LOL . I know someone thats gonna be so pissed that those Mega-D's dont drop exp anymore :P
Ima so sad for him.
The below emote expresses how sad I am for him.
Though whats the point of being a Super Villain these days if the devs do all my nemesis smite'ng work for me. Guess its back to stealing the worlds supply of boiled eggs and pop tarts then.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
you're the one who stole them, Gimme my boiled pop tarts back. I just got them nice and chewy
people were levelling on collossus farming too. That's not what they are for. So their xp got removed.
poe farming, I will not miss at all, the people in zone bragging about their 1 or 2 minute runs. It's an exploit, pure and simple, you are not trying to do the closed instance Boss mission.
Nemcon- no idea- i only ever got max 5 boxes from there.
Nemesis alerts - what about if its a FAKE, does someone still get a box?
Whiteout- thought it was a bit weird getting 22 boxes from 1 x 5 person run.The bosses were dropping up to 5 per person.
Just remember;
If it's too good to be true, it's probably not meant to be that way.
So everyone who goes "woohoo, I can make a lot of XP/Q/G/ponies from this." Don't be surprised if your great discovery, gets changed in the future.
"Resistance: Mega Destroids no longer drop resources or give XP."
I like the way this is under Bug Fixes. <.<
Anyway, I'd like to ask you guys what the hell do you think players should be doing now? Just pure RP? Like what is there even to do anymore? What is the point for anyone to play other than chatting to each other or making a costume?
Giving bad rewards for someone playing an MMO is very very bad game design, if something has no point to it reward wise what is the point in people doing it. We get nothing from doing PvP so along with the fact the powers are totally messed up right now there is no point in doing it anyway.
I well know that no dev will read my specific comment but come on... This is literally what my reaction was:
This update was worse than what is coming to neverwinter in 5 days:
No reward and no fun from content = No point in playing the content
I'm still levelling alts by missions. None of those fixes affect me.
I rarely do adventure packs.
i don't farm anything except Nemesis alert to see if I can break my record of 60 without seeing my nemesis.
I don't do CC unless I have housecleaning to do, or feel like having an argument between 2 of my characters.
I have no interest in Pvp.
Sometimes I'll try for a perk if it looks interesting or in the case of some, morbid curiosity about managing it.
I still have plenty to do.
as for rewards, there's a difference between a reward and farming for large amounts. whether xp or resources. Complain to the farmers.
I rarely do adventure packs.
i don't farm anything except Nemesis alert to see if I can break my record of 60 without seeing my nemesis.
I don't do CC unless I have housecleaning to do, or feel like having an argument between 2 of my characters.
I have no interest in Pvp.
Sometimes I'll try for a perk if it looks interesting or in the case of some, morbid curiosity about managing it.
I still have plenty to do.
I'm fairly curious at what you actually do now that isn't just repeating the same quest chains that you have done a bunch of times. ;D
There is still things for some people to do, some people play CO very "casually" as in the reward of doing something is just doing it in their spare time as if it's a single player. Some people will only really use it to chat to people and a lot use it for RP.
But what is there to achieve for the competing players, where do you compete? For me the entire point in an MMO is to be the best, it'll never happen but it's a goal to always strive towards and many other gamers have the same goal. This is why people farm, so they can become richer than someone else and show off with all the expensive goody's they have got over time. Currently I feel the game has no sense of competing, there just seems to be no reason for me to play personally currently. I'm still hoping that will change, but it really isn't looking like it ever will.
What's wrong with running missions? Heck, there's stuff I've only ever done once or twice in the years I've been playing - some of the stuff up around the Thrush Sanctuary comes to mind - and other stuff, especially in Vibora Bay after going through the Apocalypse, that I haven't even gotten to! (I'm kind of holding back on advancing more toons to 40, because there's a possibility I might be able to go Gold or even LTS soon, and I don't want to lose out on those free character slots...)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
What's wrong with running missions? Heck, there's stuff I've only ever done once or twice in the years I've been playing - some of the stuff up around the Thrush Sanctuary comes to mind - and other stuff, especially in Vibora Bay after going through the Apocalypse, that I haven't even gotten to! (I'm kind of holding back on advancing more toons to 40, because there's a possibility I might be able to go Gold or even LTS soon, and I don't want to lose out on those free character slots...)
free character slots are retrospective for any you got to 40 already. at least was for me when i went LTS, each of my existing 40s spawned a free slot.
Removing all rewards from a mob is dumb. If it's because of bug, then it's lazy. The daily Q refine is still only 8k for most people and I seriously doubt that many people have tons of alts. Those 200q boxes from Poe and Barron are clearly too OP for the game. Bugs should be fix, not just removing rewards completely. Especially since it just seems to spawn more bugs.
What's wrong with running missions? Heck, there's stuff I've only ever done once or twice in the years I've been playing - some of the stuff up around the Thrush Sanctuary comes to mind - and other stuff, especially in Vibora Bay after going through the Apocalypse, that I haven't even gotten to! (I'm kind of holding back on advancing more toons to 40, because there's a possibility I might be able to go Gold or even LTS soon, and I don't want to lose out on those free character slots...)
