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Altaholic Challenge (Part 5)

eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
edited September 2015 in Champions Online Discussion
This continuing tradition is dedicated in honor of AngelofCaine :smile:

Purposes of this topic
  • to have fun
  • to maybe some friendly competition (but there's no prize or winner so it's ultimately just for kicks)
  • to see where you rank with your "Altaholic" peers :biggrin:
  • to give you some sort of an achievement / perk for having done all that effort
  • to showcase your characters
  • to raise your notoriety with your friends and peers in the community
  • to keep the tradition going (edit: especially to honor AngleofCaine)


[i]username [/i]([B]@handle[/B]) [I]with[/I] [B]n[/B] [I]level 40's[/I] (Name of Main)
Looks like this:

forum name (@handle) with # of 40s level 40's (Main Character)
agentnx5 (@agentx5) with 10 level 40's (Alyssa Q'Uzixola)

Note: If a post does not include the above detail it will not be included in an update. Please help make this easier to maintain by following guidelines.

Minimum quantity:

You must have at least 4 level 40's to be put on the list, but reserve the right to raise the minimum cut-off if I run out of posting space (stupid forum character limit, out of my control). I don't want to limit anybody, but there's a finite space available. So until further notice, to make this list you need greater or equal to 4 level 40's to make the list, that's what I'm defining an "altaholic" as. -- definition revised from 3 to 4 by TrailTurtle


It shall be ranked in descending order from most level 40's to least. If there's a tie for a spot, it will be sorted alphabetically by username (forum username, because easier for me to sort it).


Please don't give false information. If evidence on providing falsifying information surfaces I'm simply going to delete you from the list, and you're welcome to contact me later with the correct information and appeal to get back on. Just make it simple and don't lie, please.

How to request an edit (i.e.: to raise your total #'s of level 40's):

Simply post a revised entry in the above Format.
When get around to your post as I keep reading, I'll go back and edit the list (and your rank in it).
That's it! Just be patient and please understand I have to update this manually.

Questions? Concerns? Feel free to send me a PM, anytime!

Archived Challenges

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Post edited by eiledon on


  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    New and Improved (last updated Mar 2nd 2016)

    Chart Position

    chaelk UP 1 PLACES
    eiledon UP 1 PLACES
    ussharrington UP 6 PLACES
    James_Bonnell UP 6 PLACES
    deadman20 UP 17 PLACES
    Roughbearmattach UP 6 PLACES
    decorumfriends UP 13 PLACES
    ph0toncann0n NEW ENTRY
    Squirrelloid NEW ENTRY
    TheMightyDork UP 4 PLACES


    bluhman + 14 CHARS
    chaelk + 6 CHARS
    guyhumual + 4 CHARS
    eiledon + 12 CHARS
    ussharrington + 16 CHARS
    sanguineviper + 2 CHARS
    James_Bonnell + 4 CHARS
    deadman20 + 6 CHARS
    Roughbearmattach + 3 CHARS
    decorumfriends + 4 CHARS
    ph0toncann0n + 19 CHARS
    Squirrelloid + 15 CHARS
    TheMightyDork + 1 CHARS​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 20

    1 heatherbel (@ujjjezebel) with 200 level 40s (Ginny Bennett Beare)
    2 bluhman (@Bluhman) with 114 level 40s (Chisoku)
    3 greeter777 (@greeter) with 100 level 40s (greeter)
    4 chaelk (@cloudsatdawn) with 94 level 40s (Smudge)
    5 monaahiru (@monaahiru6) with 90 level 40s (Jewel Peach)
    6 guyhumual (@Guy_Humual) with 79 level 40s (Masquerade)
    7 eiledon (@Liath) with 73 level 40s (Rook)
    8 jasinblaze (@jasinblazing) with 71 level 40s (Jinx)
    9 KenpoJuJitsu3 (@KenpoJuJitsu3) with 61 level 40s (Sho Nuff)
    10 ussharrington (@frogwilliams) with 54 level 40s (Wildcat)
    11 galantdramon (@galantdramon) with 46 level 40s (M.A.R.C.)
    12 gerberatetra (@forgemccain) with 46 level 40s (Mayhem)
    13 sanguineviper (@SanguineViper) with 42 level 40s (Pink)
    14 slowecsl4pwe (@slowecsl) with 41 level 40s (Angela Ambrose)
    15 James_Bonnell (@james_bonnell) with 38 level 40s (???)
    16 maleb666 (@Mal666) with 38 level 40s (Blunt Force)
    17 Sparklisina (@Glass-Rose) with 38 level 40s (Sapphira Star)
    18 foosnark (???) with 37 level 40s (Reaction)
    19 Rtma (@Rtma) with 36 level 40s (Rtma Eros Paragon)
    20 Kazecat (@Kazecat) with 35 level 40s (Debuff)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 40

