build up my main 2 characters, much less my alts. I know absolutely that others use the 3man dungeons as well for the AD gain. Do not ask for removal of my method of AD generation, it is not a lot of AD that I get. If you are unhappy that someone is getting AD from these dungeons, then just do not run them. Maybe they should just remove the ability to request removal of content from the forums.
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  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Well, to tell the truth: the same argument could be used to ask for the removal of the weekly AD quests. It is sooo much easier to run 50 alts through 4 or so quests to get AD. Does that bother you as well? Do you suggest that the weekly AD quests be removed "ASAP"?
  • qexoticqexotic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 841 Arc User
    They are called 'Leveling Dungeons' for a reason. Rather than remove them, the more obvious approach would be to block players over Level 69 from entering them. Problem solved >:)
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    qexotic said:

    They are called 'Leveling Dungeons' for a reason. Rather than remove them, the more obvious approach would be to block players over Level 69 from entering them. Problem solved >:)

    Despite your indicated snarkism, that blocks achievements and deed completion if you missed one. The old solution for missed achievements was being able to enter solo through a door, but dungeons no longer have a door, so that's out.

    Anyway, many "anti-bot" or "anti-goldseller" measures are unduly hard on new players. Taking more stuff away is just plain bad.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • karvarekarvare Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    Well, ok then. Remove the ability to get AD from all but the last released dungeon. No dailies, no underdark only the last dungeon added to the game. Then add an AD charge to all movement in game. Want to move 1 space further, that'll be 25 AD please. Sarcasm off.
  • metikulousmetikulous Member Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    etelgrin said:

    The instances are easily filled, the queue pops with the speed of sound. The easiest way to earn AD in game is via playing "leveling dungeons", it takes around anywhere between 3 minutes to maybe 8 minutes maximum to go through Temple of Spider, even if you're instance is filled by characters that are not controled by human hands, cant say what I exactly mean here due to the censorship or rather forum politics. Then we have an accounts with 50 toons owned by a players/workers who do leadership massively or just do this for living if you know what I mean. They bring everyday these characters to Temple of Spider (even toons leveled with leadership and invoking can do this) lets see what it does. For example my character without VIP gets 7k AD when I complete ToS, then If "I" or the thing that does it for me do it on 50 characters for 30 days the guy who did that will earn 10.500.000 AD. If the same guy decides to run all this hamsters again for secondary 3.5k value, he will gain another 5.250.000 AD/month. This can't be probably done by human hands unless Temple of Spider is the only thing you do in game to achieve this amounts, but I think Cryptic should be aware that this is happening.

    So you want to punish players like me whose primary way to earn AD (PS4) is to run cloak tower/temple of spider on my 5 alts? I would love to join my guild mates on salvage runs and doing other high level stuff but most of the times I can't being a father and just the struggle of doing lots of things solo.

    Sorry, didn't know my daily 50k rough astral diamonds was destroying you. Guess I'll march into epic dungeons or lopsided pvp matches and be the useless low ilevel guy who was only trying to make money to not be that useless low ilevel guy.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,521 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    If the player is not a bot and spend 5 minutes per dungeon per toon (switching toon takes time, waiting for queue takes time, loading the dungeon takes time, waiting for a slow member takes time), that is 5 minutes x 2 x 50 = 500 minutes (non stop)
    If one spend 500 minutes without any break per day everyday, let him have the AD. Why not? He is so dedicated to do so. Why not?

    OP, you can do that too. You deserve those AD if you do so.

    The main argument of getting rid of leadership AD, invocation AD was those AD were not earned by "playing" the game.
    Now, they are playing the game. Now, no, they cannot earn AD by playing this portion of the game?
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • ecrana#2080 ecrana Member Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    karvare said:

    Maybe they should just remove the ability to request removal of content from the forums.

    Best idea ever. I swear, we as a community do a great job of giving the devs horrible ideas. Nerf this, nerf that, this isn't WAI, my DPS is HAMSTER compared to this build, this enchant is too op, oh look at us melting things through synergy, etc etc etc.