I just found a whole new (to me) mission chain in Lemuria I didn't know was there. I'm also fairly sure there's some Monster Island Content I haven't done yet. Usually, I do the the VB Apocalypse and "ding" 40.
I will say this - I do wish there was a project to organize the existing content better. People don't run what they don't know is there. I really like how STO has all the content organized into "Episodes" which an easy to use interface. It's hard to get bored. CO needs something similar.
I don't give a damn about running more missions at 40, since it gives me no meaningful reward for the time spent playing.
Plain and simple.
You don't find fun to be meaningful? Or do you no longer have fun running missions?
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
I have no problem with running missions. Depending on what the character is, what areas I do. Different characters deal with them differently. Depending on what condition I am in at the time, also affects how I run them.
*snip rude comment removed*
ahh competitive. I'm not. Despite getting into A grade in badminton in High school and getting my marksmanship badges for Air rifle and winning prizes for my hobby ceramics pieces. My father is very competitive, my brothers- one is , one isn't.
I do things to learn how to, if I get better than others, I do. If I don't, I don't. I'm more interested in learning how to do the activity correctly.
Yes, I agree, that is bad.
PvP - the area competitive normally goes to, isn't working or even have prizes
Best gear can be farmed , costumes can be bought but
there's still NOT any organized activities for people to compete in Or any form of ranking.
Which gets Back to the- when are they going to fix PvP, which is waaayy beyond a joke now. I don't do it and even I think it's stupid not fixing it.
and it's not the 200Q boxes, from Poe. It's the people who are farming 200 x Q boxes, you know the ones bragging about doing 1 run every 2 minutes in Zone and Trade, for several hours. They were not attempting to do the mission, they were just collecting boxes. That is an exploit, it has now been fixed.
It would have been better changing the box drop to collecting on mission hand in, since repeating mission only gives you xp and resources but that seems to not been possible.
How many complained when Colossus farming was stopped by removing the rewards?
Resistance farming is exactly the same, it was obviously NOT meant to be played that way and has been fixed.
I was listening to someone in game yesterday who was trying to say that CO was "pay to win" because you could buy Q with zen, so those who bought zen were now P2W players.
Pay 2 win refers to being able to buy gear in a shop which is better than any available in game. We have no gear in the store, we have gear in lockboxes which people sell on the AH. and Rampage gear is available ONLY in game.
*snip tactless comment removed*
yes a lot of people don't have a huge collection of alts *snip tactless comment removed*
since there is a limit on Q refining, you can also assume that they don't want you to get as much as you can each day.
edit: Spinny has a problem with silly comments, i have a problem with rude/tactless ones. This is after 4 edits, make that 5. Hopefully I got all of them.
edit: **** thats a wall of text
I think if you are using archetypes on elite mode, not decked out with all the highest end gear, the higher level missions can be challenging. At least that's been my experience helping lvl a toon to 40 in VB.
You don't find fun to be meaningful? Or do you no longer have fun running missions?
I honestly feel if you aren't having fun in CO, then please leave. That should be the only motivation for playing any game is that you enjoy it. I don't need new content in CO to have fun in it.
I quite like Madam Mayhems attacks... except when I'm target.
yes the destroids are kind of weak. The leader drones should do a much bigger explosive when they self destruct.
cuurent challenge to play, sinus infection- headache, can't breathe properly, can't concentrate.
waaaahhh I want to level my flaming nuisance
I honestly feel if you aren't having fun in CO, then please leave. That should be the only motivation for playing any game is that you enjoy it. I don't need new content in CO to have fun in it.
"Don't like then leave" is the worst way of thinking possible.
This kind of attitude prevents weak games from improving.
This kind of attitude prevents criticism and makes developers thinks everything s A-okay with their underdeveloped producs.
This kind of attitude prevents weak games from having high populations.
It makes weak games into Champions Online.
Forever underinvested. Because there is no point in investing in something that can't be popular.
Forever short on content.
Forever failing at attracting more players.
Forever below average, though the game definitely has potential to do better - but it will always stay as it is.
Forever wasted opportunity.
But by all means, let's pretend that everything is ok with CO.
After all, it's such popular and rich mmo... Millions of players are lining up to throw their money at this game.
"Don't like then leave" is exactly what large part of population did, and that's one reason more why CO is in its present state.
Enough people following this advice and the rest will stay without their favorite game to play.
"Don't like then leave" is the worst way of thinking possible.
But by all means, let's pretend that everything is ok with CO.
After all, it's such popular and rich mmo... Millions of players are lining up to throw their money at this game.
"Don't like then leave" is exactly what large part of population did, and that's one reason more why CO is in its present state.
Your type of thinking, let's bash instead of praise what we DO have, is the worse possible thinking
Imagine you were the only player and every new player that came around decided to join based on your opinions...not really helping much are you?
If this was 2012 yeah I could understand but we have had 200% more attention these past 6months than the entire year of 2012. And if you aren't happy then please go find a game that makes you happy, it's a easy request. If you love CO, which you at least enjoy the forums or perhaps you just want to complain ...
