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FC.31.20140919.8 PTS Update



  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I still don't get it, many wish they could disable teddification permanently... Yet without it the power becomes useless...

    I thought it was just a 1% proc that was more annoying and potentially harmful than good.

    How about the random chances it has to knock, stun, or confuse?
    and the death ray advantage! Those things aren't good enough if you can't teddybear bosses?
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Guys, I'm gonna be completely honest here:
    I've been playing since Alpha, and I have never really liked the Teddification effect of the Experimental Blaster.
    I mean, at first it was somewhat amusing. But then I had my qualms with its rather incongruous effects. Like, why would turning a big, bad, dynamite-farting supervillain into a fluffy little teddy bear suddenly grant them gobs of damage resistance? You'd think being rendered into a mobile platform of softness and hugging would make them that much easier to combat, but nooooope. I've actively avoided picking the power on some characters that would absolutely benefit for it, both for practicality and for concept, on the simple premise that I've kinda grown to despise the Teddification effect. But I'm torn because it's pretty much the only single pistol "laser beam"-like power we have in the freaking game. I just grit my teeth and keep my fingers crossed that that bloody bear-mode doesn't activate on me and make me feel like a jackass.
    So I really don't even care what happens to it, sorry. I'd be glad if it went away forever, but faced with trying to find an equitable solution, I guess I would prefer it be made an advantage that I'd be in control of never picking ever.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd prefer something like 'mutation ray' to 'teddy', having it create teddy bears is sorta weird, but the ability to teddy legendaries and cosmics is the only reason I pick the power.
  • serpinecohserpinecoh Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just to weigh in here, as my main is Robo-Santa, a character that *does* appreciate turning enemies to toy bears when given the option. However I can see how Buck Rogers or Capt Grimm of the Space Marines might find it off-putting. My opinions:

    * It should still effect things other then cosmics (because plush super villains are cute).
    * It should be a 1pt advantage, perhaps with a slightly higher proc chance.
    * There should be some other 1pt advantages as alternate options (turn to zombie, turn to ghost, turn to crate, etc).
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd prefer something like 'mutation ray' to 'teddy', having it create teddy bears is sorta weird, but the ability to teddy legendaries and cosmics is the only reason I pick the power.


    It's not the teddification that's bad, per se, it's what happens when the target is not supposed to move else there are repercussions (Cybermind) OR the target is moved and their original hitbox is now untargetable.

    In modding (pseudo-programming) other games, I've figured out ways to prevent various unwanted or originally unforeseen happenings. Fix these, do not dumb down the Teddying.

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Honestly, as long as it no longer effects higher level villains (and could potentially break encounters) I don't mind the teddification that much.

    The power has an annoying tendency to kick in when it's really inconvenient. And for time events it can be disastrous This fix prevents it from breaking Alerts and other timed missions - and it makes sense.
    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
  • orrynnorrynn Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I just don't see why now. After 5 years of this power being around now its a major must fix right away issues. But Let's not touch any of the other bugs, nope the teddy thing is top of the list. I guess the point that is need to be taking away from this event is if people whine about a power it gets nerf. It be nice to see if said people got on the devs about buffing worthless/uesless powers, but I know that will not happen. One can only wish.

    Can't wait til the next event to see what power is nerfed. I will be opening up a pool so we can place bets. So if you want to buy a box let me know.
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,886 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think in the ideal scenario where there's enough devs and resources, they'd have enough interest to make the teddy effect an adv-only one that doesn't render legendaries/cosmics knock-able and doesn't grant the large damage resist (spending adv points to have a drawback like the huge DR buff is pretty silly).

    Not making it alter their hitbox would prob require them to just make the teddy scale to the original model, since I don't think they can unlink model scale w/ hitbox scale in this game that easily.

    In that same scenario, we'd have TC's Lock On and PFF's shield regen fixed, a non-broken >5man UI, fixed queues, and a litany of other bug-fixes.

    (ie, its prob not gonna happen :x )
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • quasimojo1quasimojo1 Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    It does seem like a more elegant solution could have been found, but "When all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails."

    The nerfings will continue until morale improves. :tongue:
    LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.