    21 meredyredleaf (@Meredy_Redleaf) with 35 level 40s (Efreeta)
    22 neuraldamage (???) with 33 level 40s (???)
    23 AaronKorr (@Aaronkorr) with 30 level 40s (The Magic Bullet)
    24 cellarrat33 (@bsquared) with 30 level 40s (Just Bill)
    25 gradii (@Dazee) with 30 level 40s (???)
    26 deadman20 (@DZPlayer122) with 29 level 40s (Turando)
    27 mawayne (@-seismic-) with 29 level 40s (Blitz)
    28 wimpazoid (@wimpazoid) with 29 level 40s (Masquerade)
    29 arcolf (@Arcolf) with 28 level 40s (Raizek)
    30 chaelk (@kittykaboomboom) with 28 level 40s (Snowball)
    31 crypticbuxom (@buxom) with 28 level 40s (Shoey)
    32 flyingfinn (@FlyingFinn) with 28 level 40s (The Finnish)
    33 panthrax77 (@Anthrax77x) with 28 level 40s (Panther)
    34 rstzed (@wert789) with 27 level 40s (Tigrina)
    35 stmoth (@quincystmoth) with 27 level 40s (Techroid)
    36 honestresearcher (@snakewildlife) with 26 level 40s (Snake Wildlife)
    37 Lawblack (@Moustic) with 26 level 40s (???)
    38 Roughbearmattach (@roughbear) with 26 level 40s (Mattachine)
    39 Kaizerin (@Kaiserin) with 25 level 40s (Kaiserin)
    40 crosschan (@Crosschan) with 24 level 40s (Crosschan)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 60

    41 decorumfriends (@decorumfriends) with 24 level 40s (Adam Arcane)
    42 kharma23 (@karma23) with 24 level 40s (Crimson Contessa)
    43 lstcause101 (@Xenoform101) with 24 level 40s (Squishy the Brain-Squid)
    44 SprawlFX (@sprawlfx) with 24 level 40s (Outlander)
    45 Avianos (@Avianos) with 23 level 40s (Leanna)
    46 clockwise (@Dubsy) with 22 level 40s (Something Black)
    47 iamrune (@Rune) with 22 level 40s (Rune)
    48 lordhavelock (@PatricianVetinari) with 22 level 40s (Lomas Manchester)
    49 borg10f9 (@Borg1of9) with 21 level 40s (Big'Red)
    50 sanmerci (@will-o-whisp) with 21 level 40s (Felicity)
    51 uprightdog (@CanisErectus) with 21 level 40s (Regan the Wonder Dog)
    52 Bughouse (@bughouse) with 20 level 40s (Surge)
    53 Chalupaoffury (@eviltaco) with 20 level 40s (Chernobyl)
    54 cidersylph (@FrozenViolet) with 20 level 40s (Chocolate Chip Chelsea)
    55 quasimojo1 (@mojohama) with 20 level 40s (Quasi)
    56 starguardsman (@sunturion) with 20 level 40s (Entropy)
    57 ph0toncann0n (@ph0toncann0n) with 19 level 40s (Engel auf Holle)
    58 zerojad (@ZetBuster) with 19 level 40s (Directo)
    59 biffsmackwell (@smackwell) with 18 level 40s (Offender)
    60 SeCkSEgai (@secksegai) with 18 level 40s (Reiyn)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 80

    61 SoulForger (@forgerofsouls) with 18 level 40s (Thrk'Trrk'Xth)
    62 theravenforce (@ravenforce) with 18 level 40s (Mentella)
    63 mutanta (@Mutantos) with 17 level 40s (Bombshell)
    64 alexandrafreya (@alexandrafreya) with 16 level 40s (Seraphim)
    65 arblaque (@newageknight) with 16 level 40s (New Age Knight)
    66 chances010 (???) with 16 level 40s (Mind Star)
    67 eliseba (@eliseba) with 16 level 40s (Robin)
    68 Xienth (@Lop_Pop) with 16 level 40s (Lop Pop)
    69 caosdash (@Chaosfaction) with 15 level 40s (Kid Bronze)
    70 malcontentment (@Kwagmyre) with 15 level 40s (Chantelle)
    71 Squirrelloid (@squirrelloid) with 15 level 40s (Ishtar)
    72 agentnx5 (@agentx5) with 14 level 40s (Alyssa Q'Uzixola)
    73 BluegrassBeast (@Bluegrass_Beast) with 14 level 40s (Manhunter)
    74 grapemousse (@PoochieHellhound) with 14 level 40s (Operator)
    75 jaazaniah1 (@Jaazaniah) with 14 level 40s (Perseus)
    76 Malvou (@Malvourus) with 14 level 40s (Aradace Uthrax)
    77 sekimen (@Sekimen) with 14 level 40s (Real Soviet Damage)
    78 speekas (@aukshtaitis) with 14 level 40s (Naira)
    79 supercollider75 (supercollide) with 14 level 40s (Angela Gabriel)
    80 Raighn (@Pandabutt) with 13 level 40s (???)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 100

