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Costume and Vehicle Giveaway

trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
edited September 2014 in Super News Network
Champions, we’re proud to say that part 1 of our Steel Crusade update is almost here! It’s launching on 9/10, and we’re going to be celebrating with a massive costume and vehicle giveaway.

Log in the weekend after it launches for a free Cyborg Beast costume set and new UNTIL Shuttle vehicle!

Starting on Friday 9/12, you’ll be able to talk with an NPC in Renaissance Center to claim your gifts. He’ll only be available for the weekend, though, so make sure to log in over the weekend!

The Cyborg Beast costume set is perfect for your new Reawakened Automaton character, combining the best bestial draconian design with the sharp angulation of a robotic superhero. With reverse-jointed knees and sweeping wings, this costume set can also be worked into non-robotic characters for a more alien appearance.

The UNTIL Shuttle is a brand-new vehicle, similar to the Mammoth in design but with a dark grey UNTIL color scheme. Its core power is Light Armor Piercing Rounds, and it also comes with a MOD for the Heavy Cannon Mk1. (As with all MODs, if you want to try it out on a different vehicle, you can un-slot the MOD and slot it into a different vehicle.)

The Shuttle has a total of 5 MOD slots available: 2 Weapons, 2 Defensive, and 1 Support. This is a Tier 1 vehicle, so you can upgrade it with a Vehicle Tune-Up Kit. (Look for the Shuttle to make an explosive appearance in Part 2 of the Steel Crusade update!)

These items will be free to claim, and the shuttle will be character-bound and available once per character (not account), but it'll only be available for a limited time. Make sure to log in and get yours in the time frames below, Champions, and get ready for part 1 of Steel Crusade on 9/10!

Start: Friday 9/12 @ 11am
End: Monday 9/15 @ 11am

(Want screenshots? Read the blog!)
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • dialamxdialamx Posts: 940 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I'm looking forward to that UNTIL Shuttle.

    Speaking of costumes, anymore news on the Automaton Costume Contest you guys were going to do in the Forums?
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Thanks for the cool giveaway! I have several friends who I know will love the shuttle andcostume but refuse to visit the forums so consider this thanks as coming from 4 people =)
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So does that mean that the Anni also ends Friday 9/12 @ 11am?
  • quasimojo1quasimojo1 Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I wish I could log in this weekend to claim these goodies, but unfortunately I'm out of pocket 'til Tuesday, so will have to miss out. Actually I'm in downtown Seattle this week for a conference.. So hey, Cryptic North gang, shoot me a PM if any of you would like to grab a Pike Street brew or something to celebrate your Steel Crusade launch.
    LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.

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  • anthoni1234anthoni1234 Posts: 1
    edited September 2014
    where the npc for giveaway located
  • zeal2ultima34zeal2ultima34 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Who>>>who? Which>>>which>>> Ncp>>>>> Where>>> Where>>> Where>>>>> Wow!!!!!wow!!!! Wow!!!!!!! O_o>>>......give Away!!!!! Xd>>..... :d Pls Help Me
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    There must be a server restart firts to put the NPC for a giveaway. :rolleyes:
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2014
    There must be a server restart firts to put the NPC for a giveaway. :rolleyes:

    Nah, the NPC should trigger automatically.
  • zeal2ultima34zeal2ultima34 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • zeal2ultima34zeal2ultima34 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2014
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Soo, besides the one guy here screaming for his free stuff like a child that didn't get his birthday gift, what time excaly whuold the NPC be on the server? Europe Time?

    Someone did say 11:00 on Sever but, not sure if that's true, however that whuold mean 7:00 for Europe people
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Well, the Conclave will be getting a new shuttle! I think I'll name it W.A.L.T.E.R. Now to come up with what that means. :biggrin:

    I like the gray. Looks easy to recolor after I take pictures. :tongue:
    'Dec out

  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Is this the guy?
  • novaninja555novaninja555 Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Is this the guy?

