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SKT's Maintenance [10/18] (Complete - Read for Error Info)



  • vjynxv1vjynxv1 Member Posts: 1 New User
    edited October 2016
  • jettaukjettauk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    The cynic in me thinks the patch bug was deliberate to force people to download the game again, now they can say the game has been downloaded double the amount of times than it actually has.
  • corujero#2569 corujero Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Need new patch, in my internet 3 days for download game again :(
  • miket196718#6113 miket196718 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    if i would of known that the darn thing would not have worked and that i had to re install it i would of saved big time on internet downloading cause i have to pay a lot of money for my internet as i am on a useage fee and not unlimited like others /////////// thank you to whom ever is risponsible for this andf i hope you have a day like i had trying to play the game and wind up costing me a few dollars for something that i like doing... thank you
  • arcarius#4083 arcarius Member Posts: 1 New User
    > Update, 10:37am PTD: It is possible to work around this issue by completely re-downloading and reinstalling the game. However, the size of the game (over 10 GB) may cause this to take several hours - or days...

    How is this even a solution?

    It's like a beautiful woman begging you to sleep with her except the lock to your iron cast chastity belt is broken. Turning her away and finding a new beautiful woman is not going to solve your problem!

    Seriously, fix the loading screen, and release the damn patch. How hard can it be? You guys have been in the business for 10 updates! Surely you've got this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> understood by now. At the very least, sack your testers and find people who know what the *$#% they're doing!
  • vojo#1855 vojo Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    Why have arc not scripted a scan disc/File hot fix all ready. This would solve the long work aroud option
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  • wulf#5119 wulf Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Man there is a lot of "first world problems" whining going on in this thread. Stop acting like a little downtime is the end of the world and entitles you to some ridiculous amount of compensation. Go do something else for a day if you have to instead of abusing the company who worked a long time to put together this beautiful game for you. Anyone with half a brain knows that, no matter how much time, planning, and testing you do in preparation for a large update, things can still go wrong.

    @arc thank you for continuing to keep us in the loop and being transparent about the problems. It's obvious to the sensible people here that you do care and you're trying to get the game up as soon as possible.
  • hartrek#9713 hartrek Member Posts: 54 Arc User

    and my family has 3 consoles to download on.

    Of course, if you have three consoles then 24h x 3 means three days. That sucks. Since you cannot play on any of them until all have finished the download. Otherwise you would decrease your download speed even further.

    And sorry for my ignorance regarding all those people who are in a situation of paid or slow service. I just had the notion that the people whining the most were the ones who claim to have spent hundreds of $$ on the game. In my view that just somehow implied first world resources. Apparently I was wrong. I now see this.

    Also, being a long time computer professional I really don't understand how they could possibly miss the fact that the update doesn't work at all. I mean (almost?) everyone is affected. And also that they cannot provide a simple solution after such a long time. And I don't necessarily mean arcgames. I am willing to believe them that Sony is the culprit here. So much the worse. But for Sony arcgames is just too insignificant, I guess.
    Gáleah Elóthanil  Female Sun Elf CW 70 2500
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  • finnthehuman81#7385 finnthehuman81 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    I deleted and re installed last night, worked fine till I logged out, today there is another patch 2.01 dl'd that. Now can't log in again, any word on this?
  • tisko1992#1367 tisko1992 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    7 hour maintanance
  • finnthehuman81#7385 finnthehuman81 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    Lol, no, I've friends on now
  • drbubbles#2158 drbubbles Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    Arc is updating their servers so they are all offline right now. I really hope this new 2.1 update doesn't break the game and require another full install.

    Also the timing of shutting down their servers right after a new content update was a terrible decision in my opinion.
  • finnthehuman81#7385 finnthehuman81 Member Posts: 237 Arc User
    Well, sorry but I swear it says 2 friends playing just right now.I will never doubt u again
  • joccat#1817 joccat Member Posts: 117 Arc User

    I deleted and re installed last night, worked fine till I logged out, today there is another patch 2.01 dl'd that. Now can't log in again, any word on this?

    Same for me. I uninstalled and redownloaded the entire game which took all day here in the Philippines. Actually that was good time compared to how usually horrible the internet is here. So as I said, downloaded and installed. Turn it on......and guess what?

    ANOTHER 12gb patch (2.0.1) must now be downloaded.

    What is going on with this now?
  • joccat#1817 joccat Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    UPDATE: So after starting this 2.0.1 new update......itgets about 2.5gb down and then stops and restarts on its own with a 955mb only download. So this new 2.0.1 suddenly morphed from 12gb down to 955mb.............scratching my head now guys.

