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diablerietandino Arc User



  • I've pined for a good ice build since it was one of my favorite sets in CoX. I still can't wrap my mind around just what the devs intended with ice in this game though. I think the set is quite serviceable since there is the wind set as well, one can still stay in theme and have a bit more room to toy around.
  • Very fun looking build cyrone, heh as always with your builds. Though how do you keep from simply face planting should a stiff breeze pass through? I mean dodge/avoidance gear and such can take you only so far. Do you really get by on rebirth alone?
  • Thanks for the suggestions, guess I'm just a bit disappointed that there isn't a native power armor energy attack with a decent sized aoe. I'll knock together something and post it here as I had a ranged specialist in mind. I do enjoy plasma beam, though when dealing with variations in the terrain it can really make one…
  • Guessing you haven't played mmos for very long. I do not know a single MMO out there that is completely bug free. It just comes with the territory. Now granted, some are less buggy than others, but it happens. Mocking people and calling them unprofessional just shows how immature you are. You make it sound as if the game…
  • Because their entire business model revolves around inconveniencing you and pissing you off huh? Stuff happens with mmos. If you think CoX never had issues when it was running, you might be a bit delusional, disconnects and map server problems happened regularly, it comes with the mmo territory. Pretty sure they have…