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[PC] Gateway Closing Down



  • martelis1981martelis1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 121 Arc User

    It feels like the game is being dismantled piece by piece.

    It's a sad truth :/ , all the features that maked this game good and different has been removed: Gateway, Foundry, the epic dungeons etc If this situation continues, in a couple of mods they will shutdown the game :/
  • daaksanirdaaksanir Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    I am imagining that the misuse was around crating ... were or are there even botting on the sword coast adventure? It was a great little game and I enjoyed farming great gear for my companions. I am also going to miss the ability to look up other players, to go to the AH when not at home, to organize and clean my bags. Gateway did so much more than crafting, so if that was the only botting ... why close it all down?
  • aaramis75aaramis75 Member Posts: 348 Arc User
    I enjoyed Gateway and SCA. I really did.
    Gateway allowed me to check in on my characters, easily move AD around, buy/sell auctions, and set my tradeskillers to doing stuff (or even to check the rare profession tasks every so often) - all of which I could do from work (emergency services, so when we're busy, we're BUSY - but when we're not, we...play on our phones).

    SCA also helped pass the time and allowed me to help equip my character companions, and occasionally even turn a profit with the loyal avenger gear and the ever-so-rare thief companion.

    All of that is now gone, and with no warning. It just seems incredibly sad.

    Will this game continue to be fun for me? Yes, I'm sure it will. But each time something happens (coalgate, the lack of expected epic dungeons in the revamp, the crazy grinds that keep coming, and now the removal of Gateway/SCA), the game becomes just a bit less fun that it was previously.
    At what point will it become so little fun that I simply stop playing altogether and look for something else? Probably not far from now.

    In such a competitive market as MMOs, player loyalty switches with the wind - and currently, the winds are blowing away from Neverwinter.

    Very, very sad.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    @strumslinger @panderus
    did i read that right? a green companion?
    why green? is the love of gateway worth trash? a companion no one will really use and its green. why not give out a legendary companion cause gateway is a legend. we don't want to remember it as some green trash drop that you guys just give out. why not make us earn the legendary companion. or at least give us a legendary or epic companion. not asking much of a companion almost no one will ever use, but green is a disrespect to gateway being closed down.
    that is really just my opinion though.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User

    It feels like the game is being dismantled piece by piece.

    Yea, I heard a rumor that by mod 12 they will be removing winter from the game. They are just gonna call it Never.
  • bilmer#2825 bilmer Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Gateway was the main reason i played neverwinter. guess i will have to find a new game to play
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    Seeing a developer say they did anything about counteracting botting is just a slap in the face. They did absolutely freaking nothing. How many different skill node maps had THOUSANDS of instances. is that hard to fix? be creative. Make players have things in game that are worth doing to de-incentivize botting. You just keep taking sh** away. You copy a mod, add a new filter, and change a couple textures and call it new mod.

    You realize Gateway was QOL. You scrapped it. QOL is why your game is now dying. You never were creative in combating cheaters. You always dropped a nuke... well guys this ain't Hiroshima.. You had such a good team to start and you got greedy. There is literally no way in the game now to get best in slot gear in less than 4-5 years haha.

    I've never been replied to by a dev in all the years I've been here and I won't hold my breath. Just please... if you do. Tell me why. Why did you add insignias. why did you add strongholds and boons? why did you remove drops from dungeons? why did you remove dungeons? Why did you ruin/remove your economy? why did you create one of the largest power gaps I've ever seen? Why did you not balance pvp til mod f'ing 10 and it's not even close. You can't balance with feats when stats are the problem. You had some of the best pvp in mod0-3.. and you just kept breaking it. It's done though. You'll never have 500,000-1mil players again. Gateway is gone now, another 30-40% will leave. I'm glad I made my millions off it and helped gear out 50-100 people in items they never would have dreamed of getting. I don't even feel bad. But you should...
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    zeusom said:

    In game botting for professions may or may not be a problem.
    This was a problem when AD was being generated directly but there is less incentive for gold sellers to bot RP.
    On the other hand, there is not much else left for them.

    And because of that exact reason, Leadership RP will be next. Gather and save ALL you can now!

    @panderus Any chance we could see a bump up in drop rate from our dragon hoards and quartermasters? BtA isn't all bad, then we can use that RP for our toons and the little we can scrape out of leadership will help us with some AD or additional refining.

