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  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Actually, the Behemoth's powers, at least, got a slight boost a little while back - now the third strike in Defensive Combo is an AoE, which makes taking down groups of mobs a bit easier (assuming you target the toughest one in the group, the others will take significant damage every third time you hit the main guy with Defensive Combo).

    The problem I see with Telepathy as a concept in this game is that it seems to be all about making your opponents hold still so other people can hit them. How's about a good old-fashioned 3rd-edition 8d6 NND EB based on ECV? Brains taste good fried! :smile:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    The problem I see with Telepathy as a concept in this game is that it seems to be all about making your opponents hold still so other people can hit them.

    And it fails hard at even that.

  • hocofaisanhocofaisan Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    cyrone wrote: »
    Nothing! \o/

    I also must share this:

    My brother was reading the Ask Cryptic along with me and has decided that he is *not* going to play Neverwinter Online (He's in the beta, non-founder's) out of fear that the player base there is going to be treated like the player base here.

    My cousin knows all about Champions situation and bought the hero of the notrth pack for neverwinter.

    He is smart enough to know, Neverwinter has Hasbro keeping tabs on Cryptic....

    Besides, Champs is not as bad off as the forum paints it, lots of fun still there to have...
  • deathsentry2012deathsentry2012 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Seemed from the answers that given the complexity and effort to perhaps bring the Foundry up to speed on CO's codebase (which seems to differ some from STO and NWO) that we will most likely not get the foundry..any one else get that same impression?:frown:
  • deathsentry2012deathsentry2012 Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Also wanted to add that as a former CoH player, I am totally hooked now on CO.. so I hope it stays around a long time
  • target1onetarget1one Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You know what

    I'm half tempted to start a petition to get Cryptic to just sell the champions rights and licensing rights to another studio that would probably take WAY better care of it in the long run, and just get rid of it and wash their hands of it

    This is pretty much the first 2 years of COH all over again, but spread out more, and i for on and sick and tired of it all.

    Cryptic and PWE obviously have no desire to make this game good or even great for that matter. Since they are too busy playing champions musical producer every year, and playing patty-cake with their other two milk cows.

    I would much rather see another studio get everything. Lock Stock and Barrel and maybe make this game the COH successor that it was MEANT to be when they made it.

    It sure did wonders for COH considering that game lasted for over 8 years, and probably would have lasted as long as Ever-Quest 1 and Ultima online (which are both STILL running)

    But all i see here is that rusty old car in the garage that the owner is too lazy to fix, and continues to say, "Oh i'll get around to it,... tomorrow" and never does anything to it anymore

    Not a bad idea.

    And if PWE/Cryptic refuse to sell it? I hope the "Plan Z" game(s) started by former CoH players kicks their a**.


    "ENOUGH!!! You are ALL of you BENEATH me! I am a GOD, you dull creature, and I will NOT be BULLIED by--" -- Loki

    *SMASH* *SMASH* *SMASH* <pause> *SMASHSMASH* "... puny god..." -- Hulk
  • target1onetarget1one Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Correct. Those who remember the run-up to the Nighthawk event remember a couple of Friday maintenances, and STO kept to their normal schedule of Thursday. Having maintenances match STO is a matter of convenience, as that means the engineers only have to do one maintenance instead of multiple.

    So you admit you don't have enough engineers to support both games properly? :biggrin:


    "ENOUGH!!! You are ALL of you BENEATH me! I am a GOD, you dull creature, and I will NOT be BULLIED by--" -- Loki

    *SMASH* *SMASH* *SMASH* <pause> *SMASHSMASH* "... puny god..." -- Hulk
  • caycepollardcaycepollard Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    siralleyne wrote: »
    The Nemesis System, Hideouts, Comic Series, Adventure Packs--there is a pattern here that is worthy of a great amount of concern, development dropped for whatever reason when there was potential for a huge amount of great fun to be had out of these things.

