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Robot Samurai costume set bugged?

hayte33hayte33 Posts: 3 Arc User
edited November 2013 in Gameplay Bugs
I bought the robot samurai costume set earlier and tried to make a costume for one of my characters. When I'd finished the icon for that costume didn't change and when i tried the costume nothing happened i tried again with a different costume slot this time using globals instead of a free costume change token and again nothing happened so the end result is i have 2 costume slots i can no longer use for this new costume i wanted to make or for the old costumes it still shows as being in there
Post edited by hayte33 on


  • eiledoneiledon Posts: 1,287 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I have used the samurai set on multiple existing and new costumes across many characters. No bugging out issues occured.

    What you describe sounds more like what happens when some kind soul teleports or runs between you and a tailor, knocking you out of range of said NPC. When this happens any costume changes you have been making are lost (unless you saved the costume prior to clicking purchase). If this happened once and then you tried again on a different slot without exiting and reentering the tailor interface then the same thing would happen.

    What you need to do is to exit the tailor totally, and move closer to him/her then try again. If you find this happens a lot (e.g if you use the tailors in Rencen it is a price you pay), then the tailor in the Powerhouse is an area rather than an NPC so you cant be kicked out of range unless someone pushes you out of the door. Similarly tailor in hideout is safest. If you dont have a hideout and want some peace and quiet to do your tailoring then there are tailors behind the stage wall of the Powerhouse Theatres.

    You can use these facilities at any powerhouse (Rencen, Canada, Desert - the outlying powerhouses are usually quieter)
  • hayte33hayte33 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    tried using the tailor in powerhouse first then the one in ren centre both times the same thing happened also that doesn't explain why those 2 costume slots are now unusable
  • kangsinkangsin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I made some new toons and showing that the robot samurai being bought even though I did not buy them yet relogging seems to fix the bug and some of the animal and other costume parts seems to vanish when a new hero is being created
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