    "Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
  • serpinecohserpinecoh Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    orrynn wrote: »
    I just don't see why now.
    I would imagine it is because the devs are considering that going forward segments of upcoming content might increasingly contain semi-tactical raid style components since it is typical for mmo "endgame" and makes missions mildly more interesting. The bear effect is capable of glitching that sort of content both conceptually (fixed location destructable scenery like the pillars in the Cislunar mission can be transformed and pushed around) and mechanically (the problems with Cybermind and Mechanon).
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordgar wrote: »


    • Experimental Blaster can only Teddify NPCs who are Henchman or Villain rank. Players can still be affected.

    I'd like to weigh in on this.

    Although I am against tampering with the power, because I like it the way it is (in some circumstances)...I do see the real need for this change.

    Like some have suggested, is it possible that this power effect can either be:

    - Removed entirely from the power, paste it on the power as an advantage and increase proc percentage to 10-15% which affects: Henchmen, Villains, Enforcers, Master Villains ONLY. Have the teddification effect work on Super Villains only if the target is using Manipulator Form. (Make sure this transformative effect counts as a CC effect for Manipulator).

    - Have the Experimental Blaster kept the same but substitute the innate teddification effect for a transmogrification debuff which randomly mutates the target (nothing beneficial) etc.


    Keep something unique innately to replace the loss of teddification on higher level targets. Perhaps have a possible teddification on higher level targets place a debuff which increases the damage of that blast by a certain percent (10-15%) instead of teddification (So limit teddification to Henchmen, Villain and Enforcer). <-- This would fix issues in encounters where legendaries etc are teddified. And still allow for the teddification effect to be innate to the skill but affect targets in a positive way, without the need for advantages. (I'd include Master Villain if the proc chance was kept the same).

    If none of these suggestions seem likely simply extend the range of teddification to Henchmen to Enforcer (Excluding Master Villain).
  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Doesn't the teddy bear model have the same animations as the player model? I'm pretty sure there is at least a version of it that does, because we have teddy bear costume replacer devices.

    Maybe it should change just the costume, and otherwise be similar to Miniaturization Drive. That way it can still be of use on high ranked mobs, but it won't cause trouble with time limits and boss mechanics.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    orrynn wrote: »
    I just don't see why now. After 5 years of this power being around now its a major must fix right away issues. But Let's not touch any of the other bugs, nope the teddy thing is top of the list. I guess the point that is need to be taking away from this event is if people whine about a power it gets nerf. It be nice to see if said people got on the devs about buffing worthless/uesless powers, but I know that will not happen. One can only wish.

    1. 5 years is for multiple reasons. The top one, of course, being that Cryptic North is not Cryptic. The guards, as they say, have changed and people, IMO, need to divorce the past from the present/future. Let CN stand/fall on what they have done or will do.

    2. The change is likely, and I am guessing mostly, due to the change in engagement/coordination/mechanics required for the recent OM which may very well be somewhat of a design aesthetic for the future. If this is the case then it is better to make these adjustments before something like a revamped Takofanes/Clarence/Whatever happens then to have portions of the playerbase at each other's throats capsraging about that guy that did that thing that might have cost the victory.

    3. Using words like "whine" and other negatives to reply to complaints or differings of opinions just serves to devolve the conversation. Some people like balance. Some people detest anything resembling a nerf. Some don't even notice until someone in zonechat goes on a longwinded explanation or rant about it. In the end, however, whether I agree or disagree with someone here I do not think that anyone currently using this thread is actively out to sink the game(although there have been a few in the past I'd question but that's another topic for another time).

    Now that last bit might come off as a jab or something and if it does then I am sorry since that is not my intention. It's merely my observation with this thread recently that some parties(not you so much) have been getting a lil on the abrasive side with anyone who disagrees with them. Heck, I had some random nobody actually track me down ingame last night to try and "shame" me for my forum posts. It was cute...but utterly pointless in the end. It is my opinion that the people who actually put in the time/effort/testing for PTS don't have to do this and so that they do, in and of itself, is pretty cool. In appreciation of each other and as part of the motions to help Cryptic North make this game better than Cryptic left it I just feel we should be civil to one another. :wink:

    And now...I'm going to go test the terror out of this new costume set. Results to come later. :cool:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ok, I'm back. 1st off I present...
    [21:51] [Mission] Your mission "Mechanon Loremaster" is out-of-date and will be automatically restarted. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    It's not a huge deal since the lore is like, what, 3 items but this kind of thing always makes me nervous....since I lost everything from Chapter and Verse when that patch randomly hit people.

