I enjoy seeing the results from the player created surveys here in the forums. But as said in the past, it is not a complete representation of the playerbase due not to every player frequenting the forums.
I propose a mini survey on the new welcome pop-up screen. A single multiple-choice question a week (ex Which of these four costume sets would you like added to the Z-store?). The response would be one per account and would cycle out weekly with a new question. I picture this as being a quick and fair means of giving the complete playerbase a voice.
I know a lot of us on the forums have made requests but this might give the devs a more complete picture to direct their focus on our answers.
How do you all feel about this? Pointless, helpful, some adverse effect I'm not seeing?
I'm going to assume that Cryptic knows how to record data, so a multiple guess question seems worthless. Anything they could ask like that can probably be answered by their data on us. If they're going to bother asking questions, it would have to be something more open ended or that can't be easily tracked.
The stuff in the surveys customers make is probably already known by Cryptic. They know how popular vehicles are, they know if we are doing tons of rampages, they know how much we socialize in game, they know if we spend most of our time in the tailor, and they know if we stand around in RenCen doing alerts all day. What they don't know is why we do any of those activities or if we enjoy them because that is something they have to ask.
I don't mind forum surveys but I'd prefer there not be any more additions to the pop up at log in. I close it at quickly as possible because I don't like it there in the first place. The kind of info it contains should be on the launcher screen as I'm logging in and about to play.
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Receiving Customer Feedback (in the form of a survey or just analysing their usage): Great
Doing It Via a Pop-Up: Not Great
My reasoning. A survey is a great idea if it can answer questions that existing data cannot.
If it's just to see our general usage, like how much we like Alerts/Rampages/Tailors based on our time in them, I agree with Sterga. Not only should they have that data, but that data is likely more accurate than our memories. There, a survey won't help.
But I think Human Conductor's question is about new projects. Like they have multiple ideas on new costume sets, but with limited resources they can make 1 at time. So a survey like "which of these 3 new ideas would you like to see next" helps!
Then it's a question of how that survey is done. A pop-up is never a good idea; I know many websites do this, but IMHO it's annoying and a lazy thing they're doing for their marketing colleagues. But how about we do this via a NPC?
Example - the survey is presented by a NPC like, say, the TV reporter Victoria Crownstone. It's like she's doing a TV interview with heroes around Ren Cen. A simple dialogue box, with a few options to click that are parsed by Cryptic North.
In short, I'd support a survey that asks questions for new ideas that doesn't disrupt the game.
But I think Human Conductor's question is about new projects. Like they have multiple ideas on new costume sets, but with limited resources they can make 1 at time. So a survey like "which of these 3 new ideas would you like to see next" helps!
Bingo. Proactive enduser steering to supplement their retroactive data mining.
I'm not a fan of the pop-up it's self but it seemed like the most logical place (or the Arc launcher) to make sure everyone had equal exposure and opportunity to it. But I have to say I really like the NPC idea for immersion's sake.
We can't have surveys of possible future content, since every announcement ends up making playerbase angry.
That's why any feedback happens in the PTS and about content thats allready decided in advance.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
We can't have surveys of possible future content, since every announcement ends up making playerbase angry.
That's why any feedback happens in the PTS and about content thats allready decided in advance.
So, what you're saying is that announcing future content shouldn't happen because those mean players might hurt someone's feelings? If that was the case, there are a lot of people that need to grow a pair. There are companies that only dream of having a player base this civil because they have to spend a ton of time and money policing it.
I would love if they finally got rid of the idiot boxes, but considering they keep adding MORE of the damn things, I doubt it will happen.
What would be really awesome is if they let players rate and review store items. And anyone else can read those reviews from the store. A few weeks after you make a purchase, Cryptic could send an email inviting you to share your opinions. Like what other stores where you spend your money do.
So, what you're saying is that announcing future content shouldn't happen because those mean players might hurt someone's feelings? If that was the case, there are a lot of people that need to grow a pair. There are companies that only dream of having a player base this civil because they have to spend a ton of time and money policing it.
I would love if they finally got rid of the idiot boxes, but considering they keep adding MORE of the damn things, I doubt it will happen.
