So you changed the bags, did you? Once again, you've made a change that was neither wanted nor needed, loaded the game with worthlessly small bags to increase unnecessary clutter, and basically made all new characters have to run back to stores to sell junk overload more often. When are you devs going to make a change that…
Not sure if I'm seeing default settings or whatever, but some of the items are dark red on a black background, which makes them hard to see unless you accidentally scroll over them. The plus sign says, "Post New Menu", which doesn't sound like 'create new discussion', though that might be a "me" thing. I didn't immediately…
Well, this kills a few of my builds. Once again, fixing something that isn't broken. I'm all for new powers in existing powersets, but this wasn't exactly an OP ability, it was mainly single target with a small AOE if something happened to be close. It was the perfect power for a character that just needed one ranged…
Go to the power house in Canada, the Desert, or (at higher levels) Monster Island. Different villain groups, but they seem to work; the MC Powerhouse seems to have been broken when they added the "bosses". Edit: The Powerhouses are all in safe zones, so if you need to, take off any powers you have changed--taking them off…
Three days. It took me THREE DAYS to figure out that you were talking about talent points. Oh. My. Goodness. NOT my brightest moment ever. In my defense, I'm having a bout of insomnia that began the night before (Friday), and I'm missing work today (Monday) because I'm still so out of it. Friday night--or Saturday morning,…
After seeing only one build, declaring I have zero talent in anything is rather puzzling, especially since I outrightly stated the build wasn't final. You're entitled to your opinion, of course, but that might be stretching things. Also, I think I mentioned that I had 4 points left over for Challenge, but that I wasn't…
One note on this--after you buy the upgrade, you can harvest Mysticism (or Science, or Arms) nodes of the PREVIOUS level until it bumps you up may have to harvest a few of them before it hits, but once it does, you can immediately go to next-level nodes and begin searching them.
Well, if there was any doubt about the build still needing work (though let's face it, there wasn't), that doubt was erased when Qwyjibo one-shotted me. :open_mouth:
Thank you all for your replies, I read them more than once! I tested some things out in the powerhouse, and I believe I have a workable (if temporary) build; I have 4 advantage points left over for Challenge once I get some better gear. I'm going to stand to the side at Kiga for the time being, and use the interrupt on the…
To be fair, I did miss something right above the part I was commenting on which did mention that vendors would be around for a week for old currency, though that would still leave the possibility of having a few left over since most things cost in multiples of 10. Also, I may not have even been home that week, and if I…
I wasn't asking you, Spinnytop. I was asking the devs or someone who understood the issue more than I did. As you well know from our previous interactions, sometimes people say things in a way that someone else misunderstands. Or maybe I just missed something and wanted to be sure I knew what was going on. Your being…
So let me see if I understand this. You are saying that every year we have the chance to have a new currency line (same name?) to the point where our currency list can grow infinitely? So if I have 1 or 2 of a certain currency, I'll be stuck with it forever? If so, that is a stupid decision. We need a way to discard old…
Yeah it's a bit hard to play when the server is still down...what's with the seven hour downtime, anyway? It's after 1:30 PM on the east coast, and I still can't play. It's all Foxbat's fault, that villain!!
I have a heal character in leveling mode with Int as PSS. I stack more Pre than Int and have 2 points in Expertise (+20% secondary super stat effects). I swapped around Pre and Int to see how much better Pre would be as wasn't. With all other choices the same (still stacking Pre more than Int), the heals were…
Hey Aesica, thanks for all your hard work on HeroCreator and its replacement. Do you have any idea when the replacement will be active? Also, will you be making corrections to HC or should we just wait for the new planner? (That might be best except for major changes; no need to overwork yourself.) If you are still…
For the last several minutes, I get "Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out". Started a little before 6PM EST, still going at 6:20. I'll try again in a couple hours.
Unfortunately, I didn't play it before the change, so I can't compare what's there now with what was there before. I'll take your word for it that the changes were "significant". (Probably had to do with moving assault rifle to a higher tier because it was "overperforming", apparently damage characters aren't supposed to…
I didn't say greens were a buff. I specifically mentioned the time limit on reds and yellows having changed. And I also said they weren't that significant, especially if they last only 30s. Don't know why you're repeating what I said.
Really? I don't know, it's possible I'm not remembering right, I've only ever had 2 hideouts. I was fairly sure there were more, I don't remember buying that many for my moonbase, though I have bought some at least twice.
Oh, yeah, I would occasionally get 2m 30s out of a bunch, though that was rare. The most common time you see a bunch of orbs pop up is when you attack multiple Lemurian eggs on Monster Island (or whereever), other than that it did happen but not very often.
I don't always see the changes, I didn't notice the orb thing until recently. I still don't think that issue is too big, since you do well without them when they don't drop. The greens and blues are still nice at times, though.
Yeah, I did say I didn't want a knock as a melee character, and knocks don't work half the time anyway (at least not for players, for mobs they're a little too reliable at times). I've tested both of them in the PowerHouse v. Viper team size 5; both seem to do the job well enough. That per-target ego leech may actually end…
You can also call up the map, find the mission marker, mouse over it, and click. This will put a red "x" at the click location (also works on mini-map). Then you follow the "x" on your mini-map compass.
Just my luck. I'm away from home for a week, and they have a Lifetime Supersale. I might have actually done that--too bad I didn't know about it until it was over.
My first priority is how it plays, what purpose I made it for (as well as funfactor). Closely following this, it has to be strong. The costume & visuals are less important, but not unimportant; I don't want "ugly" characters, though I don't bother rating other people's character looks (just my own), b/c I don't expect…
A lot of this doesn't affect me b/c I'm silver--the cost reduction on FF slots is cool. One thing that does affect me is when someone insults my intelligence, or the intelligence of my fellow players. I've always understood that gold/LT would get a new slot upon reaching 40. To call that a "bug" and claim it was "never…