    Mod edited out moderated quote


    This was very poorly done and continues to show a complete lack of respect for your players. You took the chicken shat way out, dropped the gateway before the long weekend and ran away like kittens. I suspect I'd be banned if I used the other word for kittens eh?

    My recommendation to any new player reading this is quit before you get invested. I'm too invested to leave so I will now officially stop putting money into the game until we see some QoL improvements for the many character slots you sold us! We bought them expecting certain functionality. Cryptic wasn't getting rich off of me but between my son and I we dropped a few $$.

    Someone had mentioned account wide purchases earlier. I love the idea... You want to make more money, offer more zen items/packs with GOOD items account wide! I have purchased the dragon born pack on my account and also on my sons account. That's $150 generated out of thin air. If you made another one that was slightly different with the same(ish) rewards I'd buy it too.

    Cryptic, Why do you try so hard to make us hate a game we love so much? And I'm not even talking about dropping the gateway here, I'm talking about RESPECT!
    Post edited by kreatyve on
  • jason0parkerjason0parker Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    The Gateway to me was a "time saver" i HAD 30 toons but now i'm down to 15. i can't do professions 3hours per day and still find "time" to play the game. So i deleted 15 low-lv-toons from my roster. Ask me someone owes me money for paid slots i'll never use. Also making a new toon meant another professioner. Whats the point of me making two cw's; only need one of each toon now...
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    freshour said:

    Seeing a developer say they did anything about counteracting botting is just a slap in the face. They did absolutely freaking nothing. How many different skill node maps had THOUSANDS of instances. is that hard to fix? be creative. Make players have things in game that are worth doing to de-incentivize botting. You just keep taking sh** away. You copy a mod, add a new filter, and change a couple textures and call it new mod.

    You realize Gateway was QOL. You scrapped it. QOL is why your game is now dying. You never were creative in combating cheaters. You always dropped a nuke... well guys this ain't Hiroshima.. You had such a good team to start and you got greedy. There is literally no way in the game now to get best in slot gear in less than 4-5 years haha.

    I've never been replied to by a dev in all the years I've been here and I won't hold my breath. Just please... if you do. Tell me why. Why did you add insignias. why did you add strongholds and boons? why did you remove drops from dungeons? why did you remove dungeons? Why did you ruin/remove your economy? why did you create one of the largest power gaps I've ever seen? Why did you not balance pvp til mod f'ing 10 and it's not even close. You can't balance with feats when stats are the problem. You had some of the best pvp in mod0-3.. and you just kept breaking it. It's done though. You'll never have 500,000-1mil players again. Gateway is gone now, another 30-40% will leave. I'm glad I made my millions off it and helped gear out 50-100 people in items they never would have dreamed of getting. I don't even feel bad. But you should...

    if your quitting the game can i have your stuff?
    i may be upset over changes but ill get over it and keep playing... closed beta was nice and sure its hard now a days but ill keep playing just like closed beta. @freshour
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    I've got 22 character slots filled, and used the Gateway legitimately, so I've been feeling the sting of the shutdown. I mean, I still do a daily profession swap, but I had one character dedicated to crafting - 25 in everything *but* leadership, and I kept the Gateway up on my second monitor to watch for the hourly task change to help me fill orders for guildies (or myself - those personalized rings don't come from thin air!).

    I do understand the shutdown. I can soldier on, doing professions in game.

    What I would like to see, though, @panderus , is some implementation of the following:

    1. Please make the companion account-wide. It's not a great companion to begin with, and, like the "Caturday" gear (which will hopefully be reclaimable soon *hint*), it's a reminder of what has past. Even if it's just to the individual characters on an account as of today, that'd be cool, too (again, like the Caturday gear)
    2. Loyal Gear - I see 3 possibilities here:
    i. Trade bars - My least favorite option, as it only really rewards those with VIP, whereas any player had a chance on the Gateway, VIP or not.
    ii. Seal Vendor - I'm likely the person @beckylunatic is referring to, and I think this is best. Make it account-bound, with Bind when Equipped, so it can be sent to alts, but not constantly shuffled (if that's possible). This rewards people for playing the game / completing content. As an added bonus, you could add a lower tier of gear available for lesser seals (Current Loyal for Protector's, say, with rare (blue) grade buyable with Element Seals.
    iii. Professions - Making BoA companion gear with professions would also encourage people to work something beyond Leadership, and expand their crafting horizons. Again, like the seals, you can also implement multiple tiers, so new crafters / players aren't left with nothing. Like Loyal gear, it should be companion only, but offer improved stats.

