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  • eastgatewidoweastgatewidow Posts: 129 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    *snip*...Could someone PLEASE go over to the STO team and ask Matt Miller and Phil Zeleski (formerly Positron and Synapse of the Paragon dev team) what communicating with your player base is supposed to be like?... *snip*

    I agree, but I also find that hilarious.
    Now for the circle to be complete Matt needs to be reassigned to Champions-Online and be tasked with developing and unveiling to great acclaim - the CLOWN SUMMONING powerset!.

    *chuckles* at 3:19

    Dropping my knitting to buff you whilst hitting - Proudly protecting Millennium City's little ones since 2009.

  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    d0csteel wrote: »
    I think the real question is why are you so opposed to people having over time observed enough tweaks to powers, new features mirrored in both games sometimes almost within days, and Cryptic's own discussions early on made public about how the games were being built using a common engine on common servers, and believing this is the case? Why do you have such an issue with this?

    Because we're not arguing "belief" (or at least I'm not).

    I'm ALSO not arguing "theories made via direct observation". Because a theory is not proof. And there's the possibility the observer doesn't actually know what they're talking about or observing. And the possibility that simply because they're observing a superficial behavior doesn't mean it has any bearing on the issue at hand.

    I'm arguing what people KNOW. As in "know for a FACT".
    True, no one (including you) has seen the code, but based on past information from Cryptic and industry sources the engine is shared and updated for all the games it is quite likely the case.

    And I say again a "shared" engine doesn't mean they're running off the same machines.
    A "shared" engine doesn't mean they're running identical code.
    A "shared" engine doesn't mean that all code automatically gets rolled back to previous projects.
    The most a "shared" engine means (that can be taken as demonstrably true) they have the same starting point (Cryptic Engine 2.0).
    I didn't even have to go look but I did this morning during the maintenance to see - yup, STO is offline as well as always.

    Ever hear the term "correlation does not imply causality"?

    Ever think that Cryptic is taking all the servers down on a scheduled basis for common maintenance (system reboots, offline backups, etc)?

    I'd say that the benefit of the doubt goes in the direction of shared systems/libraries/resources on some significant level.

    And I'm saying you don't know what you're talking about.

    Well. That and I'm pretty much done arguing. I have better things to do than bang my head off a wall this way.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hyper, you've got about as much knowledge about the game code as the people you're arguing with. In this case the "you don't know what you're talking about" idea goes both ways.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I do appreciate communication and honest answers. They may not be to our liking, but they are here and I do prefer an uneasy truth over the nicest lie.

    I'm also a bit sad because of the neglect for the Nemesis system which is for many players the main selling point of this game - and a one true original trait of Champions Online.

    It appears that nothing more can be done, for now.

    Perfectly said. I agree completely.
    Again. Simply because they share the same historical codebase doesn't mean that all changes do (or can) roll back to the earlier properties..

    Exactly so.

    In fact it has been demonstrated, and acknowledged by Cryptic devs, in the past that the games do diverge when it comes to code. The original, "kitchen sink," fiasco was an example of a time when the games were not kept up to date with each other as regards to code.

    We have been told that Cryptic's decision to bring CO down when applying a patch to STO was a matter of convenience for maintenance and such, not a matter of simultaneous patch application across both games.

    Those arguing against this point are engaging in speculation that is in direct contradiction with statements made by those actually engaged in the coding (or at least working with those doing it).

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • chaoswolf820chaoswolf820 Posts: 734 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Basically a bunch of "not any time soon" answers and "We're looking at MOAR LOCKBOXES!"


    And nobody is surprised.
  • tancrediivtancrediiv Posts: 639 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I don?t understand the emphasis on vehicles. In a game of superheroes with travel powers, vehicles are completely superfluous. <snip>

    The answer is simple. Money. Grind. Conditioning. And the engine.

    Most of Crytpics big MMOs have a mechanic that has much in common. STO has a star ship and ground element. A vehicle which is primary and ground which isnt so much but I like it. NWO will have mounts and ground fighting. A vehicle and a ground element. Champions now has a vehicle and a ground element. Why? They sell.

    People pay money for the vehicle and the upgrades. Those who do not pay money grind and some of those who pay for stuff sell it for those who grind. When people grind they become conditioned and it becomes part of the content. It keeps them playing.
    You're right, i do not know any better since i refuse to play as a ff. (i like to have an actual challenge if i duel. AT vs FF is fun to me)

    Idk about the ff aspects of the set nerf. All i can say is, that it did balanced out some AT issues and believe me at that time, it was needed. Just like ice cage today, should be nerfed since TANKS should remain TANKS (glaciers can crit 12k in pvp which clearly is another design flaw of PWE)

    I didn't wanna offend anybody. Just stated some facts. i'm at work, grrr (nightshift sucks, but viva la interwebz)

    Another fact is:

    when i first started working at subway's...

    my boss has said :
    "Son, you are going to be an awesome "sandwich artist"

    my reply was :
    "Oh really Mr.?, but i'm not really into having threesomes."

    anyways. laters.

    From your first line I see where you are coming from. You seem PvP oriented. CO is more PvE. The two environments are not compatible for balance and never will be. There needs to be rules in PvP to keep it challenging without anything being over powered. But PvP concerns should not dictate the PvE content. Additionally, ATs have some real advantages over Freeforms. They were designed that way to give them just a little bit so they could stand and not be underpowwered. The infact became slightly better in some cases than free form builds. That doesnt mean the might nerf was a good idea or even reasonable. But this has been discussed to death. And that isnt why I am here.

    You got beat by a Behomoth. You were probably squishy. Ok. But as a free form with a might build I can get one shot easily by some Gigabolt builds. Nerfing across the board a set that was already low to mid damage but highly survivable in PvE was not called for nor reasonable. Insisting someone else game gets nerfed so you can be happy isnt a good plan. Everyone plays. I even payed. Is it right I get nerfed so you can be competative? No.

    The result is a paying customer walks away because their game is affected. Cryptic loses profits. The more customers get anrgy, then less there are, the less profit, the less content is made, the game eventually dies.

