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Feedback Needed: Top Issues Currently in Neverwinter PC



  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    Chidon, since players could go private in thier dungeon running, the public one wasn't to get drops but to get the RQ rewards. In that case picking up after them in no way entitles them or encourages them, because they don't care. I on the other hand do like you do and go just ahead of the lower level party to guide them through, picking up greens gold and ID scrolls. I've been thanked many times for my consideration. First thing i do when entering a leveling dung is check the player levels, if all 70 then its a race and i enjoy it, if they aren't then i stay with the group.
  • masq#3675 masq Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Hi I am somewhat new to the game and just wanted to weigh in on one thing: There is NO reason that pressing escape key after opening a "pack" should close the window and not give you a choice of the contents. Don't let the player close the window until they have clicked and confirmed an option.

    I opened an epic companion pack yesterday and after debating the choices for at least 10 minutes, I absent-mindedly pressed the escape key. Poof. I regret it and submitted a ticket but I doubt there will be any recourse. The packs require the player to confirm their selection, so there should definitely be confirmation that the player actually does not want any of the selections.
  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    chidion said:

    Seems we all have our idea of "fun" and unarguably mine does not seem to coincide with yours.

    Just speaking for myself - although I have known other players express a similar opinion - I don't care to "run faster", and I rather enjoy taking my time through the content in Neverwinter whether it be to escort a newer or lesser skilled player, or just going at my best available speed knowing that even if someone races to the end, they will have no choice but to wait, sort their inventory, run in circles, jump up and down, or shine their nails and wait for the arrival of slower players... Sometimes that counts as my definition of "fun". :D

    Few drops in random queue content are "your drops", most are communal drops, so they should be dispersed to all party members in the most equitable fashion possible... which "first come first served" never was.

    If any "run fast" player takes off and leaves the rest of the party, that denotes an end to my intentionally picking up any kind of drops, no matter how good they appear to be, except for items like ID scrolls and potions that I know will just go to my inventory. If during random content any random roll drop does appear in my inventory I always try to give them away - but not to any faster player who leaves other party members behind.

    Going back to the previous method of "first come first served" always offered the advantage to those players who could "invest" the money or the time to repeatedly grind to obtain items to improve their characters and almost always became the disadvantage to new players, slower players and players who's real world responsibilities precluded them from grinding for the means to otherwise "buy" improvements for their character...

    That previous system failed and it was changed... although I personally don't consider the new system perfect, it is in my opinion far better than the previous system where the fastest players usually got the best of the available drops and those newer or slower players were left with the dregs.

    My 2¢

    I find it hard to believe that you would not want a faster toon. Generate a new one and see how painfully slow they run around. The first thing you do is get a mount just to go faster. Maybe fast is not fun but slow sucks.

    I am not talking about the regular drops being generated by kills, sure, all those should go to communal due to support classes and such. I am only talking about utilities enchants that you buy, refine, spend stones to upgrade, etc. If you kill and your enchants generate a drop, that drop should be bound to you. If you would not have slotted those enchants, that drop would not have occurred.

    And running faster does not mean just forward in a dungeon, it can be back and forth like in a skirmish. You can choose to slow down a faster toon but you can't make a slower toon faster. In fact I would not want to "pool" the speed enhancements others spent on enchants, mounts, feats, etc, it's theirs to use and enjoy. Why should drop enchants be pooled?

    As far as the players running forward and not picking up anything but getting the same chance to gain them with others are checking the drops for anything good, IDK if that can be fixed. Maybe give the player that picks it up a higher percentage chance to gain it?

  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    "I am only talking about utilities enchants that you buy, refine, spend stones to upgrade, etc. If you kill and your enchants generate a drop, that drop should be bound to you. If you would not have slotted those enchants, that drop would not have occurred. "

    I think that dragons hoard drops should be changed to drop directly into inventory like QM and fey blessing does. That will solve many issues. Also i believe when in a party if you are a support toon you won't do much damage and unlikely to get the kill so to make fair: if the DPS kills the mob, all members of the party now get a chance to receive a drop from that if they have DH %. making partying up more desirable.
  • chidionchidion Member Posts: 446 Arc User
    edited September 2018

    chidion said:

    Seems we all have our idea of "fun" and unarguably mine does not seem to coincide with yours.

