Oh, yeah, they can just pick up one of those at the video-game-engine store, right?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
This game shows that Bethesda knows their players. That's why there's no NPCs, no story, and it's just about the basic gameplay cycle of exploring, shooting, and looting. This game was made for people who never completed the main story in a ES/FO game, who just picked a direction and started going, grabbing or shooting whatever they found, and only stopping at a town to use a crafting bench or to buy/sell with merchants. Basically this game was made for me \owo/ this proves that me and people like myself represent the majority of the current Fallout fanbase.
Also, this game proves wrong anyone that ever implied Bethesda is "too lazy" or whatever to fix their own bugs, since this time around they've made it so the players can't fix the bugs for them.
Pretty sure there are fans like myself who enjoy an engaging immersive narrative when it comes to Fallout with a start and finish.
If it mainly focused on wandering, killing and looting instead I doubt the franchise would have kept my interest
for long. There a reason why the first two games have such great replay value for me despite being over 20 years old. Hey Bethesda how about remastered versions of FO1 and 2 please.
Pretty sure there are fans like myself who enjoy an engaging immersive narrative when it comes to Fallout with a start and finish.
Well nobody claimed that players like you don't exist. Just that Bethesda is clearly catering more to my type with their latest two Fallout titles, which means we must be considered the more important majority of their fanbase \o/
> @spinnytop said: > jennymachx wrote: » > > Pretty sure there are fans like myself who enjoy an engaging immersive narrative when it comes to Fallout with a start and finish. > > > Well nobody claimed that players like you don't exist. Just that Bethesda is clearly catering more to my type with their latest two Fallout titles, which means we must be considered the more important majority of their fanbase \o/
Alright this game is still buggy as **** and I am lvl 36ish by now...just taking my time reading notes and listening to holo tapes left behind by dead people...there is a story there but it is a grim one. Rose was a breath of fresh air and the first honest to goodness npc I've encountered in the wasteland(and I thought there would be none). Bigger stash and other things coming with the dec 4th update and more coming along the way. I still dig it and I am pretty sure it will continue to hold my interest at least until I run out of quest driven stuff to do...
Well, there's Grahm and Cholly the Moo-Moo (one of my favorite random things in the game)... Or do itinerant traders not count as NPCs?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Yeah, they picked an interesting time to set the game and an equally interesting place. But the story threw people off since the story they chose assumes that almost everyone in the area died for one of several reasons.
Gotta have traders. Trading with merchants is part of what players like me like to do \o/
Well there are plenty of cookie cutter robot vendors dotted around the place but they don't really have very much personality and what little personality they do have seems to be shared among all of them.
I got the game on launch day and have been playing and enjoying it every day since. I knew exactly what I was getting because I read articles and payed attention to what was being offered. Fallout 76 is an online sandbox survival game. If you don't like those you aren't going to like Fallout 76. It's a bit of a buggy mess at the moment but that's typical of most game launches these days and Bethesda particularly. I had to wait 2 updates for Fallout 4 to not crash to desktop on me after release and I broke crafting in Skyrim after 12 hours of playing (make alteration clothes, wear them to make better alteration clothes, rinse and repeat until you can make godly weapons and armor). Fallout 76 only occasionally drops me from the server or does something weird like reset enemy HP.
I would recommend the game to anyone who likes sandbox survival games because that's what it is. If you want Fallout 5 then you'll just have to wait. If you do want to try it I have a few pieces of advice:
1. Read this thread, follow instructions: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/282761/remove-dof-and-blur/3
2. You don't have to loot every wrench or piece of junk you find. No seriously, all that stuff respawns. Only loot what you need.
3. Put 3 points in Endurance and buy all three ranks of Lead Belly. Your food, water and rad problems will disappear.
If anyone wants to hit me up on PC my handle is Urban_Blackbear. I run with a mic but I know where the mute button is on it.
Oh and for the record, yes there are rock cliffs all over the place in the real WV. Gray sandstone or limestone though, not basalt.
well, maybe they should try using an engine that can handle tracking data from more than a few thousand items before s.hitting itself then
Um, did you hear about how last year's Hitman game has a bug that the devs have declared to be unfixable and that players will have to live with it?
It's simply really. The game engine animates dead people in a way that uses more resources than live people, so each person you kill increases the system load. Unless you use a form of corpse removal that destroys the body. Those do exist in some levels. The actual bug is that the devs didn't anticipate the effect of having corpses piled up in the game would have. Once you have several dozen laying around it starts creating a major drag on the game engine and in some levels can actually crash the game. It takes over a hundred corpses laying on the ground dead, but eventually it happens.