    Most probably not

    "Good can be found in heights, even in the deepest pits of evil" but "The valleys of evil always exist in the mountains of good."

  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    No, that's the lockbox guy.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    OldManZed wrote:
    So does that mean that the Anni also ends Friday 9/12 @ 11am?

    No Zed.
    Calm down, bub. You're breaking the forum speedlimit.
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  • scifiesascifiesa Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Sigh, one would think that there would be explicit information in the announcement on which NPC we are needing to contact since there are a great many NPCs in Ren Center ....
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Maybe they announce it when the clock hits 11am.
    Or you could start asking 3 hours early in Zone where the npc is...
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The NPC is in RenCen, one hour in the future from when I am typing this.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2014
    This is liiiiiiive, this is liiiiiiiiive...
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014

    UNTIL shuttle vehicle is bound to character, should be bound to account.

    It cannot be traded between characters using the account bank.

  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2014
    The giveaway vendor is taking a lunch break -- we'll update when he's back up. :)
    UNTIL shuttle vehicle is bound to character, should be bound to account.

    It cannot be traded between characters using the account bank.

    Not a bug, actually, that's working as designed.
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,413 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    The giveaway vendor is taking a lunch break -- we'll update when he's back up. :)
    Curses, only 25 or so of my toons have an UNTIL Shuttle at the moment.
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    The giveaway vendor is taking a lunch break -- we'll update when he's back up. :)

    Not a bug, actually, that's working as designed.


    Then why it was not stated clearly before people were buying vehicles?

    Each and every vehicle in this game is bound to account.

    The only exception should be very clearly stated.

    Some people now have it on wrong characters, you know?

    Sorry, but that's just stupid. It can't be called otherwise.

    Especially after the return NPC will be probably selling only one shuttle per account...
  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    These items will be free to claim, once per account, but only for a limited time. Make sure to log in and get yours in the time frames below, Champions, and get ready for part 1 of Steel Crusade on 9/10!
    guyhumual wrote: »
    Curses, only 25 or so of my toons have an UNTIL Shuttle at the moment.
    Then why it was not stated clearly before people were buying vehicles?

    Each and every vehicle in this game is bound to account.

    The only exception should be very clearly stated.

    Some people now have it on wrong characters, you know?

    So it sounds like the shuttle was meant to be claimed once per character, rather than once per account? I guess we'll find out when the NPC comes back...
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited September 2014

    Then why it was not stated clearly before people were buying vehicles?

    Each and every vehicle in this game is bound to account.

    The only exception should be very clearly stated.

    Some people now have it on wrong characters, you know?

    Sorry, but that's just stupid. It can't be called otherwise.

    Especially after the return NPC will be probably selling only one shuttle per account...

    Can you not get a vehicle with each character?
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    And you could exploit the Vehicle Weapon...That's why the vendor went away...
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    people were claiming multiple vehicles and selling the weapon. which i dont think was intended. either weapon will be bound to character if removed from shuttle or it wont have anything other than it's light AP rounds
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    eiledon wrote: »
    people were claiming multiple vehicles and selling the weapon. which i dont think was intended. either weapon will be bound to character if removed from shuttle or it wont have anything other than it's light AP rounds
    Or they could just make the vehicle claimable only once, and bound to account, which would solve a lot of the issues here.

    Or is that too easy?
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    jonsills wrote: »
    Or they could just make the vehicle claimable only once, and bound to account, which would solve a lot of the issues here.

    Or is that too easy?

    Stop the logic!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So, let me see if I understand this correctly.

    There is a free vehicle and costume set available to everyone, Gold and Silver alike.

    Normally, vehicles are an account unlock and usable by every character on an account, as the vehicle can be 'traded' through the account bank. And now with this give away, it's character bound?

    Then why it was not stated clearly before people were buying vehicles?

    Each and every vehicle in this game is bound to account.

    The only exception should be very clearly stated.

    Some people now have it on wrong characters, you know?

    Sorry, but that's just stupid. It can't be called otherwise.

