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eastgatewidow Arc User



  • I have been absent from the game for at least a year and a half now, I doubt any remember me from in-game or these official forums but I was pretty active before Cryptic archived/binned years of constructive and creative ideas in the move to these new lesser PWE forums. Before that it was an honour to serve six-years with…
  • I believe Andy Serkis is playing Ulysses Klaw (which means yes..... Wakanda and Black Panther) http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120520024309/marveldatabase/images/0/0b/Ulysses_Klaw_(Earth-616).gif
  • It is now officially released - eventually Marvel gave up trying to contain it. Now available in full HD quality: http://youtu.be/tmeOjFno6Do (Thanks for the kind words Ashensnow - I'll be back when we see new powersets and zones. :smile:)
  • Basically yes. Yet another initiative that had soooo much player-input - quietly abandoned as Cryptic-Studios demonstrates once again that they have absolutely no idea how to manage staff resources for this title. Devs are moved to other projects and they take their ideas with them. Both Tumerboy's and Robobo's plans for…
  • No you're right, I pulled that in haste from the Hero Games site and overlooked Lemuria sandwiched in there. So sure, re: that bit scratch Lemuria and seeing as though the game has one distinct underwater zone - I personally would prefer other distinctive ones before venturing anywhere near water again. @riverocean, My…
  • Thank you for this minor update to Champions-Online. :smile:
  • I had deleted Champions-Online from my hard-drive and have been absent from the forums for what seems like a couple of years. I do however keep an ever-present eye on the game's development -watching - forever hopeful. To date none of the content has really fired my imagination re: the sheer potential of the Champions…
  • Yes, absolutely, and especially if (as forum-history has shown) imaginative threads flood into the suggestions forums that help them with ideas on content in-development. I'll give an example here; when hideouts were being developed and Tumerboy had a creative-block with regards to how monitors were going to be given a…
  • If it's the (C)o(H) tribute-ink I've heard you've got that requires you to drop your pants.... I'd keep it under wraps if I were you Spinnytop. :rolleyes:
  • It may be what I'm supposed to do - It's not actually what I want to do. I want a reason to stay subscribed to Champions-Online and spending on Champions-Online. So much Champions lore destinations still not in it's online incarnation five years on, Cryptic when are you (if ever) going to get around to it and do the IP you…
  • Worry doesn't come into it. If Champions-Online disappoints on content over a set period in the year and despite my support - I go elsewhere. I'm not going to reward inadequate performance by continuing to spend without seeing results. As far as Champions-Online disappointing with regards to fulfilling the potential of the…
  • Thanks, yes, personally picked up the Victorian set myself as it had some nice pieces for my Victorian-themed gunslinger-toon 'Quintessential'.
  • Cool, thanks BWdares, I look forward to seeing some pictures of the complete set, hopefully they'll be some pieces which look a little more dashing and medieval(y) akin to the art.
  • I've been away from Champions-Online for a long while which is why I am asking if this was how costumes are released now. I checked the C-Store before posting and cannot see the Archer set at all. Second point re: it being nothing like the great concept art stands.
  • I wish it did Shieldtower, I genuinely wish it did, with every fibre of my being I'd wish... I'd hope.... I'd expect this to be the case. If I saw a development plan, any plan at all that showed Cryptic were planning to invest in Champions-Online specifically - I would back their effort with money. I'm at a stage now that…
  • Believe me -there is no plan. Tumerboy before he left for STO said they don't plan beyond year's end with regards to content, and that was back when they were actually still actively trying with the adventure-pack and comic-series initiatives. What kind of development plan do you think they have now that all we seem to be…
  • What do you want me to do? - buy shares?. I am buying in....investing in this game as others are and have been since before the F2P relaunch. I would ask where did the 1000% jump in revenue go that Cryptic were touting back then?, because it sure as hell certainly was not re-invested back into THIS game..... but I think we…
  • You say I'm not investing/buying (but I am and in doing so contributing to the revenue generated for this game - not that it actually IS reinvested back looking at content),- but actually I spent 19 Euros the day before yesterday this month Spinnytop. Is that not enough for you this month?, Is that not enough for…
  • I agree Shieldtower - the future design stuff energised my imagination as it clearly did others, the suggestions forums was full of really creative and active discussions on lore, features, game-mechanics etc..... Now its a wasteland in-comparison because everyone knows - there is no game-plan, no development strategy, and…
  • Personally I do not agree Spinnytop. I can only speak for myself, but if I knew there were solid plans, to bring more full-content lore-based zones, new powers, and a dialogue reinstated with the forum community like we had when Tumerboy used to post and we would give feedback and ideas.... If I knew we had a solid…
  • /Signed. Its a greedy policy and I will not be rewarding Cryptic with any more Zen until they stop making decisions like this based purely on maximising profit. Account-wide unlocks for all Zen purchases please.
  • Account-wide unlocks please as your community is requesting. I personally will not be rewarding Cryptic with any more Zen purchases until this issue is remedied.
  • Did we?... did we get answers?... When unfortunately said 'answers' were not the answers that everybody was after - you have to wonder what is the studio's mindset when fifty players ask the same roundabout desperate question of: "What is happening with development" and we are utterly ignored - It's pretty obvious that…
  • I personally find it far far more depressing (but sadly typical) - that Cryptic-Studios has been (and continues to be): Silent when we have been asking on the forums for an explanation re: the desperate state of the game. Silent when we have been asking for ages when the next SOTG is (if that is you are as a studio still…
  • Go in-game, to the c-store on your UI, go to the tab labelled 'bonus' to redeem the code.
