treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
edited August 2016
@zonoske#5272 I tried it, got around 21% damage from longshot, so I think combining AotF with crushing roots for pvp is a very good idea since you don't need to be locked into AotS anymore.But this only applies for the moment, crushing roots will get a rework sooner or later.
HR does use a special ninja sprint run animation on occasion. Not sure how it's triggered though.
It's fox's shift, the melee of Fox's Cunning, it supposedly gives you a bonus movement speed and snare your target, the animation is there but not the bonuses.
treesclimberMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,161Arc User
Capstone for combat need to last longer the overall dps loose to much even if spikes can be ok.
Archers suffers from lack of both cc and anti cc addressing this is a must !!!
5 target cap on cordon/plat growths need to be removed or changed to 10
Ambush might be okeyish but trapp part is utterly useless-add a stun or slow + at least 2-3 time radius
Boar charge takes to long need to avoid locking user at end of animation, more damage and it can't prone the stun need to last longer
I don't think it's a good move to cap Plant Growth at all, if it's really, really needed, cap it at 10, please consider reverting those changes, it's not like the damage from it was game-breaking earlier...
Also, please consider putting actual numbers in the tooltips, "a chance to" isn't really appropriate when something has a 100% chance to proc, but only works once/60 sec. and so on.
I really hope this isn't the end for the Trapper, it would be disheartening to see such a massive re-work like this make it worse dps-wise than it was before...
Still kinda curious as to why there are so many posts about GWF/PvP in this topic, I thought there was a separate topic for that class...
Whatever comes of this, it was nice to see a developer have this much communication with players, lots of credit to @amenar for this
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
Hey @amenar it's me again, i found that Hawk Eye is not procing Hawk shot sometimes, have done several test and seems like Critical shots, using encounters rapidly or the distance between you and target are maybe factors causing it, i make a video to help explain what i found:
First i use Commanding Shot, Then activate Hawk Eye, then use Longstrider's Shot and Finally Hawk Shot with about 3 seconds left of Hawk Eye's buff. If you pause the video when i shot Longstrider's, you can see it deals 46'800 + 6997 (from longshot[3650] + lostmouth [3347]) + 7020 from hawk shot. Now with hawk shot: It deals 142'358 + 3347 (Lostmouth) + 3386 (longshot) and there should be a 21'353 hit from hawk's eyebut there isn't. ACT shows me that hawk eye deal 2 hits, 1 hit of 7k and another is a damage trigger.
Just to see if maybe hawkeye damage have merged with hawk shot, i test again the same rotation but without hawkeye's buff, and still i deal 147k damage so no.
Basic 'rotation' was cycling between all 3 encounters per stance, hitting the target w/ Careful Attack before switching back to ranged stance each time. Had only a few periods w/o encounters being avail, and if I did I'd throw out one Aimed Shot or Strike and then I'd be gtg. Stayed up-close the whole time to reduce the dps impact of movement. Also used Disrupting Shot pretty much on cd.
Against the lone lvl 60 dummy in IWD (single-target test): Thorn Ward's entry from it:
About 24.5k per-target dps total.
In comparison to my other HR tests (as a point of ref since its my gear/stats and not yours). 'Optimal' Combat or Trapper AoE (not single-target) dps = ~16-18k per target, ~70k vs 4 targets. Pure single-target dps Archery w/ the new Aimed Shot = ~36k
And that's about all I can test for that build, I think. I dunno if that's what ya were looking for, but hope it helped somehow. For what its worth, it seemed like a smooth rotation for pve, and Aimed Shot's buffs will helps its burst in pvp if ur using that at-will.
FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for 120k. Right now, with subpar gear, I'm able to melt BiS opponents in seconds, through both insignias and other heals. This needs some scaling back.
I can post videos and ACT logs as evidence if required, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for 120k. Right now, with subpar gear, I'm able to melt BiS opponents in seconds, through both insignias and other heals. This needs some scaling back.
I can post videos and ACT logs as evidence if required, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for 120k. Right now, with subpar gear, I'm able to melt BiS opponents in seconds, through both insignias and other heals. This needs some scaling back.
I can post videos and ACT logs as evidence if required, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
I knew Plant Growth was going to be a problem.
I don't even have to use Plant Growth to melt someone in 3 seconds, though. 50% Piercing damage is just ridiculous, especially if you know how to bump up pre-mitigation damage.
Having tested and seen it in action, Piercing Blade is extremely overpowered in its new state for PvP. A Combat HR can rip an opponent apart in a matter of seconds with this now; it needs a heavy tune-back to get back in line with a reasonable semblance of balance. Roughly halving the effect would probably bring it in line with being strong, but manageable.
it isnt piercing damage at all yet as of earlier... nm i see a new patch
Having tested and seen it in action, Piercing Blade is extremely overpowered in its new state for PvP. A Combat HR can rip an opponent apart in a matter of seconds with this now; it needs a heavy tune-back to get back in line with a reasonable semblance of balance. Roughly halving the effect would probably bring it in line with being strong, but manageable.
it isnt piercing damage at all yet. ive tested it. so wtf are you talking about?
