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Strongholds PvP, Packet Corruption Error (Resolved)



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    tripsofthrymrtripsofthrymr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,624 Community Moderator

    Thanks for the info about Wizard's Siege Guide and the hoggs files. Passed that to the devs, they said it was useful info.

    Thank you for this little update. A little bit of communication goes a long way.

    Any further updates today?
    Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)

    Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
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    sasagerusasageru Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    I'm surprised by the lack of replies on this thread.

    I'm disapointed this is broken already :/ Especially in such a way that had trapped players. I did wonder about its stability since everytime I participated there were some major graphics errors going on.

    Hope it'd fixed soone than later.
    DPS Rogue | Heal/Buff Cleric
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    blackwiidowblackwiidow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 22 Arc User
    I agree, what is with the lack of updates as to what is going on with GvG? Seems like the Community Mods are sleeping. Get with the program and fix the game. How can we progress if we dont even know whats going on?

    In the depths of hell, I learned who I was. It takes a strong soul to endure so much pain and heartache and still make it out alive; to not get stuck in the deep burning pit of misery. It takes a resilient creature to claw their way back into a reality where your nightmares can finally turn into dreams.
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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    they are busy working on an emergency hotfix to salvaging since we can make ad that way.
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    gerwerstimeinergerwerstimeiner Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I had a similar experience when I use the Wizard's Siege Guide which teleported the character from The Protector's Enclave to the Stonghold Map for the Tutorial. After it began the "Reapers Way" instructional section, I received the same "Packet Corruption Occurred" error--and was consequently unable to login. However, either the Tutorial must have run its course and expired, or I was considered inactive and disconnected because after 15 minutes or so, it showed my location back in Protector's Enclave.

    The continuing issue in my case is that I cannot delete the Wizard's Siege Guide (neither directly from inventory, nor via email to my account). I submitted a ticket and received this--less than satisfying--response:

    (Mod edit: Removed Support Email. Posting private correspondences is not allowed.)

    So, does anyone know how to delete a "Cannot Discard" item? Or I suppose I could always use the ingame email service and mail it to one of the Dev's accounts... :)
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator

    I had a similar experience when I use the Wizard's Siege Guide which teleported the character from The Protector's Enclave to the Stonghold Map for the Tutorial. After it began the "Reapers Way" instructional section, I received the same "Packet Corruption Occurred" error--and was consequently unable to login. However, either the Tutorial must have run its course and expired, or I was considered inactive and disconnected because after 15 minutes or so, it showed my location back in Protector's Enclave.

    The continuing issue in my case is that I cannot delete the Wizard's Siege Guide (neither directly from inventory, nor via email to my account). I submitted a ticket and received this--less than satisfying--response:

    (Mod edit: Removed Support Email. Posting private correspondences is not allowed.)

    So, does anyone know how to delete a "Cannot Discard" item? Or I suppose I could always use the ingame email service and mail it to one of the Dev's accounts... :)

    Does it also say, "Cannot sell" in the tool-tip? If not, you can then sell it to any normal merchant.
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    tanadas1977tanadas1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 11 Arc User
    You can log in with an alt and talk to an officer to remove the stuck character from the guild. When you log in again the char should be in Protectors Enclave, after that you can reapply to you guild.
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    quaranaxquaranax Member Posts: 105 Arc User
    After Cryptics commitment to better communication with the fanbase (after the mod 6 delay and launch debacle) I am utterly disappointed, but not too surprised, at the complete lack of communication about what's happening with Stronghold Siege.

    I was at first shocked that there was not an emergency maintenance on Friday to fix it, then surprised there was not one on Monday... now I am presuming it will be Thursday patch at the earliest ?

    Considering this module 7.5 IS stronghold siege, and the picture on the launcher is a stronghold siege, I am quite shocked there has not been more communication from Cryptic on the state of this.

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    dufistodufisto Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    quaranax said:

    After Cryptics commitment to better communication with the fanbase (after the mod 6 delay and launch debacle) I am utterly disappointed, but not too surprised, at the complete lack of communication about what's happening with Stronghold Siege.

    I was at first shocked that there was not an emergency maintenance on Friday to fix it, then surprised there was not one on Monday... now I am presuming it will be Thursday patch at the earliest ?