    But hey, this is all happening during the 7 hour maintenance down time so maybe that has something to do with it?
  • hartrek#9713 hartrek Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Are you serious? The new patch is another 12 GB? Are they out of their minds?
    There were some issues when I was logged in yesterday, like spontaneous disconnections (which I don't usually have), so I guess it's not only "Sony messed up" and they had to patch their server software as well.
    In hindsight this patch is probably their worst case scenario ever. In politics some scapegoat would have to step down now.
    Gáleah Elóthanil  Female Sun Elf CW 70 2500
    Hartrek Runemaster Male  Dwarf  GF 70 2300
    Faeruil  Female Drow  TR 70 1600
  • tisko1992#1367 tisko1992 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    Uhh is was 2gb for me.
  • prudieprudie Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Same here, waited yesterday for more info on the fix, saw the twitter announcement "If you are receiving the #NWPS4 error code, please see the help library for further guidance: https://www.playstation.com/en-ae/get-help/help-library/error-codes/ce-38612-0/ " and redownloaded the game (BTW, Sony's download/gateway still sucks, very slow). Could play after the download, but now a few hours later I must download version 2.01 (2.697GB)
    What is going on? You don't have the PC excuse of multiple configurations, it's 10 millions identical consoles you have to install and test the update on.
    And about the maintenance, as I understand that is backend/webserver update, which will affect the game server only temporarily.
  • harryk#3230 harryk Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    i was half way through the download and paused restarted and it started the whole 14.1 gb from start so i suggest do not pause do not disconnect and pray the while, these guys botched it big time. I think i may stop it and play some other game for a while on what little time i have.
  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User

    Yet another download? You guys are clowns. This is the most horribly botched update I have ever seen. Can someone please explain to us what exactly version 2.01 is? Is this the fix that is now being crammed down the throats of people who fixed it themselves yesterday?
  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    wulf#5119 said:

    @arc thank you for continuing to keep us in the loop and being transparent about the problems. It's obvious to the sensible people here that you do care and you're trying to get the game up as soon as possible.


    They have not updated us in over half a day. Then they cram this second update down our throats without any notice.
  • wulf#5119 wulf Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    The fact that this thread exists at all and they are posting in it is more than many companies do. I've have personal experiences with companies such as Niantic, kru, and nexon where you were lucky to even get an explanation after the fact. They weren't really able to give us any notice on this second update because it was brought on by the unexpected issues with the first.
  • zakmo86#6447 zakmo86 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Just curious if anyone else is stuck on the "connecting to account server" page. Maybe I just haven't seen it, but is there maintenance or something going on?

    I downloaded, uninstalled and reinstalled the game. Even downloaded the 2.01 update.

    Thank you in advance.

  • thrill#1417 thrill Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    They have one thread and one twitter feed to update with this info. It isn't hard. What would it take? 2 Minutes?
  • ace#9545 ace Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Shouldn't this thread have been closed, and a new one started regarding the NEW maintenance for the 19th?

    I, personally, use the title updates to tell when the server is back up after one of these long maintenance cycles.

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  • dukeguard#8158 dukeguard Member Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    I deleted the game and reinstalled it yesterday and up to the point where I was prompted to download the 2.01 patch I can still log in. Now I keep getting connection timeout. Way to go guys. It's hard to say nice things when stuff like this keeps repeating itself no? Fix one thing break another three.
  • zakmo86#6447 zakmo86 Member Posts: 4 Arc User

    I deleted the game and reinstalled it yesterday and up to the point where I was prompted to download the 2.01 patch I can still log in. Now I keep getting connection timeout. Way to go guys. It's hard to say nice things when stuff like this keeps repeating itself no? Fix one thing break another three.

    I am in the same place. I think there's some sort of maintenance going on.

  • duce2duce#5231 duce2duce Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    zebular said:

    zebular said:

    It's possible we need to install whole game again. But i want official answer to this issue asap. Also i'd like to make sure the caracters i have won't dissapear. For some reason the game saves in PS4+ cloud service were 2 days old.

    Character data is saved on the server. No character data is saved on your computer or console. Regardless, you shouldn't need to reinstall. When Sony resolves the issue, you'll be able to log in on or update your current installation. There's no guarantee that a reinstall will fix it anyway, you could just end up with the same update error as before.
    The Cloud save is your "options" settings for the game not your characters.
    Here is a way to simply explain it, buy a worthless item,
    close the game,
    go to a friends place,
    use friends PS4 to sign in and move the worthless item in your inventory (don't sign out),
    go home and sign in (interrupting the ability to cloud save),
    check if the worthless item has moved,
    this is how you will know if the "cloud" is involved with your game saves in any given game.
    This has nothing to do with Neverwinter. Neverwinter in an MMO, MMOs do not use cloud or local saves. Data is saved on the game's server.
    OK MR Z explain hoe this has nothing to do with neverwinter when this is how the saves work in MMO's that save on the server and not in your personal system. You may want to try the test before disclaiming something that apparently is something new to you and you don't understand. You may want to research what's being said before you add a comment that discredits your position. Someone was asking about the cloud holding on to your characters game save and it does not. Your character save is on the server you are playing on and is rechecked with your system often. Unless you can think of a better test to show the difference between a cloud save and the internal server save?

    Stop skim reading and actually read and understand what is going on.

    The system seems to be down or I can't get in if I have to redownload the game a 3rd time I will probably go play another mmo that has this kind of stuff worked out, not to mention counter productive comments added by knowledgable persons whom can answer the question but choose not to for some reason?
  • brad#9777 brad Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    So i Wont Gt My Vip Rewards From Yesterday :angry:
This discussion has been closed.