Yeah, they picked an interesting time to set the game and an equally interesting place. But the story threw people off since the story they chose assumes that almost everyone in the area died for one of several reasons.
Well it is an apocalypse. Everybody being dead makes sense and it's actually kinda neat to have a fallout game that comes that way vanilla. It also means more real estate for shootin' and lootin'!
Well it is an apocalypse. Everybody being dead makes sense and it's actually kinda neat to have a fallout game that comes that way vanilla. It also means more real estate for shootin' and lootin'!
Except everyone isn't dead. Mole Miners, Scorched, Ghouls, Mutants...all very much alive and (former) Human. It also just so happens that (almost) all of them are extremely hostile.
2. You don't have to loot every wrench or piece of junk you find. No seriously, all that stuff respawns. Only loot what you need.
I carry toothpaste and toothbrush. Soap. Hairbrush. Lighter. Forks, knives, spoons. Different plates and bowls for different foods. Cuttingboards for meat, fish, vegetables and 2 extra. Pots and pans. Coffeepot and cupx2. Teapot and cupx2. Sugar. Salt and pepper. Spices. Dogfood. Cereals. Boiled and purified water. Medicine. Pillow. Alarmclock. Teddybears. Pyjamas. Bathrobe. Axe. Firewood. Lantern. Binonuclars. Booze. Beer. Colas. Drugs. Cigarettes. (i know i forgot something important...)
Pistol. Shotgun. Rifle. Scoped Rifle. Machinegun. Crossbow. Ammo. Machete. Big axe. Bowie knife. Combat knife. Crowbar. Grenades. Molotowcocktails. Mines. Some bodyarmor. Assortement of clothes. Eyeglasses. Hats.
(i know i forgot something important...)
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Except everyone isn't dead. Mole Miners, Scorched, Ghouls, Mutants...all very much alive and (former) Human. It also just so happens that (almost) all of them are extremely hostile.
Scroll up. We be talkin' about interactable friendly NPCs with story content! Yarr!
Gotta have traders. Trading with merchants is part of what players like me like to do \o/
Grahm is a Super Mutant who was persuaded to engage in trade. His philosophy is that if you kill someone, you can only take their stuff once, but if you trade with them, you can take it over and over! Cholly the Moo-Moo is his pack brahmin.
And today, I encountered the last surviving raider - a former Miss Nanny named Rose. She seems a little unclear on the distinction between robot and human, or for that matter between living and non-living, but she does need your help with some things, because her laser and saw just aren't the right tools sometimes.
And of course if you absolutely insist on humanoid traders, just gather up a bunch of stuff and set yourself up as a roadside trader somewhere. A half-wall makes an acceptable walkup window in your building...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
who said ANYTHING about hitman? i don't even know what the **** hitman is - i'm talking about the creation engine which is a shitty decades old engine being used in modern games that it isn't designed for
and that's why you don't use shitty decades old engines for modern games
Ohh… I laughed myself silly with that one. HITMAN™
As far as I know they built a new engine for this game since it has a lot of features the older ones didn't.
The actual terrain geometry in missions is shared by every mission that uses that location, however each mission is a bit different and certain details may vary. Also there are many things to interact with in the environment and the game has to remember them all. For example, any item the player picks up can be dropped in pretty much any location that the player chooses and it has to stay there without despawning. There is probably over 100 items that can be relocated in this way per level.
Also you can CREATE items with certain interactions. For example: knock a guard unconscious, hide him in a closet, steal his clothes and gun. The game has to remember all of this, including the location of the clothes you were wearing before you stole the guard's clothes.
A "shitty decades old engine" couldn't do that. The reality is that it's a ridiculously complex game and the crash is not something that happens in normal gameplay.
EDIT: Link fix for the Link Fix god!