    And "soon(tm)" they'll get bored with vehicles, like they did with Crafted Travel Powers & all of the things you mentioned above. At that point, expect a new "shiny" that they devote their heart & soul & mind to ... for all of six months until the next wave of dev-ennui hits. This game is a bad boyfriend, but it keeps trying to apologize and promise "Babe, I can change! I swear it'll be different from now on". Then it just wants us to shut up and go to the store for more beer & doritos while it plays Blops2CallofModernWarfare PVP with its dudebro buddies. :rolleyes:
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    finalslaps wrote: »
    Reading through your posts. You cry and ask for nerfs but then ask for a challenge. You can't be asking for nerfs and then be asking for a challenge. What I got from you is.

    "Nerf the things I suck against so I can say I'm good."

    Also if you're good at the game you wouldn't be asking for nerfs. Nuff said.

    You are a total noob, but i've been able to notice it right after your first "reply" already.
    You are not even capable of reading through 10 sentences properly or maybe you fail to
    understand certain things and just start posting your bla bla kiddie things, no clue. I've got the feeling you and your butt-buddy haven't got the slightest clue about how this game actually works. (aka. Unleashed is better than Blade or - MIGHT needs a review) You are proobably just a 10 year old kid, who just started playing a lvl 40 toon, it is ok just admit it. I would also suggest you to stop posting, since anything that comes from that hole in your head is unintelligent trashtalk.

    very cute.

    Little guy got his azz kicked more than a few times against a behemoth.

    Raged! Might set gets nerfed. He gets happy and smug. With his "Naa naa na na naa" i'm can win again cry.

    That's what i got from his post. Some views may vary, but a lot of people can see through his post for what it is. A bitter persons rant.

    On another note: I really have nothing against the Telepathy set, but talking crap about might like it's fine the way it is? Please, unless you have played the might set before and after the Alert pass, and used more than just "Haymaker" S T H U !

    Thank you. I never put down another set that's been screwed, because i know somebody out there cares about that set as mush as i care about my favorite set.

    A little respect for others please. We need to work together.
    I hope telepathy gets a review/pass. Not because i play it, but because it helps bring more of the player base together. People who don't play as much because there favorite sets been down and out play more.(Me) They tell others. More viable powers to choose from for everybody (Hero you want to be) Same thing goes for Might or PFF or any other set that needs back what's been taken from them. Well...PFF never really had it in the first place, but you get my drift.

    I don't care which gets a look first. Just that Cryptic looks and doesn't take away again like they did with might. What kind of "review" takes away something and gives nothing back?

    So, no. Might didn't get a pass or review IMHO. Nuff said.

    You are just mad, because now you have to be GOOD at PVP to win.
    Might is fine as it is, on a sidenote... using exploits is not considered "knowledge" or power at all.

    kids these days... such a funny folk.
  • jonathankyed2jonathankyed2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    help I've played this game champions online a long time ago and now I come back all the things I've bought away! I had all sorts of costumes and classes I also had fire flight it's all gone will not'll give it back to me? :frown:
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You are a total noob, but i've been able to notice it right after ... posting your bla bla kiddie things, no sense...since anything that comes from that hole in your head is unintelligent trash talk...kids these days... such a funny folk.

    Describing yourself perfectly. Pot, meet self in mirror of the kettle.

    You are so obviously self centered and narcissistic that you can't see beyond yourself. You are completely unrealistic and so polarized on the subject your opinion can't possibly be taken seriously. Thank you for making the list of people posting in the forums no one needs to pay any attention to. Moving on.

    For the rest of the community:

    @jonsills said something about telepathy that hits the nail right on the head with the correct aim. The problem with telepathy is that it is about control. No one wants a power used on them that basically instantly turns them into a hunk of frozen Playdo or takes control of their character from them. It isn't exciting and it renders every other form of play moot.

    Might never got a pass people. It got a flat out nerf at the request of people with the ear of the Devs because those people only want to win at the cost of everyone else's play experience.

    1. Repair the damage done to the might framework.
    2. Give Telepathy and Telekinesis a full pass but make sure they cannot have total control/?ber holds
    3. Seperate PvP performance from PvE performance so PvP can never do more damage than a set cap with or without buffs/debuffs so it is completely and utterly balanced and fair.

    This is logical, fair and balanced

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tancrediiv wrote: »
    Describing yourself perfectly. Pot, meet self in mirror of the kettle.