    81 randomchance4242 (@RandomChance42) with 13 level 40s (Ballistic)
    82 starflicker (@FlickerX) with 13 level 40s (Starflicker)
    83 taintedmess (@mess) with 13 level 40s (MESS)
    84 cornivic (@Cornivic) with 12 level 40s (Lady Smash)
    85 ealford1985 (@esalmighty) with 12 level 40s (Ratasassin)
    86 jimhsua (@jimhsu) with 12 level 40s (Beastial)
    87 tonyashe (@tonyashe) with 12 level 40s (Ms. Majestic)
    88 Ninjapiff (@zap-the-eradicator) with 11 level 40s (Slice N Dice)
    89 rapierwhip (@galeforce) with 11 level 40s (Heat Lightning)
    90 sagewithbubbles (Dr.Sage) with 11 level 40s (Sage)
    91 theapygoos (???) with 11 level 40s (Mid-Knight)
    92 xydaxyda (@xydaxyda) with 11 level 40s (Quick Trigger)
    93 castyn (@castyn) with 10 level 40s (Queen)
    94 cyrone (@Cyrone85) with 10 level 40s (Protogen)
    95 friezaliveson (@friezaliveson) with 10 level 40s (Cassandra Elena The First)
    96 keikomyst (@keikomystere) with 10 level 40s (Miko Westworth)
    97 MegaSpacePlayerXH (@XHero) with 10 level 40s (Xhero)
    98 thearkady (@The_Arkady) with 10 level 40s (Penny Stoxxx)
    99 Sodiq200 (@bowiwowi) with 9 level 40s (Humpa Dumpa)
    100 wayword1 (@wayword) with 9 level 40s (Gekko)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 120

    101 determind (@nealix) with 8 level 40s (determind)
    102 Droadbane (@008) with 8 level 40s (The Ice maiden Frozenia)
    103 ignengi (@ignengi) with 8 level 40s (Keeper of the Faith)
    104 kallethen (@kallethen) with 8 level 40s (Twilight)
    105 Omnesvanitas (@spatialmaster) with 8 level 40s (Sylux)
    106 TheMightyDork (@TheMightyDork) with 8 level 40s (Riot Squad)
    107 vexthug (@vexthug) with 8 level 40s (Para Bellum)
    108 xreggiex (@xreggiex) with 8 level 40s (Hopesfall)
    109 zerothdimension (@Zerothdimension) with 8 level 40s (Owen)
    110 morigosa (@Morigosa) with 7 level 40s (Razula)
    111 peprally (???) with 7 level 40s (???)
    112 tdew (???) with 7 level 40s (???)
    113 drgmstr (@drgmstr) with 6 level 40s (Erogar)
    114 stjobe (@stjobe) with 6 level 40s (Rocket Boy)
    115 typhonus (@charachu) with 6 level 40s (Battle Machine)
    116 ventani (???) with 6 level 40s (Doc Holiday)
    117 visionstorm1 (@visionstorm) with 6 level 40s (Braysta Nightmoon)
    118 crusader3025 (@AceDarkfire) with 5 level 40s (Carronade)
    119 Sapphiechu (@sapphiechu) with 5 level 40s (Aiko/Aiko II)
    120 angelofcaine (@angleofcaine) with 4 level 40s (Crimson Bolt)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    Top 140

    121 ashensnow (@Ashen_X) with 4 level 40s (Geist)
    122 balldrdash (@balldrdash) with 4 level 40s (Midnight Angel)
    123 castyn (@chillyn) with 4 level 40s (???)
    124 castyn (@heallyn) with 4 level 40s (???)
    125 castyn (@shootyn) with 4 level 40s (???)
    126 castyn (@tankkyn) with 4 level 40s (???)
    127 Coir (@Ad1) with 4 level 40s (Pink)
    128 decorumfriends (@freevigilante) with 4 level 40s (The Black Skull)
    129 haleakala (???) with 4 level 40s (Casey Crowley)
    130 ShaenTheBrain (@ShaenTheBrain) with 4 level 40s (Inspector)
    131 shieldtower (@Towershield) with 4 level 40s (Battalion)
    132 SomeBob (@BobFromAccounting) with 4 level 40s (Razira)​​
    Post edited by eiledon on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited September 2015
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited September 2015
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    edited September 2015
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Squirrelloid (@squirrelloid) with 15 level 40's (Ishtar)

