This build is scheduled to hit PTS at 3:40pm Pacific Time, 9/3/2014
You can find release notes for previous unreleased PTS patches by using the link(s) below:
FC.31.20140828.1Release Notes for FC.31.20140828.5:Steel Crusade- The ADIS platforms in UNTIL HQ and GATEWAY Station now have more interesting geometry.
- The Cislunar Mechanon mission is now repeatable. The repeat time is 0 for PTS testing.
Release Notes for FC.31.20140828.3:
Steel Crusade
- "Project Clockwork" mission: Sgt-Major Naran now has an indicator when you are looking for her.
GATEWAY Station:
- The teleporter cutscenes no longer move everyone on the map.
- Removed an annoying sound from the hologram in the Project Clockwork room.
Cislunar Mechanon:
- The zero-gravity environment no longer keeps characters stuck in combat.
- Collision has been added in various places to prevent you from getting stuck in geometry.
- During the Mechanon Mk 41 and Radiation stages of the boss fight, inner and outer doors lock players in or out of the fight. Mechanon will not pursue players into the corridor, even if you drag him over before the inner door closes.
- Fixed a problem where players could get stuck in the exploding factory.
- Fixed a problem where players could sometimes get outside the map.
- Added more "grip" areas around pipes and wall features to help you stop your movement.
- Added a "Stabilization Belt" device that has a short self-root. You can use this to more easily use powers that interrupt on movement. Get a belt from the supply crate at the beginning of the mission. (It is not currently available from the locker on GATEWAY.)
Reawakened Automaton:
- Binding Shot was not scaling with rank. Fixed!
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:Bug
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go elsewhere.
In particular, do not report bugs from the live game in this thread, unless they are impacted by changes in the PTS build.
The gateway station door is closed in the UNTIL building, making it impossible to get to the teleporter, or if you were on Gateway before, impossible to leave.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Bug: New Mission Area in Millennium City Unavailable - Unable to pick up mission Project Clockwork
Edit - Turned on now. Thanks.
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That Dork In The Suspenders, signing out.
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What: When standing near chairs and table in Lounge, Interact button appears but has no effect.
Also not really a pts bug, but have the new anniversary costume parts been added to the gift boxes on live. I am asking as I havent had any drop nor seen any in AH. Which is unusual.
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The boss lock is triggered by aggroing Mechanon Mk XLI, or by aggroing the reactor. The robot arms don't matter for this.
Bug: Pressure Suit makes Head Wear costume piece (Hats & Helmets) disappear.
I would like to wear my hat under the bubble helmet, please.
Stabalization Belt and Pressure suit taking up device slots? Make Pressure suit an aura item please.
Bug: Logged on today and unable to do the final Steel Crusade mission again.
Please make this mission redoable from Major Caleb Hill.
Bug: Major Caleb Hill is now wearing one of Cybermind's bracers?
Not the one we're allowed to have, mind you.
The gateway station door is irrelevant as you teleport to and access the both transporters from the main room in Gateway. If you're referring to UNTIL, it's wide open. Try again.
All of the missing content bugs in cislunar that I brought up in the previous thread have not been addressed. I won't reiterate them. Entirely up to you if you want to fix them, but the feel remains extremely unpolished.
Played through on another toon.
No new red level bugs.
Pari Naran has an info icon over her head on the way to the mission, not a ? or !. No arrow either.
Stabilization belt roots for 1 second with a 3 second cooldown. Interruptable powers tend to be far longer than a 1 second charge.
Micro muni knockback from Mechanon is unblockable and knocks a toon with 500%+ knock resistance across the room, regardless of 'grip'.
Brought in a full on tank this time. Knocked every single time with micro munis. Moved to almost every place in room to attempt 'grip' test. No difference.
There is no tell on micro muni (which I presume is really rocket punch, since it looks like it), and basically, the only effective way to deal with it is to sit by a wall and hope Mechanon chases you over.
Except unlike his minions who close to melee at all times, he likes to sit at range. So you end up getting to play chase, and knocked again.
That presents another problem because if you don't have the angle right, you end up getting knocked straight through the energy walls for significant damage. Since you can't not be knocked, or block it, again...your only option is to have your back to the wall and hope he comes over to play.
Range of 100' on robotic arms is a bit silly.
Since you're now forcing folks to do the fight in the room, this is going to cause all sorts of problems with ATs.
My rough math suggests something in the realm of 3.5k base DPS from the three robotic arms that can hit you at once, which even with a behemoth AT with full defiance stacks and good DR will still require something like 1k+ HPS from a healer. That will push beyond the limits of most radiants and all minds and inventors. I suppose the third member can be dedicated to taking out a robot arm or two before they regenerate, but it won't take all that much to kill them once aggro is generated.