EDIT2: I really hate this stupid forum post eating bug.....
who said ANYTHING about hitman? i don't even know what the **** hitman is - i'm talking about the creation engine which is a shitty decades old engine being used in modern games that it isn't designed for
You say that like you think Bethesda never makes changes or improvements. And "shitty"? AJAAHAHAHAAHAHAH oh boy.... It handles some of the most complex and arcane quest coding the world has ever seen. Skyrim has quests with secret completion pathways that technically fail the quest, but give a completely different reward instead. Fallout 4 has quests with variable completion methods with different rewards depending on your choices. Skyrim and Fallout 4 have random NPC encounters that are triggered by story events or the completion of side quests. And of course both of them have a world map that can get rearranged by decisions the player has made. Help the Institute? Blow up the Institute? Like I said, player choice makes a difference.
because the unofficial patches exist, and every single one is nearly half a gigabyte in size
it's a shitty engine - PERIOD
Um.... those "patches" you talk about don't change the engine at all. If the engine actually was shitty, then modders wouldn't be able to change the game so extensively and have it actually work.
A lot of people don't realize that a very large portion of the unofficial patches aren't actually bug fixes, but simply changes made to the game according to the author's taste - they're not fixing something, just changing it so it "makes sense" to the author. And yes, of course, those patches have nothing whatsoever to do with the engine - claiming otherwise shows a fundamental misunderstanding of both what the patches and the engine are. Engine is often another one of those words that people toss around without really knowing what a game engine actually is.
It's clear that shadowfang isn't referring to patches that make changes to according to the author's tastes. Unofficial patches have been created by community modders in the past specifically to fix bugs when it comes to Bethesda's game engine. If the intended result is not having the bug / glitch appear in the game, then it counts as a fix plain and simple, regardless of the method used to do it.
On the other hand I disagree with dismissing it as a shitty engine. It's just dated at this point and is in need of an upgrade. You don't use a 7 year old game engine designed with single player as its main focus and then slap on an online multiplayer component on it and then expect things to work exactly the way you want it to, especially when you allow existing bugs left over in that game engine to carry over from one game to another. Hell, bugs in the PC version of Skyrim were actually carried over to the Switch version released 6 years later. Some minimal effort in fixing some of them would be nice before actually making that port.
Anyway Bethesda has just publically addressed the playerbase's negative backlash and has admitted that a lot more work needs to be done on FO76, so that's a positive step forward. Heck, it might have been better for them to give the game another year of fine-tuning before official release but hey, corporate deadlines and all that. I just hope they do a better job with Starfield and maybe, just maybe work on improving the engine for that game.
YouTube can be a good place to find how-to videos and "Let's Play"-style videos. As a news source, however, it tends to amplify the stupid.
How is stating facts, amplifying the stupid? Are we aware of the fact, that most YouTubers get their information from actual gaming journalists? (most of them ARE in fact, journalists themselves) You make no sense.
YouTube can be a good place to find how-to videos and "Let's Play"-style videos. As a news source, however, it tends to amplify the stupid.
How is stating facts, amplifying the stupid? Are we aware of the fact, that most YouTubers get their information from actual gaming journalists? (most of them ARE in fact, journalists themselves) You make no sense.
It's the old "discredit any source that proves you wrong" routine. Popular nowadays. Bit of a variation on ad hominem.
It's clear that shadowfang isn't referring to patches that make changes to according to the author's tastes. Unofficial patches have been created by community modders in the past specifically to fix bugs when it comes to Bethesda's game engine. If the intended result is not having the bug / glitch appear in the game, then it counts as a fix plain and simple, regardless of the method used to do it.
I'm talking about the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, same as Shadowfang. And nope, still no, you can't patch the engine. Closest they came to that is shenon's memory fix, but otherwise no. You can alter records, which is what the USKP does, but you cannot patch the engine. If you could I'm sure someone would have fixed that light flicker bug years ago.
Fun fact, I actually have a patch for the unnofficial patch to revert some of the non-bug fix changes that Arthmoor made. Making a patch for a patch is the true modding experience!
Why do you care if it's all bug fixes or just half bug fixes anyways. Still plenty of bug fixes in there.
"Patching" was a somewhat inaccurate term to use I guess, should have stuck to "fixes" via mods.
So I'm curious to know how the whole modding thing is going to work with FO76 being online only then. Would player mod unofficial fixes still be a thing since it's no longer entirely localized?
> @markhawkman said: > shadowfang240 wrote: » > > because the unofficial patches exist, and every single one is nearly half a gigabyte in size > > it's a shitty engine - PERIOD > > > > Um.... those "patches" you talk about don't change the engine at all. If the engine actually was shitty, then modders wouldn't be able to change the game so extensively and have it actually work.
You like fallout 76? Great! Guess what though, objectively it DOES have an over assortment of issues. Accepting that doesn’t change facts that a majority of people didn’t. Look at the multitude of reviews.
Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.
Stop arguing, because...
oh, and forgot to mention my @name...Finndalf. I'm easy to spot, i walk reeeaallly reeeaallly slooowww.
Someone has recreated Preston in 76; he likes to hang out near the Vault and tell people another settlement needs their help.
That "controversy"? Is stupid. I didn't get the Powered Armor edition because I wanted a canvas bag, I got it because I wanted a T-51b helmet of my very own. Bonus, it's big enough to fit on my head, and comes with a battery-powered voice changer (and cheap batteries). The nylon bag is used only when I want to make sure the helmet doesn't get dusty, and nylon does that at least as well as canvas. (Honestly, I couldn't tell you whether the bag material was even mentioned in the original advertising, because I didn't care.) And any "class-action suit" on that basis is doomed in court, because there's no material loss involved - it's not like the bag material is going to affect resale value. (An argument could be made that nylon improves the resale value over time, because of the aromas that old canvas can start to get.)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
"Patching" was a somewhat inaccurate term to use I guess, should have stuck to "fixes" via mods.
So I'm curious to know how the whole modding thing is going to work with FO76 being online only then. Would player mod unofficial fixes still be a thing since it's no longer entirely localized?
I think this is part of why the Creation club is a thing now. You can submit mod ideas to Bethesda and if they like them they'll put them on the server for other players to use. Or at least that's my guess as to where it's going.
YouTube can be a good place to find how-to videos and "Let's Play"-style videos. As a news source, however, it tends to amplify the stupid.
How is stating facts, amplifying the stupid? Are we aware of the fact, that most YouTubers get their information from actual gaming journalists? (most of them ARE in fact, journalists themselves) You make no sense.
A lot of the negative stuff I've seen on youtube is poorly researched, so much so that it's hard to tell whether the person complaining about a bug is talking about a genuine bug or it they're just bad at playing the game.
A lot of the negative stuff I've seen on youtube is poorly researched, so much so that it's hard to tell whether the person complaining about a bug is talking about a genuine bug or it they're just bad at playing the game.
A lot of the negative stuff I've seen on youtube is poorly researched, so much so that it's hard to tell whether the person complaining about a bug is talking about a genuine bug or it they're just bad at playing the game.
No, it really isn't "hard" to tell, especially when it's being shown in full unmitigated detail in dozens of videos.
What even is this logic of a player's skill being proportional to the authencity of a bug anyway? Bugs rear their ugly heads either unintentionally from the player's interaction with game mechanics or generally at random instances while the game is running. If it's something like stats and numerical data, okay fine, they're a little trickier to catch, but the obvious ones that happen visually in plain sight are undisputable.
I've got no need to watch a 40 minute video made by youtuber who uses exaggerated outrage to gain clicks. Yeah I'm sure many of the complaints are valid ones but they are being blown way out of proportion and the internet hate train is just soaking it all up. Occasional glitchy things like t-posed or distorted enemies are rare in my experience are more amusing to me than game breaking. I have encountered zero game breaking glitches so far and I've been playing since the day the game launched and every day since. Oh yeah, and a lot of those glitchy things I have seen have been getting fixed and more fixes are on the way.
If you've played the game and found it unplayable or simply watched some angry videos and made up your mind already...that's fine, you do you. I'm still playing the game though and having lots of fun. I hope you all are having lots of fun too.
Well, he is playing a character.. he isn't actually angry. But to date, his review is the most detailed one out there. He covers all the glitches, bugs, gameplay mechanic flaws, aswell as.. the broken promises. Sticking your head in the sand, doesn't magically turn this turd of a video game into a diamond.
Don't get me wrong, i am an avid Fallout fan (F3 is my favorite) and a die hard Bethesda fanboy, myself.
A lot of the negative stuff I've seen on youtube is poorly researched, so much so that it's hard to tell whether the person complaining about a bug is talking about a genuine bug or it they're just bad at playing the game.
I'm not watching anything he puts on his channel. I watched one of his vids a while back and concluded his entire channel is garbage. I don't have time to watch every single piece of dreck someone spits out about the game. I have however watched several hours of people actually playing the game. For example these idiots: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsPtyNei0k0
I call them idiots because they're just running around and not stopping to actually USE anything they pickup. Heck Rob broke his gun at one point because he didn't repair it, OR pick up a replacement from one of the many Scorched he killed. Then what they do pickup gets lost when they die because they never go back to retrieve it. Also they're low-level characters running towards the edge of the map. That's pretty much a recipe for getting killed repeatedly.
