Orange doesn't look right to me either. Brigade is blue, not orange. Female should be heavy on the blue also. Can we go back to blue please, and work with that again? Skirt optional I guess. I gotta know what to download.
And Cap I don't like muscles because not everybody does a build that needs muscles, asthetically. I'm most likely gonna do TK. Looking like I can chuck a tank into the next county or run a marathon without breaking a sweat doesn't fit. It needs to be muscles neutral, not too much and not too little. If you can see it sticking out on the knees too much, that isn't neutral.
Well the idea of the Multi Girl wasn't that she's a strange rogue offshoot of Brigade... hence the different name. It's a different person with the same power that's kind of a copycat of Brigade's. This is partially why I want a different costume for her, but recognizable as a Brigade copy. She's her own person/persons/peoples whatever.
Bron: Remember that each Brigade and Myriad is a copy of the original, but with a random set of powers. It doesn't matter if one clone can lift a truck and the other can barely lift her fanny; each clone has to look exactly like the original.
For Brigade I went mostly with a slightly taller, slightly muscular build, but mostly averagely built, because I wanted a hero that could be a gunslinger and a truck-thrower. If we take off too much muscle from Myriad, then the truck-thrower Myriad would look silly lifting a truck and being all pudgy at the same time. My point is, it has to be average so that it'll fit anyone's copy, and I think 50% muscle tone is pretty much...average.
It's pretty apparent that no one design is going to please everybody. Every time someone posts a new costume, someone else doesn't like something about it. Not sure how we settle it.
You need to say "I've decided this will be the Myriad costume and that's that." Brigade looks the way he does because you designed it and said "here is Brigade; if you want to make one use this costume". You need to do the same here. Say "here is the costume for Myriad (or Multigirl, or Replicate, or whatever YOU want to call her); if you want to make one use this costume".
It's clear there will never be a consensus amongst everyone here. So just decide what you want to call her and what you want her to look like and post it. Those that like it and want to use it will, and those that don't won't. That's the best you can do.
Well the idea of the Multi Girl wasn't that she's a strange rogue offshoot of Brigade... hence the different name. It's a different person with the same power that's kind of a copycat of Brigade's. This is partially why I want a different costume for her, but recognizable as a Brigade copy. She's her own person/persons/peoples whatever.
Bron: Remember that each Brigade and Myriad is a copy of the original, but with a random set of powers. It doesn't matter if one clone can lift a truck and the other can barely lift her fanny; each clone has to look exactly like the original.
For Brigade I went mostly with a slightly taller, slightly muscular build, but mostly averagely built, because I wanted a hero that could be a gunslinger and a truck-thrower. If we take off too much muscle from Myriad, then the truck-thrower Myriad would look silly lifting a truck and being all pudgy at the same time. My point is, it has to be average so that it'll fit anyone's copy, and I think 50% muscle tone is pretty much...average.
It's pretty apparent that no one design is going to please everybody. Every time someone posts a new costume, someone else doesn't like something about it. Not sure how we settle it.
Keep in mind, Myriad is female. 50% muscle mass on a female is well beyond average. 25% is much closer to average, I'd honestly take it no higher than 33% if you think 25% looks to undefined. While with a male shape muscle definition is fairly common in an average shape, it is not so with females. Even females with above average strength tend to have little if any visible muscle definition.
You need to say "I've decided this will be the Myriad costume and that's that." Brigade looks the way he does because you designed it and said "here is Brigade; if you want to make one use this costume". You need to do the same here. Say "here is the costume for Myriad (or Multigirl, or Replicate, or whatever YOU want to call her); if you want to make one use this costume".
It's clear there will never be a consensus amongst everyone here. So just decide what you want to call her and what you want her to look like and post it. Those that like it and want to use it will, and those that don't won't. That's the best you can do.
The lack of consensus is primarily over the shape. Myriad is female, and as such she should look the part. The shapes Smackwell has been making for her are primarily overly masculine.
I modified my Myriad's full tights costume to have a similar style to the skirted version as well, I'll go set the colors and attach it to show ya'll in a bit... might help with some ideas since you wanted to make her not look to much like brigade... I think the costume I got on mine will do just that while still keeping the flow that she is similar.