    Everyone here needs to stop blasting away at each other like they have the right. They need to get together and stand by each other. Failure to do this will result in a loss for all.

    So now I am going to leave again for a few months. I will be back to see how things have gone. If might is fixed I will come back and start playing again. Start spending money again. If not, so be it.

    Player and forumite formerly known as FEELTHETHUNDER

    Expatriot Might Characters in EXILE
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 5,496 Perfect World Employee
    edited March 2013
    ashensnow wrote: »
    We have been told that Cryptic's decision to bring CO down when applying a patch to STO was a matter of convenience for maintenance and such, not a matter of simultaneous patch application across both games.

    Correct. Those who remember the run-up to the Nighthawk event remember a couple of Friday maintenances, and STO kept to their normal schedule of Thursday. Having maintenances match STO is a matter of convenience, as that means the engineers only have to do one maintenance instead of multiple.

    Maintenance timing is independent of code differences between games.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Correct. Those who remember the run-up to the Nighthawk event remember a couple of Friday maintenances, and STO kept to their normal schedule of Thursday. Having maintenances match STO is a matter of convenience, as that means the engineers only have to do one maintenance instead of multiple.

    Maintenance timing is independent of code differences between games.
    Please tell me those engineers have cool outfits, or at least Cryptic/PWE polo shirts and yellow hardhats. I need to know this is so...
  • tigshadowtigshadow Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ok after finally being able to post something on here, as had a bit to do today, I did notice that one of my questions did get an answer to. The nighthawk hood shouldn't be that much trouble to reimplement if all you have to do is change where it goes. Last time I used it at its normal function, it worked fine on all alien and bestial heads when I played around with it. One of my nems still wears it and I do not wish to change it due to right now being able to select it. It should not be a challenge to fix.

    About the rest of the answers...they were pretty much what I expected. Though if people are complaining on some things its understood. New alerts are always good, but I would also like to see better gear go along with it and more ways to get 4 slotted ones other than legion. How super heroes tend to be for their adventures and the like, alerts kind of breathed life into the game as otherwise it would have been stale. That being said they are ok as long as there are new ones and variety. I do love the invasion and the mega d event was fun while it was there, and I hope it returns soon.

    Though if some devs are looking through this, I would like them to take that notion and try especially for another blood moon to rotate some undead heroes in alerts or this might even be the perfect way to somehow integrate part of the foundry.

    If we can't do full blown missions, what about making our own alerts? With given parameters it shouldn't be too difficult as that's all that custom missions tend to be is instanced and confined to a designated space. In fact, why not try to make somewhat that a priority? Because the LTS community here should have been given that and you should not make that a five year wait like the CoX community had to for their mission arcitect. If you look for that recent video that cryptic made about custom content you'll see that's how long it took during that game's cycle to get it.

    There also needs to be more types of grabs, bursts and smashes. Perhaps taking one of the ideas from another thread and make a new smash or grab type using the patrol idea. Taking out mobs on an instance and one or several bosses that it takes place somewhere around the desert or canada. Or stopping a nemesis on turfs. We need something other than vibora bay, mc to use for them. There needs to be something more than pyramid powers, dockside and stitch in times, etc. There's only 2 variations for each alert.

    Another thing that's silly is not incorporating the newer powersets that were made since 2011 into the nem creator. That should be a priority. Perhaps up there with auras and telepathy, if not sooner. The fact they don't want to make it a priority is wrong. Especially when using a nemesis in alerts is better if they have all the variety as the super heroes do. Once again it shouldn't be impossible if you can program a boss into an alert right?

    Lockboxes can be ok, but the questionite store needs much love and some old grab bags would not be a bad idea for what they contained. As I would think there would be more costume sets in there and/ or more variety in what to buy.

    And on that note, why not an avian warrior in there? Need moar beastial heads and its been almost a year since the 900 day perk was given. You can give a smaller beak, normal looking avian head and without the perk armor if need be. Other sets similar to vet rewards got this sort of release for all, it's possible to do. Please?

    The fact we're seeing more vehicles is not exactly too much a problem, it's the fact they HAVE NO REAL USE aside several maps. This is why we need a new zone that utilizes this fact alone. You want us to have missions and buy into the system? Give us a better place to make people want to use them. It's simple as that. This game has always had a strong point with devices and I love how many different ones there are as there should be more power type ones from several bosses that could be released, but there should also be a balance to give more 35+ content. Though I will admit using a vehicle in lemuria is fun.

    Congrats to TT on the AF though and I hope there's a way to get it soon, it's well deserved. I do thank the devs for a moment, even if might not be all the answers everyone wanted to hear.
  • neuraldamageneuraldamage Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sekimen wrote: »
    Your brother need not worry. If STO is any indication, it's CO only that's the black sheep :P

    Tell that to the Klingon players. :rolleyes:

    People are broken. - Lum the Mad
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Correct. Those who remember the run-up to the Nighthawk event remember a couple of Friday maintenances, and STO kept to their normal schedule of Thursday. Having maintenances match STO is a matter of convenience, as that means the engineers only have to do one maintenance instead of multiple.

    Maintenance timing is independent of code differences between games.

    Right. Not saying pieces and parts don't flow back and forth. But it's highly unlikely the code is "identical".

    I've even been reliably informed by people who say they swim to great depths with ambulatory pork that at least pieces of things like the Foundry *are* in fact in the CO client. But they're far from a complete implementation.
  • pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    keikomyst wrote: »
    Well, Pion, there was a Z-Store item proposal thread that seemed to just fall off, but it was filled with things people would happily pay good money for. Trailturtle even posted in it a few times!


    Bring it back!

    Agreed, and I love a lot of that stuff, but a lot of that stuff still requires investment, which will not come, of resources we don't have. I'm talkin bout working within our means.
    Which is exactly as bad as enduring the beatings silently, without even the threat of leaving, because "maybe you can help them through it", and because sometimes CO takes you out to dinner. You do not have the high ground Obi-Wan.