    1. Post-Modern Prometheus (telepath manipulator/healer, formerly Mind)
    2. Pure Steel (Behemoth AT)
    3. Ishtar (Devastator AT)
    4. Herzogin Marie von Weltzien (Sniper)
    5. Reichswachmaschine (PA tank)
    6. Balefire (Cursed AT)
    7. Beacon (Might DPS)
    8. Sapphlare (Flare/Sapphire mashup)
    9. Melpomene (Support Heals/AoPM/Skarns)
    10. If-Then-Elsa (Ice tank, formerly glacier)
    11. W32.nimba.worm.j (Tech DPS: chest beam/cannon/SR/ImpEng, formerly awakened automaton)
    12. Seiryou (lightning dps)
    13. Emet Met (Techno-Golem, Tank/Support Hybrid)
    14. Tsioggua Heirophant of Bleakness (Lemurian Pet Master)
    15. Buddy (Six String Samurai homage)

    Formatting instructions are in BBC code, not current forum format. Certainly not getting colors right, but i think i got italics and bolds at least...

    Edit: Since i don't seem to have been added to the list yet, i'll just edit in changes until I am.
    Post edited by squirrelloid on
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    I changed it due to the inconsistency of the forum in wether people post in html or bbcode. dont worry about colors and what not, just need the data and words (see OP)​​
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    Can you update this forum past an hour now?
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    yes you should be able to, however the forum post limit is around 4000 characters - the original thread first post was something like 29K characters so I had to split it up into blocks of 20 or wait until I could get an admin to up my character limit to something manageable. hence V5.​​
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    Yes, the post limit is going to be a challenge for some of the top Altaholics but you've done a great job of planning the thread around it. Thanks again for running this. This takes time to update and you've been very generous with your time setting this up again and adding everyone who participated.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    just under 7k characters including spaces. my list got over the total.

    chaelk (@cloudsatdawn) with 92 level 40's (Smudge)

    89.Spot the cat- visual joke- stealth does not hide legacy auras or the windup key.also a Tabby
    90. Generic energy user- TK & fire + 1 force+ skarnes- first two equals aggro magnet
    91. Generic female magic user- Shadowform/AoRP- shadow/sorcery + summon radiant.
    92. Birdy- electric FF wiht drones and a spare power. couldn't think of one to get at 38

    chaelk (@kittykaboomboom) with 28 level 40's (Snowball)

    chaelk (@smurgled)with not enough yet. (Cactus Jac)​​
    Post edited by chaelk on
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    Roughbearmattach (@roughbear) with 24 level 40s (Mattachine)

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    Roughbearmattach (@roughbear) with 25 level 40s (Mattachine)


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    I will miss people's lists, perhaps simply list your latest 5 (or however many new ones since your last update) if you also enjoy it. pretty much what I am gonna do i think​​
  • themightydorkthemightydork Posts: 63 Arc User
    TheMightyDork (@TheMightyDork) with 8 level 40's (Riot Squad)


    Riot Squad (Soldier)
    Faith Blackheart (Scourge)
    Gauntlet (Devestator)
    Mosquito (Marksman)
    Mister Mystic (Grimoire)
    Motown Steel (Automaton)
    Ben'Thal (Behemoth)
    Sallah (Mind)​​
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    Uh let's see... Did I leave off here?

    101. Apostate
    102. Meltdown
    103. Kiel'Gorom
    104. Panopticon
    105. General Grief
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Small update, lets see if we can get the coding to work:
    guyhumual (@Guy_Humual) with 79 level 40's (Masquerade)

    27. Raven
    28. Hyu The Wanderer
    29. Serpent Supreme
    30. Vampyre
    31. Code Name Crimson
    32. Uwimana
    33. Masquerade
    34. Leone the Lioness
    35. Sparrowhawk
    36. Starling Steel
    37. The Grunt
    38. Nefertiti
    39. Anna Atomic
    40. Bucklass
    41. Doctor Faust
    42. Carissa Catling
    43. Commander Char
    44. Qwyth Stonefish
    45. Mary Shelley
    46. Hellraiser
    47. Doctor Z
    48. The Garter
    49. Dancer
    50. Eclipse
    51. Lt. Yvonne
    52. Ogier
    53. Morrwell
    54. Hawkwoman
    55. Shifty
    56. 0n1
    57. Madam Spectre
    58. Anput
    59. Djinni
    60. Nails
    61. Commander Cairn
    62. Gold Bot
    63. Rada Diagon
    64. Kaija Oili
    65. Huracan Ramira
    66. The Heavy
    67. Little Devil
    69. Shinibi Moe
    70. Bartl
    71. Bandit
    72. M. Wollstonecraft
    73. Everdead
    74. Yaotl
    75. Red Coat
    76. The Minoan
    77. The Maqlu
    78. Skullduggery
    79. Northguard
    80. Wickin