    Considering this module 7.5 IS stronghold siege, and the picture on the launcher is a stronghold siege, I am quite shocked there has not been more communication from Cryptic on the state of this.

    you seem to be under the impression we are more than a $ to them
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    mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    quaranax said:

    After Cryptics commitment to better communication with the fanbase (after the mod 6 delay and launch debacle) I am utterly disappointed, but not too surprised, at the complete lack of communication about what's happening with Stronghold Siege.

    I was at first shocked that there was not an emergency maintenance on Friday to fix it, then surprised there was not one on Monday... now I am presuming it will be Thursday patch at the earliest ?

    Considering this module 7.5 IS stronghold siege, and the picture on the launcher is a stronghold siege, I am quite shocked there has not been more communication from Cryptic on the state of this.

    "Better communication" was just few friendlier messages from one of devs ... he was fired shortly after.
    Now about siege PVP - I don't see what is difference if they give you any exact date/time to fix. These things can't be exactly timed, and if they give any date, there will be lots of hate-messages why it is earlier or later.
    Stronghold PVP was buggy mess before last patch, trying to fix it is obviously not an easy task, so be patient.
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    mattsacremattsacre Member Posts: 330 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    mmm1001 said:

    quaranax said:

    After Cryptics commitment to better communication with the fanbase (after the mod 6 delay and launch debacle) I am utterly disappointed, but not too surprised, at the complete lack of communication about what's happening with Stronghold Siege.

    I was at first shocked that there was not an emergency maintenance on Friday to fix it, then surprised there was not one on Monday... now I am presuming it will be Thursday patch at the earliest ?

    Considering this module 7.5 IS stronghold siege, and the picture on the launcher is a stronghold siege, I am quite shocked there has not been more communication from Cryptic on the state of this.

    "Better communication" was just few friendlier messages from one of devs ... he was fired shortly after.
    Now about siege PVP - I don't see what is difference if they give you any exact date/time to fix. These things can't be exactly timed, and if they give any date, there will be lots of hate-messages why it is earlier or later.
    Stronghold PVP was buggy mess before last patch, trying to fix it is obviously not an easy task, so be patient.
    Lol they say it all with their name CRYPTIC.
    However, yes it takes time to fix things and if they run late etc. there would be a few that will be hate posting. But far more aren't so childish, what is childish is to not update a customer (that is what we are btw, customers) on the progress on the repairs to the item they bought. This companies idea of communication and customer service reminds me of the old ads that made fun of companies that don't offer warranties.

    The old ad had a woman calling the car repair shop asking how the repairs were going on her car, that it had been several months, what was the progress please? And the owner tries to assure the lady with, "don't worry, it's all under control, we will get it done soon...why I got my 3 best guys on it right now as we speak!" *cut to a view of the car, 3 fat slob looking guys sitting on the hood of the cobweb covered car with rotted flat tires, them eating hoggies and swilling 40oz. beers as a cloud of flies hover over them.

    So, that's how Cryptic does it I guess, they got their 3 best guys on it right now! As the cobwebs accumilate. How about an update about what is going on, how about a post of the direction of what they are going or achieving. it's not that hard when you are actually doing something. There hasn't been, in all my years of employment, a single job that at some point I didn't have to either explain what I was doing or at least give a update on what was going on at some point during the day. Supervisors want to know that their work crews are actually doing what they are paid to do, that work product is produced for money paid! Higher ups then expect some type of briefing from the supervisor, that the supervisor is actually producing some type of results too. Is it actually to much to expect someone to fire off a couple of words concerning the progress occuring? We aren't asking for the world in a day...just a..what the heck is going on..in a few sentences. I would expect an brief update on the status of repairs from ANY company repairman I dealt with, why should Cryptic be any different?

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    vinceent1vinceent1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    mmm1001 said:

    quaranax said:

    After Cryptics commitment to better communication with the fanbase (after the mod 6 delay and launch debacle) I am utterly disappointed, but not too surprised, at the complete lack of communication about what's happening with Stronghold Siege.

    I was at first shocked that there was not an emergency maintenance on Friday to fix it, then surprised there was not one on Monday... now I am presuming it will be Thursday patch at the earliest ?

    Considering this module 7.5 IS stronghold siege, and the picture on the launcher is a stronghold siege, I am quite shocked there has not been more communication from Cryptic on the state of this.