    Missing my point - Not talking about taking it quietly, talking about accepting it and either A) moving on, or B) getting back to the kitchen and cooking some dinner. Don't try to change him, give him what he wants.
    sypherv wrote: »
    I agree but only if they stop making promises they can't keep, if they actually listen to the gamers first too, but if a large group of people are not happy, then change is needed, remember it's not the company that makes the game, it's the community that help make the game, and by that i mean who stays loyal to it because they are made happy, i'm not going to go to my local coffee shop for 10 years because i want them to make money do i? i go there because it has the best coffee to me, better than starbucks, and because they strive to make the customers happy, that's dedication for you, that's what companies should be doing, this is why i like The Phoenix Project, they actually want the community ideas even placing a community member in the game!
    They release content for us to see everyday and when the game releases it will change the way we have been treated by developers in the past, make us see what we are worth, not just a content here and a costume bug there.

    I get that a lot of us are whiners and are throwing our toys out the pram, but if we don't are just letting slide poor game issues and pathetic work in the future?
    You have to realize, we deserve better, whether we throw a tantrum now or in the next 5 years, we deserve better, that is the ultimate problem here.

    Wurd, which is why I'm asking for a two pronged approach - we stop asking for **** we know we can't have, they tell us how to get the stuff we can have most effectively.
    There is no guarantee it would benefit Champions-Online Pion.
    Certainly learning from the game's history and how the one-thousand percent jump in revenue generated from the F2P relaunch was not re-invested back - I wonder which project all that revenue went to? - I wonder!?.

    No, the Studio's cack-handed juggling of multiple titles and their disproportionate allocation of devs to each title is horribly broken and cannot be justified (although I would love to hear their explanation). This issue definately needs to be sorted first.

    I would love to support Champions-Online more, I would love to see it grow into all it could be - but I'll be damned if I am going to spend money here only to see the revenue generated diverted elsewhere and zero-growth on this my title of choice.

    Completely agreed, except they seem to be handling STO and NWO pretty well, but I digress. My point is not that "they can't do anything right!!" it's "Given that they can't do right by CO, what can we make work."

    or in other words, stop expecting help and magic, find out from the CO team what we can actually do, and then we do it. Not Cryptic, the CO team. And then we assume everything will go wrong and plan contingency.
    I'd also like to add that the part above is especially bad. Pleasing us and making money aren't things that are mutually exclusive. Cryptic needs to please the playerbase to make their money. Surely it's obvious that if their customers are displeased with the product, it's likely to affect the revenue generated by said product?

    So no, they don't need to please us out of some magnanimous sense of goodwill, but it's absolutely within their best interests to keep us happy. Threatening to pick up your ball and go home isn't effective since often those players never leave, and Cryptic keeps getting their money. However, keeping your mouth shut and just dealing is exactly as effective. "Letting it burn" isn't really a viable option unless you just don't give a s*** about playing anyway.

    The best case scenario is to voice your concerns and hope the company listens well enough.

    You are incorrect sir! What you meant was, "Pleasing us and making money shouldn't be things that are mutually exclusive." And I totally agree. But sadly, that is not the case. Maybe we can change that, but as it stands now, that is not the case.

    And again, not saying "stop your whining," I'm saying "whine constructively." I'm not saying keep your mouth shut, I'm saying shift focus. We need to start Asking Cryptic what's actually feasible, and then Cryptic needs to stop telling us it's raining, and actually help us help them. And by Cryptic I mean the CO team, because we (including the CO team) are forsaken.

    I'm saying, "Assume all we have is a dirty rock and a poorly trained arthritic monkey with a learning disability, and improve this game with that."
    how is it the players' fault?

    Does it matter? We take it or leave it and build from there.
    It wasn't too long ago that Cryptic took STO and CO down for maintenance to bring CO "in line" with the updated engine and code of STO which is why I bother to ask anyone saying "the game's codes may not be that similar" if they have looked at the code or know anyone who has because they are directly contradicting what I've seen myself and some of what the devs have truthfully stated (and not everything has been truthfully stated). I know several people who have dug into the games, including some who were in my apartment to show me some of what they were talking about. It's a surprise to no one when those questions get talked around rather than answered with a simple yes or no.

    The code in the games is less different than people who have never seen the guts are led to believe which is why some things that aren't official in one game can be done anyway by executing the command from the other game...

    Some of the things that "can't be done" are already in the game to varying degrees including some that are already complete...

    Some of the things that they have to test for "feasibility" already work...

    Some of the things they have stated will take a long time and a large amount of dev hours to fix I've personally watch get fixed in a span of minutes by a single person, some by two people...

    Some of the bugs they "can't fix" have been fixed by people with no professional experience with the game...some of these fixes have been brought directly to their attention....still not in the game officially by the way...

    And there's more but I'm not trying to stir a **** storm by going into detail about everything on this topic.

    Like I said before. People are upset that the Ask Cryptic didn't tell them certain things. On the contrary, it really told us everything we need to know.

    This makes me sadder than anything so far.

    On other topics -

    Re: Foundry "Code" - it's not about code foundation or any of that other nonsense. What they've told us (regardless of whether it's true or not) was that it would require resources to take everything in game and make it Foundry accessible. In other words (my own), they could flip the foundry switch tomorrow, but it would be empty and there would be nothing to Found. Whether this is true or not is a different argument that I don't really give a crap about, but it also has nothing to do with whether or not STO, NW and CO share the same code being the reason we can't have Foundry.

    Re: Promises - are you kidding me? Cryptic has never promised ANYTHING EVER since like, Issue 2 of CoH.

    Anyway, I think I'm kinda done with this. People would rather just bicker over stupid ****.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    Might - Already Reviewed
    Force - Requires help.
    Archery - Already Reviewed

    Telepathy - Only nerfed since Launch.


    Fixed that for you :3

    Telepathy is first and foremost, then force, the only thing which got a make over to become remotely viable was PFF (regen numbers were corrected to proper values), shield layering was corrected to a sensible state and..well that was it really.