    So none of the coding works. I had to do this manually.
    Post edited by guyhumual on
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    decorumfriends (@decorumfriends) with 24 lvl 40s (Adam Arcane)

    In order of when they got there:

    01. Adam Arcane - your basic Dr. Strange type sorcerer (Grimoire)
    02. The Morrigan - Wonder Woman powers with Batman's trappings (Behemoth, the rest are FreeForm)
    03. Barnstormer - Legacy hero (after Aviatrix, post-war '40s). Jet-pack and guns, guns, guns. Also a plane.
    04. Neon - Brainy aloof tech guy in a power-suit.
    05. Monster - Giant pink monster taking off on Stanley & His Monster.
    06. High Wire - Daredevil-ish wire-swinger with electrical burst powers
    07. Ballistic - Super-speedster. An ex-government spook on the run.
    08. Vortex - A meteorologist with mild telekinetic powers he uses for weather control.
    09. Professor Kilimanjaro - Super-intelligent Science Ape!
    10. The Thermite - Intergalactic gadabout party boy with fire and ice powers.
    11. The Toy - Shrinking scientist with an army of robot toys.
    12. Gyrfalcon - Siberian woman chosen by the Old Gods to don the mystical Gyrfalcon armor.
    13. Contagion - 14-year-old son of the deceased villain Malignant. Gives off toxic fumes controlled only by his containment suit.
    14. The Colonial - Patriotic hero from an alternate universe where the United Colonies of America take up the east and north of North America and Russia is the world's only super-power.
    15. Albert Widgetsworth - World-renowned robot butler created in the thirties come out of retirement to care for Adam Arcane and the Conclave.
    16. Dragonhunter - Clone of a dead hero brainwashed into being an assassin, now turned on his former masters.
    17. Go Girl - Diminutive Japanese robot in Albert Widgetsworth's "custody" since the death of her "father". Has recently gone Babymetal and will only answer to Go-Metal.
    18. Elysium - 14-year old murder victim returned from the dead with the Light of Vengeance...and oddly giggly.
    19. Stinger - Yet another U of M prodigy dropout turned to super-heroing instead of, y'know, getting a job or something. Blue Beetle to High Wire's Booster Gold.
    20. Merman - 17-year old experimental hybrid Lemurian escaped from his protectors because the surface world looked a lot more fun.


    21. Darius Omen - Space-wastrel/reluctant messiah caught between two warring intergalactic political factions.
    22. Kestrel - The "unlikely sidekick" to the dour and taciturn Morrigan.
    23. The Crimson Cat-ana - Tabbytha Tigris, scourge of the South China Space Seas! A ninja pirate wizard catgirl. From outer space.
    24. Squint - My Popeye clone that was costume genericized at level 38. I'm surprised he made it that far.
    Post edited by decorumfriends on
    'Dec out

  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Whelp, now's a good time to update things!

    deadman20 (@DZPlayer122) with 29 level 40s (Turando)

    1. Turando
    2. Longshot
    3. Tirados
    4. Lars
    5. Kitty Tempest
    6. Bunny Flop
    7. Judge Mental
    8. Majestic Magician
    9. Xeimos
    10. Synergist
    11. The Rock Jock
    12. Cruxie
    13. Blake Cordell
    14. Player
    15. Dawn
    16. Anatari
    17. Dahlgreen
    18. Raike
    19. Tae
    20. Zimo
    21. Sentinel
    22. Indus
    23. Dustfox
    24. UMAD
    25. Cavalry
    26. Dizzy
    27. Firefly
    28. Aven
    29. Scout​​
    Post edited by deadman20 on
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    GAH! My update disappeared! I know I posted it. Heck, I edited it a dozen times. I think it was on that day everyone's avatars disappeared so it might have been eaten then (unless the mods deleted it for some reason I don't know). :/

    **whines** All those coding changes....
    'Dec out

  • guyhumualguyhumual Posts: 2,401 Arc User

    GAH! My update disappeared! I know I posted it. Heck, I edited it a dozen times. I think it was on that day everyone's avatars disappeared so it might have been eaten then (unless the mods deleted it for some reason I don't know). :/

    **whines** All those coding changes....

    I feel your pain.
  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    GAH! My update disappeared! I know I posted it. Heck, I edited it a dozen times. I think it was on that day everyone's avatars disappeared so it might have been eaten then (unless the mods deleted it for some reason I don't know). :/

    **whines** All those coding changes....

    @decorumfriends try going to http://forum.arcgames.com/championsonline/drafts and see if an earlier unfinished version of your post exists.​​
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    Sigh, thanks (I had no idea that existed), but it's not there. I'll just have to slog through it again.