A lot of the negative stuff I've seen on youtube is poorly researched, so much so that it's hard to tell whether the person complaining about a bug is talking about a genuine bug or it they're just bad at playing the game.
No, it really isn't "hard" to tell, especially when it's being shown in full unmitigated detail in dozens of videos.
What even is this logic of a player's skill being proportional to the authencity of a bug anyway? Bugs rear their ugly heads either unintentionally from the player's interaction with game mechanics or generally at random instances while the game is running. If it's something like stats and numerical data, okay fine, they're a little trickier to catch, but the obvious ones that happen visually in plain sight are undisputable.
You're going to have to give actual examples, because vague generalities are meaningless fluff.
Seriously, I gave an example of something that a youtube commenter claimed to be a "buggy broken quest" when the reality was that he simply wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. I'm not going to give a generalization that ALL the negative reviews are based on fundamental mis-understandings of how the game works. Quite frankly I've not bothered to watch most of them simply because they make it clear from the title of the video that it's not a fair review.
I've got no need to watch a 40 minute video made by youtuber who uses exaggerated outrage to gain clicks. Yeah I'm sure many of the complaints are valid ones but they are being blown way out of proportion and the internet hate train is just soaking it all up. Occasional glitchy things like t-posed or distorted enemies are rare in my experience are more amusing to me than game breaking. I have encountered zero game breaking glitches so far and I've been playing since the day the game launched and every day since. Oh yeah, and a lot of those glitchy things I have seen have been getting fixed and more fixes are on the way.
If you've played the game and found it unplayable or simply watched some angry videos and made up your mind already...that's fine, you do you. I'm still playing the game though and having lots of fun. I hope you all are having lots of fun too.
Agreed, I'm not saying it doesn't have bugs. But it's a fun, playable game even with the bugs.
Well, he is playing a character.. he isn't actually angry. But to date, his review is the most detailed one out there. He covers all the glitches, bugs, gameplay mechanic flaws, aswell as.. the broken promises. Sticking your head in the sand, doesn't magically turn this turd of a video game into a diamond.
Don't get me wrong, i am an avid Fallout fan (F3 is my favorite) and a die hard Bethesda fanboy, myself.
This sounded like a reasonable post until you said "turd". Since none of what you said actually supports that conclusion. Since you claim to have actually watch that 40 minute video, I'm sure you can give us all a summary of each of the points of discussion and why these issues are severe enough to warrant calling the game a "turd".
Ok so I went ahead and watched the video and listened to this shouty man shout in my ear at full volume about how much he hates the game and goes on to show all the bugs, lots of which are already fixed, points out how pointless the pvp is.(it is and that doesn't bother me but I could see how it could be upsetting for some people) Complains about no re-spec at lvl 50.(which will be added soon) Complains about the cash item shop without mentioning that you earn atoms from doing quests and things about don't have to spend an additional dime of real money on any of it... plus all the stuff in there is pretty pointless anyway...
I agree with one thing in that video though and that is that Todd Howard was blowing smoke up people's asses at E3...
but that is what everybody does at E3, this isn't even the first time Todd has done it at E3. It doesn't make it right but honestly that is something I've come to expect and so took everything he was talking about with a grain of salt from the get go. Also I didn't watch most of it at the time..so the sense of betrayal people seem to be feeling hasn't appeared to have effected me.
He also complained that the game was dreadfully boring and the quests were uninteresting. I disagree... but that is more a matter of personal taste than anything.
Also I turned off the voice chat settings almost immediately and the only other person I have grouped with so far is a buddy of mine who is usually sitting about 8 feet away from me...I don't even own a headset. (guy in the video also complained about mic settings)
"Patching" was a somewhat inaccurate term to use I guess, should have stuck to "fixes" via mods.
So I'm curious to know how the whole modding thing is going to work with FO76 being online only then. Would player mod unofficial fixes still be a thing since it's no longer entirely localized?
There are going to be private servers, and on those the person running the private server can install mods. That is what I've heard at least.
As for players fixing bugs, who knows, maybe Bethesda will fix all a great majority of the bugs before players have to. Fallout 76 is after all one of the least dense games in terms of content since they removed a ton of what's usually in the game making the task of debugging it much simpler this time around.