    I say:

    1) #TelepathyNOW!
    2) #ForceAFTERTelepathy
    3) #Anythingelse :biggrin:

    But I have to say..less than stellar news on the CO front..kinda makes me regret buying LTS when I thought Telepathy had a chance at being a wanted and useful powerset and yes I mean more useful than trying to Ego Sleep Therakiel or spamming Ego Sprites.

    Even though it wasnt that great news wise, at least we have some of our questions answered. Even if it does invoke feelings of..dissatisfaction and...RAGE...O.e
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tancrediiv wrote: »
    From your first line I see where you are coming from. You seem PvP oriented. CO is more PvE. The two environments are not compatible for balance and never will be. There needs to be rules in PvP to keep it challenging without anything being over powered. But PvP concerns should not dictate the PvE content. Additionally, ATs have some real advantages over Freeforms. They were designed that way to give them just a little bit so they could stand and not be underpowwered. The infact became slightly better in some cases than free form builds. That doesnt mean the might nerf was a good idea or even reasonable. But this has been discussed to death. And that isnt why I am here.

    You got beat by a Behomoth. You were probably squishy. Ok. But as a free form with a might build I can get one shot easily by some Gigabolt builds. Nerfing across the board a set that was already low to mid damage but highly survivable in PvE was not called for nor reasonable. Insisting someone else game gets nerfed so you can be happy isnt a good plan. Everyone plays. I even payed. Is it right I get nerfed so you can be competative? No.

    The result is a paying customer walks away because their game is affected. Cryptic loses profits. The more customers get anrgy, then less there are, the less profit, the less content is made, the game eventually dies.

    Everyone here needs to stop blasting away at each other like they have the right. They need to get together and stand by each other. Failure to do this will result in a loss for all.

    So now I am going to leave again for a few months. I will be back to see how things have gone. If might is fixed I will come back and start playing again. Start spending money again. If not, so be it.

    Since when do PVP nerfs have any effect on PVE gameplay? You can kill lvl 40+ master villains with your freaking energy builder, jesus. Besides, you only PVE to get to lvl 40 to be able to compete at PVP. If not ummm idk.. CO has got to be the only mmo that you've ever been playing, since only this Guildblarg game actually hopped onto a PVE train and that game is going down the drain, day by day a bit more. Anything else out there is PVP oriented, smart companies know how to make a huge profit~ and also how to treat their carebears, this is what i can agree with.

  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Since when do PVP nerfs have any effect on PVE gameplay?

    I'll have you know Telepathy is living proof of the effect of PvP nerfs on PvE gameplay.

    Crowd Control Mechanics have died and are currently still burning thanks to PvP, as a result of abuse maintained holds were destroyed and Incapaciderps were brought onto the playing field.

    Alien Crystal was completely botched when Cryptic decided to "fix" it. They capped it at a level 2 hold and it doesnt proc Manipulator anymore, neither does the duration enhancement effect from Manipulator have any bearing on it anymore. Why? Because some players went around killing others in FFA (free for all, player created) PvP. I used to love killing Drifter or Julie Morgan and friends, but no more..

    The week before it was killed off, I managed to force a group of teleiosaurs to turn on their summoner and kill him, quickly and effectively. Now they do...nothing.

    I'm sure there are other examples outside of Telepathy...

    Sadly there arent PvP and PvE powersets... :tongue:
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'll have you know Telepathy is living proof of the effect of PvP nerfs on PvE gameplay.

    Crowd Control Mechanics have died and are currently still burning thanks to PvP, as a result of abuse maintained holds were destroyed and Incapaciderps were brought onto the playing field.

    Alien Crystal was completely botched when Cryptic decided to "fix" it. They capped it at a level 2 hold and it doesnt proc Manipulator anymore, neither does the duration enhancement effect from Manipulator have any bearing on it anymore. Why? Because some players went around killing others in FFA (free for all, player created) PvP. I used to love killing Drifter or Julie Morgan and friends, but no more..

    The week before it was killed off, I managed to force a group of teleiosaurs to turn on their summoner and kill him, quickly and effectively. Now they do...nothing.

    I'm sure there are other examples outside of Telepathy...

    Sadly there arent PvP and PvE powersets... :tongue:

    Strange, what is wrong with cc? My tele. force field does work, just not on master villains.
    (idk if that is telepathy at all, but it says tele...)

    AC is not a part of the tele. powerset -.-, killing npc's in "other mmo's" gets you banned instantly. (using exploits, too sometimes).

    Careful, Nutella :biggrin:

    # But yeah, i'm feeling with you... you miss your toon :(

    #Telepathy, now! <--
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Strange, what is wrong with cc? My tele. force field does work, just not on master villains.
    (idk if that is telepathy at all, but it says tele...)

    AC is not a part of the tele. powerset -.-, killing npc's in "other mmo's" gets you banned instantly. (using exploits, too sometimes).

    Careful, Nutella :biggrin:

    V_V....MENTELLA...grr :biggrin:

    The Devs was aware of the exploits as Cyrone and I let them know ages back. Everything was dandy until someone else figured it out and killed a player outright.

    Telekinetic Force Field Inducer Device is similar to containment field/Ego Hold. Nothing wrong with Charged or "Drain" Holds like those two, its the Maintained holds like Ego Storm, Heatwave etc, which were killed off.

    And incase you havent noticed...nothing anything wise works on anything above Enforcer level in Telepathy apart from...

    Psi Lash
    Ego Blast
    Ego Sprites (although if you block before animation reaches target it will sometimes cancel)
    Summon Nightmare
    Collective Will (not very well but does damage)
    *Mind Link* (Requires either self harm such as bleed effect or a consistant DPS buddy to do decent damage)

    6 powers dedicated to damaging, 9 (or so) devoted to Crowd Control and support and apart from the healing/shields and the Form Power, the crowd control aspects do not work on anything above Alert level status..which makes a controller or a team of controllers less useful than a deserter to an alert like Gravitar because: Their powers don't work on the target and they will quickly build up stacks of CC resistance and that's their "attacks" cancelled out.