    Bug: Weapons: Munitions Handguns: When selecting the 4th color it will revert all colors to white, dark grey, faded yellow, and white. Once the costume has been selected and you are back in the game, however, the colors did apply correctly.

    Ok, onto the costume set.

    Tests now completed for both Male and Female Toons.

    Heads & Hairs:

    -Head Type: Head Cap:
    --Well, it does exactly what it says it does.
    --Please rename Head Cap to Headless.
    --Bug: Catagory Full Helmets removes Eyes Catagory.
    --Bug: Catagory Monstrous removes Eyes Catagory.
    --Bug: Catagory Huge Alien Helmets removes Eyes Catagory.
    --Bug: Catagory Huge Rigid Helmets removes Eyes Catagory.
    --Bug: Beastial removes Eyes Catagory.
    --Bug: Insect removes Eyes Catagory.

    -Custom Top Accessory: Cosmic Flames - All:
    --Bug: Head Sliders do very little to nothing to adjust this.
    --Bug: Pink is pink flames with very dark pink dots. Red is pink flames with red dots. Please make pink flames in red...red.
    --Please add Black 2 which has dark purple dots like most of the darkness set by default. Alternatively, please just make all the dots colorable on all of these.
    --Please copy item to Top Accessory and Head Wear without restriction from needing Head Cap.

    -Custom Helmet: Cosmic:
    --Please copy item to Eye Accessory Catagory and Head Wear Catagory without restriction from needing Head Cap.
    --Please move color selection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please split side lines and <> on forehead and sides to color selection 2.
    --please split split central bits in forehead and sides to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    -Cosmic Partial Mask:
    --Please move majority mask color to color selection 1.
    --Please move innter mask trim lines to color 2.
    --Please split central forehead section to color selection 3.
    --Please split forehead dots and chin slits to color selection 4 and add glow.
    Bug: switching to Full Helmets Catagory, Huge Rigid Helmet causes Eyes catagory to vanish and eyes to turn solid blue.
    Bug: Switching to Huge Humanoid Helmet, Huge Alien Helmet, Huge Rigid Helmet, and Luchador Masks applies Headwear: Armadillo.
    --Please apply "None" option to Headwear for Huge Humanoid Helmet, Huge Alien Helmet, Huge Rigid Helmet, and Luchador Masks and place at top of list to correct.

    -Headwear Cosmic:
    --Bug: 4th color selection has a glow on it...and yet it appears the 4th color selection does nothing at all.
    --Please set lines in color section 3 to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Eye Accessory Cosmic:
    --Please set \/ section to color selection 1 and add glow.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 2 and add glow.
    --Please set <> section to color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set * section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --Please copy to Top Accessory as an alternate option...since it doesn't really cover the eyes anyway. Could also likely copy to Headwear too for more use.

    -Top Accessory: Cosmic:
    --Please either move this piece forward more towards the head or present an option that does this.
    --Please set color option 2 to color selection 1 and add glow.
    --Please set <> section in back to color selection 2 and add glow.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --Please copy to Side Accessory section for additional option.

    -Tight & Skin:
    --Please apply Pattern: Dragon Scale Armor to Chest & Arms: Tights: Pattern, Robotic: Both Arms: Cyborg: Pattern, Robotic Right Arm: Robotic Right Arm: Pattern, and Robotic Left Arm: Robotic Left Arm: Pattern.
    --Please apply Pattern: Round Scale Armor to Chest & Arms: Tights: Pattern Robotic: Both Arms: Cyborg: Pattern, Robotic Right Arm: Robotic Right Arm: Pattern, and Robotic Left Arm: Robotic Left Arm: Pattern.
    --If necessary please make Dragon Scale Armor and Round Scale Armor Pattern additions full body and not take into consideration the chest armor looking elements of Chest & Arms: Cosmic...or possibly make 2 entries for each.

