I'm curious if Crytic has underestimated the number of inactive players there are to scale Stronghold requirements. Our guild for exampe has about 130 accounts but probably 8-10 fully active with 4 or 5 online peak, occasionally a couple more. We are making progress, but only because most are playing their alts to gather materials. Looking ahead at the currencies required, things look extremely discouraging. I suspect many people may be reluctant to abandon their small guild or even merge because of friendships, feelings that they have invested in their own Stronghold (even if there is little progress) as well as other reasons for keeping guild size on the lower end. So this begs the question asked about small guilds being considered for Strongholds, are say 90% of the people in guilds making great progress this mod or is it the other way around?
How many accounts are actually active in your guild? 96 votes
The technology to track that exists, but the manpower to calculate it and put it into a form that is available and not too dated probably doesnt.
Cryptic doesnt have infinite manpower and funds to throw into Neverwinter. Which is why all they can do is base the requirements off of our feedback and try to adjust accordingly.
The real issue with Strongholds from my point of view are the Dragon Fangs. We were not able to beat a single dragon once. About ten players of our guild are just not enough. It is difficult to get more to join the fight.
Also, as soon as we beat the dragon and they realize that they do not get a Dragon Fang without buying keys people might no longer join the fight. We just do not have enough active players to be able to beat two dragons. Therefore the new armor seems to be out of reach.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
ps. "not in guild" because guild with out stronghold is not guild after all.
New mods will come and it will be interesting how they will interact with the Strongholds. We will have a new set in Underdark, so I'm not investing in the SH gear set. Boons ans some pvp are the only values of the strongholds, but it takes too much. Probably we will stop at the level we believe is sufficient. On the long term I expect a zen package to buy Stronghold structures as for Sharandar and DR.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
..and IWD, whole set is 15K ZEN, what is quite cheap for one month boring grinds...
We made sure we recruited people who can commit - I know this isn't for everyone, but for us it works, and we've seen a real sense of community, even with our newer recruits.
In addition, it is hard to tell which account is active comparing with which character is active. The player may be active by playing one character and the other alts are not touched for a long while.
As others have said... what is active?
I understand if you are a small guilder , not wanting to expand, its a pain to be a guild leader, which is why I let others with more inclination do such now. I was a monster guild leader on riddermark for 3 years , to get people to listen is hard, which is why I usually just say nowadays, yes sir or ma'm whatever you need.
I still hear my warleaders yells in the back of my head sometimes
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
^^^^^^ This x100.
We're having fun. The ones who can contribute are contributing.Those who can't contribute are finding creative ways to contribute.
There's some deadweight, but they'll be gone soon.
And we can go back to having fun.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
I'll never retrace my steps.
Some of my best friends are Imaginary.
our guild has members from all over the world so we usually have 5 or 6 max online at any one time.
Currently we are almost halfway to getting our second building started....yeah
Can't wait till new mod comes out, maybe they will have 145 IL gear and the unobtainable stuff from this mod won't matter.
On a brighter note I do like the area it's fun doing HEs with Guildies and we have picked up a few odd pieces of armor doing them, just wish mod had tried to make smaller guilds viable and a rewarding experience for the people in them.
And at some point, even big guilds will feel that general playerloss, when they try to get into Stronghold PvP or queue up for regular PvP.
Just imagine a nice
houseStronghold standing on a cliff, that is eroding slowly away...But:
1)you don't know why they are doing it: friendship? personal interest?
2) As soon as the SH panel is fixed, you will discover who is more active and who is less active, even if all are "active". Let's see what is going to happen. Some already announced quite strong policies.
3) Boons Structure: in an ideal world where every player is active, they work because they hope to see on the ground some boon structures and not others: let's see what is going to happen when an agreement between 100+ members must be found. As a guild leader, you can be a dictator or use a democratic approach: some players will be unhappy however decision is taken.
4) Finally, let's say that the problems above are solved: some members leaves the guild and new members join: but the latter join the guild and they take benefit of the work done by others without doing nothing. It will be interesting to see what kind of policies will be adopted. There's a post in this forum where this "problem" is stated.
Spread these 4 points in a guild of 100+ players and you will see that there are many reasons for discussion and arguing instead of playing. That's why I prefer few, slow and no discussions, but it's just a personal preference.
I don't want to be pessimistic, just share what already happened in my guild. Being active is just a piece of a bigger puzzle.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
1. unclear. There is no survey.
2. hard to tell what will happen. If you are absent for months without reason, you are not active regardless. There is no point to reserve a seat for you. If you want to come back in later, that can be arranged.
3. Already decided by the guild leaders before Stronghold was landed. Guild leaders went to the preview to understand/study what would be the best over all. The decision was announced through guild email before Stronghold was landed.
4. The guild is already filled.
...and we have guild with "Guilbank", users we trust, we dont recruit(no need get ninjas) so our guild stays small and stronghold MOD7 is allready dead for us.
Maybe there is miscalculations with this mod grind, maybe we need guild alliances so can share resources(very tricky thing to do)... giving game up untill next mod, not good idea but very good choice...
...anyway Happy 10K repeats with Alt. characters etc. Cheers
We have about a dozen players I can count on being on at certain times of the day most days, and about half those are casual players. We're still working on building the coffer for GH3, but we're fine with the time. It helps build relationships.
One of the things we really need to get the Devs good feedback is the ability to see how many people are active in the guild.
Obsidian Oath - Warlock
A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.