    And yes the link in my signature does explain how I feel trying to run a Crowd Control Supporter build, makes me feel THAT useful :biggrin:
  • embracemyswordembracemysword Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    V_V....MENTELLA...grr :biggrin:

    The Devs was aware of the exploits as Cyrone and I let them know ages back. Everything was dandy until someone else figured it out and killed a player outright.

    Telekinetic Force Field Inducer Device is similar to containment field/Ego Hold. Nothing wrong with Charged or "Drain" Holds like those two, its the Maintained holds like Ego Storm, Heatwave etc, which were killed off.

    And incase you havent noticed...nothing control wise works on anything above Enforcer level in Telepathy apart from...

    Psi Lash
    Ego Blast
    Ego Sprites (although if you block before animation reaches target it will sometimes cancel)
    Summon Nightmare
    Collective Will (not very well but does damage)
    *Mind Link* (Requires either self harm such as bleed effect or a consistant DPS buddy to do decent damage)

    6 powers dedicated to damaging, 9 (or so) devoted to Crowd Control and support and apart from the healing/shields and the Form Power, the crowd control aspects do not work on anything above Alert level status..which makes a controller or a team of controllers less useful than a deserter to an alert like Gravitar because: Their powers don't work on the target and they will quickly build up stacks of CC resistance and that's their "attacks" cancelled out.

    Thx for the info(s), i'm considering to play a Telepath. lol tired of melee.

    consistant dps... i happen to own the best dps character in the entire game, if you need one xD

    (gas pellet exploit doesn't count)
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Thx for the info(s), i'm considering to play a Telepath. lol tired of melee.

    Try out Cyrone's Kr'anri build, offensive mentalist build. Does great damage when paired with certain devices such as Prototype PSI Bomb, drop that on an enemy and mentally pwn them :biggrin:

    Not my style or view of a telepath but 9.7k crits with Ego Blast are yummy :3
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If you agree that other starter powers should do approximately 2000/.5s at level 40 I will support your point of view. ;)
    For its range, it deserves some of the boost it got. Especially considering that other powers have some serious destructive powers in comparison... yeah. I'd let them knock it down a little- but it's not kicking 2k per .5 second out of the box.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I used to love killing Drifter or Julie Morgan and friends...
    And now you know why it was nerfed. Oh, it was great fun for you, but anybody in that instance who wanted to transact with those NPCs now had to stand around and wait for them to respawn. It's strongly (and unpleasantly) reminiscent of when the devs at WoW thought they had a nice lore-based way to bring back the Scourge, only to have players run into the capitals and disease-kill all the NPCs that other players might have business with, because they thought it was "fun".

    I will never understand why ruining someone else's day is considered to be "fun".
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    And now you know why it was nerfed. Oh, it was great fun for you, but anybody in that instance who wanted to transact with those NPCs now had to stand around and wait for them to respawn. It's strongly (and unpleasantly) reminiscent of when the devs at WoW thought they had a nice lore-based way to bring back the Scourge, only to have players run into the capitals and disease-kill all the NPCs that other players might have business with, because they thought it was "fun".

    I will never understand why ruining someone else's day is considered to be "fun".

    Correction. It was nerfed because people killed other players with it. Not because NPCs who respawned within 5 mins were killed.

    We always made sure no one was in the area before hand. Killing players or making things inconvinient was not good for anyone so it wasnt done.

    Your last sentence is how I feel about not being able to confuse mobs reliably anymore, because someone used this to hunt players. Now the device it botched so badly it doesnt even stack Manipulator Form OR increase in duration or strength like it used to.

    And besides there was a considerable time difference between when devs were told about this and when it was nerfed, in that time frame a player made a complaint to Cryptic about him being killed by two other members of the game and THEN I think a week later, it was destroyed. Nerf implies some sembilence of usage is left, that is not the case with Alien Crystal.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    And now you know why it was nerfed. Oh, it was great fun for you, but anybody in that instance who wanted to transact with those NPCs now had to stand around and wait for them to respawn. It's strongly (and unpleasantly) reminiscent of when the devs at WoW thought they had a nice lore-based way to bring back the Scourge, only to have players run into the capitals and disease-kill all the NPCs that other players might have business with, because they thought it was "fun".

    I will never understand why ruining someone else's day is considered to be "fun".

    If all you got out of the Scourge Invasion was that then I question whether or not your sense of humor is up to code. Might be time to re-evaluate and/or renovate.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,318 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    If all you got out of the Scourge Invasion was that then I question whether or not your sense of humor is up to code. Might be time to re-evaluate and/or renovate.
    What can I say? The Three Stooges always left me cold (the Marx Brothers, on the other hand...), Jackass seemed more descriptive of its hosts than anything else, joy buzzers and whoopie cushions struck me as juvenile even when I was a juvenile, and inconveniencing other people who are just trying to relax and play a game never really sounded to me like a fun time. It's like going into a buffet restaurant and leaving plastic dog droppings in the chicken - it's not dangerous, just disgusting, but is that really funny?
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,000 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Not all practical jokes done at the expense of others are funny by default, perhaps only to those performing them. Just saying.
  • thelostexilethelostexile Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Hey y'know, I'm just glad they actually gave us a heads up on what's on the agenda. I'm also glad to hear Foundry is actually 'confirmed' for CO, but to be implemented later. Auras? awesome. Telekinesis? awesome.
  • battybattybatsbattybattybats Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Well... maybe if we got a vehicle with fists like this:

    We could get a review of might.


    #ArcheryNOW! er... I mean... "Hail Ming!"

    Please tell me the story behind that pic!

    Also i would totally create a new character just to use such a vehicle!
    While she has been rescued
    what diabolical mastermind
    was behind the devious brain-napping of
    the Volterrific Dr Cerebellum?
  • kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I'm also glad to hear Foundry is actually 'confirmed' for CO.

    Did we read the same Q&A? The Foundry was anything but confirmed.
    Please tell me the story behind that pic!

    Also i would totally create a new character just to use such a vehicle!

  • thelostexilethelostexile Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    It wasn't confirmed (hence the air quotes " "), but I've always had a suspicion they're just waiting to finish it in Neverwinter before implementing it everywhere else. It's only a matter of time. STO's needs an update to the new system they'll have, and CO just sorta, needs it. It'll help making fresh content easier, cause players could do it. (Not to say that there won't be any bad or awful content, but who's to say we won't get any good content either?)
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Auras? awesome. Telekinesis? awesome.