    Just speaking for myself - although I have known other players express a similar opinion - I don't care to "run faster", and I rather enjoy taking my time through the content in Neverwinter whether it be to escort a newer or lesser skilled player, or just going at my best available speed knowing that even if someone races to the end, they will have no choice but to wait, sort their inventory, run in circles, jump up and down, or shine their nails and wait for the arrival of slower players... Sometimes that counts as my definition of "fun". :D

    Few drops in random queue content are "your drops", most are communal drops, so they should be dispersed to all party members in the most equitable fashion possible... which "first come first served" never was.

    If any "run fast" player takes off and leaves the rest of the party, that denotes an end to my intentionally picking up any kind of drops, no matter how good they appear to be, except for items like ID scrolls and potions that I know will just go to my inventory. If during random content any random roll drop does appear in my inventory I always try to give them away - but not to any faster player who leaves other party members behind.

    Going back to the previous method of "first come first served" always offered the advantage to those players who could "invest" the money or the time to repeatedly grind to obtain items to improve their characters and almost always became the disadvantage to new players, slower players and players who's real world responsibilities precluded them from grinding for the means to otherwise "buy" improvements for their character...

    That previous system failed and it was changed... although I personally don't consider the new system perfect, it is in my opinion far better than the previous system where the fastest players usually got the best of the available drops and those newer or slower players were left with the dregs.

    My 2¢

    I find it hard to believe that you would not want a faster toon. Generate a new one and see how painfully slow they run around. The first thing you do is get a mount just to go faster. Maybe fast is not fun but slow sucks.

    I am not talking about the regular drops being generated by kills, sure, all those should go to communal due to support classes and such. I am only talking about utilities enchants that you buy, refine, spend stones to upgrade, etc. If you kill and your enchants generate a drop, that drop should be bound to you. If you would not have slotted those enchants, that drop would not have occurred.

    And running faster does not mean just forward in a dungeon, it can be back and forth like in a skirmish. You can choose to slow down a faster toon but you can't make a slower toon faster. In fact I would not want to "pool" the speed enhancements others spent on enchants, mounts, feats, etc, it's theirs to use and enjoy. Why should drop enchants be pooled?

    As far as the players running forward and not picking up anything but getting the same chance to gain them with others are checking the drops for anything good, IDK if that can be fixed. Maybe give the player that picks it up a higher percentage chance to gain it?

    Generating a new toon and watching how it moves around is considered "normal speed" for that character. Speed enhanced by companions, mounts enchantments and boons artificially increase movement speed, but not everyone has access to speed enhancing items.

    For me it is more important to remain with the least enhanced member of a party to help them get through random content to improve their characters than it is to run ahead and leave them behind. The only reason going more slowly sucks is because too many slower players, particularly new players are beginning to think the proper way to run random content is to go fast, ignore as much of their environment as they can, just to get to the end... not a premise I necessarily agree with.

    As for the "you kill it, you keep it" suggestion, I already mentioned that was for the most part is the way it was previously before the random roll drop distribution.

    Faster more powerful characters getting their choice of the best, most valuable drops leaving only what they don't want for less powerful or slower characters... which in my mind was one of the primary reasons the method was changed to begin with.

    Thinking we should go back to a system that was previously being exploited to the detriment of slower, less powerful players instead of a system that distributes drops for all players in the party just seems counter productive to me.
  • pitmonster#5684 pitmonster Member Posts: 537 Arc User
    chidion said:

    As for the "you kill it, you keep it" suggestion, I already mentioned that was for the most part is the way it was previously before the random roll drop distribution.

    Faster more powerful characters getting their choice of the best, most valuable drops leaving only what they don't want for less powerful or slower characters... which in my mind was one of the primary reasons the method was changed to begin with.

    Thinking we should go back to a system that was previously being exploited to the detriment of slower, less powerful players instead of a system that distributes drops for all players in the party just seems counter productive to me.

    ????? Are you not reading what I am saying? I am ONLY talking about the utility enchants that YOU slot in YOUR toon, not just regular drops from kills but the stuff that is ONLY dropping because or YOUR enchants. If others want those drops, slot those enchants themselves.

    I only mention speed because typically its the other thing people slot for utility enchants. Personally I could care less if you take off running as long as you kill everything in front of you and don't leave swarms for slower toons and you don't get impatient at the wait gate. But speed is not just in dungeon runs, it is map running as well. You gain the advantage of your speed enchants no matter where you are playing but those that slot drop enchants have theirs nerf'ed in runs... for reasons.

  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User

    Repeat answer: make all DH drops go directly into inventory.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User


    Repeat answer: make all DH drops go directly into inventory.