What would be really awesome is if they let players rate and review store items. And anyone else can read those reviews from the store. A few weeks after you make a purchase, Cryptic could send an email inviting you to share your opinions. Like what other stores where you spend your money do.
Do you really think it's a coincidence the devs don't talk anymore considering how toxic this player community is? This is the most toxic gaming community out there, and that's saying a lot considering WoW.
And to think how the toxicity level would rise if they actually gave us stuff to be toxic about. Eh?
Or any stuff. That is worth more than 3 minutes of game time.
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
That and this player base is good at taking anything stated out of context, or worse, twisting comments made to make it sound like something completely different. Just saying.
Did I really see people say that the CO community is toxic? Excuse me while I laugh my **** off.
Even if it the game was full of jerks, hiding from idiots on the Internet is pathetic. I suspect the devs are busy doing their job which is not chatting on the forums with us. That would be what a CM is for and last I checked, we don't have one.
Seriously, The CO forums have some people who operate under the "it's bad because someone told me it's bad but I didn't bother go to look because...DOOM" premise and it has it's share of,"Don't fix OP/Broken Stuff. Make everything OP/Broken...that's balance cause this game is hard" as well...but still. This place is the land of unicorns and cupcakes compared to the NW Forums...and those forums aren't as bad as some other MMOs.
As for the actual topic of this thread...sure, put a lil "How are we doing?!?" survey on a click box on the Welcome Page that gives out 100Z for completion and see who actually bothers. A test survey to gauge the reception of such a thing wouldn't hurt.
I do, however, agree that there are currently too many popups for a new toon in CO. What's worse is that 2 of them have to be cycled through before you can get rid of them. At least the Welcome pages CO and NW have can be instantly dismissed with the press of the escape key. The other two need to be worked into NPCs as newbie missions(ones that are not part of the chains so a vet can just skip them).
Did I really see people say that the CO community is toxic? Excuse me while I laugh my **** off.
Even if it the game was full of jerks, hiding from idiots on the Internet is pathetic. I suspect the devs are busy doing their job which is not chatting on the forums with us. That would be what a CM is for and last I checked, we don't have one.
Yea, I am sorry, but I don't think you would tolerate sitting there as people twist your words around. So why you continue to preach the very false dogma of the costumer is always right, a company doesn't have to talk to anyone especially if it is toxic in the response.
If I went to a restaurant and the staff was rude and then asked me to buy more food when I was done, I wouldn't go back. Then I would tell my friends never to go there. If I go into a store and the employees are helpful, I'm not only going to go back, but tell everyone what a great place that is.
Please tell me how good customer service is a waste of time and how the gaming industry should be the exception.
Other industries have terrible customers and they seem to deal with it just fine without resorting to hiding.
If I went to a restaurant and the staff was rude and then asked me to buy more food when I was done, I wouldn't go back. Then I would tell my friends never to go there. If I go into a store and the employees are helpful, I'm not only going to go back, but tell everyone what a great place that is.
Please tell me how good customer service is a waste of time and how the gaming industry should be the exception.
Other industries have terrible customers and they seem to deal with it just fine without resorting to hiding.
And if you were rude and unbecoming of a customer and threw a hissy fit to being rowdy you would have been ejected from the restaurant, and if you refused to leave or even tried to become violent about it, you would have had a visit from the police. Your analogy has a counter argument.
And considering rude is subjective, to the point that players take it being rude that anything the devs have written down in the past as a promise of something as happening, even if it is prefaced by unlikely, that again is a weak analogy.
And if you were rude and unbecoming of a customer and threw a hissy fit to being rowdy you would have been ejected from the restaurant, and if you refused to leave or even tried to become violent about it, you would have had a visit from the police. Your analogy has a counter argument.
Get rid of those mandatory pop-ups spamming our screens every time player logs in, or goes to PH with new character.
Great job again. More spam is just everyone need.You have to close it before you can do anything else.
Better they give any Zen for answering any pop-up surveys, because otherwise I'll just close this damn spam as fast as I can without even reading it.
Yes, remove those "On Alert" and "Reloaded" pop-ups. I hate those SO MUCH since you have to quickly flip through all of the pages to reach the end BEFORE you can close it. The Welcome Screen can stay, but should have an option to be turned off at the account level at the very least.