  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Maybe they can start working on Telepathy after:

    SG bases
    XP gifting
    Bull head
    Might pass
    More vehicles
  • amyjiaamyjia Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    monaahiru wrote: »
    It seems to be no news for lost legacy Power Replace Items costume unlocks and Hero Games...

    Hmm.. Did anyone ask about the queuing system for the hero games? I saw this post a little late and didn't get a chance to ask a question. Anyways, I'll just put it out here (and maybe in suggestions) in hope that maybe someone will see and maybe a change can be made or some information can be given.

    Could the minimum requirements for the number of people to cause a hero games instance to pop be changed Please?

    Minimum for both BASH and Zombie AP should be 2 players to pop.

    We should be able to have 2 vs 2 Team hero game matches. In the current system this is not possible (aside from glitches that cause people to be kicked from the hero game) Also, this could significantly decrease wait times to enter hero games since we won't have to wait for as many people.

    I understand that some of the queuing issues had to do with allowing equal teams into hero games, but couldn't there be a way to only allow equal games (as far as number of players on each team) to be possible?

    For instance,
    -Stronghold UTC pops with 2 vs 2 players.
    -1 player joins queue, but since that player would make the teams uneven, they are not immediately sent to the instance.
    -2nd player joins queue and both players are sent to the 2 vs 2 game which becomes 3 vs 3.

    Another example:
    -team of 5 queue for Stronghold.
    -1 player joins queue, but since that player joining would not make the teams even, instance doesn't start immediately.
    -3 more individual players join and an instance pops including the other individual player.
    *the team of 5 would only see a popped instance if:
    1. Another team of 5 queues or
    2. A team of 3 and a team of 2 queues.

    Hope I am being clear and understandable about this.

    Also, when heroes join an active Zombie AP instance, could they start out as heroes again like it used to be instead of having to start as zombies? This was especially fun when things were getting a little intense and then you get some reinforcements to help keep the zombies off. In the current system, this is impossible.

    Thank You for your Time and Consideration, :redface:
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    See if you can spot a theme here Cryptic-Studios, because you have completely ignored (intentionally in my opinion) the urgency and overriding theme of many a post that asked very clearly:

    Lots of relevant questions

    Utterly shameful.

    I have to say its made my day to see so many recognizable names in that list. I can only surmise they are still around, or like me check into CO every now and then.

    Even though the ask cryptic was a bust as always seeing so many names from days past still caring brought a smile to my face.
  • skyranger1414skyranger1414 Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    So, the Lemurian Invasion is part 1 or 2 of a larger arc... intriguing.

    However, I was terribly disappointed by your non-answer about the Foundry. Does CO not in fact share a code base with STO and NWO?

    This was explained by the STO devs a while back.

    In essence, there is a team that only works on the core engine and as newer versions of this engine get released the code gets integrated into the existing game's engine code. The idea being that this will allow Cryptic to be an MMO production line. In fact we know there's at least one more game being produced, so I would not expect any resources sent CO's way after NWO launches.

    I would guess, based on how few resources are allocated to CO that the CO engine is in fact several generations behind whatever the current engine code is. Cryptic could allocate the resources to do so of course, but they probably don't want to invest in that because its not a safe bet it will provide a suitable ROI.

    Safe bets and design direction by metrics as the way Cryptic is managed these days was also more or less expalined over at STO. Mediocrity as a company philosophy! lol. Its a pretty good way to maintain steady profits with churn games TBH.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Maybe they can start working on SG bases, XP gifting, Bull head, Might pass, More vehicles, Foundry after:


    *fixes post*:biggrin:

    I think its safe to say this is the order it needs to be. Any why exactly another might pass? Might seems fine as it is 11k with Haymaker on Gravitar is achieveable even for me, that seems mighty enough IMO.

    The only other mechanic which needs to be looked at related to everything (after Telepathy) is the knock mechanic. Warlord goons ignore KB resistance and/or take advantage of the fact that sometimes after 2 stacks the stacks will just refresh making you ever KBable by NPCs but not by players.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    pion01 wrote: »
    Does it matter? We take it or leave it and build from there.

    Uh yeah. NO.

    This is essentially telling players they should just pay for whatever crap is shoveled to them. No matter how broken, unusable, or just plain greedily devised.

    Sorry, but if Cryptic and PWE can't give the player base something better than that, the game DESERVES to die.
  • syphervsypherv Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Uh yeah. NO.

    This is essentially telling players they should just pay for whatever crap is shoveled to them. No matter how broken, unusable, or just plain greedily devised.

    Sorry, but if Cryptic and PWE can't give the player base something better than that, the game DESERVES to die.

    Agreed 1000%

    Also this thread is just full of arguments and opinions from those who say "play my way".

    What's the point you think cryptic reads this B.S?

    I'm not happy with the state of game, no point airing it out cos they don't care, they get their money.

    I guess we can make a change in the future, but the time for change was a long time ago and they passed that turn a long long time ago, the game will continue to run, for how long? i reckon till next christmas.

    But STO will continue to run, because it's not licence bought out, it's a licence owned by a big company much like DCUO and MARVEL and SWTOR, they will continue to blossom, so best sign up for long term licences because bought out licences tend to not last very long.

    The internetz is one crazy place! tread carefully!
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,171 Cryptic Developer
    edited March 2013
    For its range, it deserves some of the boost it got. Especially considering that other powers have some serious destructive powers in comparison... yeah. I'd let them knock it down a little- but it's not kicking 2k per .5 second out of the box.

    It shouldn't be kicking that much with every buff in the game on you, or even half of that amount.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    kaizerin wrote: »
    It shouldn't be kicking that much with every buff in the game on you, or even half of that amount.
    Sorry, but long before this gets nerfed, there are tons of others that need a nerf.

    The rock always wants paper nerfed, but scissors is fine.