    I'd personally prefer to see them in the seal store, but that's just me. I think it might also help to know what kind of timeline we might be looking at before we see Loyal gear reintroduced.

    Thanks. Hope your asbestos undies are holding up ok.

  • r3v1le#8978 r3v1le Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I for one do not accept this companion as compensation for the loss of the gateway. This is in NO WAY an adequate compensation for the time and money spent. Anyone who willingly accepts this as "payment" for the removal of the gateway is a fool.

    I am going to say it again. This is feeling like bait and switch. I was sold on this game by the Foundry and Gateway. Things that are still being ADVERTISED on the never winter website, the ARC launcher, and the never winter launcher.

    "bait-and-switch" noun:
    The action (generally illegal) of advertising goods and/or services, that are an apparent bargain, with the intention of substituting inferior or more expensive goods and/or services.
  • nightstalkornightstalkor Member Posts: 154 Arc User
    So yet again... the botters take the blame. You'd really think that by now all those hateful individuals would have been eliminated, but apparently that's not the case.

    As far as Gateway, I only ever used it to occasionally log in to SCA. The main reason that I did NOT play SCA all that frequently was... every single time I logged in, even If I had logged in just two days before, I had to go thru the verification BS dance. Just like I had to do TODAY to post this.

    One wonders... since I was seeing this login verification more or less all the time, and yet "botters" are getting past it, what does this tell us?

    That either the botters are VERY good programmers, OR they've totally penetrated Gateway. Consider... you go to login. You are then prompted to go to an external email site to get your code. So our botting friends have to set up a whole subroutine that goes to the email that belongs to said bot, picks out the code, and inserts it into the prompt. Somewhat difficult, if you're a decent programmer, but doable.

    BUT. Say the devs set up the code message so that the code moves around in the message or that the code is identified in a different way every time. Again, a good programmer COULD get past this. It adds a good layer of complexity tho. Especially if you vary the LENGTH of the code, or break the code up into groupings.

    But all this would require quite a BIT of work on the part of the devs. So much easier to throw up your hands and say "We're done." And this is just a COUPLE of things that the devs could do to beef up their login system.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    reg1981 said:

    zeusom said:

    In game botting for professions may or may not be a problem.
    This was a problem when AD was being generated directly but there is less incentive for gold sellers to bot RP.
    On the other hand, there is not much else left for them.

    And because of that exact reason, Leadership RP will be next. Gather and save ALL you can now!

    @panderus Any chance we could see a bump up in drop rate from our dragon hoards and quartermasters? BtA isn't all bad, then we can use that RP for our toons and the little we can scrape out of leadership will help us with some AD or additional refining.

    Mod edited out moderated quote


    This was very poorly done and continues to show a complete lack of respect for your players. You took the chicken shat way out, dropped the gateway before the long weekend and ran away like kittens. I suspect I'd be banned if I used the other word for kittens eh?

    My recommendation to any new player reading this is quit before you get invested. I'm too invested to leave so I will now officially stop putting money into the game until we see some QoL improvements for the many character slots you sold us! We bought them expecting certain functionality. Cryptic wasn't getting rich off of me but between my son and I we dropped a few $$.

    Someone had mentioned account wide purchases earlier. I love the idea... You want to make more money, offer more zen items/packs with GOOD items account wide! I have purchased the dragon born pack on my account and also on my sons account. That's $150 generated out of thin air. If you made another one that was slightly different with the same(ish) rewards I'd buy it too.

    Cryptic, Why do you try so hard to make us hate a game we love so much? And I'm not even talking about dropping the gateway here, I'm talking about RESPECT!
    i am also too invested to quit... and doesn't the dragon hoard enchants give bound rp stones?
    Post edited by kreatyve on
  • vorticanvortican Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 367 Arc User
    flowcyto said:

    vortican said:

    Ah well, it will not prevent me from crafting many, many pairs of pants.

    Some things are eternal and undying.

    Maybe they should just get it over w/ and reduce this game to Craft Pants Online.

    (yes, that was just a joke- don't kill me, mods, plz)
    That is the game for me and it works.

    In fact, right now I must return to crafting many, many pairs of pants.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    @panderus just add the lightfoot thief etc to the loot table of currently existing dungeons...Like FBI for example.
  • coldcanukcoldcanuk Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    Sad but necessary. Scripting outside the client is almost impossible to stop so I was expecting this.

    As for those that do not understand how they are benefiting and harming the game...Imagine 100 bots making Elemental Shirts and then selling them for 15K ad each in the AH. Easy 1.5 Million AD to sell to others which messes up the game economy.