    "Better communication" was just few friendlier messages from one of devs ... he was fired shortly after.
    Now about siege PVP - I don't see what is difference if they give you any exact date/time to fix. These things can't be exactly timed, and if they give any date, there will be lots of hate-messages why it is earlier or later.
    Stronghold PVP was buggy mess before last patch, trying to fix it is obviously not an easy task, so be patient.
    so you think when they put sieges back into the game, it will be polished, unbugged, balanced? you must be new here ....

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    davejustdavedavejustdave Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    If it was quick and easy to fix they would have fixed it and done an emergency patch. So that means it is tricky to fix, which means the fix may not be 100% as we might expect. This Thursday may not be the end of this particular tale.
    Be afraid...
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    weliveinacaveweliveinacave Member Posts: 1 New User
    > @trailturtle said:
    > Could I get the character@handle name for any characters confirmed to have this issue? It'll help us to debug.

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    kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    Is it fixed now? Anyone know?
    My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox
    Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
    Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
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    yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    Hey all,

    There were some adjustments that were made on our side that should be correcting this issue. Can anyone confirm that this is resolved?

    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
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    blinxonblinxon Member Posts: 567 Arc User
    Where did you get this info? I dont have lags at all in siege. Which class and which skill makes lags?
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    zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    blinxon said:

    Where did you get this info? I dont have lags at all in siege. Which class and which skill makes lags?

    If you run around all by yourself you won't notice much lag. Or much of anything, really, because there's nothing going on by assumption. On the other hand, if you have 15+ players on each side going at each other, then a whole lot of stuff is going on, and any of those things that constantly trigger things (such as prism) leads to a lot of lag. Try doing dragon runs in WoD and see what happens when some OP's prism triggers. Spoiler alert: lag and people yelling "no prism!" and "wtf is wrong with people why do they still do this" are what happen.
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    sabre10sabre10 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User

    Hey all,

    There were some adjustments that were made on our side that should be correcting this issue. Can anyone confirm that this is resolved?


    I've managed to successfully queue and enter. I haven't experienced any lag yet.

    Civil Anarchy Officer
    Fabled Alliance
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    yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    yes alex, siege is working... but like always it's a huge amount of lag!!!!

    so when are u goin to plan class fixes, cause most of the lag is caused by some classes with dot damage and reflecting damage.

    Any additional info that you can give me on this? What classes? Powers? Specific locations or circumstances that you're receiving the lag?

    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
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    tassedethe13tassedethe13 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User

    As this ninja fix went live, is it safe to going stronghold pvp? Maybe make an announcement in the launcher so people will be aware that it is fixed...
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    ankabird1ankabird1 Member Posts: 133 Arc User

    metalldjt said:

    yes alex, siege is working... but like always it's a huge amount of lag!!!!

    so when are u goin to plan class fixes, cause most of the lag is caused by some classes with dot damage and reflecting damage.

    Any additional info that you can give me on this? What classes? Powers? Specific locations or circumstances that you're receiving the lag?

    From previous experience Prism feat of OP and Astral Shield of DC.

    Also jumping and grasping skills of hunters.

    It occurs around the supply or catapult points a lot.

    One more thing that i dont know. Can any heal spell suppose to heal catapult or supply depots? (If expected asnwer is no, then they are lagging bugging too)

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    mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    PVP is working now, but not always. Our guild queued (4 parties - having to click queue button in same second quite lame) but once we went to map, fight didn't start. E.g. we were all there, could walk around inside SH building) but couldn't go outside. Also pressing "x" showed 0 vs 0, but all 40 names were there.
    After waiting like 10 mins, we regrouped and this time it worked normally (still lag is there in intense fights, but I guess it is for both sides, which makes it at least not so unfair like lag in dungeons.)
    Please do something for queuing mechanics it is big waste of time to organize real guild fight with current queuing system.
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    yetweallfalldownyetweallfalldown Member Posts: 134 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    @yetweallfalldown the lag is so persistant, that its bearable to play , any fixes towards that?

    I'll check with the team to see what's going on.
    Communications Manager - Perfect World Entertainment
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    ankabird1ankabird1 Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Knight's Valor lags too in SH pvp when there are many allies that are effected by it.
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    d4rthd00fusd4rthd00fus Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    metalldjt said:

    @yetweallfalldown the lag is so persistant, that its bearable to play , any fixes towards that?

    The lag is supposedly due to the introduction of pet powers that interact quite badly with certain already badly behaving powers. Hopefully Cryptic has sold enough pets to the PVP folks that they can now end this horrid experiment and once again make pets useless.
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