    I just ran a test in-game. At lvl 40 with Relentless Assault at 5 stacks, Concentration at 8 stacks, Audacity at 3 stacks with 360 Ego- I am hitting over 2k crits but still most of my attacks fall well below that. So this is pretty reasonable, considering the range sacrifice.

    If you think this is scary, I can roll a PA toon that can do some nightmare damage.

    Sorry, but 2-gun mojo needed a buff from the start. Deal with it, kids. Anything over 30% is making this power again useless.
  • hyperstrikecohhyperstrikecoh Posts: 472 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sypherv wrote: »
    Agreed 1000%

    Also this thread is just full of arguments and opinions from those who say "play my way".

    What's the point you think cryptic reads this B.S?

    I'm not happy with the state of game, no point airing it out cos they don't care, they get their money.

    I guess we can make a change in the future, but the time for change was a long time ago and they passed that turn a long long time ago, the game will continue to run, for how long? i reckon till next christmas.

    But STO will continue to run, because it's not licence bought out, it's a licence owned by a big company much like DCUO and MARVEL and SWTOR, they will continue to blossom, so best sign up for long term licences because bought out licences tend to not last very long.

    The time for change started during alpha.

    The spiraling problems in this game started then. At this point we have a set pattern of ignoring customer feedback, avoiding concerns and outright deceiving customers.

    And they probably STILL can't understand why this property is in such dire straits.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    d0csteel wrote: »
    True, no one (including you) has seen the code,

    Not true, several of us have.
    jonsills wrote: »
    Kenpo, there was an interesting tone to your posts. Have you, in fact, seen the interrelationship of the code bases, or spoken with someone in a position to know?

    Yes. Two personal friends who unfortunately I can't pay to play the game anymore are programmers, one of which is interested in getting more into the game industry (she's so far made a few free games for apple's app store and modded a bunch of other games up to an including full conversions).

    One thing we do is sit down and look at games/game engines and they show me what can and can't be done and more importantly why (engine doesn't support it, adding this will break that, too much system overhead means only super computers can run this. etc.) while discussing games on level beyond "this game is fun". It's their field of expertise, I'm just the nerdy witness going "that's really cool, can you do this though?" They've shown me stuff in Cryptic's engine, Cry Engine 2 and 3, Unreal Engine 3, Dunia Engine, Capcom's MT Framework, and a few others. The things that are always most interesting is exactly what can be done in one game when it shares a common engine with another. The other thing, which is where a number of CO's issues seem to come from based on what they've shown, is when someone builds a "solution" to an issue in a game in a manner that makes it very difficult to impossible to build on without going back to the initial solution and undoing it...thereby breaking everything that was hooked up to it...and even that is dependent on either blind luck finding that bit of programming in the first place if whoever did it is no longer around to point it out or having some knowledge of what someone did to fix something.
    My Amazon author page
    How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
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    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Sorry, but long before this gets nerfed, there are tons of others that need a nerf.

    The rock always wants paper nerfed, but scissors is fine.

    I just ran a test in-game. At lvl 40 with Relentless Assault at 5 stacks, Concentration at 8 stacks, Audacity at 3 stacks with 360 Ego- I am hitting over 2k crits but still most of my attacks fall well below that. So this is pretty reasonable, considering the range sacrifice.

    If you think this is scary, I can roll a PA toon that can do some nightmare damage.

    Sorry, but 2-gun mojo needed a buff from the start. Deal with it, kids. Anything over 30% is making this power again useless.

    That's an interesting idea. However, the fact is that TGM is outdamaging other powers with a much higher energy requirement than TGM by a LARGE margin. It's also pulling more threat than powers backed by crippling challenge, tank role and or bulwark. That's out of wack and that's coming from someone who has been and continues to use the power on multiple toons since I first started playing. Range "sacrifice" once you get to 50 feet really doesn't exist in this game for a number of reasons including but not limited to enemy AI, challenge or lack there of, how LoS works, etc.
    My Amazon author page
    How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
    Demon Keypo's Building Guide
    Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    That's an interesting idea. However, the fact is that TGM is outdamaging other powers with a much higher energy requirement than TGM by a LARGE margin. It's also pulling more threat than powers backed by crippling challenge, tank role and or bulwark. That's out of wack and that's coming from someone who has been and continues to use the power on multiple toons since I first started playing. Range "sacrifice" once you get to 50 feet really doesn't exist in this game for a number of reasons including but not limited to enemy AI, challenge or lack there of, how LoS works, etc.
    The threat thing is a REAL pain. I have noticed that and it's quite frustrating. But like I said, long before this is even touched- I want to see other powers get their due. Namely some of those unholy dual blade powers.
  • kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The threat thing is a REAL pain. I have noticed that and it's quite frustrating. But like I said, long before this is even touched- I want to see other powers get their due. Namely some of those unholy dual blade powers.

    Now see, I thought we were you cool. Why you gotta call those out?!

    *hugs Dragon's Wrath*:biggrin:
    My Amazon author page
    How to build a freeform character...the Kenpo way
    Demon Keypo's Building Guide
    Freeform Builds Directory (Last updated: 04/23/2016)
    Serving since September, 2009 / 65 Characters, 63 Level 40's
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Now see, I thought we were you cool. Why you gotta call those out?!

    *hugs Dragon's Wrath*:biggrin:
    LOL, see my point, though? Some of those powers are WAY overpowered... and like I said, the rock always thinks the paper is OP.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    From the creator of such threads as

    Comes a new Thread.. Telepathy: On Hold (WIP)

    - -

    Did you know that Telepathy has consistently sucked? Well a look at any of the threads above will have you convinced.

    BUT Did you know that we have been promised that telepathy (generally and specifically) would be "looked at" many MANY times?

    In this thread I will be finding all of the dev promises to make telepathy not suck.. Spoiler Alert in the end the protagonist dies.. wait that's not right.. in the end I quit.

    - -
    Champions Online: The Kitchen Sink Patch
    Jan 26, 2010 Many powers and sets got a balance pass during "the kitchen sink" pass.. the promise was made that other frameworks and powers would be soon coming. Telepathy was never amongst the list. It did however get a nerf to collective will.