    -Chest & Arms: Cosmic:
    -- Bug: Please reinforce the arm connection points attached to color selection 3 so that chest depth and breast sliders do not so easily make the chest portions attached to color selection 2 clip through so easily. This is an issue, apparently, for "bulkier" female heroes(or midgies more specifically). This does not appear to affect Male Heroes.
    --Please create option useable for Robotic Right Arm and Robotic Left Arm Catagories. If possible, make them so they do not have the area where the robotic arm would be please.

    -Neck: Cosmic:
    --Please switch color slection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please set -\_/- to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Shoulder Pads: Cosmic:
    --Please split small square section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --Please adjust shoulder pad angle downward somewhat to look more horizontal.
    --Please adjust shoulder pad downward as to not be as "floaty."

    -Arm Accessories: Cosmic:
    --Please set -^- section to color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set circle section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -^- and circle section at color selection 2.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Full Shirts.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Jackets.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Both Arms.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Right Arm.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Left Arm.

    -Bracers: Cosmic 1
    --Please move color selection 1 to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please move color selection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please move color selection 3 to color selection 2.
    --Please split new color selection 2 into stripes therefore creating color selection 3.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Jackets.

    -Bracers: Cosmic 2
    --Please set -^- section to color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set circle section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -^- and circle section at color selection 2.

    -Belt: Cosmic 1
    --Please move color selection 3 to color selection 1.
    --Please split new color selection 1 into "middle" and "top and bottom." Please move new "top and bottom" to color selection 3.
    --Please set -\_/- to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -\_/- section at color selection 2.

    -Belt: Cosmic 2
    --Please move color selection 3 to color selection 1.
    --Please split color selection 2 into = and <=> sections. Please move new <=> section to color selection 2.
    --Please set solid selection inside of <=> which was previously tied to color selection 3 to color selection 3.
    --Please set -\_/- to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -\_/- section at color selection 2.

    -Belt: Cosmic 3
    --Please swap color selection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please make weird lil section in the middle that totally looks like a Smurf House color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set central = bit to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Belt: Cosmic 4(wow this one is tough)
    --Please split bottom skirtish bit off of Cosmic Belt 4 and create Belt Accessory: Cosmic.
    --Please move color selection 3 to color selection 1.
    --Please move inner section below new color selection 1 to color selection 3.
    --Please set -\_/- to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    ---On new Belt Accessory: Cosmic please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Back: Cosmic
    --Please move color selection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 2 and add glow.
    --Please add the "lines" as color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Emblem Front: Cosmic 1:
    --Please add ability to put emblems in the middle as an accessory.

    -Emblem Front: Cosmic 2:
    --Please set color selection 3 to color selection 1.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 2 and add glow.
    --Please set rectangle bit in the middle to color selection 4 and add glow.

    --Please apply Pattern: Dragon Scale to Legs: Tights: Pattern and Beast: Tights: Pattern.
    --Please apply Pattern: Round Scale Armor to Legs: Tights: Pattern and Beast: Tights: Pattern.
    --If necessary please make Dragon Scale Armor and Round Scale Armor Pattern additions full body and not take into consideration the Leg Accessory and Ankle Accessory armor looking elements of Legs: Cosmic...or possibly make 2 entries for each.
    --Please rename the second Tights & Skin: Hip Layer to Tights & Skin: Hip Layer 2.

    -Legs: Cosmic:
    --Please add black uncolorable sections to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please please please do not add any uncolorable items to unlocks. ;)
    --Please create an actual Beast Legs version of these tights.
    --Please Create an actual version for Robotic Both Legs, Robotic Right Leg, and Robotic Left Leg.

    -Leg Accessories: Cosmic:
    --Please set -^- section to color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set circle section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -^- and circle section at color selection 2.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Baggy Pants.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Both Legs .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Right Leg .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Left Leg .