    You are so obviously self centered and narcissistic that you can't see beyond yourself. You are completely unrealistic and so polarized on the subject your opinion can't possibly be taken seriously. Thank you for making the list of people posting in the forums no one needs to pay any attention to. Moving on.

    For the rest of the community:

    @jonsills said something about telepathy that hits the nail right on the head with the correct aim. The problem with telepathy is that it is about control. No one wants a power used on them that basically instantly turns them into a hunk of frozen Playdo or takes control of their character from them. It isn't exciting and it renders every other form of play moot.

    Might never got a pass people. It got a flat out nerf at the request of people with the ear of the Devs because those people only want to win at the cost of everyone else's play experience.

    1. Repair the damage done to the might framework.
    2. Give Telepathy and Telekinesis a full pass but make sure they cannot have total control/?ber holds
    3. Seperate PvP performance from PvE performance so PvP can never do more damage than a set cap with or without buffs/debuffs so it is completely and utterly balanced and fair.

    This is logical, fair and balanced

    Anti this 100%
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tancrediiv wrote: »
    Describing yourself perfectly. Pot, meet self in mirror of the kettle.

    Sorry, ma'am. WE beg your pardon. Me, myself and I. :rolleyes:
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    People who call other people "noobs" because they don't agree with their way of thinking are not worth anybody's time.

    Moving on. And back on the topic of Cryptic and the choices of answers they made available

    Asking why something has been taken away, is worth a response. Period.
    Asking if Cryptic is looking into a "Fix" or review" is a yes or no question. Yes or No. Silence is not helpful in this case.

    Telepathy needs a review. I understand it's not easy, but it can't stay the way it is.
    And i don't even play that set. But, i understand.

    Might was not a big power DPS set as it was. Middle to low damage, slow attacks etc.
    Making it a weaker set by taking away base damage, Knock damage without an explanation is what has me baffled.

    I have never played a behemoth before. Nor do i care to. I'm a freeform player who builds all over the map. But whether it be pvp or pve i enjoy hard hitting melee type builds the most.
    After the alert pass a hard hitting Might or brick build doesn't exist imo. (Please don't bring up that crit nonsense) i don't want a fricken ninja! I want a MIGHT build.

    Anyway, i am not alone.3 of my pals who quit this game because of the Might jacking,
    checked in to see if Cryptic addressed my question...and yes they are still not coming back after the slight to might once again.
    And as you can see on this very thread, people have not forgotten about the slight to might either. Some people will cry about something they can't beat and hope it gets nerfed.
    That's a very narrow way of looking at things. It weakens the player base overall. Less people, less revenue , more disgruntled people passing the word along so others don't even give CO a chance. It happens.

    The selfish A-Hole with no clue will rejoice when things that DESTROYED him get the nerf.
    While others who actually look beyond themselves and see the bigger picture know that it's not good for anyone in the long run.

    Ignorance is indeed bliss.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    People who call other people "noobs" because they don't agree with their way of thinking are not worth anybody's time.

    Moving on. And back on the topic of Cryptic and the choices of answers they made available

    Asking why something has been taken away, is worth a response. Period.
    Asking if Cryptic is looking into a "Fix" or review" is a yes or no question. Yes or No. Silence is not helpful in this case.

    Telepathy needs a review. I understand it's not easy, but it can't stay the way it is.
    And i don't even play that set. But, i understand.

    Might was not a big power DPS set as it was. Middle to low damage, slow attacks etc.
    Making it a weaker set by taking away base damage, Knock damage without an explanation is what has me baffled.

    I have never played a behemoth before. Nor do i care to. I'm a freeform player who builds all over the map. But whether it be pvp or pve i enjoy hard hitting melee type builds the most.
    After the alert pass a hard hitting Might or brick build doesn't exist imo. (Please don't bring up that crit nonsense) i don't want a fricken ninja! I want a MIGHT build.

    Anyway, i am not alone.3 of my pals who quit this game because of the Might jacking,
    checked in to see if Cryptic addressed my question...and yes they are still not coming back after the slight to might once again.
    And as you can see on this very thread, people have not forgotten about the slight to might either. Some people will cry about something they can't beat and hope it gets nerfed.
    That's a very narrow way of looking at things. It weakens the player base overall. Less people, less revenue , more disgruntled people passing the word along so others don't even give CO a chance. It happens.