I guess the main question is what do you bring to the table for the development of Champions Online?
Imagine you were the only player and every new player that came around decided to join based on your opinions...not really helping much are you?
Or maybe on contrary - it is more helpful to give an unbiased view of the game. Pretending that everything is okay may keep new people for a while, but then they will leave anyway. Spreading bad news.
What more we were given to keep people in the game after they hit max level?
After the last update there may be no point in running Nemcon anymore. Than't one less thing to do at 40.
In the game that has very little to do at max level and process of getting to the max lvl is quite short.
Making quests repeatable and giving at least more resources instead of xp for max level players was requested many times, at least as a bandaid for things to do at 40.
Lairs weren't touched since forever.
What else may be advertised to new players except of alerts again and again? Not even tailor, since at 40 lvl it can dry you out of resources with its fees (and even if it did not - costumes are only fluff, the only thing they can do is keep people in RenCen).
For now people who are still sticking to CO are here either because they are invested in their characters,they like non-fantasy setting, or have friends ingame. And the reason very often heard by me is something like "there is no other similar game".
The biggest luck CO has is lack of competition and no similar games on the horizon. It is a lot of luck that this condition is unlikely to change.
One of SG I was a part moved almost entirely to TSW, since they were into modern setting, but not necessarily into superheroes (a thing that made me stay in CO). Maybe five or four people stayed in CO, out of dozen. Another SG just stopped to play.
If there would be any similar game, chances are CO will not survive.
And I can hardly see anything in development that may change it.
and it's not the 200Q boxes, from Poe. It's the people who are farming 200 x Q boxes, you know the ones bragging about doing 1 run every 2 minutes in Zone and Trade, for several hours. They were not attempting to do the mission, they were just collecting boxes. That is an exploit, it has now been fixed.
It would have been better changing the box drop to collecting on mission hand in, since repeating mission only gives you xp and resources but that seems to not been possible.
They keep removing Q boxes from all of the bosses. Poe Farm was not intended, but stripping the reward completely instead of fixing it is still stupid. Bragging over doing a bunch of mindless Q box farming is... Um, let's say "special". That's not a good kind of special.
PS: It's not up to the customer to cheerlead for CO. That's Cryptic's job.
For now people who are still sticking to CO are here either because they are invested in their characters,they like non-fantasy setting, or have friends ingame.
That's for some people, meeda. Some of us can enjoy repeated gameplay on different characters. De gustibus non disputandem est, and all that.
I don't encourage anyone to leave the game - except, of course, for those few individuals who seem to derive their entertainment from making everyone around them miserable. And they're mostly gone anyway. I'm just genuinely puzzled as to why people want to stay when they're plainly not enjoying it any more. That confuses me, and I appreciate your attempt to explain it.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
It's not even the nature of the update that's bugging me. It's that they think that this is what needed their attention, as opposed to i dunno, some powers being broken, some missions not working correctly (for some reason people keep posting about Bullet for Biselle) Or adding of new content.
No they think this qualifies as a fix, as something that needed their attention. all this did was annoy the player base, almost as if they didn't fix anything this time around.
It's not even the nature of the update that's bugging me. It's that they think that this is what needed their attention, as opposed to i dunno, some powers being broken, some missions not working correctly (for some reason people keep posting about Bullet for Biselle) Or adding of new content.
No they think this qualifies as a fix, as something that needed their attention. all this did was annoy the player base, almost as if they didn't fix anything this time around.
Or this is what they were able to fix - the spaghetti-coded nature of CO is kind of an open secret at this point, and sometimes it's extraordinarily difficult to fix something without breaking something else even worse. (Remember the coyote mobs in the Desert?)
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
That's for some people, meeda. Some of us can enjoy repeated gameplay on different characters. De gustibus non disputandem est, and all that.
I'm afraid that's the mindset of most players. People usually want sense of reward and progression for the time spent playing and that's why this is important part of the game design for successful games.
Especially, of all kinds of games, mmos can't cater only to the niche, not if they want to have any lasting appeal.
There must be some kind of reward involved in the gameplay. And it is rather true, for mmos, that average player doesn't really care about the story or the setting regardless of the game's IP.
They keep removing Q boxes from all of the bosses. Poe Farm was not intended, but stripping the reward completely instead of fixing it is still stupid. Bragging over doing a bunch of mindless Q box farming is... Um, let's say "special". That's not a good kind of special.
PS: It's not up to the customer to cheerlead for CO. That's Cryptic's job.
I did say, it would have been better if they changed it to , collect when you hand in. Since you only get that reward once. Last 2 lines in the paragraph you quoted.
However, as we don't know if that is possible, this may have been the only way.
The nemesis alert one, as Crypticbuxom has pointed out, is worse. Only the most dps on a Boss gets the one box.
I did say, it would have been better if they changed it to , collect when you hand in. Since you only get that reward once. Last 2 lines in the paragraph you quoted.
However, as we don't know if that is possible, this may have been the only way.