He also complained that the game was dreadfully boring and the quests were uninteresting. I disagree... but that is more a matter of personal taste than anything.
He's just not the kind of player we are. We like wandering the wasteland shooting and looting. He needs a baby to chase to have a good time o3o
Shooting and looting yes, but also exploring things and just sort of absorbing in the bleakness of it all...
and then a scorchbeast swoops in and roasts me alive with whatever it is they do...nuclear sonic screams or something. Good times.
But honestly though one of my favorite things to do in Bethesda games is to wander the map until I see something interesting in the distance then go up to it and have look around. I like finding notes and holotapes that slowly unravel the mystery surrounding the area to those patient enough to search every corner. You know like in all those abandoned vaults in the other fallout games... the ones only filled with corpses, ghouls, and maybe a few other monsters...
Vault stories are always interesting. Like the one where they just pumped crazy gas into the air, or the one with all the drug addicts, or the red vs blue vault. My personal favorite is the one they sent a bunch of rich people to and then made them sleep on the floor ^_____^
And when you explore Vault-Tec University, and the Test Vault beneath it, you begin to understand the depth of the depravity Vault-Tec was capable of (especially when you read the Dean's terminal).
Then you get to West-Tek, and find out what true inhumanity looks like...
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Also, this game proves wrong anyone that ever implied Bethesda is "too lazy" or whatever to fix their own bugs, since this time around they've made it so the players can't fix the bugs for them.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
If it mainly focused on wandering, killing and looting instead I doubt the franchise would have kept my interest
for long. There a reason why the first two games have such great replay value for me despite being over 20 years old. Hey Bethesda how about remastered versions of FO1 and 2 please.
Well nobody claimed that players like you don't exist. Just that Bethesda is clearly catering more to my type with their latest two Fallout titles, which means we must be considered the more important majority of their fanbase \o/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
> jennymachx wrote: »
> Pretty sure there are fans like myself who enjoy an engaging immersive narrative when it comes to Fallout with a start and finish.
> Well nobody claimed that players like you don't exist. Just that Bethesda is clearly catering more to my type with their latest two Fallout titles, which means we must be considered the more important majority of their fanbase \o/
I didn't say that claim was being made.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I'd say that counts but I have yet to encounter them.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My characters
Well there are plenty of cookie cutter robot vendors dotted around the place but they don't really have very much personality and what little personality they do have seems to be shared among all of them.
I would recommend the game to anyone who likes sandbox survival games because that's what it is. If you want Fallout 5 then you'll just have to wait. If you do want to try it I have a few pieces of advice:
1. Read this thread, follow instructions: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/282761/remove-dof-and-blur/3
2. You don't have to loot every wrench or piece of junk you find. No seriously, all that stuff respawns. Only loot what you need.
3. Put 3 points in Endurance and buy all three ranks of Lead Belly. Your food, water and rad problems will disappear.
If anyone wants to hit me up on PC my handle is Urban_Blackbear. I run with a mic but I know where the mute button is on it.
Oh and for the record, yes there are rock cliffs all over the place in the real WV. Gray sandstone or limestone though, not basalt.
Frostbiter (Freeform Ice DPS)
Battle Hazard (Unleashed AT)
Glacial Tyrant (Glacier AT)
Silver Mantra ( Freeform Single Blade DPS)
Magnetros (Freeform Heavy Weapons/Lightning Hybrid)
It's simply really. The game engine animates dead people in a way that uses more resources than live people, so each person you kill increases the system load. Unless you use a form of corpse removal that destroys the body. Those do exist in some levels. The actual bug is that the devs didn't anticipate the effect of having corpses piled up in the game would have. Once you have several dozen laying around it starts creating a major drag on the game engine and in some levels can actually crash the game. It takes over a hundred corpses laying on the ground dead, but eventually it happens.
My characters
Well it is an apocalypse. Everybody being dead makes sense and it's actually kinda neat to have a fallout game that comes that way vanilla. It also means more real estate for shootin' and lootin'!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Except everyone isn't dead. Mole Miners, Scorched, Ghouls, Mutants...all very much alive and (former) Human. It also just so happens that (almost) all of them are extremely hostile.