    The selfish A-Hole with no clue will rejoice when things that DESTROYED him get the nerf.
    While others who actually look beyond themselves and see the bigger picture know that it's not good for anyone in the long run.

    Ignorance is indeed bliss.

    Have you lost your mind or something? As if i couldn't beat a behemoth to pulp...
    You, being unable to ADAPT your gameplay to NEW features is the problem.
    Focus got nerfed, too... did anybody give a damn about it? No, not at all. Instead i started
    buying better gear, to compensate my damage loss, now i am even stronger than pre-nerf.
    You do not make sense, r5 mods (i'm quite sure you run one of those ghetto r4 mod toons)
    won't give you what you are asking for, r8 maybe r9 will.

    by the way, call me an ******* again and i am going to report you, noobhole. :wink:
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Have you lost your mind or something? As if i couldn't beat a behemoth to pulp...
    You, being unable to ADAPT your gameplay to NEW features is the problem.

    by the way, call me an ******* again and i am going to report you, noobhole. :wink:
    WOW...did i use your name?
    You assume way too much. And please don't make threats, OK.
    I don't want this thread closed because some people can't keep it together.
    That's called being mature. Until i say your name, don't project. It makes it look like you're paranoid or insane. Calling me a noobhole or whatever doesn't help.

    I wont reply to you again. Ohh...and report what? Ohh...that's right i could have been talking about anyone. And if you read it correctly that's just what i said.(The Some people line) If you happen to feel i was talking about you, then maybe there is some truth there that you can relate to.

    Have a nice day :biggrin:
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    WOW...did i use your name?
    You assume way too much. And please don't make threats, OK.
    I don't want this thread closed because some people can't keep it together.
    That's called being mature. Until i say your name, don't project. It makes it look like you're paranoid or insane. Calling me a noobhole or whatever doesn't help.

    I wont reply to you again. Ohh...and report what? Ohh...that's right i could have been talking about anyone. And if you read it correctly that's just what i said. If you happen to feel i was talking about you, then maybe there is some truth there that you can relate to.

    Have a nice day :biggrin:

    You've been trying to argue with me, you even called your butt-buddies to jump in. A blind monkey with half a brain knows the ******* is directed to me. You should stop playing videogames and educate yourself a bit more. You think that you are smart... and that is quite disturbing, just saying.

    go take your ritaline.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Making it a weaker set by taking away Knock damage

    Knock damage? It didn't even exist. What was nerfed is FALL dmg, since a super hero does not really drop to 10% hp if he/she falls...

    l2p :rolleyes:
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Semantics. I call it "Knock damage" because in order for them to fall, they must be knocked.
    But yes. The correct term is Fall damage. But, i will always call it "Knock". My choice.

    Moving on once again.
    More cars boats and RV's online: Seems all cryptic wants to do is talk about vehicles.
    If i said something about a lock box "yacht" i bet they would respond!
    And we would have 10 to choose from. Sigh... :rolleyes:
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tancrediiv wrote: »

    Might never got a pass people.

    That's not true. It got a pass right around the time supernatural got split up into two trees, infernal and beastial. Might has also gotten new powers like Mighty Kick. Granted that was 3 years ago but that's a still a pass.

    I can't really remember the last time Telepathy got a new power (Manipulator aside) and sure it got a mini-pass at F2P it helped for a little while but now it's dragging (ESPECIALLY after On Alert). As far as concepts are concerned, there are hundreds (probably a slight exaggeration >.>) of ways to make Telepathy in Champs unique but that's only dependent how imaginative you can be. Illusions, mental constructs, mind blasts (as in one mind blasting into another), mental manipulation... it all depends on the developers and how original they can think.

    ...I'll run along now

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You've been trying to argue with me, you even called your butt-buddies to jump in. A blind monkey with half a brain knows the ******* is directed to me. You should stop playing videogames and educate yourself a bit more. You think that you are smart... and that is quite disturbing, just saying.

    go take your ritaline.
    You come to the forums and flame and insult people, name-calling, etcetera. You honestly thing anyone is going to take your 'requests' seriously? Your attitude is way too common among PVPers and you're filling role as their poster child.

