OK, we've heard it before; less lootboxes, more content. Obviously it's not that easy, or it'd be done by now.
What about getting back to the idea of making Comic adventures monthly? Like Whiteout? They don't have to be big, and they don't have to be Epic. They just have to be new. Give the adventures their own small to medium maps so they don't interfere too much with the code that's holding MC together. I'm talking two or three connected events, with a big bad at the end.
If these adventures were released for free to Gold and Life members for their release month, and then offered to silver when the next new one came out? But Silver was offered a KEY of sorts that could be purchased with Zen to allow them the same 'early' access as the Golds, then it could be seen as a new revenue for the company?
Perhaps having small rewards such as more costumes, themed one use items, and specific to the mission lootboxes would also bring in the curious? It's money in hand.
Finally, launch the whole thing with a 'write us an adventure' contest. Not only will this perk interest, get older players back into the fold, but it would GIVE the company everything they need to get started from a creative side.
ANYways, just a thought. I love CO, but I've played for a long time, and it's hard to get excited about the same thing over and over. I can only punch Poe so many times after all before it becomes tedious.
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i wish they could stop destroying content and improving it instead...
(like the ruined Hotspots)
Running a 2-3 hour Serpents Lantern for a handful of SCR and some vendorcrap loot isn't very good content.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
that aside, yes...APs should have something extra added as incentive to run them, given how long they take
My characters
New adventures, with new rewards. Free for GOLD and LIFETIME members, paid for by SILVER. Then, when the new one comes out the next month, make the old one free for all.
Jam loot boxes into the adventures, if the Devs feel that's where the money is. But really, I just want new stuff to do, and I think it would bring a resurgence of players.
I draw as Masamundane.
I could foresee them revisiting Rampages and maybe tweaking various lairs/adventure packs for greater challenge/rewards. As Panta pointed out in another thread, QWZ has become a vehicle farming zone for SCR (i.e. not so tough to do it each day in in half an hour solo once you've put together the one OP vehicle you can share among all your characters), so no real reason that they shouldn't revisit (minimum) the loot tables from earlier content to make them more attractive for players to run. E.g. running Demonflame nets some minuscule Q and a few Until tokens, so no real reason to do it once you are 40.
The devs have to prioritize fixing current issues before potentially creating new ones down the line, so monthly releases are just not feasible at this time. It doesn't mean new content isn't being worked on, it just means it'll come when it's ready, not necessarily when we want it.
This sounds terrible though. APs used to be content you had to buy, and they made it free. Don't see them going back on that. "You can play all parts of the game for free" is one of the game's selling points (pun).
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Thinking this would improve both feature by give us player more APs and be able to show off our nemi?