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colonelmarik Arc User



  • I would probably list many of the things I've seen here, but I can't comment on those because of my ONE thing. I'm not happy I can no longer subscribe. I played this game for a LONG time. I sank a lot of actual money into it, and that's not even including my monthly subs. Now, there are no more subs, and I'm not about to…
  • They're going to lose a lot of people with this. I'm already gone, I can't afford to lifetime sub (and don't think it's worth it at this point), and I can't afford to buy freeform slots, which are absurdly overpriced in any case. It feels to me like a last minute cash grab before they close the game down. I could be wrong,…
  • Most of my characters are based on existing characters. I just enjoy that. However, I go to considerable lengths to not COPY the characters. For example, I have a character based on Superman, called "The Canadian Shield." He has the same powers as Superman, and his backstory borrows heavily from Captain America. His…
  • It's a matter of affordability. I can afford $15 this month. I can't afford $300 or even $120, all at once. That means they lose the possibility of me subscribing, and lose that revenue. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  • I would ordinarily agree with you. Doomsaying is usually premature. However, this time feels different. Consider: At this point there's only Lifetime, a LARGE payout for an old game, or payment for freeform slots. There's no longer going to be any kind of regular payment plan, no regular income for the company. It feels…
  • I know that's meant to mock me, but I actually hope you're right. I'm really not sure you are, this time.
  • That may indeed be the result... and I suspect not just for me. I worry that this may be them putting a shotgun to the game's head. Then again, I've easily spent more than $120 on subscribing over the years. The question is, would I get $120 value out of the game going forward? Does the game have another year? Two? I look…
  • And what are the costs of those? Last I heard a LTS was something like $300 (which I'm NOT paying for a game as old as this, with as little development as this, and as little actual content as this), and freeform slots were around $50 (which I'm NOT paying for even ONE of my characters, let alone all of them).
  • I'm unclear on how this change will affect my characters if my sub lapses. I have a sub now, and about 20 freeform characters. If my sub lapses, how many will I be able to use? If I'm not allowed use any of them (normal when unsubbed), how do I regain access to them if I can't sub again?
  • I'm confused... I'm reading bits and pieces of this on the forums, but I'm not seeing any links to any official statements. I gather they're going to get rid of subscriptions? And what are they replacing them with? What happens to all my freeform characters? I gather from this thread that they'd remain available unless my…
  • To clarify.... I know there is supposed to be a blue wireframe warning. It only appears occasionally. I also know you're supposed to be able to block the knock. That also only works occasionally.
  • So, tried it again, had a similar result. The phase of the mission where we go up to the upper level was just a string of unblockable, unavoidable, untelegraphed knocks into a guaranteed death. Over and over and over again. Couple that with endlessly spawning millions of thugs preventing you doing much of anything... and…
  • Handy replies! I'll try it again and let you know how it goes.
  • What strikes me as a shame is that WE can't use those characters as villains. I tried to give one of my characters Black Paladin as his nemesis, but I couldn't use the name. I got the LOOK pretty good, but his name is different.
  • I'd agree with that. Let's have Black Paladin, or Fiacho... or Professor Muerte, Neutron, Big John and Bullet, or any of the many, many other villains Champions has access to. Or... better still... give us someone's actual NEMESIS in a Nemesis Alert.
  • For me, the issue is that these creatures are in a zone where people are typically solo. The VAST majority of time in this zone is spent travelling by oneself to or from an instance or mission of one sort or another... and usually by lower levels. I don't think it unreasonable to suggest that high level characters be able…
  • The Halloween event isn't bad at all. As I said, the foes are challenging enough without being overwhelming to less powerful characters, and lead to more interesting missions. The fact that there are actual characters with some personality helps, too. Tonight I took on some of the Annelid groups in the town, and they're…
  • And that's how it SHOULD be, if he's careful, he SHOULD be able to stand up to it. If he went into one of the crowds of demon critters, he'd have been instantly splattered. Also, I rather doubt he could generate enough threat to actually tank anything. My L28 exclusive tank character, CANNOT hold threat in most alerts, the…
  • A point to remember is that we're all playing SUPERHEROES, even at L1. We're playing this game to feel SUPER, and it really doesn't feel all that super to be unable to take on the bad guys... to be unable to even contribute to defeating them... to have to run away all the time... to get taken out in one shot... Like I…
  • I agree, but I don't think it would be a good idea to get RID of these enemies. I don't want them gone, I want EVERYONE to be able to participate, whether solo or not, whatever their level is.
  • See, the thing to remember is most grouping happens in instances. If I were designing the event, I would make these open world foes TOUGH, but not utterly invulnerable, and strong, but not overpowering. Max level characters should be able to handle them without TOO much difficulty, and lower levels should be ABLE to defeat…
  • Maybe it wouldn't keep coming up if they made the enemies more reasonable?
  • Well that blows, since I can't CHANGE my nemesis after he's generated. Oh, I can change his appearance and powers, but his name can't be altered... and that kind of defines the weapon he should be using.
  • Not sure why that won't display properly... the link should work though.
  • I've noticed that occasionally bad guys will do astronomical damage (I was hit for over 110k damage once). I suspect a bug of some sort, but have never been able to nail it down. Kind of beside the point, though.