    Especially after the return NPC will be probably selling only one shuttle per account...

    So, since the vehicle is character bound, it only makes "sense" that the costume will be as well. :confused:

    The vehicle and costume should be account bound, not one or the other, BOTH.

    And re-reading the OP, it said
    These items will be free to claim, once per account, but only for a limited time.

    Once per account. So how were people claiming more than one vehicle? A bug you say? Fine, understandable. Fix it. And while you're fixing that, allow the vehicle and costume to be account bound as well.

    A+ on the effort, Cryptic. F- on the implementation.
    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • gaarafrednorrispgaarafrednorrisp Posts: 490 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Aww... >.> I like having multiple vehicles, one for each character. Means less time running into the hideout bank! Plus I already have a "For all", my Copperhead.
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So this every hero gets his/her own Shuttle was an Oops?

    Bill Cosby predicted this. :wink:

    What are they planning to do the the players who already have one on each of their heroes?

    That said, I think I know why folks a junking them. There's no Gravity Pulse Mark anything on these machines. Faster travel power is nice, but...

    Unless leaving the GP off was the real oops...

    Now here's the bigger question: Is Dr. Destroyer supposed to be on up on those screens? If so, why is no one asking the cities heroes to take care of all of those Destroids standing in the RenCen? :eek:
  • antik123456antik123456 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    when is the npc break ending longest break ever:eek:
  • tfavsb10tfavsb10 Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    So the vendor is gone, and trailturtle isn't telling us why, wasnt his last post to this thread that its working as intended...

    EDit: oh and i saw a bunch of destroids and heard destoryer a few hours ago... now thier all gone. This years anniversery is going downhill fast.
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2014
    Let me clarify -- some of this comes down to miscommunications between Dwight+me and the dev team. The good news is, it's all good news.

    -You are meant to be able to get one of these per character. I was incorrect when I wrote that it was a once-per-account thing.
    -These are bound per character, as they were designed.
    >>So yes, you can and will get one shuttle for each character you have right now. :biggrin:

    The bug that we need to fix (and for which we disabled the event) is unrelated to players getting the shuttle, or how often. It's actually a little embarrassing: The shuttle is bound, but the MOD in it wasn't. You could claim the shuttle, un-slot the MOD for 1G, sell the MOD for 9G, delete the character, create another one, get the shuttle...

    We've got a patch getting made right now, which will fix this issue. We'll need to do a quick maintenance this afternoon to implement it, then you'll grab the shuttle for all of your alts. :smile:
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    iamynaught wrote: »
    So, since the vehicle is character bound, it only makes "sense" that the costume will be as well. :confused:

    The vehicle and costume should be account bound, not one or the other, BOTH.
    The costume is working as intended. Account-wide unlock, can be claimed only once.
    Let me clarify -- some of this comes down to miscommunications between Dwight+me and the dev team. The good news is, it's all good news.

    -You are meant to be able to get one of these per character. I was incorrect when I wrote that it was a once-per-account thing.
    -These are bound per character, as they were designed.
    >>So yes, you can and will get one shuttle for each character you have right now. :biggrin:

    The bug that we need to fix (and for which we disabled the event) is unrelated to players getting the shuttle, or how often. It's actually a little embarrassing: The shuttle is bound, but the MOD in it wasn't. You could claim the shuttle, un-slot the MOD for 1G, sell the MOD for 9G, delete the character, create another one, get the shuttle...

    We've got a patch getting made right now, which will fix this issue. We'll need to do a quick maintenance this afternoon to implement it, then you'll grab the shuttle for all of your alts. :smile:

    Thank you.

    I actually have few rides equipped, the UNTIL shuttle is really needed by me only for flavor TP on my actual UNTIL character.

    For all I care it could be even supplied with no weapons.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    What's the point of being bound per character instead of per account? Just make it all account bound and be done with it. It's not like it's a rank 2 vehicle with the best weapons on it.
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  • antik123456antik123456 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    so is it back on
  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited September 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    What's the point of being bound per character instead of per account?