    But, man, was that a weird trip back through a bunch of posts I decided NOT to post. **erases the evidence** :s
    'Dec out

  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    Roughbear with 26 level 40s (Mattachine)

    22. Blackheart

    23. Professor Pummel

    24. Flowstone

    25. Capital Q

    26. Demonblade


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    decorumfriends (@decorumfriends) with 24 lvl 40s (Adam Arcane)

    In order of when they got there:

    01. Adam Arcane - your basic Dr. Strange type sorcerer (Grimoire)
    02. The Morrigan - Wonder Woman powers with Batman's trappings (Behemoth, the rest are FreeForm)
    03. Barnstormer - Legacy hero (after Aviatrix, post-war '40s). Jet-pack and guns, guns, guns. Also a plane.
    04. Neon - Brainy aloof tech guy in a power-suit.
    05. Monster - Giant pink monster taking off on Stanley & His Monster.
    06. High Wire - Daredevil-ish wire-swinger with electrical burst powers
    07. Ballistic - Super-speedster. An ex-government spook on the run.
    08. Vortex - A meteorologist with mild telekinetic powers he uses for weather control.
    09. Professor Kilimanjaro - Super-intelligent Science Ape!
    10. The Thermite - Intergalactic gadabout party boy with fire and ice powers.
    11. The Toy - Shrinking scientist with an army of robot toys.
    12. Gyrfalcon - Siberian woman chosen by the Old Gods to don the mystical Gyrfalcon armor.
    13. Contagion - 14-year-old son of the deceased villain Malignant. Gives off toxic fumes controlled only by his containment suit.
    14. The Colonial - Patriotic hero/ambassador from an alternate universe where the United Colonies of America take up the east and north of North America and Russia is the world's only super-power.
    15. Albert Widgetsworth - World-renowned robot butler created in the thirties come out of retirement to care for Adam Arcane and the Conclave.
    16. Dragonhunter - Clone of a dead hero brainwashed into being an assassin, now turned on his former masters.
    17. Go Girl - Diminutive Japanese robot in Albert Widgetsworth's "custody" since the death of her "father". Has recently gone Babymetal and will only answer to Go-Metal.
    18. Elysium - 14-year old murder victim returned from the dead with the Light of Vengeance...and oddly giggly.
    19. Stinger - Yet another U of M prodigy dropout turned to super-heroing instead of, y'know, getting a job or something. Beetle to High Wire's Booster.
    20. Merman - 17-year old experimental hybrid Lemurian escaped from his protectors because the surface world looked a lot more fun.


    21. Darius Omen - Space faring ne'er-do-well or reluctant messiah? Caught in the middle in a war between an intergalactic corporation and First Church of the Holy Galactic Empire, Omen isn't certain himself.
    22. Kestrel - The Morrigan's "unlikely sidekick".
    23. The Crimson Cat-ana - Tabbytha Tigris, scourge of the South China Space Seas! A ninja wizard pirate catgirl. From outer space.
    24. Squint - My blatant Popeye rip-off that made it all the way to level 38 before having his costume (rightly) nerfed in-game. :p
    'Dec out

  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    bluhman said:

    Uh let's see... Did I leave off here?

    101. Apostate
    102. Meltdown
    103. Kiel'Gorom
    104. Panopticon
    105. General Grief

    106. Barry Rabbit
    107. Piella
    108. Mister Magnetix
    109. Zenith
    110. Laserlord Gorff
    111. Stinger III
    112. Victory
    113. Skulljaeger
    114. Halpernos of Rugen
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    I like that we have 130 accts on the list. I'm working on getting 4 on my third acct.
    just under 7k characters including spaces. my list got over the total.

    chaelk (@cloudsatdawn) with 94 level 40's (Smudge)

    89.Spot the cat- visual joke- stealth does not hide legacy auras or the windup key.also a Tabby
    90. Generic energy user- TK & fire + 1 force+ skarnes- first two equals aggro magnet
    91. Generic female magic user- Shadowform/AoRP- shadow/sorcery + summon radiant.
    92. Birdy- electric FF wiht drones and a spare power. couldn't think of one to get at 38
    93. Majora Skanke- Invisible claws and swords to make unarmed martial artist- 2 spare powers
    94. 94. Dead Fool- unleashed at- red and black tights- 2 bladed weapons...Zombie clown with Dogz knife blades

    chaelk (@kittykaboomboom) with 28 level 40's (Snowball)

    chaelk (@smurgled)with not enough yet. (Cactus Jac)
    1. Cactus Jac-(Jacqueline)- Free FF.
    2. Scruffy- Icicle AT. (Works well) Nemesis of Soriffee(Scruffy- Inferno)
    3.Soriffee(Scrtuffy)-Inferno At- nemesis of Scruffy Ice.
    Post edited by chaelk on
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • ussharringtonussharrington Posts: 32 Arc User
    ussharrington (@frogwilliams) with 54 level 40's ( Wildcat )

    Hi I'm @fogwilliams and I'm an altoholic.