    -Hips Layer: Cosmic 1:
    --Bug: Unavailable in Hip Wear and Gear.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Beast.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Tights and Skin: Hip Layer(the 1st one). It is in the second one. Please allow in both.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Hips Layer: Cosmic 2:
    --Bug: Unavailable in Hip Wear and Gear.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Beast.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Tights and Skin: Hip Layer(the 1st one). It is in the second one. Please allow in both.
    --Please set Y section to color selection 3.
    --Please add edging color like Psionic/Holoforce. Please set this to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.

    -Foot Accessories: Cosmic:
    --Please set -^- section to color selection 3 and add glow.
    --Please set circle section to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --On new Psi Option please split into base section at color selection 1 and -^- and
    circle section at color selection 2.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Baggy Pants.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Beast.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Both Legs .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Right Leg .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Left Leg .

    -Feet: Cosmic:
    --Please move color selection 1 to color selection 4 and add glow.
    --Please move color selection 2 to color selection 1.
    --Please move color selection 3 to color selection 2.
    --Please split new color selection 2 into stripes therefore creating color selection 3.
    --Please add Glass/Psi/Hex.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Baggy Pants.
    --Bug: Unavailable in Beast.
    --When catagory switching to Robotic Both/Right/Left Legs it only applies to the right foot. Upon further exploration this item isn't even available in these catagories and shows the ??? when you click Feet(Both/Right/Left).So...
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Both Legs .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Right Leg .
    --Bug: Unavailable in Robotic Left Leg .

    Looks like we're on the path to something here. To quote Cybermind, "It's just so easy to do THIS to you..."

    ...I couldn't resist. :biggrin:

    -Corrected minor typos as I see them.
    -Removed the unknowns that appeared in the Unlocked Costume Parts Tab, tested them, and replaced with new data.
    -I think this is maybe kinda sorta done for now. I'll likely recheck it later anyways. <shrugs>
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • kriss94kriss94 Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    crosschan wrote: »
    --Ok, I have no idea what these are unless they're either supposed to be custom
    options tied to the helm or some kind of aura thing but here's the list:
    ---Cosmic: Custom Helmet
    ---Cosmic Flames -Black: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Blue: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Green: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Orange: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Pink: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Purple: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Red: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -White: Custom Top Accessory.
    ---Cosmic Flames -Yellow: Custom Top Accessory.
    --Bug: Unavailable in EVERYTHING .
    Yeah, you need to use a special head only available in "Beast" to get the head flame thingies, Cross. It's kinda weird and I think they should change it and make them available everywhere at all times.

    Other than that, amazing list of what needs to be done where. :D
  • highrealityhighreality Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    You need to use the "head cap" head type to use the head auras.
    Please make the eyes optional on the cosmic head cap.
    Also please make the auras available in every category. This is better than most auras so far. It will be awesome.

    (°∇° ) #megalodon2015
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Just noticed an issue with Project Clockwork Boots

    Bug: Project Clockwork Boots with bent knee post exposes uncolorable object part
    What: Used all 4 color boxes on Leather with Project Clockwork boot. Everything looked fine until I was in flight outside the tailor, when a blue area was very apparent where the Knee element of the boot meets the Calf Area. This is not from any colors on the costume or any clipping that I can see.

  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ok, updated the last post with Male....and I've seen a few pretty glaring issues. Let's discuss a few of them right now.

    -I'm not saying we should be able to make 'The invisble man" here but there are alot of "secondary layer" catagories which either need to die in a horrible fire or have a "NONE" option added to them and prioritized to the top of their listings. Like...
    ---Hats and Helmets: Head Wear: None
    ---Face Masks and Armor: Head Wear: None
    ---Hoods: Head Wear: None
    ---Huge Humanoid Helmets: Head Wear: None
    ---Huge Alien Helmets: Head Wear: None
    ---Huge Rigid Helmets: Head Wear: None
    ---Luchador: Head Wear: None

    ---Chest Wear: Chest Layer: None
    ---Jackets: None

    ---Hips Wear and Gear: Hip Layer: None

    -Just Merge Aliens, Monters, and Beastial heads into Head Type Already. This will also add the benefit of not randomly eating the Eye Catagory.