  • Oh dear...That post right there from Tumerboy/Tacofangs: ............................... "Champions has it's own team. That team is the size it is because that's how much Champs brings in. If it were a bigger game, it would have a bigger team. People aren't removed from the team to punish players, the team is scaled to the…
  • You mean like with the crafting system redux?..... *cries in the corner rocking to and fro*
  • New Zones such as: Shamballah, Well of the Worlds, Arcadia; City of gold, Agharti, Atlantis (to showcase and introduce a water-powerset to the game), Sunday Pond, Haynesville: Kansas, Hudson City (or gritty Gotham-like city), Ravenswood Academy (acts as as alternate levelling path and story), Thaar: Lost Island of the…
  • I'll clarify with I completely empathize and feel for the guys at Cryptic-North. This mess is entirely Cryptic-Studio's fault, and by 'Cryptic-Studios' I do mean the executive purse holders.... then in conjunction with Atari, now with PWE..... Cryptic-Studios has not invested seriously since Revelations. Their stewardship…
  • I would love to give benefit-of-doubt, but it's really hard to when fifty players asked pretty much the same thing at the last Ask Cryptic Answers and they couldn't even be bothered to acknowledge yet alone answer the 800Ib gorilla in the room. Personally that spoke volumes of respect (or lack thereof) right there. I want…
  • Except Spinnytop, - said five year-old (in MMO years) is actually around thirty years of age ....and still at home .... skeletal and chained up in a basement.... and chucked the odd chicken-leg to barely stay alive. This game should be in or approaching it's prime. That's scary - that's how urgent the situation now is.…
  • As far as I'm concerned, balance will be restored to The Force the day Positron is re-allocated to Champions-Online and (forced if necessary) to make good on his Champions-Online jibe of a Clown-Mastery powerset (that he and War-Witch made at the 'Going-Rogue'-reveal con: SDCC 2010) (3:18 on video linked). Mmmm.... Karma.…
  • I'm glad people are happy with the costumes if they feel they have use for them. Personally I think the cardboard one is a big opportunity missed. I remember when the excitement and expectation was for a poorly-made costume set akin to a 'Budget-Justice' costume set.
  • No, and I feel for and have sympathy for Flying Lab's position - but the movement you speak of Jonsills does not indicate nor mean that they will be tasked with anything other than the current strategy of lockboxes and 10 min alert content. Yes there is evidence that bugs are being squashed, but that is far from a coherant…
  • Perfect World: I am not interested in any other games until you get off your hands and invest in Champions-Online - the very title I have given hundreds of dollars towards and which in the five-years since development, Cryptic-Studios have utterly failed to invest in and capitalise on. What on earth makes you think I am…
  • Great post Thundrax. I too sadly feel resigned to what I feel is the fact that Champions-Online is never going to be fulfilling the potential Jack Emmert teased five years ago. Historically Cryptic Studios (under all of its publishers and especially now under Perfect World) have barely scratched the potential in the…
  • This is the most comprehensive the forums have on potentially getting 3d printed models from Champions-Online.
  • The Comic-Culture section of the (old) CoH boards was one of the most popular, funny and intellectually-stimulating sections of the whole forum and although we discussed other things... even other superhero games or rival MMOs and videogames - the larger picture was that it pulled us closer as a community. Thus I heartily…
  • The 'old skool' Hollows (before Melissa's redux) properly taught you about aggro-distance. Being someone you spent the majority of my off-mission time patrolling over Eastgate - I could literally spot without checking my global friends list who the old timers were because they had a far superior sense of spatial awareness…
  • I enjoyed the gear progression and slotting (especially when wringing the most out of set-bonuses when that system was introduced) - far far more in CoX than I ever have in Champs, and that was before the crafting redux stripped what little fun and personalisation out of Champ's old system. And if you can remember way…
  • Looking back with fondness and respect for CoH, but its important to be forward-looking with regards to Champions as well. Champions has thirty-years of IP history - I just wish PWE/Cryptic-Studios would pull their finger out and give the Devs there at Cryptic-North the resources to bring some of it to it's online…
  • Fashionably late to the party twenty odd pages-in.... *ahem*..... but "Hi Radioscience! (and Cryptic-North), and welcome to the forums!". With regards to your comments on four-wheeled vehicles not being possible with the current tech currently in-game, Rob Overmeyer once commented in his tenure as Executive Producer that…
  • Speaking from a legal standpoint - usually as long as there is no profit being made and going to either yourselves or a third-party then creative endeavours are absolutely fine, just make sure you name-check Cryptic and Hero games with the proper intellectual-property credit.
  • Almost..... but if theres any fruit in this thread it has to be a....
  • Not just anyone can take materials and sculpt like that!... It takes proper talent!...
  • Let the bear-puns begiiiin ! [echo and reverb for dramatic sfx]
  • I agree with finn.... it does look incredibly like chocolate frosting in that photo!... Mmmnn.... chocolate frosting!.... Its absolutely brilliant! - whats it made from? -Loving the pose!, although it does look a little like he's put his back out. (kidding) :smile: Edit: Just noticed Soviet's got a 12-pack! - is that…
  • I remember when: Crafting felt worth it (even with the ridiculous amounts of materials needed) - had differently themed crafted devices (which have since disappeared from the game) - and felt distinct (each in its own school of specialism and with its own enviromentally styled centre) - and which was themed to make your…
  • Cautiously buoyed and optimistic! - less so about the provision of supporting STO and Neverwinter as well, but hopefully we shall see some slow but gradual expansion of both full-content zones, the obvious 'missing powersets', long-promised costume-packs: *cough*archer*cough* and the comic-series format in…