Yes, remove those "On Alert" and "Reloaded" pop-ups. I hate those SO MUCH since you have to quickly flip through all of the pages to reach the end BEFORE you can close it. The Welcome Screen can stay, but should have an option to be turned off at the account level at the very least.
First, save your UI via Options.
Then, after making your new character and getting swamped with new windows and panes, load the UI via Options.
Instantly able to click those suckers away.
Another MMO I've spent a great deal of time playing implemented a survey system for planned content to see just what the player community would prefer, and it was welcomed and accepted with open arms by the community. A community which prior to this addition was extremely volatile when it came to updates. Their forums used to be flooded with rants about updates to content being in the wrong direction, or useless. Lets just say it wasn't pretty... after adding the surveys giving the players a voice in the development of future content these types of forum posts nearly died off entirely. Most of the surveys have been in regards to small things like "What skill should the next quest offer a special item for?" and "What town(s) should this new NPC be added to?"
The community only ever feels a result was unfair when it's a A or B option that are unrelated to each other. Thus far, I have only seen 1 such survey come across their system. They asked the community if they would rather have a new guild added to a town or an increase in guards... the guild that was proposed was one that had been requested on the forums for years and lost by only 1% of the votes... there was a huge rage on the forums about it afterwards. All things considered, the devs likely expected that particular poll to be almost entirely one sided towards adding the guild, which should have made the poll unnecessary to begin with, but they put the poll up anyway and ended up not adding it due to a 1% difference in the poll result.
On a whole though, giving the players a voice is a good thing. It makes the players feel like they are actually being listened to and that their opinions really do matter. Even when an individuals choice is not the popular one. It also provides some transparency, something that is vital to having a well natured community. Most volatile communities in online games are formed by a divide between the player base and the developers. Providing transparency and two-way communication eases the tension and promotes a healthy community. Survey's like these are one such way of accomplishing this.
I would be okay with it if they sent us surveys in our in-game mail. Then we can go on the forums and complain about them not reading them. More complaints for everyone! \o/
The stuff in the surveys customers make is probably already known by Cryptic. They know how popular vehicles are, they know if we are doing tons of rampages, they know how much we socialize in game, they know if we spend most of our time in the tailor, and they know if we stand around in RenCen doing alerts all day. What they don't know is why we do any of those activities or if we enjoy them because that is something they have to ask.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
@Aleatha1011 in CO | Keeper of the Cheesecake since Nov. 2011| Bunni BOT is on PRIMUS! | Come check out my deviantart page!
Doing It Via a Pop-Up: Not Great
My reasoning. A survey is a great idea if it can answer questions that existing data cannot.
If it's just to see our general usage, like how much we like Alerts/Rampages/Tailors based on our time in them, I agree with Sterga. Not only should they have that data, but that data is likely more accurate than our memories. There, a survey won't help.
But I think Human Conductor's question is about new projects. Like they have multiple ideas on new costume sets, but with limited resources they can make 1 at time. So a survey like "which of these 3 new ideas would you like to see next" helps!
Then it's a question of how that survey is done. A pop-up is never a good idea; I know many websites do this, but IMHO it's annoying and a lazy thing they're doing for their marketing colleagues. But how about we do this via a NPC?
Example - the survey is presented by a NPC like, say, the TV reporter Victoria Crownstone. It's like she's doing a TV interview with heroes around Ren Cen. A simple dialogue box, with a few options to click that are parsed by Cryptic North.
In short, I'd support a survey that asks questions for new ideas that doesn't disrupt the game.
More action at Champions Online Comics @ http://co-comics.webs.com
Bingo. Proactive enduser steering to supplement their retroactive data mining.
I'm not a fan of the pop-up it's self but it seemed like the most logical place (or the Arc launcher) to make sure everyone had equal exposure and opportunity to it. But I have to say I really like the NPC idea for immersion's sake.
Get rid of those mandatory pop-ups spamming our screens every time player logs in, or goes to PH with new character.
Great job again. More spam is just everyone need.You have to close it before you can do anything else.
Better they give any Zen for answering any pop-up surveys, because otherwise I'll just close this damn spam as fast as I can without even reading it.