    Begging for nerfs on powers when you've got a signature boasting your damage is like clubbing baby seals and complaining that they try to bite to get sympathy.

    You do this way too often. Please return to Call of Duty.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You come to the forums and flame and insult people, name-calling, etcetera. You honestly thing anyone is going to take your 'requests' seriously? Your attitude is way too common among PVPers and you're filling role as their poster child.

    Begging for nerfs on powers when you've got a signature boasting your damage is like clubbing baby seals and complaining that they try to bite to get sympathy.

    You do this way too often. Please return to Call of Duty.

    The difference is, i paid a s#!?load of money, to max out every single stat of my toon.
    If people have no intention on spending money, they can not expect to be on par with a player who actually did.

    But hey, you also think that 2GM is balanced the way it is :rolleyes:
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The difference is, i paid a s#!?load of money, to max out every single stat of my toon.
    If people have no intention on spending money, they can not expect to be on par with a player who actually did.

    But hey, you also think that 2GM is balanced the way it is :rolleyes:
    This is called 'pay to win', and in case you haven't noticed- it's not a very well-liked concept and you aren't a very well-liked person already. Put 'em both together, and what do you get?

    People should spend money to access the game, not to win. You insult these people as 'children', but the last time I checked a grown man would say spending $500.00 to win at a video game is not just childish, but stupid.

    But there you have it- you've [stupidly] spent money on this game and you whine because you STILL aren't winning. This I find to be hilarious. And I hope it stays this way. In all honesty, I hope it gets worse for you so you can learn.

    And if you read my posts, you'd see that taking down 2GM 30% wouldn't make me too upset.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It also matters that, i have to set up 5-6 bleeds in order to crit that high of a damage.
    + shred, + radion's. Others do not have to set up anything, they're able to spam in easy mode. This is why i pointed out, that "certain others AT's" are structured towards noobs.
    (people that do not have good gaming skills/have no clue what they are doing)

    It is, how it is.

    # in case you haven't played any other mmo... f2p is p2w... it always was and always will be.
    And yeah, roleplaying/pveing forumites do not like me, i know that but ever since i'm a member of the
    famous idgaf club, i can take way more than this don't worry.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It also matters that, i have to set up 5-6 bleeds in order to crit that high of a damage.
    + shred, + radion's. Others do not have to set up anything, they're able to spam in easy mode. This is why i pointed out, that "certain others AT's" are structured towards noobs.
    (people that do not have good gaming skills/have no clue what they are doing)

    It is, how it is.

    # in case you haven't played any other mmo... f2p is p2w... it always was and always will be.
    Look, I really don't care about anything you have to say at this point, you've proven yourself. In all honesty, I went and checked my hideout's shared account bank for a f**k to give, and apparently I traded it for a couple of costume pieces or something.

    If you intend to spend money to win, I will duel you every day and lose on purpose for $5 a duel. Whatever boosts your ego (Oh, wait- you probably bought rank mods and have that boosted as much as possible, too).
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Look, I really don't care about anything you have to say at this point, you've proven yourself. In all honesty, I went and checked my hideout's shared account bank for a f**k to give, and apparently I traded it for a couple of costume pieces or something.

    If you intend to spend money to win, I will duel you every day and lose on purpose for $5 a duel. Whatever boosts your ego (Oh, wait- you probably bought rank mods and have that boosted as much as possible, too).

    Yeah, r9. The way it should be, at lvl 40. You have to spend money, oh god... go play another mmo without paying for gears/gems etc. Then try to compete in pvp, you'll be surprised what happens.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 470 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I bought a bunch of $50 mods so I could bushwhack some 12 year old playing for free on a new toon and then crow about "skillz" and wave my e-peen around!

    Way to adapt bro!


    Situations and people like this is why PVP is such a broken joke.
  • tigshadowtigshadow Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, r9. The way it should be, at lvl 40. You have to spend money, oh god... go play another mmo without paying for gears/gems etc. Then try to compete in pvp, you'll be surprised what happens.