    Oh and I found some of these while making this post...
    Bug: selecting Robotic Both Arms sets the Left Arm as Mechanon Arm and the Right Arm as Robotic Arm. Selecting Both shows ???.

    Bug: selecting Robotic Left Arms sets the Left Arm as Mechanon Arm by default instead of the Robotic Arm.

    Bug: Chest Catagory Miscellaneous is visible. I do not think it is supposed to be visible if memory serves me correctly...and it does nothing really.
    Ok, one more thing. If the z-store isn't coming back(I get why) then could we please finally get one of these options:
    1.Your unlocks(ALL OF THEM) Copy from Live to PTS when you transfer a toon like it used to work on PTS for years since that would make testing and such ever so much easier overall.

    2. Adjust the PTS Server so it awards ALL Unlocks to any character copied or created on PTS.

    3. Add a tab to Debugger called Costume Unlocks...and put everything in there. I'll pick them up individually and apply them to my toons if I have to do so.

    Ok, I'm done for now. :wink:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Another thing I'd like to see added to the debugger are costume slots. I'd like to be able to buy costume slots for my toons.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    crosschan wrote: »

    -Just Merge Aliens, Monters, and Beastial heads into Head Type Already. This will also add the benefit of not randomly eating the Eye Catagory.

    My incomplete tailor 2.0 idea actually mentions doing this. Also just adding an emblem and skin section. But adding all these heads to just one section would fix and open up so many customization so options, including beaks on human faces.
  • stergiosmanstergiosman Posts: 717 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    About the Experimental Blaster nerf, can we please get a power under telepathy that has a similar effect?

    Also I would love it if you added something to Exp. Blaster, such as a damage boost or better yet, a choice between teddies/snowmen/whatever transmog.
  • chimerafreekchimerafreek Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    PLEASE allow the melee weapons in this set to be changed to Holohex/Psiholo and recolorable via the tailor.

    I very much want to sword cyclone, but with my fists, and not melee weapons. o3o
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    PLEASE allow the melee weapons in this set to be changed to Holohex/Psiholo and recolorable via the tailor.

    I very much want to sword cyclone, but with my fists, and not melee weapons. o3o

    What you're asking is so fundamentally off the topic here.
    Also for the record, a power like that already sort of exists, in the form of One Hundred Hands. It's literally like the Sword Cyclone power, but with your fists.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    What you're asking is so fundamentally off the topic here.
    Also for the record, a power like that already sort of exists, in the form of One Hundred Hands. It's literally like the Sword Cyclone power, but with your fists.

    Uh...no...it is not "literally" like sword cyclone. Sword cyclone hits all around you for an area, OHH hits only those in front of you. You would not damage anything behind you or to far off to the sides with OHH, SC would hit them.
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    sorceror01 wrote: »
    What you're asking is so fundamentally off the topic here.
    Also for the record, a power like that already sort of exists, in the form of One Hundred Hands. It's literally like the Sword Cyclone power, but with your fists.

    Sword Cyclone is the power where you spin like a murder-top (or a Beyblade, I suppose). You might be confused with Eye of the Storm.

    Also, making the swords Holohex/Holopsi means you could color them white, effectively making them 'invisible' so it looks like you're punching, not attacking with a weapon.

    On a side note, we ever gonna get more TK Blades skins? Just wonderin'.
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    While you guys are right, none of that has anything to do with what was being talked about here.
    And making weapons "invisible" so you can still use the power is probably not feasible for a variety of reasons, guys. It would probably be easier to actually just ASK for a whole new power that does what you're asking, even if the end product makes you look like Super Mario doing a Spin Attack.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    The weapons would not end invisible anyway.

    You can paint ego blades pitch black, but they are still visible in your hands because the power graphical FX makes them visible.

    All CO SB and HW powers have some graphical FX moving with your weapons, even if it's something as nondescript as weapon trail lines.