    I will miss the Gateway, but mostly used it to check inventory of another toon while was on the first one.

    Also, what about the Companion Only gear that dropped from the Sword Coast only? Will we have a way to get them still or are they being discontinued?
  • carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Feel free to close the game due to bots taking advantage of it. Frankly if you couldn't predict bots making use out of it, then you're out of your depth. So much has been removed or restricted in this game, and it's sad to see the direction it's taken. You guys never learn from your mistakes. You had in game restrictions on professions due to botting that ended up only punishing legit players, do you think you have magically fixed it? If the bots still find the game profitable, they will continue to do so. But at least I know how Cryptic operates.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User

    The Gateway to me was a "time saver" i HAD 30 toons but now i'm down to 15. i can't do professions 3hours per day and still find "time" to play the game. So i deleted 15 low-lv-toons from my roster. Ask me someone owes me money for paid slots i'll never use. Also making a new toon meant another professioner. Whats the point of me making two cw's; only need one of each toon now...

    you are not the only one... i knew a lot of players with 50 toons to 100 toons across 2 accounts. they ended up deleting most of their toons. i feel sad for all the hard work they put in into getting all those toons on those accounts. their will probably be more people deleting characters. no reason to have more then one per class.
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator
    panderus said:

    It's always a resources battle. You can't keep just throwing resources and time at a problem indefinitely.

    @panderus: Would you PM me so I can share some very specific thoughts?

    From the response I'm seeing in the forums and in-game, I would say the gateway features are rather important to your player base. No matter how much experience you have, a fresh perspective can often work wonders.

    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User

    i am also too invested to quit... and doesn't the dragon hoard enchants give bound rp stones?

    Yes, Bound to Account though!
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    cdnbison said:

    I've got 22 character slots filled, and used the Gateway legitimately, so I've been feeling the sting of the shutdown. I mean, I still do a daily profession swap, but I had one character dedicated to crafting - 25 in everything *but* leadership, and I kept the Gateway up on my second monitor to watch for the hourly task change to help me fill orders for guildies (or myself - those personalized rings don't come from thin air!).

    I do understand the shutdown. I can soldier on, doing professions in game.

    What I would like to see, though, @panderus , is some implementation of the following:

    1. Please make the companion account-wide. It's not a great companion to begin with, and, like the "Caturday" gear (which will hopefully be reclaimable soon *hint*), it's a reminder of what has past. Even if it's just to the individual characters on an account as of today, that'd be cool, too (again, like the Caturday gear)
    2. Loyal Gear - I see 3 possibilities here:
    i. Trade bars - My least favorite option, as it only really rewards those with VIP, whereas any player had a chance on the Gateway, VIP or not.
    ii. Seal Vendor - I'm likely the person @beckylunatic is referring to, and I think this is best. Make it account-bound, with Bind when Equipped, so it can be sent to alts, but not constantly shuffled (if that's possible). This rewards people for playing the game / completing content. As an added bonus, you could add a lower tier of gear available for lesser seals (Current Loyal for Protector's, say, with rare (blue) grade buyable with Element Seals.
    iii. Professions - Making BoA companion gear with professions would also encourage people to work something beyond Leadership, and expand their crafting horizons. Again, like the seals, you can also implement multiple tiers, so new crafters / players aren't left with nothing. Like Loyal gear, it should be companion only, but offer improved stats.

    I'd personally prefer to see them in the seal store, but that's just me. I think it might also help to know what kind of timeline we might be looking at before we see Loyal gear reintroduced.

    Thanks. Hope your asbestos undies are holding up ok.

    i would prefer we buy it with gold. since gold is basically trash in the game give us a reason to actually use it.
    it would be best to not have it bound to account or pickup... bound on equip is fine enough.
    seals idea isn't bad but i would rather it not be in seals vendor.
    why not have them drop in skirmishes or normal dungeons?
    damarian shepherd should become account wide and free for all players and lightfoot thief should drop in any epic dungeon or trial
  • darkdruid8darkdruid8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15 Arc User
    Honestly I think this game has more bots playing than players now. You really should consider it would be a shame to chase away your loyal fans.
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    wonder how many people have quit this game since the last mod released? probably only 5% or less.
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User

    i would prefer we buy it with gold. since gold is basically trash in the game give us a reason to actually use it.
    it would be best to not have it bound to account or pickup... bound on equip is fine enough.