    All DH drops DO go directly into inventory.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    no they don't theyy drop on ground. all those green gems are from DH. The ones that go into inventory are wanderers fortune, fey blessing, and QM
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    no they don't theyy drop on ground. all those green gems are from DH. The ones that go into inventory are wanderers fortune, fey blessing, and QM

    The black pearls are dropping from mobs (a result of stopping R4 and R5 enchantments), not DH.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    i had no DH on my TR and no wanderers or QM or fey and when i battled i go not green drop gems on ground nor into inventory. the moment i put on DH i was getting them dropping on the ground.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    i had no DH on my TR and no wanderers or QM or fey and when i battled i go not green drop gems on ground nor into inventory. the moment i put on DH i was getting them dropping on the ground.

    It's just RNG... Why not remove WF and see instead?
  • runeyeruneye Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    The economy is broken with the exploiters and all the AD they generated through the exploits.

    The economy needs a rewrite and AD removed from the game in favor of a new currency.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited October 2018
    So the option to "buy a rename token" and "buy a race change token" is gone or not working from the Character Selection screen again.

    But specifically the "buy a rename token"... Sometimes it is available on the Character Selection Screen - sometimes it is available in the ZEN store - sometimes it isn't available anywhere.

    What's going on?
  • aerhythia#3255 aerhythia Member Posts: 173 Arc User
    I'd simply like content that is worth playing like when they added new gear pieces to almost any dungeon after the key rework. I'm still happy when I get the pieces from eToS and MSVA (for transmute purposes)

    Like pokemon cards dropping everywhere. Imagine new players who joined for Barovia mod could play older dungeons and get cards that are relevant for the current mod? Instead they only see a plethora of outdated content that's "not worth" playing.

    I'm not saying it's _the_ top issue right now. I have friends, guildies I play simply for fun sometimes for hours until daybreak like I hope most players do except the daybreak thing. But I think there's more that could be done. The new challenges, K-dungeons or whatever are one thing, sounds good on paper haven't tried it yet, but I feel it's only interesting for certain types of players. Adding HP (either to mobs or even players if they want less of a challenge) and other things like in Barovia hunts like some players suggested is another option.

    The weekly heroic challenge or whatever it was called a while ago you pick up in Protector's Enclave I think was also great since people suddenly were teaming up to do MSVA, eDemo and such again. Still don't understand why it had to be entirely removed, I guess it was the same time random queue was first introduced and it would have given people incentive to not use RQ. Dragonflight, private Siege and so on. Removal of these or being made unviable isn't great. I think hunts were both a success and less then a complete success in that regard, so of course new hunt system in mod 16 or 17 would be another thing but this thread isn't about new content.

    Hope I got my basic point across, it's more the general idea :)
  • relativityrelativity Member Posts: 246 Arc User
    Oh well, if you're asking: since today I'm having trouble logging into the game. First client took insanely long to verify, when it did, I logged in rather fast. But my character list is now loading for 20 minutes and ends up with "disconnected from account server. Please try again later". If I click on a character before I see the neat figurine, i see "redirecting. Please wait" note but it ends up all the same - with return to logon screen. Odd that!
    Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
    And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
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  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    1) It is not fun for new players to grind through campaigns in which the totality of gear rewarded is useless to them. New players currently get their gear exclusively from random queue rewards or by skipping to end campaigns where they leech off of advanced players, receiving the rewards from content they are in no way prepared for.

    Simple Solution: Add a "Gear Proficiency" statistic. Default "GP" would start at 50 and increase by 5 each time the player levels up. By level 70 the GP would be 400. After level 70, whenever a player levels up and does not gain a Power Point, they instead gain a GP point. The average player levels up 1 to 10 times per play session... so they will get up to 540 Gear proficiency points after 14 to 140 days of play, depending on their activity and EXP boost. This should outpace the gear levels of campaigns. It prevents skipping to the end. I suggest adding Genie's Gift to the Msc Seal of the Brave rewards for 1000 seals, so that low Gear Proficiency players have a useful reward for random queues. (note: Genie's Gifts curently sell at auction in packs of three for about 90,000 AD, which also includes some gear item in it.)