    I can agree with you at the point of getting gear to its current max that it has to feel good. Though it's probably going to be short lived when newer gear is released. Then if they have the coveted 5 or six slotted gear items, which is possible if they decide to go that route without increasing levels, you'd have to pay even more money to try and stay at top. As others have already point out, it's probably not wise to keep doing it as such, but to each their own there. If you're trying to make friends out of all of this it's not a good way to go about it, and looking back at all your posts I would be careful before you see a banhammer of some sort. It doesn't matter what powers you have in game, treating others as you have been shouldn't be tolerated.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Speaking of broken, this thread could probably use the tender loving care of an appropriately placed hammer right about now.
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tigshadow wrote: »
    I can agree with you at the point of getting gear to its current max that it has to feel good. Though it's probably going to be short lived when newer gear is released. Then if they have the coveted 5 or six slotted gear items, which is possible if they decide to go that route without increasing levels, you'd have to pay even more money to try and stay at top. As others have already point out, it's probably not wise to keep doing it as such, but to each their own there. If you're trying to make friends out of all of this it's not a good way to go about it, and looking back at all your posts I would be careful before you see a banhammer of some sort. It doesn't matter what powers you have in game, treating others as you have been shouldn't be tolerated.

    Cool i'd buy that, too. Should i treat people who outright insulted me nice? That's a bad joke.
    I guess you haven't read every single post, but i would suggest you to do so, before posting something
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Like i said before. If people can't control themselves, this thread will get closed.
    It's good to see people calling out what they see, but it might be better to ignore and try to keep on topic for the sake of keeping the subject at hand going.

    I would like Cryptic to read this thread. You know, the parts about the questions and answers!
    There is some good stuff for them to ponder.

    Now will they read it or give a damn? That's another story all together.
    Funny, the two biggest points in this thread kinda got the brush over. Telepathy. "Too hard to deal with" We are looking into it" And Might. Nothing in the way of an answer.

    But actually all this fuss about both brings attention to both. So...i guess it's not all bad.
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013

    Way to adapt bro!


    Situations and people like this is why PVP is such a broken joke.
    Ok. That was funny. Now cut it out. Remember to be the bigger man. :wink:
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, are you fine gentlemen going to allow a guy who doesn't even wash his face get to you?
  • finalslapsfinalslaps Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You are a total noob, but i've been able to notice it right after your first "reply" already.
    You are not even capable of reading through 10 sentences properly or maybe you fail to
    understand certain things and just start posting your bla bla kiddie things, no clue. I've got the feeling you and your butt-buddy haven't got the slightest clue about how this game actually works. (aka. Unleashed is better than Blade or - MIGHT needs a review) You are proobably just a 10 year old kid, who just started playing a lvl 40 toon, it is ok just admit it. I would also suggest you to stop posting, since anything that comes from that hole in your head is unintelligent trashtalk.

    Heh, the n00b is the one that thinks he's good but absolutely sucks. That's you. You ask for nerfs then say the game is too easy, translation: make this game easy so I can say I'm good. Are you kidding me? And you gave a lecture for others to adapt when you're asking for nerfs? That's your way to adapt I suppose, to cry about how hard the game is and have the devs structure it to make it easy for you.

    But you know what that's enough of that you can reply whatever you want but this is all I need to tell you. Enjoy yourself.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,155 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well...this was a fun thread..some disappointing answers especially with SOON(tm) attached to them, but I guess thats why those two are getting upset with each other...I'm not going to bother to search for who is at fault here. Just stop, its a pointless waste of time.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    1. Yay for some communication!

    2. Now, the post everyone should have read for comprehension in its entirity, instead of ignoring it:



    If y'all don't bother to read this and remember the specifics, then how can you also point fingers at each other or at Cryptic for being lazy? Just saying...

    Step 1 -- Remember the past, learn from it.

    I think this thread/topic needs to refocus on that post.

    siralleyne wrote: »
    The fact that we have communication, of some kind, is appreciated...

    You mean like the mockingly-unimportant answer about bacon?

    Not going to even comment about the foundry or efforts to fix & upgrade currently broken existing content, but they'll comment on a question bacon.


    But yes, some communication is better than none.
    ...Hearing "No, we don't have any plans to do X" is never welcome...

    Not true!

    Sometimes it is very welcome.