The nemesis alert one, as Crypticbuxom has pointed out, is worse. Only the most dps on a Boss gets the one box.
That's my line. Well, you quoted me and said "bla bla bla exploit farm", so I felt the need to say that it was still dumb to strip out part of the reward and that this has been a thing to do for awhile now. I'm sure our Nems will stop dropping Q boxes soon if hasn't been "fixed" already.
It is possible to fix, but it isn't necessarily easy to fix. Since I don't work at Cryptic, I'm not too terribly interested in that part.
I'd be happy if this game was fun to run through a 1000 times, but it's not.
1. The 1 random Qbox thing is not top DPS. It's Random. Some of us have been parsing recently. Now if it's a larger boss with multiple teams the top DPS team will be the one with the person who randomly wins the 1 box though.
2. As for the Poe thing..STO has "1 time upon completion rewards" where a mission will give you this cool item the 1st time upon completion and then if you share or decide to replay(they have that option) you will receive "reduced rewards" and the cool item will be replaced with something like "1 current lockbox."
In this scenario a newbie kills Poe, turns in the mission, get the Qbox which is cool for them, and if they come back to farm it out they still get some reward but the Qbox is now a Lockbox. Honestly, I'd rather it be 1 local than a lockbox but the point is that our neighbors have this tech and it would appear to work better than our last patch.
3. You want the Qboxes back and Nemcom to be more useful? I have 2 suggestions on this one.
A. You put the unlocks BACK. I don't care if they're the gear items since they're pretty much outclassed by most gear anways or whatever....just put the unlocks back into NC. I already have them all. It was not a short process. I have friends who do not have them. I would help them get them. Therefore, myself and my friends would be in NC more than pretty much never.
B. Remove the 1 random Q-box from the Nemesis...there, NONE of them drop Qboxes. Shadow Destroyer, on the other hand, gives everybody in your entire team like 2-3 Qboxes. No more short runs. You run the get the spoils. With the current power levels in this game we're talking about what....5 more minutes of fight tops? Some of you might not like this...but it would be more than you're getting now.
2. As for the Poe thing..STO has "1 time upon completion rewards" where a mission will give you this cool item the 1st time upon completion and then if you share or decide to replay(they have that option) you will receive "reduced rewards" and the cool item will be replaced with something like "1 current lockbox."
In this scenario a newbie kills Poe, turns in the mission, get the Qbox which is cool for them, and if they come back to farm it out they still get some reward but the Qbox is now a Lockbox. Honestly, I'd rather it be 1 local than a lockbox but the point is that our neighbors have this tech and it would appear to work better than our last patch.
That's the way it worked before - if you turned in the mission. However, it was possible to clear the building, take out Poe, collect the box - and leave the building without defusing the Psi Bomb, so you could go back into the building, take out Poe again, collect the reward again, leave without defusing the bomb again - lather, rinse, repeat.
Now, if it had simply been altered so the Q was not awarded until the mission was turned in, that would have ended the exploit as well. Given the coding structure (or lack thereof) in CO, though, removing the box entirely may have been the only viable solution.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
Not sure if that was an intention, but now some people are Q-farming mobs which some missions are reliant on to complete.
For a few times today I did find it annoying that I had a couple of alt characters wanting to complete the Mega Terak mission and the same people (names censored) chain ganging the Robo dino over and over for his q-box. And if you try to join in to complete the mission, they (the players) turn hostile :mad:
in cases where they are turning hostile - i would just report those actions. its not like you can go elsewhere or to a different instance to do the mission.
TBH I think they should just do away with questionite altogether and simply have it so you can exchange resources for zen in exchange. Items in the Q store could be moved into recognition (for relatively high token numbers) or simply be purchased from appropriate vendors - move vehicle weapons into vehicle store NPC for example - for resources. Up the mission resource reward slightly to compensate those missions where you would have previously got Q (this would be nice for those missions that recently lost their Q box - poe etc. getting a couple of extra G reward for it seems fair to me)
I understand the reasoning for removing the resources from the Mega D's in resistance and the removal of Questionite boxes from many bosses.
This is not a popular change, but it is necessary for the long run and frankly the should have done this YEARS ago. The timing of this change isn't great, we already have a very low active population.
No more XP or resources on mega destroids. This is gonna anger quite a lot of people. It IS good for the game though, even if I hate to admit it.
Because yes, that's where most of the game's resources come from, apart from the 4 years old resource glitch.
It was worse when they removed the resources and XP from the Shadow Colossi...
So my question is what are the incentives for level 40s to play? I mean really, the list is kind of pathetically short:
Team PvP (team duels or PvP queues) almost never launches, so your only reliable PvP option is to duel people who do nothing but dueling. And if you're not coming in with a flavor of the month dueling build (right gear, right stats, right power selections, etc.) you're almost guaranteed to lose. There are only a handful of truly viable PvP dueling builds, whereas in teamplay the options are much wider (including dedicated healers).
Farm for rampage tokens? (gambling / hoping to get lucky)
Farm for rare costumes? (gambling / hoping to get lucky)
Open lockboxes? (gambling / hoping to get lucky)
Poke Caliga?