Keep in mind, Myriad is female. 50% muscle mass on a female is well beyond average. 25% is much closer to average, I'd honestly take it no higher than 33% if you think 25% looks to undefined. While with a male shape muscle definition is fairly common in an average shape, it is not so with females. Even females with above average strength tend to have little if any visible muscle definition.
The lack of consensus is primarily over the shape. Myriad is female, and as such she should look the part. The shapes Smackwell has been making for her are primarily overly masculine.
There has been an argument about every aspect of Myriad, from her name, to the color of the costume, to the length of the hair, to whether or not she has a skirt, to her musculature, and to her body shape. These are Smackwell's creations. He should have the final say as to how they look. If he wants his characters to have 50% muscles then that's the way it should be. The fact that he's even opened it up for discussion I think has been quite generous. But of course it's now led to the hornet's nest we have now.
This is why I think it's best if he just decide upon the final name and costume and post the file. The whole point is to get together and enjoy the concept, and that requires we all look the same. Since there will not be any kind of consensus someone will have to put his foot down and say here it is, take it or leave it.
And again, you only need to wear the main costume when you're out with other Brigades or Myriads. The rest of the time you can make her look like whatever you want. Seriously, I don't see why this has to be so difficult. If Smackwell's final costume has too much muscle, then make costume #2 have less. Is it really too much to ask for everyone to wear the same costume during Brigade events, even if you don't care that much for it?
Can we all just agree on Panda's? Smack do you really not like it? I believe with the same powers the original Myriad would be at least related to the original Brigade, maybe a sister. As such, she should follow the family look.
But I do agree it's Smack's concept primarily and he needs to put his foot down. Let's just hope he puts his foot down on something in the middle of everyone's expectations. Can we just agree on Panda's? It seems to have no flaws that I can see. Maybe add some muscle at Smack's discretion if he wants it, and really she's perfect IMHO.
Can we all just agree on Panda's? Smack do you really not like it? I believe with the same powers the original Myriad would be at least related to the original Brigade, maybe a sister. As such, she should follow the family look.
But I do agree it's Smack's concept primarily and he needs to put his foot down. Let's just hope he puts his foot down on something in the middle of everyone's expectations. Can we just agree on Panda's? It seems to have no flaws that I can see. Maybe add some muscle at Smack's discretion if he wants it, and really she's perfect IMHO.
I gotta know which to download.
Other than her looking emaciated and nothing like Brigade, yeah, not a thing wrong with it.
Give me a couple hours to get home and I'll put the final one down. I'm going with the default body type, maybe a couple very, very small tweaks, and with whatever muscle tone looks to me like it's average. And remember, you don't have to use the default Brigade/Myriad costume when you're out by yourself, so you can tone down the muscle all you want in your other costumes. We'll just say that your Sorceress Myriad gets an adrenaline rush when she's around others.
I like it too. I do have one question tho (not a criticism or complaint): is the lack of shoulderpads an oversight or by design? Either way I'm cool with it, but I was just wondering.
Actually, I was planning on using the ones you'd put in there (I love the discs but they do look silly), and just forgot, since I wasn't working off a template - instead I worked off the default model. I think it looks okay, but if you guys like the shoulderpad look better, I'll throw them on.
Actually, I was planning on using the ones you'd put in there (I love the discs but they do look silly), and just forgot, since I wasn't working off a template - instead I worked off the default model. I think it looks okay, but if you guys like the shoulderpad look better, I'll throw them on.
Sure, toss 'em on there.
The model I've based everything off of was the original Brigette, which was your design. I didn't pick the shoulders, you did!
Okay, so I spotted Myriad's boots and did a quick check using my back-up Silver account. The boot are the same as the Gold Brigade's boots, I think. I vaguely remembered Smackwell mentioning he wanted a single Myriad costume not one for each of the precious metal accounts. No biggie. An easy fix, right?
Actually, I discovered that I like the boots from the Silver version better that the Gold one, because you can make the little circles on each boot glow if you want. I learned that when genning up the three Brigadevils for The Costume Exchange. That's when I learned that the shoulder brace-things could also be made to glow as well.