    2) Create a new Hardmode Campaign mod. My vision for hardmode is to replay each quest from the existing campaign maps. Players are rewarded one time for completion of each unique quest in the campaign. These quests should give cool rewards such as advanced insignias(300/150), ring upgrade items (like soulmonger ampules) that can upgrade any of the game's rings to a to an end-game level. Gear should not be part of the hardmode rewards. Instead.. a huge stat or equip bonus should be given for each piece of equipment the player uses that is native to the campaign they are playing in. This way, the origninal, less powerful equipment provides an advantage while playing in hardmode. As far as difficulty... something similar to 3 star Barovian hunts with an active Donjon card would be a good baselilne.

    3) General: Buff unused class skills until every class has more than just a few viable builds. Fix the feats in each class that do nothing or are insignificant. Consider taking the "best-of-the-best" Foundry missions and inserting them into a "Harpers Campaign" mod that levels with characters similar to the way Heart of Fire does. It could segway into the Tyranny of Dragons campaign naturally.
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    mod 15 will have a hardcoremode in action, see if you like it.
  • psychoticsatyrpsychoticsatyr Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    how about we fix the lag? since the data center move (the last one) just entering PN takes my 8 core, 4GHz, 32GB, Dual 980gtx on 100MB fiber to it's knees. It never happened before this last move.
  • f3rcsuf3rcsu Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Does not anyone see how much a bot player is?
    Why not Ban no one?
    Every second character leveling q Bot ......

    pls ban for all boting player .....
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    Would be nice to be able to ban a bot characters....

    Now if someone could only come up with a foolproof way to determine if a character is actually a bot - or just a player acting in a manner someone thinks is indicative of a bot.
  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Please adopt a Gear Proficiency and Upgrade system

    It is not fun for new players to grind through campaigns in which the totality of gear rewarded is useless to them. New players currently get their gear exclusively from random queue rewards or by skipping to end campaigns where they leech off of advanced players, receiving rewards from content they are in no way prepared for.

    The following is a skeletal example of how such a system could work:

    With this system, players need to meet the Level requirement of the item and their Gear Proficiency must equal or exceed the item level. Default "Gear Proficiency" of a player would begin at 50 and increase by 5 each time the player levels up. Upon reaching level 70, players gain the abilty to spend Power Points on increasing their Gear Proficiency level by 5.

    All gear except artifacts & Chultan gear which has not been exalted, can now be upgraded. Gear is upgraded by 5 levels at a time. Ugrading costs RP & uses a screen similar to artifact upgrading. You can upgrade your gear as long as your Gear Proficiency is high enough for the new Gear level. Upgraded weapons are usually less powerful than new equipment of an equal level, however, the choice is yours. A whole new world of equipment is available.

    Gear ..... (RP cost multiplier) Stat Increase per upgrade
    Armor .. (6x) +25 Defense +400 health
    Helm .....(4x) +25 Critical +200 health
    Arms .....(4x) +25 Armor Piercing +200 health
    Ring ..... (3x) +100 health
    Shirt ..... (3x) +50 Regeneration
    Pants .... (3x) +25 Deflection
    Weapon (16x) +250 Power
    Offhand (8x) +100 Recovery
    Feet ...... (6x) +25 Movement +300 health

    GL RP base .... 3x .... 4x .... 5x .... 6x .... 8x .... 16x
    400 8000 24000 32000 40000 48000 64000 128000
    405 8100 24300 32400 40500 48600 64800 129600
    410 8200 24600 32800 41000 49200 65600 131200
    415 8300 24900 33200 41500 49800 66400 132800
    420 8400 25200 33600 42000 50400 67200 134400
    425 8500 25500 34000 42500 51000 68000 136000
    430 8600 25800 34400 43000 51600 68800 137600
    435 8700 26100 34800 43500 52200 69600 139200
    440 8800 26400 35200 44000 52800 70400 140800
    445 8900 26700 35600 44500 53400 71200 142400
    450 9000 27000 36000 45000 54000 72000 144000
    455 9100 27300 36400 45500 54600 72800 145600
    460 9200 27600 36800 46000 55200 73600 147200
    465 9300 27900 37200 46500 55800 74400 148800
    470 9400 28200 37600 47000 56400 75200 150400
    475 9500 28500 38000 47500 57000 76000 152000
    480 9600 28800 38400 48000 57600 76800 153600
    485 9700 29100 38800 48500 58200 77600 155200
    490 9800 29400 39200 49000 58800 78400 156800
    495 9900 29700 39600 49500 59400 79200 158400
    500 10000 30000 40000 50000 60000 80000 160000
    505 10100 30300 40400 50500 60600 80800 161600
    510 10200 30600 40800 51000 61200 81600 163200
    515 10300 30900 41200 51500 61800 82400 164800
    520 10400 31200 41600 52000 62400 83200 166400
    525 10500 31500 42000 52500 63000 84000 168000
    530 10600 31800 42400 53000 63600 84800 169600
    535 10700 32100 42800 53500 64200 85600 171200
    540 10800 32400 43200 54000 64800 86400 172800

    Example: Upgrading Armor of Quick Recovery (item level 465) up to (item level 540) requires 15 upgrades on the 6x column, with a total RP cost of 771,000. The final armor would confer +375 defense and +6000 health in addition to its original stats. A Makos Signet ring, upgraded to item level 540, would give +2400 health.