Troll Zone chat?
Help answer questions correctly like a walking encyclopedia on Zone chat? (because without a wikipedia anymore, it's harder for newer players to know)
Attend a costume contest? Attempt to win at least, following the rules of the host of the contest, but mostly go for seeing other people's creative artwork.
Troll a costume contest? (not recommended, but I guess if a few types of people get bored enough...)
Wait for Kigatilik to spawn? (boredom + gambling / hoping to get lucky)
Engage in RP conversations, find out that it's all very clique based (you have to know the right people to be included) and almost as non-existant as PvP teamplay is.
Farm stuff in easy mode by spending a ton of money on a vehicle and getting it modded with Rank 9 mods and Mark 3 weapons. Bask in the overpowered might of my "looks like everyone else's" vehicle!
Run Grab alerts for Resources?
Run a lair or adventure pack of some kind, that you've probably done hundreds of times before to where you can quote ever line of dialogue in the cutscenes?
Make a PRIMUS page.
Test powers, get frustrated that the same broken powers and advantages are still broken month after month with no bug fixes or improvements in sight...
Run mission on Elite with a full team so you can have those giant spawn sizes?
Help a newbie learn the ropes of the game and help them level up by doing some missions?
Calculate ways to squeeze another 1% more damage or improved peformance out of one of you characters?
Farm Questionite from Alerts?
...Anything I missed?
We have kind of a lack of new "explorable" content. Places to explore and things to do.
I feel this could be alleviated a great deal if:
Team PvP queues rewarded Questionite Ore instead of Acclaim
We could make custom nemesis mission content via the Foundry system
There were better incentives to form supergroups, such as SG bases which give unique access to things such as a teleporter (like the one in UNITY HQ)
Overall, we're given less things to farm, so less long term objectives, less reasons to play the game. The removal of crafting went the same way. This game is going further and further towards a Dress-a-doll game, but with lockboxes.
Yes I'm fueling the fire.
I think the worst part is that they put these changes under "bug fixes". Attaching rewards to big ennemies, yeah that's a bug.
I've always said: "epic challenges, epic rewards"
Which roughly translates as the harder challenges deserve better rewards (and/or odds of a good reward drop). Easier challenges (i.e.: just pressing down an "I-win" button repeatedly doing nothing else) should not give such rewards.
This patch seems to be getting off track from that proven game design philosophy, and that's something to be concerned about, no matter where you fall in the spectrum of how challenging this game is for you.
The real issue was that Plasma Beam on vehicles was making farming Mega Destroids in Resistance far FAR too easy. Before that it was Incendary Rounds because of it's sniper-rifle-like 120ft range that the AI couldn't deal with.
Maybe the devs are just sick of Resistance's gigantic enemies causing issues.
But in truth we NEED more rewards dropping from various bosses in the game. Especially the lairs almost nobody visits anymore. And many of those lairs are one-time only per character. So why the heck don't they drop at least a guaranteed costume unlock when you get Rogue's Gallery perk?
None of the other fixes really effect my gaming experience. Sucks for the vehicle users I guess, but really some of these things were just plain overpowered non-unique-looking flying luxury vehicles.
Not sure if that was an intention, but now some people are Q-farming mobs which some missions are reliant on to complete.
For a few times today I did find it annoying that I had a couple of alt characters wanting to complete the Mega Terak mission and the same people (names censored) chain ganging the Robo dino over and over for his q-box. And if you try to join in to complete the mission, they (the players) turn hostile :mad:
you will actually get the credit for his kill, if you attack as well. I've done it when I see the person attacking , is having a heal failure. If they get hostile, report spam on their comments and continue on.
I got credit, unfortunately I got the mission after that and had to do it again. Someone else stood at a safe distance and watched, then when I had him at 1/3 health asked me to team with them. If they had of tried to help, yes. Not when they just stood by and waited.
Ima so sad for him.
The below emote expresses how sad I am for him.
Though whats the point of being a Super Villain these days if the devs do all my nemesis smite'ng work for me. Guess its back to stealing the worlds supply of boiled eggs and pop tarts then.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
you're the one who stole them, Gimme my boiled pop tarts back. I just got them nice and chewy
people were levelling on collossus farming too. That's not what they are for. So their xp got removed.
poe farming, I will not miss at all, the people in zone bragging about their 1 or 2 minute runs. It's an exploit, pure and simple, you are not trying to do the closed instance Boss mission.
Nemcon- no idea- i only ever got max 5 boxes from there.
Nemesis alerts - what about if its a FAKE, does someone still get a box?
Whiteout- thought it was a bit weird getting 22 boxes from 1 x 5 person run.The bosses were dropping up to 5 per person.
Just remember;
If it's too good to be true, it's probably not meant to be that way.
So everyone who goes "woohoo, I can make a lot of XP/Q/G/ponies from this." Don't be surprised if your great discovery, gets changed in the future.
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I like the way this is under Bug Fixes. <.<
Anyway, I'd like to ask you guys what the hell do you think players should be doing now? Just pure RP? Like what is there even to do anymore? What is the point for anyone to play other than chatting to each other or making a costume?