Okay, so I spotted Myriad's boots and did a quick check using my back-up Silver account. The boot are the same as the Gold Brigade's boots, I think. I vaguely remembered Smackwell mentioning he wanted a single Myriad costume not one for each of the precious metal accounts. No biggie. An easy fix, right?
Actually, I discovered that I like the boots from the Silver version better that the Gold one, because you can make the little circles on each boot glow if you want. I learned that when genning up the three Brigadevils for The Costume Exchange. That's when I learned that the shoulder brace-things could also be made to glow as well.
Yeah I scrapped that whole thing with the silvers. Just buy the damn variety pack already.
I'll see about making a silver-compatible one when I get unlazy.
i have toyed with the idea of making a brigade for a while, finally decided to go through with it, looked into the thread some more and saw the info on myriad. dammit, now to choose whether i want a brigade or a myriad.... ok before i choose. myriad.... does she have her own sg? or does she join with brigade? and if she has her own sg, is it formed already....
i have toyed with the idea of making a brigade for a while, finally decided to go through with it, looked into the thread some more and saw the info on myriad. dammit, now to choose whether i want a brigade or a myriad.... ok before i choose. myriad.... does she have her own sg? or does she join with brigade? and if she has her own sg, is it formed already....
She should have her own SG. But I'm not sure if it's been made, mostly due to not being able to reach a consensus on what it should be called. I think "The Multi-Girl" was the forerunner of previous discussions.
Yeah I scrapped that whole thing with the silvers. Just buy the damn variety pack already.
I'll see about making a silver-compatible one when I get unlazy.
Well, I cannot speak for anyone else, but I appreciate every moment of un-laziness you have contributed to this concept. Yes. Yes. Brigade is your baby, but ever moment you spent on Myriad was a moment you could have been gaming as Brigade (or anything other hero you created).
And knowing how hard you worked on this, I thought I'd help out, if I could.
The parts changed are the same parts you swapped out of Brigade (G) for the same parts you swapped in onto Brigade (S). These parts are -
Bracers > Armor Scalloped Inner >Armor Plate
As well as -
Feet > Armor Platted > Cloth > Banded Basic
Since they look differently on Myriad you may well decide that you wish to use other parts instead. Also, and I have no idea why this happens, but whenever I try to use a hero file with a Emblem Front or Emblem Back, I get a white square around the Emblem? I'm pretty sure it is simply my low powered PC (if so, sorry), but if it is something else that I can fix easily, I'd sure like to know about it.
So anyway, Happy Myriad's Birthday every Muli-one of you!
Oh, you guys should really see the movie Multiplicity. It's not a 5 Star thing, but it is a Cloning Comedy. Hey, if every Brigade and/or Myriad has not seen at least one cloning movie, then he/she is not a true Multi-Man or Mulit-Girl.
Ugh, I completely forgot to ask for my Brigade to be given an invite to the corresponding supergroup.
Also, I agree that "The Multi-Girl" fits Myriad more considering the relation to Brigade.
Hmm... Relation?
Could she be one of HIS relations? A cousin perhaps? Oooooh, maybe she got her powers from a blood transfusion from her Multi-Man cousin. Aw crap! Myriad could have been green and called She-Gade.
And her catch phase could have been -
"Don't make me Multi. You wouldn't like me when I'm Multi."
Could she be one of HIS relations? A cousin perhaps? Oooooh, maybe she got her powers from a blood transfusion from her Multi-Man cousin. Aw crap! Myriad could have been green and called She-Gade.
And her catch phase could have been -
"Don't make me Multi. You wouldn't like me when I'm Multi."
Ugh. That's not what I meant and you know it. Seeing as I've had problems with this word before, I guess I need to refrain from using the word "relation" or other similar words unless I actually mean something like "blood relatives". *sigh*
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I meant that Myriad is the female equivalent of Bridage, yet not necessarily related to him. Smackwell would know better in regards to your take on the word I used.
I also need to still find time to log in on my Bridgade when someone with invite privileges in "The Multi-Man" supergroup is online so I can have him added to the group.
Ugh. That's not what I meant and you know it. Seeing as I've had problems with this word before, I guess I need to refrain from using the word "relation" or other similar words unless I actually mean something like "blood relatives". *sigh*
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I meant that Myriad is the female equivalent of Bridage, yet not necessarily related to him. Smackwell would know better in regards to your take on the word I used.