I carry toothpaste and toothbrush. Soap. Hairbrush. Lighter. Forks, knives, spoons. Different plates and bowls for different foods. Cuttingboards for meat, fish, vegetables and 2 extra. Pots and pans. Coffeepot and cupx2. Teapot and cupx2. Sugar. Salt and pepper. Spices. Dogfood. Cereals. Boiled and purified water. Medicine. Pillow. Alarmclock. Teddybears. Pyjamas. Bathrobe. Axe. Firewood. Lantern. Binonuclars. Booze. Beer. Colas. Drugs. Cigarettes. (i know i forgot something important...)
Pistol. Shotgun. Rifle. Scoped Rifle. Machinegun. Crossbow. Ammo. Machete. Big axe. Bowie knife. Combat knife. Crowbar. Grenades. Molotowcocktails. Mines. Some bodyarmor. Assortement of clothes. Eyeglasses. Hats.
(i know i forgot something important...)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Scroll up. We be talkin' about interactable friendly NPCs with story content! Yarr!
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Error 404: Friendly NPCs with story content not found, please check your audio logs.
Scroll up, already covered \o/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And today, I encountered the last surviving raider - a former Miss Nanny named Rose. She seems a little unclear on the distinction between robot and human, or for that matter between living and non-living, but she does need your help with some things, because her laser and saw just aren't the right tools sometimes.
And of course if you absolutely insist on humanoid traders, just gather up a bunch of stuff and set yourself up as a roadside trader somewhere. A half-wall makes an acceptable walkup window in your building...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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As far as I know they built a new engine for this game since it has a lot of features the older ones didn't.
The actual terrain geometry in missions is shared by every mission that uses that location, however each mission is a bit different and certain details may vary. Also there are many things to interact with in the environment and the game has to remember them all. For example, any item the player picks up can be dropped in pretty much any location that the player chooses and it has to stay there without despawning. There is probably over 100 items that can be relocated in this way per level.
Also you can CREATE items with certain interactions. For example: knock a guard unconscious, hide him in a closet, steal his clothes and gun. The game has to remember all of this, including the location of the clothes you were wearing before you stole the guard's clothes.
A "shitty decades old engine" couldn't do that. The reality is that it's a ridiculously complex game and the crash is not something that happens in normal gameplay.
EDIT: Link fix for the Link Fix god!
EDIT2: I really hate this stupid forum post eating bug.....
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So why do you call it "shitty"?
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it's a shitty engine - PERIOD
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On the other hand I disagree with dismissing it as a shitty engine. It's just dated at this point and is in need of an upgrade. You don't use a 7 year old game engine designed with single player as its main focus and then slap on an online multiplayer component on it and then expect things to work exactly the way you want it to, especially when you allow existing bugs left over in that game engine to carry over from one game to another. Hell, bugs in the PC version of Skyrim were actually carried over to the Switch version released 6 years later. Some minimal effort in fixing some of them would be nice before actually making that port.
Anyway Bethesda has just publically addressed the playerbase's negative backlash and has admitted that a lot more work needs to be done on FO76, so that's a positive step forward. Heck, it might have been better for them to give the game another year of fine-tuning before official release but hey, corporate deadlines and all that. I just hope they do a better job with Starfield and maybe, just maybe work on improving the engine for that game.
How is stating facts, amplifying the stupid? Are we aware of the fact, that most YouTubers get their information from actual gaming journalists? (most of them ARE in fact, journalists themselves) You make no sense.
It's the old "discredit any source that proves you wrong" routine. Popular nowadays. Bit of a variation on ad hominem.
I'm talking about the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, same as Shadowfang. And nope, still no, you can't patch the engine. Closest they came to that is shenon's memory fix, but otherwise no. You can alter records, which is what the USKP does, but you cannot patch the engine. If you could I'm sure someone would have fixed that light flicker bug years ago.
Fun fact, I actually have a patch for the unnofficial patch to revert some of the non-bug fix changes that Arthmoor made. Making a patch for a patch is the true modding experience!
Why do you care if it's all bug fixes or just half bug fixes anyways. Still plenty of bug fixes in there.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
So I'm curious to know how the whole modding thing is going to work with FO76 being online only then. Would player mod unofficial fixes still be a thing since it's no longer entirely localized?
> shadowfang240 wrote: »
> because the unofficial patches exist, and every single one is nearly half a gigabyte in size
> it's a shitty engine - PERIOD
> Um.... those "patches" you talk about don't change the engine at all. If the engine actually was shitty, then modders wouldn't be able to change the game so extensively and have it actually work.
You like fallout 76? Great! Guess what though, objectively it DOES have an over assortment of issues. Accepting that doesn’t change facts that a majority of people didn’t. Look at the multitude of reviews.