    It depends!

    Avoid saying "always" & "never", you'll almost always be wrong.

    ...frankly some of us are concerned that the Studio as a whole--not necessarily the Champions Online Team-- simply doesn't care about Champions Online when we hear this. It isn't just the disappointment when a feature you cared about won't be getting any more face-time, its the fact that a feature--I'm thinking of the Nemesis system here-- that was at one time showcased and was a draw to this game is being dropped.

    The Nemesis System, Hideouts, Comic Series, Adventure Packs--there is a pattern here that is worthy of a great amount of concern, development dropped for whatever reason when there was potential for a huge amount of great fun to be had out of these things.

    The tone of levity is understandable, but please Cryptic Studios, you have to understand some of us are very worried about the state of the game and its future, and even questioning if it has one at all.

    My thoughts exactly! QFT again!

  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, are you fine gentlemen going to allow a guy who doesn't even wash his face get to you?

    I know we had our hissy fights in the past, but honestly I had a RL giggle reading this.

    I kinda feel bad for doing it. Actually wait, I don't, considering who it is you're refering to.
  • beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    d0csteel wrote: »
    I think the real question is why are you so opposed to people having over time observed enough tweaks to powers, new features mirrored in both games sometimes almost within days, and Cryptic's own discussions early on made public about how the games were being built using a common engine on common servers, and believing this is the case? Why do you have such an issue with this?

    True, no one (including you) has seen the code, but based on past information from Cryptic and industry sources the engine is shared and updated for all the games it is quite likely the case. I didn't even have to go look but I did this morning during the maintenance to see - yup, STO is offline as well as always. I'd say that the benefit of the doubt goes in the direction of shared systems/libraries/resources on some significant level. You may contend otherwise, and this fine, but trying to corner people on "not seeing the code" as an out to the broader discussion doesn't change the fact the games are clearly connected code-wise in some capacity, and we know CO gets brought into line with the STO code versions periodically because they have said so. If they are truly two independent branches of the code then there really is no serious need to keep them synced is there, each would effectively be it's own independent version and it simply wouldn't matter but it does.

    What about the idea that they are just all down because of the reason the use the same login-server ? And maybe the login-server is shut down because he is also the patch server.

    In the end everything here is just speculation because nobody here works at Cryptic and and knows really how everything works there.

    Also if all these speculations about shared libraries for all games were true, then why did we got updates in the past where they told us they were to bring the engine on a newer level ?

    And .. another speculation .. i always suspected that the biggest kitchen thinks patches were maybe due to updates of the engine in the background because changing things in the engine will always lead to a lot of unexpected results and its never as easy a people who have never programmed think.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    blumoon8 wrote: »
    That's not true. It got a pass right around the time supernatural got split up into two trees, infernal and beastial. Might has also gotten new powers like Mighty Kick. Granted that was 3 years ago but that's a still a pass.

    I can't really remember the last time Telepathy got a new power (Manipulator aside) and sure it got a mini-pass at F2P it helped for a little while but now it's dragging (ESPECIALLY after On Alert). As far as concepts are concerned, there are hundreds (probably a slight exaggeration >.>) of ways to make Telepathy in Champs unique but that's only dependent how imaginative you can be. Illusions, mental constructs, mind blasts (as in one mind blasting into another), mental manipulation... it all depends on the developers and how original they can think.

    ...I'll run along now

    I was referring to the May 2012 nerf. You are correct, though, that Might did get a pass about 3 years ago. Remember the reason? It was a sub par set. That pass brought more people back to using the set and prepared the way for Heavy Weapons. The pass didn't break anything and was well done. Then players found a way to break stuff. AoPM/Enrage builds with Force Cascade ROFLSTOMP. If that was the problem, FIX THAT! There was no need to break Might. May 2012 could have been done right but was not and now, almost a year later the problem has not been addressed and Cryptic fails to answer what is important choosing instead to answer very little. Not likely to help build trust and confidence for the customer base, in my opinion.