    Implementation: It is necessary to set a "top end" gear level for upgrading... that changes with the game. I recommend increasing it to the "non-elite" maximum gear level of the previous campaign, whenever a new campain is added. So if Heart of Fire came out after Barovia... the maximum upgrade level would increase to 540.. the highest level of "non-elite" Barovian gear. This ensures that all gear remains relevant at all times.

    Post edited by zimxero#8085 on
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    its nice but not gonna happen. Remember the gear is all gathered out of a static table thats in your files. Its the same table everyone has and so it should not be dynamic. If you have different stats than what others have, all sorts of bugs can develop.

    Good idea though, wish it were possible.
  • zimxero#8085 zimxero Member Posts: 876 Arc User

    its nice but not gonna happen. Remember the gear is all gathered out of a static table thats in your files. Its the same table everyone has and so it should not be dynamic. If you have different stats than what others have, all sorts of bugs can develop.

    Good idea though, wish it were possible.

    It seems easily possible if "added" stats come from an upgrade pool of all equipment. So, the game uses the gear base stats like now, then adds the bonus stats, like it would a consumable, enchantment, etc.

    Since when did forum posters start using small programming challenges as a way to negate all new ideas?
  • athena#9205 athena Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    i'm not, but this has been discussed before. I'd love it if the gear was dynamic and not static but they don't do it like that :(
  • hawkseerhawkseer Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    This is the worst set up for crafting I have ever seen. I went from having epic artisans to HAMSTER. I had 6 crafts up to 25 and now level 1. What were you all thinking? This is assinine.
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  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    Still having major problems with bots, afk players, and leechers, in random queues.

    You made this mess by introducing the abomination that are Random Queues so you can work out how to deal with these scummy players.

    OK, it isn't too hard for players to spot a leecher (depending on how one defines it of course), AFK'ers are pretty easy too, but then most of us never really know if they are actually AFK or something else, possibly something beyond the player's control is going on.

    But I still cannot understand how so many people seem to believe they can identify a "bot" with absolute certainty. I've been on lots of runs with characters who run into walls, run around in circles, jump all over the place, and don't play the way I think they should. I've even suspected a few engage the /follow option (which Cryptic out to block in random content) during random runs. But how people seem to believe they can without mistake, identify another character as a "bot" is beyond me...

    I can kind of understand why Cryptic seems hesitant to address every accusation of a programmed automaton, because as I see it I don't believe regular players can honestly and with complete certainty identify the aberrant behavior of a character as a bot instead of a player who isn't doing what someone else thinks they should be doing.

    It's kind of like the parable of the "Boy Who Cried Wolf" only in this case it's: "bot!", "bot!", "bot!" - and after a while fewer and fewer people are willing to pay attention.

    People have been screaming "Bot!" since the introduction of random queues (which I like by the way) to try to justify having them removed... but since I suspect at least a portion of those accusations are less about actual suspected botting activity and more about trying to get random queues removed, I understand the reluctance to take most of those allegations seriously.
    My 2¢
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    OK... I'm a new player, never played Neverwinter before and want to check it out. Possibly invite my friends to join me if the game is good...

    There's just one problem after the mod 15 update, so many low level quests, starting with "Doomguide's Duty" I believe are bugged to the extent that a player cannot progress beyond that point.

    Can't complete "Doomguide's Duty", can't progress to the next quest. Can't progress to the next tier of Neverdeath and can't collect the next free bag. Also a new player can't use Chat until they complete certain areas and Neverdeath just happens to be one of those areas.

    And even if the new player decides to leave Neverdeath and go on to Ebon Downs, some of the primary quests in that area are bugged as well so a player is unable to progress or complete that area also. If they decide to bypass both Neverdeath and Ebon Downs and go to Vellosk... yep, quests are bugged there as well.

    From the aspect of a new player and as first impressions go - this really isn't good.

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