    It's been 28 months since I attended an Altoholic's Anonymous forum, in that time I have continued to struggle with my addiction and to my shame I have another 20 toons to add to my list of level 40s.

    IIRC I last left off with my 34th lvl 40 Bilious Fogg

    35. Bladestorm
    36. Lethal Force
    37. Dr Rachael Healy
    38. Dirty Ho
    39. Zeng Yi Quan
    40. Kung Fu Joe
    41. Encephala
    42. Teen Angel
    43. Fatty
    44. Miss Angry Kitty
    45. Hunter Killer
    46. Howling Gale
    47. Busoheiwa
    48. Slapstick
    49. Quivering Shaft
    50. Clantilly Scad
    51. Cod of War
    52. The Newtonian Man
    53. Xen'Dal Tar
    54. True North
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    only 20 in 28 mths, you should ashamed, 1 per month.
    I'm running ahead currently, I only needed 54 for 1 pr month.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • ussharringtonussharrington Posts: 32 Arc User
    chaelk said:

    only 20 in 28 mths, you should ashamed, 1 per month.

    I'm running ahead currently, I only needed 54 for 1 pr month.​​

    Yeah I know, I'm a poor excuse for an altoholic. :(
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I doubt it. Altaholics crave more characters, not 40s. The only reason to get them to 40 is to get another slot. ;)
    'Dec out

  • jamesbonnelljamesbonnell Posts: 171 Arc User
    Finally updating, after a hiatus: James_Bonnell (@james_bonnell) with 38 level 40s ()
  • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
    Got another two to 40, somehow. I don't even know why I keep doing this to myself.

    41. Chen
    42. Catastrophe

    Snark never dies.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    17 in transit and 13 free slots still.. time to use a few more​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • ph0toncann0nph0toncann0n Posts: 117 Community Moderator
    ph0toncann0n (@ph0toncann0n) with 19 level 40's (Engel auf Holle)

    I will argue that I have 5 mains; however my most favorite I listed just above^. Also, all of my builds are freeform; I'm a Gold member.

    Main 5
    1. Alpha Courage -- Older teen with light-producing organs, dual blades come from light // WotW/Dual blades user (Melee DPS)
    2. Angelfish -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); shark woman, uses ice, leader of F.I.N.A.L. // Build under speculation
    3. Maestro Punkt -- From a player-created species (@ultrarankgrunt); insectoid // Lightning Reflexes/archer (DPS off-tank)
    4. Engel auf Holle -- Human ex-experiment with Chaos Elemental enhancement // Regen/fighting claws (Hybrid DPS)
    5. Mentalist Nyra -- Paranoid schizophrenic and psychic // Build under speculation

      Other Mains

    6. Death Excell -- Highly intelligent, prison escapee, robot builder // Build under speculation
    7. DJ Mixmaster -- Official Robot Boxing League's champion's "little sister," robot, common symbol for ORBL's entertainment industry // Lightning Reflexes/martial arts (Melee Tank)
    8. Arahk'ne -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); arachnid-lamprey hybrid, horror theme // AoED/Supernatural+Darkness (Support Melee)
    9. Orb Weaver Nervada -- CBET for F.I.N.A.L., cyborg // AoPM/Dual pistols+Gadgeteering (Support healer OR DPS off-tank)
    10. Orb Weaver Von Deo -- CAMS for F.I.N.A.L., self- and other-regenerator // Regen/Dual pistols (Hybrid healer)
    11. Renee -- The "big sister" at Morris' Scrapyard // AoAC/Force+Gadgeteering (Support buffer)


    12. Ah'shez -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); Water Elemental, essentially a living geyser // Earth Form/Earth+Might (Melee Tank)
    13. Kearnahk -- Water Elemental, refuses combat and otherwise tries to "talk it out" // Build under speculation
    14. Agent Shubby -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); gorilla-tarantula hybrid // Build under speculation
    15. Saffron -- Arcane Construct, dates back to Ancient Egypt // AoRP/healer (Support healer)
    16. Cyn'Thia -- From a player-created species (@ultrarankgrunt); young teen, insectoid // AoPM/Ego (Support ranged)


    17. Aquamarine -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); goliath tigerfish woman, weather control // AoPM/Elements (Support ranged)
    18. Electric Eel -- From a player-created species (@ph0toncann0n); electric eel man, conductive muscles // Invuln/Electricity (Ranged Tank)
    19. Olivia Tide -- Works as a loan shark for FinnCo Shipping and Seafood Storage, nurse shark woman // WotW/Single blade (Hybrid Melee)
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    Raighn (@Pandabutt) with 15 level 40s (???)​​