    Maybe Cryptic took into account people with no hideouts, or people complaining they have to trade things via account bank.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    What's the point of being bound per character instead of per account? Just make it all account bound and be done with it. It's not like it's a rank 2 vehicle with the best weapons on it.

    I believe...and this is me guessing:

    If it's per account then the mod isn't bound and then could be sold as well. They are wanting to bound the mod and bound the vehicle.

    Only thing I could say is separate the mod. Make the vehicle bound to acct and the mod per character and can't sell or trade.

    So bound per character ain't a bad thing.
  • serpinecohserpinecoh Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sterga wrote: »
    What's the point of being bound per character instead of per account?
    Yes I'd much prefer a single account bound vehicle because then if I create a character more fitting to the vehicle later I'd have the option to transfer it over.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Maybe Cryptic took into account people with no hideouts, or people complaining they have to trade things via account bank.

    I could complain about having to log in with 15 toons, which is no more or less valid than having to trade via my hideout bank. Considering hideouts are all of $5 (or something like that) and can be purchased with Q, it's not like those people can't just get a hideout at some point. It just seems like it'd be simpler to make the vehicle account bound like all other vehicles, claimable once. Then it wouldn't matter if the mods were removable and sellable since you can only do it once for a whole 9g. Woo....
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    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • serpinecohserpinecoh Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Maybe Cryptic took into account people with no hideouts
    Did they disable the code for two free hideouts ( http://www.arcgames.com/en/arc-news/detail/3031673-more-free-arc-gifts_ ): Tech Cave and Druid Sanctum?

    Also don't you get one free (non-penthouse) hideout of your choice at a certain point or is that gold only?
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Definitely in the "one vehicle total, bound to account" camp. But, from a money standpoint, I suppose I can somewhat see the reasoning. If someone has a vehicle they can trade around between characters already, there's not as much incentive to buy one or try to get one via lockboxes.

    That said, there's still incentive in that this free vehicle is on the lower end in terms of effectiveness, and people may want a different look for their character. So the tradeoff for that potential vehicle sale is that every single person who might want this one on a future character is going to be SOL, unless they put this vehicle in the store or something.
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • zedbrightlander1zedbrightlander1 Posts: 3,811 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    serpinecoh wrote: »
    Did they disable the code for two free hideouts ( http://www.arcgames.com/en/arc-news/detail/3031673-more-free-arc-gifts_ ): Tech Cave and Druid Sanctum?

    Also don't you get one free (non-penthouse) hideout of your choice at a certain point or is that gold only?

    I read on a thread that people are having trouble with the codes. They were not supposed to have ended, but they seem to have been ended any way.

    Currently if you are Gold, you get one free Hideout. And two others just for trying ARC. However, that might just be the solution right there...

    Make one hideout part of the every player package regardless of when you join. Make it so that everyone gets a Hideout. The Cave seems generic enough.
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited September 2014
    I read on a thread that people are having trouble with the codes. They were not supposed to have ended, but they seem to have been ended any way.

    What error do they get? It should be working, strange to hear it isn't.
  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    See here: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=4376601&postcount=32

    Seems to be just one person, getting an error with one of the codes - I have this vague recollection that some people experienced similar errors when the codes first came out? Not sure.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I read on a thread that people are having trouble with the codes. They were not supposed to have ended, but they seem to have been ended any way.

    Currently if you are Gold, you get one free Hideout. And two others just for trying ARC. However, that might just be the solution right there...

    Make one hideout part of the every player package regardless of when you join. Make it so that everyone gets a Hideout. The Cave seems generic enough.
    If they're going to give away a hideout it should be the basement one. :P
    My characters
  • mrkuntamrkunta Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    morigosa wrote: »
    See here: http://co-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=4376601&postcount=32

    Seems to be just one person, getting an error with one of the codes - I have this vague recollection that some people experienced similar errors when the codes first came out? Not sure.
    not working for me either
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