42 40s, LTSer.
oh, and forgot to mention my @name...Finndalf. I'm easy to spot, i walk reeeaallly reeeaallly slooowww.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That "controversy"? Is stupid. I didn't get the Powered Armor edition because I wanted a canvas bag, I got it because I wanted a T-51b helmet of my very own. Bonus, it's big enough to fit on my head, and comes with a battery-powered voice changer (and cheap batteries). The nylon bag is used only when I want to make sure the helmet doesn't get dusty, and nylon does that at least as well as canvas. (Honestly, I couldn't tell you whether the bag material was even mentioned in the original advertising, because I didn't care.) And any "class-action suit" on that basis is doomed in court, because there's no material loss involved - it's not like the bag material is going to affect resale value. (An argument could be made that nylon improves the resale value over time, because of the aromas that old canvas can start to get.)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No, not really. You said you didn't even watch the reviews, so you're contradicting yourself. Watch this:
No, it really isn't "hard" to tell, especially when it's being shown in full unmitigated detail in dozens of videos.
What even is this logic of a player's skill being proportional to the authencity of a bug anyway? Bugs rear their ugly heads either unintentionally from the player's interaction with game mechanics or generally at random instances while the game is running. If it's something like stats and numerical data, okay fine, they're a little trickier to catch, but the obvious ones that happen visually in plain sight are undisputable.
If you've played the game and found it unplayable or simply watched some angry videos and made up your mind already...that's fine, you do you. I'm still playing the game though and having lots of fun. I hope you all are having lots of fun too.
Don't get me wrong, i am an avid Fallout fan (F3 is my favorite) and a die hard Bethesda fanboy, myself.
I call them idiots because they're just running around and not stopping to actually USE anything they pickup. Heck Rob broke his gun at one point because he didn't repair it, OR pick up a replacement from one of the many Scorched he killed. Then what they do pickup gets lost when they die because they never go back to retrieve it. Also they're low-level characters running towards the edge of the map. That's pretty much a recipe for getting killed repeatedly. You're going to have to give actual examples, because vague generalities are meaningless fluff.
Seriously, I gave an example of something that a youtube commenter claimed to be a "buggy broken quest" when the reality was that he simply wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. I'm not going to give a generalization that ALL the negative reviews are based on fundamental mis-understandings of how the game works. Quite frankly I've not bothered to watch most of them simply because they make it clear from the title of the video that it's not a fair review. Agreed, I'm not saying it doesn't have bugs. But it's a fun, playable game even with the bugs. This sounded like a reasonable post until you said "turd". Since none of what you said actually supports that conclusion. Since you claim to have actually watch that 40 minute video, I'm sure you can give us all a summary of each of the points of discussion and why these issues are severe enough to warrant calling the game a "turd".
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I agree with one thing in that video though and that is that Todd Howard was blowing smoke up people's asses at E3...
but that is what everybody does at E3, this isn't even the first time Todd has done it at E3. It doesn't make it right but honestly that is something I've come to expect and so took everything he was talking about with a grain of salt from the get go. Also I didn't watch most of it at the time..so the sense of betrayal people seem to be feeling hasn't appeared to have effected me.
Also I turned off the voice chat settings almost immediately and the only other person I have grouped with so far is a buddy of mine who is usually sitting about 8 feet away from me...I don't even own a headset. (guy in the video also complained about mic settings)
There are going to be private servers, and on those the person running the private server can install mods. That is what I've heard at least.
As for players fixing bugs, who knows, maybe Bethesda will fix all a great majority of the bugs before players have to. Fallout 76 is after all one of the least dense games in terms of content since they removed a ton of what's usually in the game making the task of debugging it much simpler this time around.
He's just not the kind of player we are. We like wandering the wasteland shooting and looting. He needs a baby to chase to have a good time o3o
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and then a scorchbeast swoops in and roasts me alive with whatever it is they do...nuclear sonic screams or something. Good times.
But honestly though one of my favorite things to do in Bethesda games is to wander the map until I see something interesting in the distance then go up to it and have look around. I like finding notes and holotapes that slowly unravel the mystery surrounding the area to those patient enough to search every corner. You know like in all those abandoned vaults in the other fallout games... the ones only filled with corpses, ghouls, and maybe a few other monsters...
There is lots of that in Fallout 76.
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Then you get to West-Tek, and find out what true inhumanity looks like...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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