    Can we just play the damn game without destroying it further? (i mean the devs are doing just fine killing the game on their own)
  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited October 2016

    Ok thats hilarious, "removing leveling dungeons wont affect newcomer players". Because of course they all can jump into an etos run, most of them will fail running it the first time if they dont have people to help them, most of them will finish it in 40mn because they're newcomers. So maybe leave them a way to get some ADs while they're leveling? What's your point here? Bots can farm Dread Legion skirmishes too and they already do it. What's so detrimentful to you? I guess nothing.

  • luks707luks707 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    Yes, there are bots in the levelling dungeons but the bots aren't generally 70 yet. So blocking 70s wouldn't change anything. Actually combating botting would. But there's got to be a better way than removing content.
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    How bout not rewarding AD to level 70 characters in leveling dungeons. This will stop the level 70s abusing the leveling dungeons for AD. And lower level players would have to earn their AD by doing real runs and learning how to play their toons. As it is now, if you are a low level player, you have to be pretty unlucky not to end up in a run without a level 70 to blow everything up for you.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User

    As it is now, if you are a low level player, you have to be pretty unlucky not to end up in a run without a level 70 to blow everything up for you.

    Which a lot of those lowbie players actually resent, because they wanted to run the f'n dungeon, not trail along in the wake of a demigod.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    karvare said:

    Please,no. Just stop with giving them ideas on taking away things. I have 8 characters, only do 3man dungeons on 1-6 of them max. This is my method of generating AD. I don not care to run epics just to get what I need to build up my main 2 characters, much less my alts. I know absolutely that others use the 3man dungeons as well for the AD gain. Do not ask for removal of my method of AD generation, it is not a lot of AD that I get. If you are unhappy that someone is getting AD from these dungeons, then just do not run them. Maybe they should just remove the ability to request removal of content from the forums.

    As it is now, if you are a low level player, you have to be pretty unlucky not to end up in a run without a level 70 to blow everything up for you.

    Which a lot of those lowbie players actually resent, because they wanted to run the f'n dungeon, not trail along in the wake of a demigod.

    @karvare, If you can't allocate your time, then don't play. It's that simple.
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  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    kalindra said:

    So once again, out of an irrational fear of bots, everyone shall suffer?

    Due to the key-nerf the epic dungeons will soon be deserted, since there's no revenue to get for the hassel.
    Would you really except waiting maybe half an hour for a party for an epic dungoen or risk a PUG run (which might fail or take an hour) just for some meager daily AD?
    (In a full level 20 guild we didn't get a guild party together for some eTOS, etc. - had to go to alliance and friends just for some MC, thanks to key nerf.)
    So where shall we get any AD at all?

    And what's about the new players?
    Or Alts?
    What dungeons are left for them?
    And what's your problem with somebody else getting AD?
    How does this impeed youre gameplay.
    Inflation ist not a factor anymore, since there're only four catagories of items in this game: cheap as dirt, too expensive to even think about, only for Zen and not for trade, and some people getting some AD by whatever means won't push something you'ld like to have from one category to another.

    As casual as you want it to be. Right now, I'm accepting Malabog's Castle queue while farming motes of water. I'll leave game once my time is up, regardless I have the run or not. I can't stand queue-ing for normal ToS after I hit level 70 because one particular player asking, "Run, pls. Ty :D". I really really want to blast her off to Nine Hells (yes, she's an SW).

    It's not somebody else getting AD. It's about speed demons that tilts leveling players in ToS, which only can give this reason "farm AD, no time for you, kick peeps that lags behind etc etc" and have no care for his other 2 teammates (teammates in 2014 lol /s).

    My suggestion is keep the leveling dungeons to leveling players like leveling skirmishes. Speed runners can die for all I care.
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  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    etelgrin said:

    Well then make the leveling dungeons do not give AD upon completion, only the epic and master ones, I think this would solve the problem same way as deleting it. They are used to run to farm AD by the botters and thus it results in spoiling the economy as it continuosly pump more and more AD into the game, same story happened with the SCA bot autosolving the advantures 1 mil AD by day gain for botters, same story was with all the AD that were put into leadership and abused by bots generating and even inflating prices. Leveling donjons are no different.

    um....alright. I second this. I need Adventurer Seals for Rank 5s to upgrade my artis.
  • polaris1986polaris1986 Member Posts: 320 Arc User
    for first, remove access 70character's to lowdungeons.

    for second, add more hardest scaling for 10-69 characters. just to make this dungeons not so ease to run through.