    And, obviously, if you are using any powers with full body graphical FX, it will also end with "invisible" blades being visible.
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Possible bug

    Bug: Full Helmet is no where to be found or weapons
    Where it happens: Wherever, in tailors and CC
    What happens: They smipley can't be found
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cryneting wrote: »
    Possible bug

    Bug: Full Helmet is no where to be found or weapons
    Where it happens: Wherever, in tailors and CC
    What happens: They smipley can't be found

    What do you mean Full Helmet and weapons? Which Full Helmet, which weapons? Or do you mean the categories themselves?

    Well, can't be the categories, for they are there.

    Only thing I can think you mean is full helm and weapons for the cosmic set. Put simply, they were not even implemented. So of course they wouldn't be found.
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    zamuelpwe wrote: »
    This outfit fits female characters with scaled down breasts without massive distortion. Great job on that. I agree that this set really should have at least one weapon to round it out. The scepter and a clear reskin for Telekinesis would be perfect.


    Emblem Front - Cosmic 2 is quite flat as is while the original proposal suggested swirling Kirby Dots. If unable to get them moving, a static version and a few other basic obscure options as symbols would give it more worth. Alternately, allow it to accept emblems.

    The upper torso portion of the Cosmic tights should have a separate standalone piece in the Chest Wear category. This will allow players to mix and match with tights choices of their choosing or with various Skin options.

    So much yes on that, I noticed the emblem does not have that style implanted where it SHOULD be. On top of that there are no weapons or full Helmet. Where its clearly shown in the blog.
    Suggestion: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!

    Make the head cap Custom Top Accessory ALWAYS unlockable. The only way you can access this feature and to get the head auras is by picking Head Cap under headwear. This option would be awesome for all characters to have, WITHOUT having to pick Head Cap first.

    So much yes on this too, whuold be great to have the auras on their own too.
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Suggestion: >_> Can we get Crown: Spiked as a top accessory for everything like it is for Full Helmets? I'd really like to mix it and the Holoforce helmet.
  • lordgarlordgar Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    PTS has been updated:

    Release Notes for FC.31.20140919.9:

    Cosmic Knight costume set:

    • Added glow to one or more channels on most Cosmic Knight pieces.

    • Fixed a clipping issue on the female hips layer.

    • The head cap is now called "headless".

    • Added a Scepter weapon in the Heavy Weapons category.
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Suggestion: Scepter weapon for Swords? :D
  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordgar wrote: »
    Added a Scepter weapon in the Heavy Weapons category.

    Ya! Its nice to see a weapon added into a costume set. We need this more often. I take it from its lack of aura, that that isn't really doable with weapons as yet? its cool if so, still looks shiny, just figured I'd ask :)
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    Ya! Its nice to see a weapon added into a costume set. We need this more often. I take it from its lack of aura, that that isn't really doable with weapons as yet? its cool if so, still looks shiny, just figured I'd ask :)

    I think it's because technically weapon models are child models to character models.

    Seems like child models can't have their own child models.
  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think it's because technically weapon models are child models to character models.

    Seems like child models can't have their own child models.

    If thats the case, they really need to implement however they did aura fx for power replacers as auras. I'd happily pay for a flaming or frozen sword aura...
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Loving having the Headless piece be available in all cats. Can get rid of the eyes in the right cats, so it makes some interesting costumes.
  • ninjapiffninjapiff Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I think it's because technically weapon models are child models to character models.

    Seems like child models can't have their own child models.
    If thats the case, they really need to implement however they did aura fx for power replacers as auras. I'd happily pay for a flaming or frozen sword aura...

    Although we're straying off of thread topic a little, I have something to say on the matter.

    Could there be 'alternate' versions of some (at least some... gotta think realistically here!) of the Melee and/or Ranged weapon skins that involves an Aura, instead of having the Aura applied via an Aura Slot (like most auras). Now, there are costume pieces that have Auras, like Takofanes' Bracers/Crown and the Qliphothic pieces. If weapons act the same way specific costume pieces act, then you should be able to add a second 'options' drop-down menu under a weapon (say, the base Katana) that adds a specific Aura to the item itself.

    Now, in this way, you wouldn't be able to change the aura or its' color unless you visit a tailor and change the costume itself, but it's a thought.
    It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
    Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordgar wrote: »

    [*]The head cap is now called "headless".