For players like myself, it's an annoyance, but if I was a silver with an AT, I'd be very upset at the forced lock-in unless you allow some strategy to come to play here with being able to use distance and angles to reduce damage.
As I've stated before, the biggest issue with this arc is that it's a kill-near-all soak damage/dispense damage for an hour, with a lot of repetition. I appreciate you wanted to show off the intended boss fight with the the nasty force walls since it's clear a lot of dev time went into the thing, but it doesn't change the basic problem.
Unless you figure out ways to let players use their brains in the process, the cislunar fight is not going to be one that players repeat after they unlock the AT. Not that you can currently pick up the mission again on Dr. Silverback once it's been completed, but still.
Release Notes for FC.31.20140828.5:
Steel Crusade
Fix, yes?
Seriously, something as simple as allowing us to color it in the tailor is better than just shipping it as a distinct fist belonging to Annihilator bots.
THANK YOU: For fixing the annoying whine in the Project Clockwork room.
SMUG SATISFACTION: Pounding Mechanon into scrap metal after he kept calling Prime "organic". Repeatedly.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
This is just a suggestion but, the Gateway area seems like a neat little place to hang out. There are a lot of closed doors that might be worth opening up and turning into little areas for RP purposes
End the tradition of making rushed, sub par content. Because this is shaping up to be as much of a mess that Nighthawk and Destroid Invasion was.
If all the issues and qualms currently present aren't going to be fixed by launch date, admit to your mistakes and hold off the content for another 2 months to make sure you guys do it right. 3 weeks of PTS testing for something of this scale was not enough.
I'd totally rewrite some NPC talks in the game so they stop using phrases like "human", "organic", "mortal", to replace it with something more generic like "hero" or "enemy".
Given how many player characters have concepts not even close to human.
Just take pages from my book and call everyone Mortal/Incessant/Insignificant/Foolish/Pathetic (etc.) Bugs/Worms/Fools/Pillbugs/Insects/Mortals/Heroes (etc.)
Prime is not an organic anything. Synthetic version of her Paragon City self or something along those lines.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Like so many costume pieces. This kind of kills it for me.
"There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
The original Sister Silicon, my CoH main, is a full-body "brain in a jar" cyborg. Think Major Kusanagi from GitS, but with electric blaster powers instead of exhibitionism and existential angst. Prime is her neural network clone, 100% meat free. The only zombies she fears are vegans.
Anyway, back to the matter at hand...
Prime has legitimate beef with Mechanon's assumption that his invaders are all organic, and especially the insinuation that no android would, or should, oppose his genocidal plans.
(Just one slice of a larger observation about CO lore as it relates to android/AI heroes, but I'll save that for the PnP section. Let's just say the Gold Costume Perk Vendor's place in the NPC hierarchy is a factor.)
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
photo uploading
screenshot windows 7
Also while I'm at it, chuold it be so kind if you chuold add King Sekhen's Legs to go with the Arms, please, it feels so left out with just the arms, and the Arms are a great and wonderful design
Should we be filing bug reports that the furniture in Shererra's and Belle's Saloon are not destructible, then? :biggrin:
(They might actually be. I've never tried. Just saying, if they're not, they should be.)
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
I want those legs. I WANT THOSE LEGS. Boots might work too, but the legs are so sexy.
Also, the furniture in Sher's is destructible. Just ask anyone who barfights.
Yes please.
I would love to be able to have a Nanobyte pet. Even if it's just an Action Figure. It would be really awesome as an unlockable skin for the Muni Bots!
And those costume pieces are awesome.
I genuinely hope that the free vehicle giveaway is:
1. 1 per account, not per toon.
2. Bind on Pickup.
Why would you even consider making it BoP, when every other vehicle ingame is BoA? I mean, linked to account is fine, thats the standard, but don't screw those of us over who don't have an UNTIL soldier hanging around, waiting for a lift.
Why should we be getting Retcon tokens for this? No current powers are changing. If they were I could see those characters getting retcon tokens.
First, incorrect. Every other vehicle in the game is BoE. Then it's BoA'd, unless you use a tuneup kit.
For something that seems to require zero work to accomplish besides literally logging in, you should either get to leave them in your bank or use them. Shouldn't benefit players other than that.
If you want to unbind them and make them BoE/BoA, then buy a tune-up kit.
Which if they do this by character and not by account is exactly what I meant.
Hopefully, it will simply be one per account, where it will be BoA on receiving it instead of BoE.