I've encountered this bug before on two other PCs, I didn't report it on the first one as it was quite horrible and could barely render the game, so I didn't pay it much mind. On the second PC the problem went away after a while (unsure how, but I assumed it was because of a graphics driver update). But now I'm experiencing it on my brand new PC with up to date graphics drivers and I've no idea what is causing it.
The bug itself is the replacement of certain textures with black polygons when Lightning Quality is set to High. This is most commonly seen in Millenium City and Vibora Bay roads, though I've also experienced it on walls and costume pieces.

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Well said sir..
Already tried that, it did nothing.
@Liath | My PRIMUS Page | Altaholics | New Vehicle Models | New Emblems | Flag Tights
Asterelle's Forum Enhancement Extension | Game Side Panel Add-In | Game Server Status Add-In
PPS: The bug is gone but now I am lagging like hell in compatibility mode. God damn it. :X
In CO shadows are better in DX11 mode. In DX9 mode only the shadows of you own character is detailed, the shadows of other players are all a default blocky shape. In DX11 mode all characters have detailed shadows.
Honestly I never really noticed that, but thinking on it yeah, however the shadows also have a bit of an issue when adjusting to time, looks very unnatural and weird. Not sure if thats DX11 only or both, never put much attention to it.
The improved shadows aren't worth the black textures everywhere though. It's kinda jarring when in Westside.