Giving bad rewards for someone playing an MMO is very very bad game design, if something has no point to it reward wise what is the point in people doing it. We get nothing from doing PvP so along with the fact the powers are totally messed up right now there is no point in doing it anyway.
I well know that no dev will read my specific comment but come on... This is literally what my reaction was:
This update was worse than what is coming to neverwinter in 5 days:
No reward and no fun from content = No point in playing the content
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
I rarely do adventure packs.
i don't farm anything except Nemesis alert to see if I can break my record of 60 without seeing my nemesis.
I don't do CC unless I have housecleaning to do, or feel like having an argument between 2 of my characters.
I have no interest in Pvp.
Sometimes I'll try for a perk if it looks interesting or in the case of some, morbid curiosity about managing it.
I still have plenty to do.
as for rewards, there's a difference between a reward and farming for large amounts. whether xp or resources. Complain to the farmers.
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I'm fairly curious at what you actually do now that isn't just repeating the same quest chains that you have done a bunch of times. ;D
There is still things for some people to do, some people play CO very "casually" as in the reward of doing something is just doing it in their spare time as if it's a single player. Some people will only really use it to chat to people and a lot use it for RP.
But what is there to achieve for the competing players, where do you compete? For me the entire point in an MMO is to be the best, it'll never happen but it's a goal to always strive towards and many other gamers have the same goal. This is why people farm, so they can become richer than someone else and show off with all the expensive goody's they have got over time. Currently I feel the game has no sense of competing, there just seems to be no reason for me to play personally currently. I'm still hoping that will change, but it really isn't looking like it ever will.
A Playlist of my CO PvP video's (starting from post nerf PTS team duels)
What's wrong with running missions? Heck, there's stuff I've only ever done once or twice in the years I've been playing - some of the stuff up around the Thrush Sanctuary comes to mind - and other stuff, especially in Vibora Bay after going through the Apocalypse, that I haven't even gotten to! (I'm kind of holding back on advancing more toons to 40, because there's a possibility I might be able to go Gold or even LTS soon, and I don't want to lose out on those free character slots...)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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free character slots are retrospective for any you got to 40 already. at least was for me when i went LTS, each of my existing 40s spawned a free slot.
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[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I just found a whole new (to me) mission chain in Lemuria I didn't know was there. I'm also fairly sure there's some Monster Island Content I haven't done yet. Usually, I do the the VB Apocalypse and "ding" 40.
I will say this - I do wish there was a project to organize the existing content better. People don't run what they don't know is there. I really like how STO has all the content organized into "Episodes" which an easy to use interface. It's hard to get bored. CO needs something similar.
I don't give a damn about running more missions at 40, since it gives me no meaningful reward for the time spent playing.
Plain and simple.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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What fun?
I did these missions bazilion of times on my route to level 40 on more than one toon.
Also, not sure if you noticed, but Cryptic isn't exactly Bioware at story and writing.
Unless Cryptic will give us rewards for playing quest at 40, I'm not gonna bother.
I may revisit episodes in STO because it gives me rewards good enough even at max level, plus, some of them are well written.
But in CO? Please...
I'll have more interesting things to read browsing through the bios in Caprice.
*snip rude comment removed*
ahh competitive. I'm not. Despite getting into A grade in badminton in High school and getting my marksmanship badges for Air rifle and winning prizes for my hobby ceramics pieces. My father is very competitive, my brothers- one is , one isn't.
I do things to learn how to, if I get better than others, I do. If I don't, I don't. I'm more interested in learning how to do the activity correctly.
Yes, I agree, that is bad.
PvP - the area competitive normally goes to, isn't working or even have prizes
Best gear can be farmed , costumes can be bought but
there's still NOT any organized activities for people to compete in Or any form of ranking.
Which gets Back to the- when are they going to fix PvP, which is waaayy beyond a joke now. I don't do it and even I think it's stupid not fixing it.
and it's not the 200Q boxes, from Poe. It's the people who are farming 200 x Q boxes, you know the ones bragging about doing 1 run every 2 minutes in Zone and Trade, for several hours. They were not attempting to do the mission, they were just collecting boxes. That is an exploit, it has now been fixed.
It would have been better changing the box drop to collecting on mission hand in, since repeating mission only gives you xp and resources but that seems to not been possible.
How many complained when Colossus farming was stopped by removing the rewards?
Resistance farming is exactly the same, it was obviously NOT meant to be played that way and has been fixed.
I was listening to someone in game yesterday who was trying to say that CO was "pay to win" because you could buy Q with zen, so those who bought zen were now P2W players.
Pay 2 win refers to being able to buy gear in a shop which is better than any available in game. We have no gear in the store, we have gear in lockboxes which people sell on the AH. and Rampage gear is available ONLY in game.