    also bring back it's full versions or make a traps for party when you should do some with people hands)

    the next step is doing something with 70level skirmish (because it's also really easy for 3, 3.5 item levet characters).
    "sometimes the world doesn't need another hero, sometimes what it needs is a monster"

  • dravendrow76dravendrow76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    ... and at least loose 90% of your active players, and the 10% of BIS Players who are fed up with the upcomming chances in MOD 10
    There are Players outside that like to play Alts! But look at the points to get new weapon.
    What to do with the Alts?? This is a posibility to play toons real, which are not GS 3000k+
    Fight on again Bots thats all you have to do.
  • foxxy#4211 foxxy Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 563 Arc User
    Worst suggestion ever, or one of the most. I, myself, dont have time to play, even with my 2 level 70 toons. So i go to the normal dungeons to get the AD. please stay in pvp, and dont come with suggestions that ruin pve.
  • ajlir#7970 ajlir Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    Still better than your selfishness that breeds elitism in the community. If you have no time to play, don't play.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User

    As it is now, if you are a low level player, you have to be pretty unlucky not to end up in a run without a level 70 to blow everything up for you.

    Which a lot of those lowbie players actually resent, because they wanted to run the f'n dungeon, not trail along in the wake of a demigod.

    @beckylunatic Resent? That's a strange way of saying freaking hate it. :smile: I can't count the number of times I've had new players ask in guild chat "WTF?" when doing a "leveling" dungeon, not realizing they got queued with a level 70.

    They really should segregate out level 70's from the leveling dungeon queue. Give them a separate queue, as well as allowing a level 70 to form a private group with others of various ranges, in case a friend wants help.

    But overall, leveling dungeons are a pretty crappy experience for new players.

    But then again, that's just another thing to throw on Cryptic's pile.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Mu guess is that allowing max level chars to queue for heroics is an attempt to reduce waiting time so that people can run the content. (reducing party size to 3 of any class also). Giving AD as a reward is the incentive for the max leveled players to help out. The problem is that level scaling is worse than the old skull icon mobs much much worse. I doubt truly balanced scaling is possible but what we have now is a step backward I had chars solo heroics in the old system with no scaling and it was more challenging then, even in the higher level dungeons like spider and karru.

    Improve level scaling: make the over leveled chars need their teammates and earn their AD.

    I have a number of alts and sometimes run the heroics but it isn't fun and it feels bad. I have a new char that has been om the flip side and that isn't fun either.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    I'm sure Cryptic is planning to remove the AD from these dungeons. They just like to roll out the AD nerfs in smaller waves instead of one crushing tidal wave that leaves no players left in its wake. I give it max 3 more months.
  • khonradkhonrad Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    @etelgrin " "Leveling Dungeons" needs to be removed from game asap and here is why "

    IF you hate this game so much , just please don't play .. You are destroying common player's hard work by commenting :"Leveling Dungeons" needs to be removed from game asap.

    If you cant earn that much , let us earn . You want some share , feel free to join me , I give you 30% .but don't try to give DEV theidea for destroying these dungeons .

    thank you
  • bitt3rnightmar3bitt3rnightmar3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 788 Arc User
    I'd rather them restrict all the leveling dungeons and just give us regular/epic versions and then make the leveling dungeons with level appropriate people like the skirmishes were. How things used to be before things were KITTENED. People leveling learn absolutely nothing about the game or how to play it in a party by running leveling dungeons with level 70s. The fact that this game gives me nothing better to do than sprint madly through CT for what a profession task used to do in 4hrs is really sad.
    Relmyna - AC/DC Righteous + Haste| Nadine - CW MoF (working on it)|Buffy - GF SM Tact| Hrist - Justice Tankadin|Healadin (Wannabe Tank)| Lena -MI Sabo TR (Farmer) | Jeska - GWF SM Destroyer (Farmer) | Maggie - HR PF Trapper (Wannabe DPS)
    I'll never retrace my steps.

    Some of my best friends are Imaginary.

  • khonradkhonrad Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    LOl , honestly people don't criticize dev or cryptic rather than they are trying to butcher common players like me ...saying TAKE LEVELING DUNGEONS AWAY ............month become week , week become days , days become hours , and now if u take dungeons away , days hours will be min or may be seconds ..

    After SH BOON in pvp this is 2nd thread which hurt me ...

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