    1. Serien
    2. Rose Blackstone
    3. Gamma
    4. Shion
    5. Arcana
    6. Medic
    7. CORTEX
    8. Mystyx
    9. Pandy
    10. Crescent
    11. Blastwave
    12. Sayori
    13. Myriad
    14. Vector
    15. Freedom Girl

    Is it bad that I'm so much of an altoholic that I can't pick a main?
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    It's been updated, i guess that means time for a new post which I can keep updated. Not so long yet that I need to go 'i think i left off here' =)

    Squirrelloid (@squirrelloid) with 16 level 40's (Ishtar)

    1. Post-Modern Prometheus
    2. Pure Steel
    3. Ishtar
    4. Herzogin Marie von Weltzien
    5. Reichswachmaschine
    6. Balefire
    7. Beacon
    8. Sapphlare
    9. Melpomene
    10. If-Then-Elsa
    11. W32.nimba.worm.j
    12. Seiryou
    13. Emet Met
    14. Tsioggua Heirophant of Bleakness
    15. Buddy
    16. Squirrelloid (At last, an eponymous character! MA Claws).

    And looking forward to doing several more once they finish grinding 15k VTs...
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited June 2016
    First acct
    chaelk ( @cloudsatdawn ) with 94 level 40's (Smudge)

    89.Spot the cat- visual joke- stealth does not hide legacy auras or the windup key.also a Tabby
    90. Generic energy user- TK & fire + 1 force+ skarnes- first two equals aggro magnet
    91. Generic female magic user- Shadowform/AoRP- shadow/sorcery + summon radiant.
    92. Birdy- electric FF wiht drones and a spare power. couldn't think of one to get at 38
    93. Majora Skanke- Invisible claws and swords to make unarmed martial artist- 2 spare powers
    94. 94. Dead Fool- unleashed at- red and black tights- 2 bladed weapons...Zombie clown with Dogz knife blades
    second acct
    chaelk (@kittykaboomboom) with 28 level 40's (Snowball)

    third acct
    chaelk (@smurgled)with 10 level 40's (Cactus Jac)
    1. Cactus Jac-(Jacqueline)- wiped and redone as Ranged support, damage plus heal, res and palliate
    2. Scruffy- Icicle AT. (Works well) Nemesis of Soriffee(Scruffy- Inferno)
    3. Soriffee(Scruffy)-Inferno At- nemesis of Scruffy Ice.
    4. W.I.C.- Soldier AT- MIB WIC
    5. Spiky- Grimoire AT-
    6. Oriana - Tempest At
    7. Alien - Marksman AT
    8. Temero- Cursed At
    9. Sans Limits- Unleashed AT
    10.Iocus- Specialist At
    Post edited by chaelk on
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,278 Arc User
    Details for List:
    eiledon ( @Liath ) with 75 level 40's ( Rook )

    My New Level 40 Characters
    74 Deadbolt
    75 Bull D-ZR​​
  • gerberatetragerberatetra Posts: 825 Arc User

    I'm back and I got a few to add to my list

    gerberatetra (@forgemccain) with 56 level 40s (Mayhem)

    In reverse order..

    Ersatz Ingenue
    Psi Construct

    Chain Girl

    Rouge ou Nior
    Agent 88

    Penny Dreadfuls
    Alpha Star Kiiro



    Tiger Tiger



    Malum Masculum

    Malum Feminam
    The Mechanic
    Detroit Titan


    Here we are now going to the West Side
    Weapons in hand as we go for a ride
    Some may come and some may stay
    Watching out for a sunny day
    Where there's love and darkness and my sidearm

    In game as @forgemccain
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    Roughbear with 27 level 40s (Mattachine)

    23. Professor Pummel

    24. Flowstone

    25. Capital Q

    26. Demonblade

    27. Knight of Cydonia


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • raighnraighn Posts: 2,337 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    Raighn (@Pandabutt) with 18 level 40s (???)​​

    1. Serien
    2. Rose Blackstone
    3. Gamma
    4. Shion
    5. Arcana
    6. Medic
    7. CORTEX
    8. Mystyx
    9. Pandy
    10. Crescent
    11. Blastwave
    12. Sayori
    13. Myriad
    14. Vector
    15. Freedom Girl
    16. Aquaria
    17. Yuki
    18. Valkyri

    Post edited by raighn on
    ^-^ cute, cuddly, @Pandabutt ^-^
  • ussharringtonussharrington Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited April 2016
    ussharrington (@frogwilliams) with 62 level 40's ( Wildcat )

    55. Arshia
    56. Sponto Humanis Combustori
    57. Dr Zaius
    58. Popsicle
    59. The Great and Powerful Wizard
    60. Warhed
    61. SoulReaper
    62. Terror Australis
    Post edited by ussharrington on
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