*snip tactless comment removed*
yes a lot of people don't have a huge collection of alts *snip tactless comment removed*
since there is a limit on Q refining, you can also assume that they don't want you to get as much as you can each day.
edit: Spinny has a problem with silly comments, i have a problem with rude/tactless ones. This is after 4 edits, make that 5. Hopefully I got all of them.
edit: **** thats a wall of text
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I honestly feel if you aren't having fun in CO, then please leave. That should be the only motivation for playing any game is that you enjoy it. I don't need new content in CO to have fun in it.
yes the destroids are kind of weak. The leader drones should do a much bigger explosive when they self destruct.
cuurent challenge to play, sinus infection- headache, can't breathe properly, can't concentrate.
waaaahhh I want to level my flaming nuisance
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"Don't like then leave" is the worst way of thinking possible.
This kind of attitude prevents weak games from improving.
This kind of attitude prevents criticism and makes developers thinks everything s A-okay with their underdeveloped producs.
This kind of attitude prevents weak games from having high populations.
It makes weak games into Champions Online.
Forever underinvested. Because there is no point in investing in something that can't be popular.
Forever short on content.
Forever failing at attracting more players.
Forever below average, though the game definitely has potential to do better - but it will always stay as it is.
Forever wasted opportunity.
But by all means, let's pretend that everything is ok with CO.
After all, it's such popular and rich mmo... Millions of players are lining up to throw their money at this game.
"Don't like then leave" is exactly what large part of population did, and that's one reason more why CO is in its present state.
Enough people following this advice and the rest will stay without their favorite game to play.
they would just repeat the same part, only took them a couple minutes
Your type of thinking, let's bash instead of praise what we DO have, is the worse possible thinking
Imagine you were the only player and every new player that came around decided to join based on your opinions...not really helping much are you?
If this was 2012 yeah I could understand but we have had 200% more attention these past 6months than the entire year of 2012. And if you aren't happy then please go find a game that makes you happy, it's a easy request. If you love CO, which you at least enjoy the forums or perhaps you just want to complain ...
I guess the main question is what do you bring to the table for the development of Champions Online?
What more we were given to keep people in the game after they hit max level?
After the last update there may be no point in running Nemcon anymore. Than't one less thing to do at 40.
In the game that has very little to do at max level and process of getting to the max lvl is quite short.
Making quests repeatable and giving at least more resources instead of xp for max level players was requested many times, at least as a bandaid for things to do at 40.
Lairs weren't touched since forever.
What else may be advertised to new players except of alerts again and again? Not even tailor, since at 40 lvl it can dry you out of resources with its fees (and even if it did not - costumes are only fluff, the only thing they can do is keep people in RenCen).
For now people who are still sticking to CO are here either because they are invested in their characters,they like non-fantasy setting, or have friends ingame. And the reason very often heard by me is something like "there is no other similar game".
The biggest luck CO has is lack of competition and no similar games on the horizon. It is a lot of luck that this condition is unlikely to change.
One of SG I was a part moved almost entirely to TSW, since they were into modern setting, but not necessarily into superheroes (a thing that made me stay in CO). Maybe five or four people stayed in CO, out of dozen. Another SG just stopped to play.
If there would be any similar game, chances are CO will not survive.
And I can hardly see anything in development that may change it.
They keep removing Q boxes from all of the bosses. Poe Farm was not intended, but stripping the reward completely instead of fixing it is still stupid. Bragging over doing a bunch of mindless Q box farming is... Um, let's say "special". That's not a good kind of special.
PS: It's not up to the customer to cheerlead for CO. That's Cryptic's job.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I don't encourage anyone to leave the game - except, of course, for those few individuals who seem to derive their entertainment from making everyone around them miserable. And they're mostly gone anyway. I'm just genuinely puzzled as to why people want to stay when they're plainly not enjoying it any more. That confuses me, and I appreciate your attempt to explain it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No they think this qualifies as a fix, as something that needed their attention. all this did was annoy the player base, almost as if they didn't fix anything this time around.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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I'm afraid that's the mindset of most players. People usually want sense of reward and progression for the time spent playing and that's why this is important part of the game design for successful games.
Especially, of all kinds of games, mmos can't cater only to the niche, not if they want to have any lasting appeal.
There must be some kind of reward involved in the gameplay. And it is rather true, for mmos, that average player doesn't really care about the story or the setting regardless of the game's IP.
Whoever does the most DPS to a boss gets the single Q Box.
Thanks for encouraging players to just build based on DPS again. Or was this a fix to ensure that players don't team up for content anymore?
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I did say, it would have been better if they changed it to , collect when you hand in. Since you only get that reward once. Last 2 lines in the paragraph you quoted.
However, as we don't know if that is possible, this may have been the only way.
The nemesis alert one, as Crypticbuxom has pointed out, is worse. Only the most dps on a Boss gets the one box.
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That's my line. Well, you quoted me and said "bla bla bla exploit farm", so I felt the need to say that it was still dumb to strip out part of the reward and that this has been a thing to do for awhile now. I'm sure our Nems will stop dropping Q boxes soon if hasn't been "fixed" already.
It is possible to fix, but it isn't necessarily easy to fix. Since I don't work at Cryptic, I'm not too terribly interested in that part.