    Panderus already stated that they are OP. Below is my comment.

    Problem with this is they will be very cheap and obtained early in the game. The current stats on them are much higher than other stuff you can put on your pets. This combined with Bonding stones makes it game breaking. It'll have to be behind a stone wall of some sort that we'll have to torture ourselves grinding it out!
  • tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator
    coldcanuk said:

    Sad but necessary. Scripting outside the client is almost impossible to stop so I was expecting this.

    Scripting of the client can't be stopped either.
    goatshark said:

    As you may remember, we recently disabled the ability to use the Leadership profession on Gateway. This was due to an extreme number of bots generating far too much AD, and creating havoc with the AD economy. By disabling the profession on Gateway, we were able to reduce this artificially inflated number. Unfortunately, botters found a way around this fix. As we looked into the data, and as we analyzed what we could do to fix this exploit, we came to the conclusion that the way to stop the botters was to remove AD from the Leadership profession.

    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,435 Arc User
    Give the lightfoot thief after 100% completion of 3 of campains. Achieve all boons from Dread Ring, Sharandar, and Well of Dragons to obtain your very own Lightfoot Thief!
  • genjundeadgenjundead Member Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    reg1981 said:

    i would prefer we buy it with gold. since gold is basically trash in the game give us a reason to actually use it.
    it would be best to not have it bound to account or pickup... bound on equip is fine enough.

    Panderus already stated that they are OP. Below is my comment.

    Problem with this is they will be very cheap and obtained early in the game. The current stats on them are much higher than other stuff you can put on your pets. This combined with Bonding stones makes it game breaking. It'll have to be behind a stone wall of some sort that we'll have to torture ourselves grinding it out!
    =) hehe, all games are about the grind. the terrible evil grind, we love it when we finish said grind though. that feeling of accomplishment is overwhelming. then we grind again.
  • weaver936weaver936 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 443 Arc User

    The Gateway to me was a "time saver" i HAD 30 toons but now i'm down to 15. i can't do professions 3hours per day and still find "time" to play the game. So i deleted 15 low-lv-toons from my roster. Ask me someone owes me money for paid slots i'll never use. Also making a new toon meant another professioner. Whats the point of me making two cw's; only need one of each toon now...

    you are not the only one... i knew a lot of players with 50 toons to 100 toons across 2 accounts. they ended up deleting most of their toons. i feel sad for all the hard work they put in into getting all those toons on those accounts. their will probably be more people deleting characters. no reason to have more then one per class.

    panderus said:

    It's always a resources battle. You can't keep just throwing resources and time at a problem indefinitely.

    @panderus: Would you PM me so I can share some very specific thoughts?

    From the response I'm seeing in the forums and in-game, I would say the gateway features are rather important to your player base. No matter how much experience you have, a fresh perspective can often work wonders.

    They know that.. they don't care.
    “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”

    ― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge

    Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.

    FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter/#/discussion/1228278/skt-content-for-the-non-elite-video-links-provided
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    i would prefer we buy it with gold. since gold is basically trash in the game give us a reason to actually use it.
    it would be best to not have it bound to account or pickup... bound on equip is fine enough.
    seals idea isn't bad but i would rather it not be in seals vendor.
    why not have them drop in skirmishes or normal dungeons?
    damarian shepherd should become account wide and free for all players and lightfoot thief should drop in any epic dungeon or trial

    I'm going to disagree with gold, precisely because it's, as you say, trash, which would cause an instant devaluation in any attempt to put it on the AH. At least on the seal vendor, players have to run the content to get the gear. This makes sense, as the Loyal gear was, excepting certain rings, pretty much BiS. So, if you're running T2+ content, you should be able to select gear that is an applicable upgrade from whatever was on your companion previously. Given that, I'd would agree that it'd also make sense to add them to the loot table for T2 content (Protector's seals).

    The Shepherd - I don't think it'll be missed that much. It'll become a status thing, but generally won't see much use outside of PE.

    Lightfoot - I'd make it a rare (very rare) drop from something. Maybe rotate it through older content on a regular basis. Maybe a slim chance at it in weekly quests? (Just spitballing here).

    The main thing, though, is that the Loyal gear was *very* good, so should command a similar price in play. Being able to have a level 4 alt wander in to PE, hit the shared bank, and walk away with 4500 stat points for some gold is pretty cheap. An investment of, say 1500-ish Protector Seals - that is something a player worked for, through gameplay.
This discussion has been closed.