    Dev Diary
    March 25, 2010 Ame speaks about his overal power reviews. Telepathy is not mentioned. I was only excited to see that there was a method to the reviews and that Ame cared about balance. This was only the beginning of a systemic history of expectation.

    State of the Game
    On July 20, 2010 the announcement was made that the current hold system (the one based on Hold HP) was currently not working as designed. The hold resistance NEVER functioned properly but there was a promise to address it. Addressing this system never happened. It was later scratched completely.

    Champions Online: Free For All
    On January 25, 2011 the game had a HUGE update becoming a free game! The game released so many good things.. and players were promised some great changes.. guess what else changed. CROWD CONTROL! So many people were excited mostly because they announced that EVERY set would be getting a review. And what frameworks were on the schedule.. NOT TELEPATHY.

    Ask Cryptic
    April 21, 2011 Telekinesis review announced. Telepathy players hold out hope. There is no telepathy

    Ask Cryptic
    Dec 6, 2011 Q: "What is to happen to Telepathy".. A: ".. will be reviewed.." Never happened.

    Champions Online: On Alert
    In April 2012 On Alert was launched. But wait.. DID On Alert help telepathy with all the joys of specializations and tiny buff to hold strength in sentinel role. But no.. The hold affecting specializations are horribly bugged and suck. But wait.. its still a buff right.. wrong. All other power-sets got bigger buffs that were not bugged. What was the best part.. Incapacitates AND a separate nerf to Ego Storm. There was no specific promise to review telepathy, but with the addition of Manipulator many crowd controllers held out hope that this was a sign of things to come.. crowd control based characters.

    State of the Game
    In June 2012 It was "eluded" at the end of the State of the game that a hold review would be done (link broken).

    State of the Game
    In August 2012 Brad Stokeman announced that Gentleman Crush had plans to "revitalize telepathy" those plans were then released to PTS.

    Champions Online: Reloaded
    In September 2012 Telepathy 2.0 was unveiled on the Public Test Server. It included all new powers and even a change to Manipulator. This was the closest telepathy got to an actual review. This never happened. But you get VEHICLES!

    In-Game Dev Communication
    January 10, 2013 TrailTurtle spoke in zone chat with news that Telepathy is "being pushed back". The precedent of "being pushed back" is enough to make me want a full refund.

    Ask Cryptic
    March 13, 2013 lordgar responds
    We are planning to take another look at Telepathy after Auras. There are some tricky technical issues to iron out, but we haven?t forgotten about it.

    *Personal note.. I quit the game soon after it became apparent that the carrot was indeed dangling on the end of a stick and would never actually be eaten. If you are waiting for telepathy's comeuppance you have more endurance than I.

    You can clearly see why "SOON" or "After BLAH" has a history of being a CRAP answer. Not only that, I SPECIALLY addressed the "soon" and "after blah" in my question asked and yet was not re-addressed in the answer.

    #TelepathyNOW <-- This is an extremely relevant part of my post and should not be forum edited. Especially if I'm forced to see these ugly forum signatures that have nothing to do with the forum post.
  • polishlightningpolishlightning Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    LOL, see my point, though? Some of those powers are WAY overpowered... and like I said, the rock always thinks the paper is OP.

    Paper is OP, it wins just by covering the rock? This is just the type of attitude I expected to see from the paper supporters.
  • finalslapsfinalslaps Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    You're right, i do not know any better since i refuse to play as a ff. (i like to have an actual challenge if i duel. AT vs FF is fun to me)

    Idk about the ff aspects of the set nerf. All i can say is, that it did balanced out some AT issues and believe me at that time, it was needed. Just like ice cage today, should be nerfed since TANKS should remain TANKS (glaciers can crit 12k in pvp which clearly is another design flaw of PWE)

    I didn't wanna offend anybody. Just stated some facts. i'm at work, grrr (nightshift sucks, but viva la interwebz)

    Another fact is:

    when i first started working at subway's...

    my boss has said :
    "Son, you are going to be an awesome "sandwich artist"

    my reply was :
    "Oh really Mr.?, but i'm not really into having threesomes."

    anyways. laters.

    Reading through your posts. You cry and ask for nerfs but then ask for a challenge. You can't be asking for nerfs and then be asking for a challenge. What I got from you is.

    "Nerf the things I suck against so I can say I'm good."

    Also if you're good at the game you wouldn't be asking for nerfs. Nuff said.
  • digitaltwistdigitaltwist Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    changed my mind. This is dumb.

  • lovehammer1lovehammer1 Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    finalslaps wrote: »
    Reading through your posts. You cry and ask for nerfs but then ask for a challenge. You can't be asking for nerfs and then be asking for a challenge. What I got from you is.

    "Nerf the things I suck against so I can say I'm good."

    Also if you're good at the game you wouldn't be asking for nerfs. Nuff said.
    Little guy got his azz kicked more than a few times against a behemoth.

    Raged! Might set gets nerfed. He gets happy and smug. With his "Naa naa na na naa" i'm can win again cry.

    That's what i got from his post. Some views may vary, but a lot of people can see through his post for what it is. A bitter persons rant.

    On another note: I really have nothing against the Telepathy set, but talking crap about might like it's fine the way it is? Please, unless you have played the might set before and after the Alert pass, and used more than just "Haymaker" S T H U !

    Thank you. I never put down another set that's been screwed, because i know somebody out there cares about that set as mush as i care about my favorite set.

    A little respect for others please. We need to work together.
    I hope telepathy gets a review/pass. Not because i play it, but because it helps bring more of the player base together. People who don't play as much because there favorite sets been down and out play more.(Me) They tell others. More viable powers to choose from for everybody (Hero you want to be) Same thing goes for Might or PFF or any other set that needs back what's been taken from them. Well...PFF never really had it in the first place, but you get my drift.

    I don't care which gets a look first. Just that Cryptic looks and doesn't take away again like they did with might. What kind of "review" takes away something and gives nothing back?

    So, no. Might didn't get a pass or review IMHO. Nuff said.
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