New Vet rewards would be an incentive for me to renew my subscription. I have not been renewing my monthly subscription the past 6 month. I have been hoping for more story content. :) But new vet rewards would start my completionist drive going again.
Some perks require lore picked up in mission lairs that you may miss the first time. Which means you need to team up with someone with the mission. Before On Alert it was easy to find someone willing to let you tag along, now... meh.
I do much better just farming UNITY missions, usually only 20-30 minutes. I average 30g, 4-5 R5 mods and 15-16 SCR. Multiply that by a good number of alts and its easy farming. Just very, very boring... Except for Cazulon! Love me that Cazulon mission. :biggrin: Good Times.... Good Times....
Please Please Please don't add BREAK* fluid. I shudder at the prospect. *(I know you meant brake fluid. But then again McGyver can do anything.) :smile:
My all time favorite is a UNITY special mission - "Cazulon vs. Miniature Hero": You are shrunk down to toy size and venture through a cardboard city scape to take down Cazulon before the Qularr can restore him to full size and release him to rampage through MC. Great environment with destructible building walls. runners…
Technically it's not the game engine that's the problem, but the game assets (NPCs, buildings, corridors, chairs, crates, etc.). As I understand it, CO was developed for an older version of the code base without the Foundry in mind. CO's game assets are not "tagged" properly for the Foundry to hook up to them. Also some…
*** snoooorre *** Huh! What! Someone talking to me! Hey! You kids get off my lawn! Boomerangs! I remember when they were just sticks. You would throw them and they wouldn't come back. Why in my day we would we would be hap... *** snooooorrrre ***
Let's see... If I won the lottery... After a year long binge of drunken hedonism, I might wake long enough from my stupor to ask my money manager if investing in Champions Online would be worth it. After a 5 minute laugh fit, he would say "No", and then we would move onto building my Lexcorp enterprise. I'm just sayin'...…
But they are FANTASTIC boobs. :smile: I've been playing this game since launch, Sep 2009. I loved CO then and I love it still. I have 40 toons at level cap and there are several other players with even more. I have no hopes of significant content updates. But I will keep playing till they shut the servers down. CO is still…
You probably have already checked, but here is a link to the mission chains necessary to unlock UNITY 2 The final missions: "Assembling the Antidote" with Papa Perault is getting various objects around the room and putting them in the potion caldron. "Of Serum and…
There are a few other notable mission lairs. Stronghold Prison - (Operation Stranglehold) - Level 25, Desert (Mission Giver: Warden Wildman). Pretty easy lair, don't need a team. Dr. Destroyer's Factory - (Search and Destroyer) - Level 28, Millenium City (Mission Giver: Dr. Silverback). Suggested team size 5. Teleios Tower…
I'm probably one of the oldest players on here. Half a century plus 2 (52). Of course that just makes me grumpy! Get off my lawn! ** attempts to backflip away and pulls a muscle ** Ow! Look over there! Isn't that Caliga! ** limps away in manly fashion while mob is distracted **
The OP is correct. The devs have added and enhanced game elements. I saw 2 examples just this morning. Example 1: The pier near Teleios tower has had it's entry posts adjusted. (Added red glow to highlight item) Example 2: North of the barrier around Telieos Tower has some floating crates and fallen tree branches. (Added…
Same thing happened to me. I went into the properties of the shortcut icon on my desktop and selected the Maximized option on the Run drop down selection bar. I was able to see the launcher. It took up the entire screen, but at least I could start the game.
Okay, here's my toss into the ring. Just for fun. A silver age based patriotic English toon: Closer to the parameters given. Based on the description of Rhaegar from the Game of Thrones wiki: (Also very similar to eilodon's Mid-Evil) Close up of the face.
ikr. I mean, On Alert missions are sooo much better than a player desig... oh wait... nvm. :tongue: At the risk of sounding redundant, any repeatable mission is repetitive and will be farmed if it has a reward people want, so there ya' go.
Thank you kind sir. The older generation needs love too. :smile: Here is one more I found to add to my list. The Poet - A Grimoire, he knows the power of words; to heal and wound, to create and destroy, to give life and to take it way. He knows the words to alter the perception of reality itself.
Not exactly my best, but I was cleaning out my screenshot folder and thought to post some of my favorites. Shellshock - a force toon wearing his Halloween costume ** cough **. It's "loosely" based on an unnamed kid's tv show super hero: Don Quixote - a geriatric crime fighter with alzheimer's: Space Millipede - okay a…