I also need to still find time to log in on my Bridgade when someone with invite privileges in "The Multi-Man" supergroup is online so I can have him added to the group.
i'm pretty sure that offline invites will work for the purpose, and saying that... if anyone would also send an invite to Brigade@Althar i would appreciate it , im not gonna be able to play much if any this weekend and would love a head start on monday by being able to log in and not have to hunt for an invite
looking forward to playing with myself (as in playing as a Brigade, playing with other Brigades, who are technically other versions of myself, not the perverted way that jumped in your heads... shame on you... all of you.... freaken perverts)
Could she be one of HIS relations? A cousin perhaps? Oooooh, maybe she got her powers from a blood transfusion from her Multi-Man cousin. Aw crap! Myriad could have been green and called She-Gade.
And her catch phase could have been -
"Don't make me Multi. You wouldn't like me when I'm Multi."
Or maybe they used to date and Brigade's multi-sperm infused Myriad's DNA with bits of his own to create... The Multi-Girl! (tho I'm a bit partial to The Multi-Maiden).
Now they have this love/hate thing going on cause they're exes.
Ugh. That's not what I meant and you know it. Seeing as I've had problems with this word before, I guess I need to refrain from using the word "relation" or other similar words unless I actually mean something like "blood relatives". *sigh*
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I meant that Myriad is the female equivalent of Bridage, yet not necessarily related to him. Smackwell would know better in regards to your take on the word I used.
I also need to still find time to log in on my Bridgade when someone with invite privileges in "The Multi-Man" supergroup is online so I can have him added to the group.
Hmm... I thought everyone on CO would have understood my attempt at a silly Hulk/She-Hulk reference. Perhaps I should have also included this clip...
So, in the tradition of posting alternate outfits for fun (and silliness), I present a "Brig.ade" outfit for anytime we finally decide to fight Mechanon on his own turf: Attachment not found.
So, in the tradition of posting alternate outfits for fun (and silliness), I present a "Brig.ade" outfit for anytime we finally decide to fight Mechanon on his own turf: Attachment not found.
I like Golden Age Brigade. He gives off this vibe of... "You do know there's a war on, right? We need every man... and every man... and every man... on the job! Remember, idle hands waste lives!"
They say that every year on Halloween night, the Brigade Pumpkin rises out of a pumpkin patch and... what? Toys? No, he doesn't give out toys, he beats up zombies.
They say that every year on Halloween night, the Brigade Pumpkin rises out of a pumpkin patch and... what? Toys? No, he doesn't give out toys, he beats up zombies.
Heh. "So late" cause I'm on the west coast and that's basically the first time that came to mind when I first made the suggestion...
If everybody else wants to do something sooner in the day, that's fine, too. Or we can run a couple of times, one earlier and one later, so that folks that can't make one can make the other.
I just basically wanna get some Brigades and Myriads running around Millennium City having some fun.
Heh. "So late" cause I'm on the west coast and that's basically the first time that came to mind when I first made the suggestion...
If everybody else wants to do something sooner in the day, that's fine, too. Or we can run a couple of times, one earlier and one later, so that folks that can't make one can make the other.
I just basically wanna get some Brigades and Myriads running around Millennium City having some fun.
So how would a noon server-time date be, in addition to the 7 PM one? Do we have any confirmation that anyone besides us two are even interested?
And Cap I don't like muscles because not everybody does a build that needs muscles, asthetically. I'm most likely gonna do TK. Looking like I can chuck a tank into the next county or run a marathon without breaking a sweat doesn't fit. It needs to be muscles neutral, not too much and not too little. If you can see it sticking out on the knees too much, that isn't neutral.
Bron: Remember that each Brigade and Myriad is a copy of the original, but with a random set of powers. It doesn't matter if one clone can lift a truck and the other can barely lift her fanny; each clone has to look exactly like the original.
For Brigade I went mostly with a slightly taller, slightly muscular build, but mostly averagely built, because I wanted a hero that could be a gunslinger and a truck-thrower. If we take off too much muscle from Myriad, then the truck-thrower Myriad would look silly lifting a truck and being all pudgy at the same time. My point is, it has to be average so that it'll fit anyone's copy, and I think 50% muscle tone is pretty much...average.
