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unkomanplus Arc User



  • Thank you so much! I decided to go for the Protector, and am still toying with it, but I was able to survive way better and do some so-so tanking when I started to get the hang of it. I think when I gear up to get my HP more in the 14-17k range it'll be pretty sweet. I did end up taking Rebirth right at the end. What do…
  • You should definitely be able to change the colour of Energy Swinging. VERY lame otherwise! (You should be able to change all the colours all the time!) And Electric Swinging would be cool, too, and if they've got the others they should add that. I agree with you.
  • Not sure if it is possible, but would love for all the older hairstyles to get mesh/skin updates to fall in line with the newer hairstyles. Still the exact same "style" just higher quality versions.
  • That would be the best way to do it. Consolidate all running power versions and just have the option to switch between "Athletics" and ninja version. Heck, then you could vary it by costume too, which would be dope. I already have a character that varies their stance from normal to beast, which changes this run animation,…
  • Athena is my particular favourite, yeah. Great concept for power armour that doesn't look like typical power armour.
  • Wish these pictures were bigger. I really dig Memento Mori.
  • I prefer Duel Master 2 over 1, but both Luther Benedicts look swell to me. Classic "medieval-esque" super hero look. The lich costume is pretty darn swell, as well.
  • Chemo Lad started out as a fire powered hero, just coloured green. When celestial came along I tried to mix and match some of those. Then they got all those toxic powers, so I tried toxic, but found it didn't mesh with celestial as much as I'd liked, and wasn't as bright looking as fire so I went back. I dunno though. I…
  • The leg accessories look cool to me, I think you just need to change the boots. Try something more knight-ish. Maybe that ancient rune armour, if you have it? In any case, it would look a bit less weird if the outline colour was gold, to match the leg armour, I think. Same with the one bracer, and maybe the main body as…
  • This is why inspired by characters are so much better than rip off characters. I see a million Iron Men a day, looking terrible. These, however, are great. The mark III's remind me of munition bots. I love them all.
  • You just want to switch up colours? Well, there's lots of schemes you can go with. Blue and pink is a combo I've always liked.
  • Very swell costumes here. Black Wing and your caster concept are super cool. And Titania. Basically, I love classic looking super heroes, is what I am saying. I do wonder why Violet Arrow is green but... I see there's another thread with more costumes. Violet ones. Ack, I'm going to go read about these ladies.
  • Oh gosh... now all the attached pictures are gone. I was totally pumped for this thread too.
  • Uh, yeah! Clipping, what? There's a ton of pieces I am always shocked at mysteriously vanishing whenever I want something else. Lots of belts go when you pick chest armour, and half of those don't even cover where the belts would be.
  • I gotta say, the reason I've stuck to CO is, in part, the graphics, the style, and the amount of things you can do with character customization. I played CoH for a bit and... my god that game was always ugly. Now that it's free I tried it again, but it made me want to stab my eyes out. It also didn't run nearly as well. DC…