I'd be happy if this game was fun to run through a 1000 times, but it's not.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
1. The 1 random Qbox thing is not top DPS. It's Random. Some of us have been parsing recently. Now if it's a larger boss with multiple teams the top DPS team will be the one with the person who randomly wins the 1 box though.
2. As for the Poe thing..STO has "1 time upon completion rewards" where a mission will give you this cool item the 1st time upon completion and then if you share or decide to replay(they have that option) you will receive "reduced rewards" and the cool item will be replaced with something like "1 current lockbox."
In this scenario a newbie kills Poe, turns in the mission, get the Qbox which is cool for them, and if they come back to farm it out they still get some reward but the Qbox is now a Lockbox. Honestly, I'd rather it be 1 local than a lockbox but the point is that our neighbors have this tech and it would appear to work better than our last patch.
3. You want the Qboxes back and Nemcom to be more useful? I have 2 suggestions on this one.
A. You put the unlocks BACK. I don't care if they're the gear items since they're pretty much outclassed by most gear anways or whatever....just put the unlocks back into NC. I already have them all. It was not a short process. I have friends who do not have them. I would help them get them. Therefore, myself and my friends would be in NC more than pretty much never.
B. Remove the 1 random Q-box from the Nemesis...there, NONE of them drop Qboxes. Shadow Destroyer, on the other hand, gives everybody in your entire team like 2-3 Qboxes. No more short runs. You run the get the spoils. With the current power levels in this game we're talking about what....5 more minutes of fight tops? Some of you might not like this...but it would be more than you're getting now.
That's what I've got atm. :biggrin:
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Now, if it had simply been altered so the Q was not awarded until the mission was turned in, that would have ended the exploit as well. Given the coding structure (or lack thereof) in CO, though, removing the box entirely may have been the only viable solution.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Do you think this 'harder to get Questionite' thing, this 'nerf', is an attempt to adjust the exchange prices?
For a few times today I did find it annoying that I had a couple of alt characters wanting to complete the Mega Terak mission and the same people (names censored) chain ganging the Robo dino over and over for his q-box. And if you try to join in to complete the mission, they (the players) turn hostile :mad:
TBH I think they should just do away with questionite altogether and simply have it so you can exchange resources for zen in exchange. Items in the Q store could be moved into recognition (for relatively high token numbers) or simply be purchased from appropriate vendors - move vehicle weapons into vehicle store NPC for example - for resources. Up the mission resource reward slightly to compensate those missions where you would have previously got Q (this would be nice for those missions that recently lost their Q box - poe etc. getting a couple of extra G reward for it seems fair to me)
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That's actually how it is made in few f2p games.
However... To do so, the game must have at least passable economy and inflation under control.
Not exactly CO traits. :biggrin:
This is not a popular change, but it is necessary for the long run and frankly the should have done this YEARS ago. The timing of this change isn't great, we already have a very low active population.
Needed, but not popular. At all.
That said...
It was worse when they removed the resources and XP from the Shadow Colossi...
So my question is what are the incentives for level 40s to play? I mean really, the list is kind of pathetically short:
...Anything I missed?
We have kind of a lack of new "explorable" content. Places to explore and things to do.
I feel this could be alleviated a great deal if:
I've always said: "epic challenges, epic rewards"
Which roughly translates as the harder challenges deserve better rewards (and/or odds of a good reward drop). Easier challenges (i.e.: just pressing down an "I-win" button repeatedly doing nothing else) should not give such rewards.
This patch seems to be getting off track from that proven game design philosophy, and that's something to be concerned about, no matter where you fall in the spectrum of how challenging this game is for you.
The real issue was that Plasma Beam on vehicles was making farming Mega Destroids in Resistance far FAR too easy. Before that it was Incendary Rounds because of it's sniper-rifle-like 120ft range that the AI couldn't deal with.
Maybe the devs are just sick of Resistance's gigantic enemies causing issues.
But in truth we NEED more rewards dropping from various bosses in the game. Especially the lairs almost nobody visits anymore. And many of those lairs are one-time only per character. So why the heck don't they drop at least a guaranteed costume unlock when you get Rogue's Gallery perk?
Fixed that, with a seasoning of cynicism
Consolidate the currencies! (Please!)
Does your Champion have a theme song? (share it!)
Got a funny in-game screenshot? (share it!)
Please fix the Overdrive energy unlock! (Should help promote thematic build diversity!)
you will actually get the credit for his kill, if you attack as well. I've done it when I see the person attacking , is having a heal failure. If they get hostile, report spam on their comments and continue on.
I got credit, unfortunately I got the mission after that and had to do it again. Someone else stood at a safe distance and watched, then when I had him at 1/3 health asked me to team with them. If they had of tried to help, yes. Not when they just stood by and waited.
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But I have several vehicles...
I just use them for stuff like transportation and the occasional rampage alert.
We've need new content since the game's launch. It was lacking even with Vibora Bay.
The game needed one or two more zones worth of content on launch to be worthy of a new game. And we should have gotten 3 more since.
and you missed out on a necro notice by 4 days.
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