It's pretty apparent that no one design is going to please everybody. Every time someone posts a new costume, someone else doesn't like something about it. Not sure how we settle it.
It's clear there will never be a consensus amongst everyone here. So just decide what you want to call her and what you want her to look like and post it. Those that like it and want to use it will, and those that don't won't. That's the best you can do.
Keep in mind, Myriad is female. 50% muscle mass on a female is well beyond average. 25% is much closer to average, I'd honestly take it no higher than 33% if you think 25% looks to undefined. While with a male shape muscle definition is fairly common in an average shape, it is not so with females. Even females with above average strength tend to have little if any visible muscle definition.
The lack of consensus is primarily over the shape. Myriad is female, and as such she should look the part. The shapes Smackwell has been making for her are primarily overly masculine.
I modified my Myriad's full tights costume to have a similar style to the skirted version as well, I'll go set the colors and attach it to show ya'll in a bit... might help with some ideas since you wanted to make her not look to much like brigade... I think the costume I got on mine will do just that while still keeping the flow that she is similar.
And remember, we're talking about average super heroes. It needs to look like she can lift a truck or not.
There has been an argument about every aspect of Myriad, from her name, to the color of the costume, to the length of the hair, to whether or not she has a skirt, to her musculature, and to her body shape. These are Smackwell's creations. He should have the final say as to how they look. If he wants his characters to have 50% muscles then that's the way it should be. The fact that he's even opened it up for discussion I think has been quite generous. But of course it's now led to the hornet's nest we have now.
This is why I think it's best if he just decide upon the final name and costume and post the file. The whole point is to get together and enjoy the concept, and that requires we all look the same. Since there will not be any kind of consensus someone will have to put his foot down and say here it is, take it or leave it.
And again, you only need to wear the main costume when you're out with other Brigades or Myriads. The rest of the time you can make her look like whatever you want. Seriously, I don't see why this has to be so difficult. If Smackwell's final costume has too much muscle, then make costume #2 have less. Is it really too much to ask for everyone to wear the same costume during Brigade events, even if you don't care that much for it?
But I do agree it's Smack's concept primarily and he needs to put his foot down. Let's just hope he puts his foot down on something in the middle of everyone's expectations. Can we just agree on Panda's? It seems to have no flaws that I can see. Maybe add some muscle at Smack's discretion if he wants it, and really she's perfect IMHO.
I gotta know which to download.
Other than her looking emaciated and nothing like Brigade, yeah, not a thing wrong with it.
This is Myriad. She turns into many people with different powers. She's your average superhero!
Attachment not found.
Anyway, I like Smack's now. *stamps approval mark on her behind*
Sure, toss 'em on there.
The model I've based everything off of was the original Brigette, which was your design. I didn't pick the shoulders, you did!
Okay, so I spotted Myriad's boots and did a quick check using my back-up Silver account. The boot are the same as the Gold Brigade's boots, I think. I vaguely remembered Smackwell mentioning he wanted a single Myriad costume not one for each of the precious metal accounts. No biggie. An easy fix, right?
Actually, I discovered that I like the boots from the Silver version better that the Gold one, because you can make the little circles on each boot glow if you want. I learned that when genning up the three Brigadevils for The Costume Exchange. That's when I learned that the shoulder brace-things could also be made to glow as well.
Yeah I scrapped that whole thing with the silvers. Just buy the damn variety pack already.
I'll see about making a silver-compatible one when I get unlazy.
Now THERE'S the Smackwell I know and love!
She should have her own SG. But I'm not sure if it's been made, mostly due to not being able to reach a consensus on what it should be called. I think "The Multi-Girl" was the forerunner of previous discussions.
that is if the name isnt written in stone yet
Well Brigade is "The Multi-Man", so it's fitting that Myriad is "The Multi-Girl". It's a vanity SG name; it reads like a subtitle.
Also, I agree that "The Multi-Girl" fits Myriad more considering the relation to Brigade.
Well, I cannot speak for anyone else, but I appreciate every moment of un-laziness you have contributed to this concept. Yes. Yes. Brigade is your baby, but ever moment you spent on Myriad was a moment you could have been gaming as Brigade (or anything other hero you created).
