I am so tired of costumes being the only new content. I do wish for more end game stories, and saying that I would love for the foundry system to return. I pay for something like and "foundry slot" costing $10 or $15 each to allow the players to create a single short story per each slot?
Some of those social area would work well as hide-out. Why not make those as social area that can be customized by the players. Which we can make our own SG events and daily missions inside such areas?
My thought here would be items that would expand the options on the hideouts window. Have the access to the block rooms would be nice too. but I also want to layout my hideout to match my hero costumes
I like the idea of each AT having their own story arch that run on the side of main archs. And with Nemesis arch should be base on chosen powers type and personally. I'd like CO to a foundry like STO has also.
An idea for Champions could be optional secondary "Archetype Powerset" themed around a hero's secret identity. This would level seperatety from your primary archetype. The Report At for example could have powers theme around outing other hero's secret idententy. Perhaps a Harmon scientist AT would give buffs to power armor…
Good topic! Since you brought this up here is short list of other zone I would personal like for social/rp. Leo's bar, Harmon Labs, and Steelhead HQ, Also police station, fire station and hospital are on my list.
Love all those points. I would also add the I would love to see a main hall with SG leaders statues displayed like in the Champions building main entrance. And a SG HQ would do well with a cellblock area for putting Nemesis Villains on display like the Perks Display idea.
An Idea I like is to have devs build a feature to allow players to create their own APs (lairs editor tool) through nemesis. Thinking this would improve both feature by give us player more APs and be able to show off our nemi?
Would it be possible if devs gave us Placeable furniture object and NPCs for existing hideouts? As it is now I would like to be able to customize my hideout beyond what is in the presets hideout? And We really need something in way of a shared SG hideout,(example would Chamions building with expanded rooms?)
I only join Champions about a month ago and only have one account I am playing on. And not only my toons are gone but also my hideouts costumes unlocks and Zen Cash all disappeared on me?
Thinking variety of shopfronts such as Pawnshop, Barbers, Bakery, etc with backroom. And slightly off-topic, ideas for public RP zones include police station, hospital, bowling alley, subway station.