That's why any feedback happens in the PTS and about content thats allready decided in advance.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
So, what you're saying is that announcing future content shouldn't happen because those mean players might hurt someone's feelings? If that was the case, there are a lot of people that need to grow a pair. There are companies that only dream of having a player base this civil because they have to spend a ton of time and money policing it.
I would love if they finally got rid of the idiot boxes, but considering they keep adding MORE of the damn things, I doubt it will happen.
What would be really awesome is if they let players rate and review store items. And anyone else can read those reviews from the store. A few weeks after you make a purchase, Cryptic could send an email inviting you to share your opinions. Like what other stores where you spend your money do.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Do you really think it's a coincidence the devs don't talk anymore considering how toxic this player community is? This is the most toxic gaming community out there, and that's saying a lot considering WoW.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Or any stuff. That is worth more than 3 minutes of game time.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Even if it the game was full of jerks, hiding from idiots on the Internet is pathetic. I suspect the devs are busy doing their job which is not chatting on the forums with us. That would be what a CM is for and last I checked, we don't have one.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Seriously, The CO forums have some people who operate under the "it's bad because someone told me it's bad but I didn't bother go to look because...DOOM" premise and it has it's share of,"Don't fix OP/Broken Stuff. Make everything OP/Broken...that's balance cause this game is hard" as well...but still. This place is the land of unicorns and cupcakes compared to the NW Forums...and those forums aren't as bad as some other MMOs.
As for the actual topic of this thread...sure, put a lil "How are we doing?!?" survey on a click box on the Welcome Page that gives out 100Z for completion and see who actually bothers. A test survey to gauge the reception of such a thing wouldn't hurt.
I do, however, agree that there are currently too many popups for a new toon in CO. What's worse is that 2 of them have to be cycled through before you can get rid of them. At least the Welcome pages CO and NW have can be instantly dismissed with the press of the escape key. The other two need to be worked into NPCs as newbie missions(ones that are not part of the chains so a vet can just skip them).
Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
Yea, I am sorry, but I don't think you would tolerate sitting there as people twist your words around. So why you continue to preach the very false dogma of the costumer is always right, a company doesn't have to talk to anyone especially if it is toxic in the response.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Please tell me how good customer service is a waste of time and how the gaming industry should be the exception.
Other industries have terrible customers and they seem to deal with it just fine without resorting to hiding.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
And if you were rude and unbecoming of a customer and threw a hissy fit to being rowdy you would have been ejected from the restaurant, and if you refused to leave or even tried to become violent about it, you would have had a visit from the police. Your analogy has a counter argument.
And considering rude is subjective, to the point that players take it being rude that anything the devs have written down in the past as a promise of something as happening, even if it is prefaced by unlikely, that again is a weak analogy.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
We should be happy to be allowed to give them money.
Except... Not.
My counter argument was made before you even read my post.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Yes, remove those "On Alert" and "Reloaded" pop-ups. I hate those SO MUCH since you have to quickly flip through all of the pages to reach the end BEFORE you can close it. The Welcome Screen can stay, but should have an option to be turned off at the account level at the very least.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
First, save your UI via Options.
Then, after making your new character and getting swamped with new windows and panes, load the UI via Options.
Instantly able to click those suckers away.
The community only ever feels a result was unfair when it's a A or B option that are unrelated to each other. Thus far, I have only seen 1 such survey come across their system. They asked the community if they would rather have a new guild added to a town or an increase in guards... the guild that was proposed was one that had been requested on the forums for years and lost by only 1% of the votes... there was a huge rage on the forums about it afterwards. All things considered, the devs likely expected that particular poll to be almost entirely one sided towards adding the guild, which should have made the poll unnecessary to begin with, but they put the poll up anyway and ended up not adding it due to a 1% difference in the poll result.
On a whole though, giving the players a voice is a good thing. It makes the players feel like they are actually being listened to and that their opinions really do matter. Even when an individuals choice is not the popular one. It also provides some transparency, something that is vital to having a well natured community. Most volatile communities in online games are formed by a divide between the player base and the developers. Providing transparency and two-way communication eases the tension and promotes a healthy community. Survey's like these are one such way of accomplishing this.
::rips shirt::
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