Patch notes: Piercing Blades feat: Now truly deals Piercing damage again, meaning the additional damage is determined based on the unmitigated damage of the attack.
The patch came up a few hours ago.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7182 (35909) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 17954 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for 120k. Right now, with subpar gear, I'm able to melt BiS opponents in seconds, through both insignias and other heals. This needs some scaling back.
I can post videos and ACT logs as evidence if required, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
patcherrkmMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 127Arc User
Having tested and seen it in action, Piercing Blade is extremely overpowered in its new state for PvP. A Combat HR can rip an opponent apart in a matter of seconds with this now; it needs a heavy tune-back to get back in line with a reasonable semblance of balance. Roughly halving the effect would probably bring it in line with being strong, but manageable.
it isnt piercing damage at all yet. ive tested it. so wtf are you talking about?
Patch notes: Piercing Blades feat: Now truly deals Piercing damage again, meaning the additional damage is determined based on the unmitigated damage of the attack.
The patch came up a few hours ago.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7182 (35909) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 17954 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey. [16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
Its still less damage than i take from a bull charge lol
I don't think it's a good move to cap Plant Growth at all, if it's really, really needed, cap it at 10, please consider reverting those changes, it's not like the damage from it was game-breaking earlier...
Also, please consider putting actual numbers in the tooltips, "a chance to" isn't really appropriate when something has a 100% chance to proc, but only works once/60 sec. and so on.
I really hope this isn't the end for the Trapper, it would be disheartening to see such a massive re-work like this make it worse dps-wise than it was before...
Still kinda curious as to why there are so many posts about GWF/PvP in this topic, I thought there was a separate topic for that class...
Whatever comes of this, it was nice to see a developer have this much communication with players, lots of credit to @amenar for this
First i use Commanding Shot, Then activate Hawk Eye, then use Longstrider's Shot and Finally Hawk Shot with about 3 seconds left of Hawk Eye's buff.
If you pause the video when i shot Longstrider's, you can see it deals 46'800 + 6997 (from longshot[3650] + lostmouth [3347]) + 7020 from hawk shot.
Now with hawk shot: It deals 142'358 + 3347 (Lostmouth) + 3386 (longshot) and there should be a 21'353 hit from hawk's eyebut there isn't.
ACT shows me that hawk eye deal 2 hits, 1 hit of 7k and another is a damage trigger.
Just to see if maybe hawkeye damage have merged with hawk shot, i test again the same rotation but without hawkeye's buff, and still i deal 147k damage so no.,13k3iii:1uu0u00:1000000:1uu0uz1&h=0&p=pfr&o=0
Powers: Hindering, Constricting, Thorn Ward, AotS + Cruel Recovery, Aimed Shot + HT/Careful Attack, Forrest Ghost + Disrupting Shot. All powers at rank 4.
Basic 'rotation' was cycling between all 3 encounters per stance, hitting the target w/ Careful Attack before switching back to ranged stance each time. Had only a few periods w/o encounters being avail, and if I did I'd throw out one Aimed Shot or Strike and then I'd be gtg. Stayed up-close the whole time to reduce the dps impact of movement. Also used Disrupting Shot pretty much on cd.
Against the lone lvl 60 dummy in IWD (single-target test):
Thorn Ward's entry from it:
About 24.5k per-target dps total.
In comparison to my other HR tests (as a point of ref since its my gear/stats and not yours). 'Optimal' Combat or Trapper AoE (not single-target) dps = ~16-18k per target, ~70k vs 4 targets. Pure single-target dps Archery w/ the new Aimed Shot = ~36k
And that's about all I can test for that build, I think. I dunno if that's what ya were looking for, but hope it helped somehow. For what its worth, it seemed like a smooth rotation for pve, and Aimed Shot's buffs will helps its burst in pvp if ur using that at-will.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
BUG: Wearing an Elven Battle enchantment shortens the duration of the class feature Pathfinder's Action by 80%.
<CO docs> .: Petco :. // Base DPS Sheet (needs revision) // PSA on Power Activation Delay
- Themed Tanks // Misc Build Dump // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (stat data)
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
FEEDBACK: Combat's new Piercing Blades damage is ridiculous in PvP and makes the class weaker in PvE. The new PB is pretty ridiculous when I'm doing 40k split strikes regardless of target DR (1k base split strike, x2 7-9k blade hurricane, x2 10-12k piercing blades), and things like Plant Growth are hitting for 120k. Right now, with subpar gear, I'm able to melt BiS opponents in seconds, through both insignias and other heals. This needs some scaling back.
I can post videos and ACT logs as evidence if required, but this is absolutely ridiculous.
Piercing Blades feat: Now truly deals Piercing damage again, meaning the additional damage is determined based on the unmitigated damage of the attack.
The patch came up a few hours ago.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7182 (35909) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 17954 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Your Plant Growth deals 7546 (37730) Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.
[16:46] [Combat (Self)] Your Piercing Blade deals 18865 Physical Damage to Ronda Rousey.