  • I filed a ticket about it, they said "working as advertised." I suggested to them in the ticket that they adjust the description, but thought I'd post here about it just in case they didn't.
  • If farming for the questionite drop is an issue, take the questionite out. Just use the regular alert format, but with our Nemeses instead. I honestly don't care about the rewards, I just like seeing some different, interesting enemies.
  • Which is why I like them. I weary of seeing the same four or five foes over and over ad nauseam.
  • FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! WEEKS waiting for a nemesis alert, one comes up and what do we get? High Voltage. I leave the map, and rejoin. What do I get? BUGGED MAP, with enemies missing outside the bank. I leave and requeue. What do we get? STITCHES. It's a god damn NEMESIS ALERT, can we get some actual NEMESES in these NEMESIS…
  • As it should... however, if the one it picks HAS no nemesis, it should "roll" again until it gets one that DOES.
  • Spent the last two hours in the game. Saw Viper X something like six times, Kevin Poe three times, Aoquephoth or however it's spelled, just once, but it lasted 20 minutes, on and on with the same little group of foes. If there was a nemesis alert more frequently, it would mean more variety in foes. We wouldn't be fighting…
  • This would be my second request. I'm trying to keep it simple for them. If they're going to do ONE thing, one SIMPLE thing, then make the nemesis alerts happen more frequently. I'd even tolerate the generic nemeses if the nemesis alerts would happen more than once or twice a month.
  • Well, you wouldn't want to do EXACTLY the same thing just with different characters, but they could come up with SOMETHING. There are other missions that give us this to some extent (eg. Red Dawn).
  • No worries, got it sorted out.
  • This kind of thing bothers me for some of my characters, for whom their travel power IS their power. A speedster character, based on Flash or Quicksilver, would immediately lose his appeal and the whole point of the character if his Super Speed is turned off. A character with wings, based on Angel or Hawkman, would have…
  • There's a LOT that could be done with the nemesis system. We've been asking for some changes for YEARS, but had no response, let alone any action. Some things I'd like to see: Minions chosen from existing groups, like the Maniacs or Viper. Minions that can be customized. Nemesis powers to be selected from all available…
  • Moving the firing point of Soul Beam doesn't change where the beam comes from, just the pose. For instance, selecting the Head for its firing point has the character lean forward with his arms out at his sides as if the beam would come from his head, but it still comes from his left hand.
  • Another update. I've spoken to my ISP (Rogers), and it seems there IS an issue with the network in my area. So, it's probably not a problem at Cryptic's end.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ASb9Y3tXc&feature=youtube_gdata Here's a quick video of what's happening. This is 30 seconds into the game, following a fresh reboot, the game started and character selected. Immediately I loaded in, I started recording.
  • Um... I wouldn't post that I was having issues if someone else was having issues... I don't care if it's JUST me, or if it's not very broadly encountered, the fact remains that I can't play the game I'm paying for, and they should be made aware of it. I'm also aware of many things that can degrade performance, but I've…
  • As an update, apparently the email address in the thread explaining how to report this sort of thing is invalid. I've been getting bounced messages back that say the profiler address doesn't exist.
  • Seen that, I'm still having issues. The game is unplayable.
  • Well... The original plan was: Horus: Vengeance Rebuke Arcane Healing (Seraphim) Hercules: Mighty Leap Shockwave Roomsweeper Thor: Cleave Brimstone Lightning Storm I had figured Hercules could also use Cleave (Herc was famous for his olive club), and Thor could use Mighty Leap. Of course, I could make other characters…
  • I plan on playing in Hybrid in most forms. When he's Achilles, I may go to tanking for the additional durability, and the Horus form will use Seraphim in Support mode. I always build for durability, and I find Regeneration is the most durable passive in the game. Horus is meant to be a more or less dedicated healer, so I…
  • I might switch out regeneration for Seraphim and play in support or hybrid mode. It provides a bit of a healing aura, and boosts damage too. Then, I would take Resurgence for the healing click. Won't work on anyone else, though.
  • Actually, let me put this to you then. How would you build a character as I described? That is, PURE telepath, no telekinesis. He'd be all about controlling and reading thoughts. What powers would you give him? What specializations?
  • The issue I'm seeing with the debuffs these things currently apply is that they don't do anything noticeable. Here's the typical scene. I move in and hit a group of foes with ego sleep. They're immediately released by the team. Now groggy, they all run over and attack me to the exclusion of all others, and I die in about 3…
  • I'd also like to see the nemesis alerts more often, and for longer. Our nemeses just don't see enough use. In fact, for those of us with more than one nemesis, let it choose from any of them we have, whether they're active or not. Also, how about creating a mission similar to the GRAB one with Black Diamond et al, and put…
  • Alas, this is the trend these days. It's a large part of why I say that MMOs are dead. I'm not sure there ARE any MMOs left. The setting is the whole point of an MMO. Action games focus on the action. Adventure games focus on the story, but the world of these games is limited to the areas needed for the story. MMOs are…
  • The thing with building from the ground up is that people would deliberately build pushovers so they could farm nemesis tokens. You would need to establish a group of powers all nemeses would need to have, such as: Single target attack (ranged and melee) Area effect attack (ranged and melee) Passive Block Healing Travel…