And knowing how hard you worked on this, I thought I'd help out, if I could.
Attachment not found.
The parts changed are the same parts you swapped out of Brigade (G) for the same parts you swapped in onto Brigade (S). These parts are -
Bracers > Armor Scalloped Inner >Armor Plate
As well as -
Feet > Armor Platted > Cloth > Banded Basic
Since they look differently on Myriad you may well decide that you wish to use other parts instead. Also, and I have no idea why this happens, but whenever I try to use a hero file with a Emblem Front or Emblem Back, I get a white square around the Emblem? I'm pretty sure it is simply my low powered PC (if so, sorry), but if it is something else that I can fix easily, I'd sure like to know about it.
So anyway, Happy Myriad's Birthday every Muli-one of you!
Oh, you guys should really see the movie Multiplicity. It's not a 5 Star thing, but it is a Cloning Comedy. Hey, if every Brigade and/or Myriad has not seen at least one cloning movie, then he/she is not a true Multi-Man or Mulit-Girl.
Hmm... Relation?
Could she be one of HIS relations? A cousin perhaps? Oooooh, maybe she got her powers from a blood transfusion from her Multi-Man cousin. Aw crap! Myriad could have been green and called She-Gade.
And her catch phase could have been -
"Don't make me Multi. You wouldn't like me when I'm Multi."
Ugh. That's not what I meant and you know it. Seeing as I've had problems with this word before, I guess I need to refrain from using the word "relation" or other similar words unless I actually mean something like "blood relatives". *sigh*
Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I meant that Myriad is the female equivalent of Bridage, yet not necessarily related to him. Smackwell would know better in regards to your take on the word I used.
I also need to still find time to log in on my Bridgade when someone with invite privileges in "The Multi-Man" supergroup is online so I can have him added to the group.
i'm pretty sure that offline invites will work for the purpose, and saying that... if anyone would also send an invite to Brigade@Althar i would appreciate it , im not gonna be able to play much if any this weekend and would love a head start on monday by being able to log in and not have to hunt for an invite
looking forward to playing with myself (as in playing as a Brigade, playing with other Brigades, who are technically other versions of myself, not the perverted way that jumped in your heads... shame on you... all of you.... freaken perverts)
Or maybe they used to date and Brigade's multi-sperm infused Myriad's DNA with bits of his own to create... The Multi-Girl! (tho I'm a bit partial to The Multi-Maiden).
Now they have this love/hate thing going on cause they're exes.
Hmm... I thought everyone on CO would have understood my attempt at a silly Hulk/She-Hulk reference. Perhaps I should have also included this clip...
And this link... way of explanation. But you know what they say about jokes that you have to explain?
If it makes you feel any better, I got it :cool:
hawt! /10char
your newest variation of your sig should also have the tagline "hey, smell my finger! what does it smell like to you?"
Attachment not found.
and "Golden Age Adventurer Brigade":
Attachment not found.
On the other side, we have "Myriad Lass" (which I was trying for a Legion of Superheroes-y feel for):
Attachment not found.
and "Blue Myriad, She-Devil with a Sword":
Attachment not found.
Cool variants. I especially like the top one with his being all black and shiny-ish.
Attachment not found.
Anybody up for Brigade/Myriad Bloodmoon runs, say 7pm server time on Saturday the 29th?
Can I just say...
You a good man, RandomChance!
What? No Charlie Brown fans here?
"I got a rock..."
And, speaking of which...
a reminder: Trick-or-treating/Blood Moon with Brigade and Myriad! Saturday the 29th at 7PM server time for anybody who can make it.
btw, do we have a super group set up for Myriad, yet?
Why so late? That's 10 PM EST. By that time I'm gonna be off getting sloshed at a Halloween party. We should do it sometime during the day.
If everybody else wants to do something sooner in the day, that's fine, too. Or we can run a couple of times, one earlier and one later, so that folks that can't make one can make the other.
I just basically wanna get some Brigades and Myriads running around Millennium City having some fun.
So how would a noon server-time date be, in addition to the 7 PM one? Do we have any confirmation that anyone besides us two are even interested?