    May 2012 was about fixing one thing but breaking another. They could have just isolated certain mechanics to a set to prevent some of the broken builds that were an actual problem and separate PvE vs PvP balance mechanics. They didn't. The back and forth about "no, telepathy now, no might, no..." Is just a silly distraction and a pointless and divisive argument between player groups. Yes, telepathy needs a full pass. But breaking something and leaving it that way just alienates one side of the customer base. Fix what is broke, improve what isn't working well, but above all do no harm.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Yeah, are you fine gentlemen going to allow a guy who doesn't even wash his face get to you?

    Facial hair. I guess this Du(m)bstep generation doesn't know such things anymore. cu
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Facial hair.
    Oh, is that what you were going for? :wink:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tancrediiv wrote: »
    I was referring to the May 2012 nerf. You are correct, though, that Might did get a pass about 3 years ago. Remember the reason? It was a sub par set. That pass brought more people back to using the set and prepared the way for Heavy Weapons. The pass didn't break anything and was well done. Then players found a way to break stuff. AoPM/Enrage builds with Force Cascade ROFLSTOMP. If that was the problem, FIX THAT! There was no need to break Might. May 2012 could have been done right but was not and now, almost a year later the problem has not been addressed and Cryptic fails to answer what is important choosing instead to answer very little. Not likely to help build trust and confidence for the customer base, in my opinion.

    May 2012 was about fixing one thing but breaking another. They could have just isolated certain mechanics to a set to prevent some of the broken builds that were an actual problem and separate PvE vs PvP balance mechanics. They didn't. The back and forth about "no, telepathy now, no might, no..." Is just a silly distraction and a pointless and divisive argument between player groups. Yes, telepathy needs a full pass. But breaking something and leaving it that way just alienates one side of the customer base. Fix what is broke, improve what isn't working well, but above all do no harm.
    Right on target, Sir!

    Fix what you broke, Cryptic. Give back what you have taken, and nobody gets hurt...
    Otherwise...:mad: i will send Justin Beiber to your studios and he will bring all of his fans!!

    So whatcha gonna do??
  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    agentnx5 wrote: »
    1. Yay for some communication!

    2. Now, the post everyone should have read for comprehension in its entirity, instead of ignoring it:



    If y'all don't bother to read this and remember the specifics, then how can you also point fingers at each other or at Cryptic for being lazy? Just saying...

    Step 1 -- Remember the past, learn from it.

    I think this thread/topic needs to refocus on that post.

    You mean like the mockingly-unimportant answer about bacon?

    Not going to even comment about the foundry or efforts to fix & upgrade currently broken existing content, but they'll comment on a question bacon.


    But yes, some communication is better than none.

    Not true!

    Sometimes it is very welcome.

    It depends!

    Avoid saying "always" & "never", you'll almost always be wrong.

    My thoughts exactly! QFT again!


    Actually the Bacon lead to a sneak peek at upcoming content. Conect it to the latest story (the behind the scenes of the invasion) and it became really telling.

    The book in the background was a mechanon area, and gladitorial arena-which is mentioned int he new story on the front page of the CO site. In theory we may get Mechanon soon, so thanks to that throw away question something good comes out of it.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,078 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Facial hair. I guess this Du(m)bstep generation doesn't know such things anymore. cu

    No, Jon has facial hair. That said, he robbed me of my one-liner:
    jonsills wrote: »
    Oh, is that what you were going for? :wink:
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,633 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Nevermind. I finally discovered what people were talking about with the bacon.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Boards are getting kind of low when we're attacking people's pics, no?:redface:
  • jonathankyed2jonathankyed2 Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jonathankyed2;3041741]help I've played this game champions online a long time ago and now I come back all the things I've bought away! I had all sorts of costumes and classes I also had fire flight it's all gone will not'll give it back to me? really please :(:(:( ddddddd
  • c0wb0y33c0wb0y33 Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    What about making this game available for Apple computer users, did I miss that answer?:confused:
  • edited March 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,779 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    you sir are an insufferable idiot. rank 5s are enough at lvl40. rank 9 almost never happens unless you are an IDIOT and buy rank up catalysts or just have too much time on you hands and grind for a year. :mad:

    oh and I have a toon who can kill you in pvp, but I'm not gonna do it since I've just blacklisted u and put you on ignore.

    Hey. Rank 9s can be a worthy goal when you are using them to boost non-superstats.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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