    The issue wasnt the name...it's the fact you have to select the "headless" option under head wear just to use the head auras which are in another category. Make this section just available and unrestricted.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Crosschan wrote:
    --Please rename Head Cap to Headless.

    Yeah, that was one of the suggestions from my List O' Doom, Ratty. I do, however agree with what you are saying.

    I'll be updating the list to reflect the new changes either tonight or tomorrow night.

    A new weapon geo sounds nice but one has to ask...The Therakiel Swords have shown us that it does not "appear"(it could be otherwise, I'm not a dev) to be too difficult to just port a HW Geo to SB/DB. If this is the case, can we please have these? :biggrin:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    crosschan wrote: »
    Yeah, that was one of the suggestions from my List O' Doom, Ratty. I do, however agree with what you are saying.

    I'll be updating the list to reflect the new changes either tonight or tomorrow night.

    A new weapon geo sounds nice but one has to ask...The Therakiel Swords have shown us that it does not "appear"(it could be otherwise, I'm not a dev) to be too difficult to just port a HW Geo to SB/DB. If this is the case, can we please have these? :biggrin:

    lol of all the stuff they picked from the list
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    lordgar wrote: »
    [*]Added a Scepter weapon in the Heavy Weapons category.

    I'm loving this Cosmic set, Cryptic. But please don't rush it out with the maintenance that's coming up in a few hours. There are still some issues with it.

    I really appreciate you guys making the Sceptre for this set. I understand that putting the Kirby dots on it wasn't possible, but you have done a good job of making it 'Cosmic' looking :-)

    However, the weapon model is far too big, even for a 'Heavy Weapon' model.....it needs to be brought down in size to about 2/3 or at least 3/4 of it's current size.

    It looks ridiculously huge and there are real clipping issues with the front and back of the hands on both male and female models. The handle is far too wide.

    Here are some screenshots of the weapon on a male and a female model with correct, proportionately sized hands.





    I urge you to review this Cryptic. I'd love to use this but the clipping would keep me away from using this skin. Maybe just narrowing the shaft of the weapon by about half would do it, but personally I think the whole thing needs to be made smaller

    BUG:Clipping with hands and Cosmic Sceptre
    WHEN:When holding the Cosmic Sceptre (Male AND Female models)
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Hoo boy, yeah, the scepter is waaaay too big there.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    Scepter geo looks fine.
    Though considering how huge it is now...

    I'd even go as far as reducing it to 50% of its current size, basically placing it in the same size category as heavy mecha mace.

    Or even better, resize it in two versions:

    2/3 of its current size for Heavy Weapons

    1/2 of its current size for Single Blades
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Ok, I noticed something strange on PTS(In a good way) and I want to make sure that if it can make it to live that it does.

    On Live:
    -I link an item in chat.
    -You hover your mouse over it.
    -1 to 2 seconds later the description box vanishes.
    --You can just click the terror out of it to try and make it stay so you can read it.

    On PTS:
    -I link an item in chat.
    -You hover your mouse over it.
    -As long as your mouse pointer is on the item the description does not vanish.

    Ok, this is cool. Please make sure this makes it to live and include it in the patch notes so people can see this positive improvement to item linking. :biggrin:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'd even go as far as reducing it to 50% of its current size

    I kinda like this idea. At the moment it looks like I am ant-man brandishing a normal sized sonic-screwdriver.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Also.....SUGGESTION:The fourth color box for the Cosmic Sceptre (the one representing the sphere) needs a glow option. If we can't have Kirby dots on it then this is the next best option.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    SUGGESTION: Add the other weapons to the blade weapons and heavy. Also add the full helmet.

    BUG: No dots effect in the chest element
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cryneting wrote: »
    BUG: No dots effect in the chest element

    That's not a bug....they didn't make it with the Kirby dots. They're not showing up because they don't exist.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited October 2014
    Nice to see the costume on Live server and I really like how it turned to be, but the scepter weapon really needs to be scaled down.

    It's currently too big to the point when it can't be wielded even by the largest characters. :wink:
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