Is vent compulsory? Im playing the game on my mac using bootcamp and the built in mic wont work in windows so i wouldnt be able to chat ( too cheap to buy a headset ).
I didn't plan to join a SG because of my irregularity of play and the usual SG drama. But if your SG in any way emulates Dao_Jones' attitude, count me in. I am @akinferno in game. Do I find you guys or do you find me?
Hey just had a flick through some of the posts and you guys sound pretty interesting. Im playing from England tho so if you dont mind me playing at ireggular times during the week then id love to join up.
My mate decided not to play at the last minute but I enjoy the game too much to drop it, I like to dabble in other games like a digital **** passing myself around the MMO`s and FPS games. Also when I can convince my wife that £200 on a 360 will benefit her then ill be all over xbox live, since im a ***** for Marvel Vs Capcom2!
Hmm I should probably be working but bleh what the boss cant see cant get me fired. You can contact me on @Cheggers i think thats how it works, if not ill try and stalk you in game.
There I was, swinging around Millenium City last night, and something suddenly hit me...
...Ok, ok, so it was a wall. But as I stood there fighting the massive pile of mobs that I landed in after running stupidly into a wall while swinging, I began thinking...Ok, ok, so what I really started thinking was, Damn, I hope I survive this- I don't want to swing all the way back over to this remote effin' quest ring.
But I did survive...And eventually, through no fault of my own, after a bunch of other random adventures and mishaps, it finally occured to me that it was probably time to find a Supergroup that wouldn't mind me whacking into walls at inopportune moments.
Coming to this section of the forums and reading through some of the recruitment threads, Wildcards stands out as a place that I'd like to be. Of course, it could be the head injuries speaking again.
Y'all need to head over to the Unrepentant forums and put in your applications. Now, it ain't like most of those SG apps. You will understand when you look at it.
Link is in the first post (and I am way to friggin' lazy to put it here). Get over there now, because Lifetime memberships in WildCards is limited. :P
Y'all need to head over to the Unrepentant forums and put in your applications. Now, it ain't like most of those SG apps. You will understand when you look at it.
Link is in the first post (and I am way to friggin' lazy to put it here). Get over there now, because Lifetime memberships in WildCards is limited. :P
Do I get a free doll with the lifetime membership though?
First test - y'all need to read the first page, and figure out "hmm... how can I - interested player that wants to join this supergroup - actually JOIN this supergroup?"
Pro tip: many people who posted in this thread figured it out. Be like them.
(Hint: I posted my @ name on the first page, along with our guild's website. These tools will aid you in your quest, my adventuresome fellows and fellowettes.)
I make this point because, y'know, if you can't figure out how to get yourself invited into the SG then we, uh... don't want you in the SG.
I noticed you mentioned it required? I don't usually like to use it.
Required? No. However, much of our conversations take place in vent, and you may miss out on the experience somewhat without it. Additionally, I require anyone PvPing with me to be in vent to hear target calling and whatnot, and most of the other PvPers in the guild will do likewise.
However, we have many people who do not use vent, and our guild chat is anything but quiet, so I suspect you'll do fine.
Just wondering what time zone/zones the cards operate in?
We have a few people in Europe, a couple of Aussies, a guy in Brazil, a few of those shifty Canadians, and a lot of people all across the time zones within the states. Honestly, I have yet to log in between the hours of 9am PST through 2am PST and not see at least 10 people online, and it's usually more like 20-25 for most of the day. I think we have around 75 folks now, and still growing.
If you are wondering why a lot of the posts in here have something along the lines of "Dao is AWESOME!" It is because he has mind control. He uses it to make people laugh at his jokes, even when they aren't funny. Also, in WAR he used it to make me tank a boss mob on my marauder... Although I guess I should be thanking him for making me less of a wuss.
If you are wondering why a lot of the posts in here have something along the lines of "Dao is AWESOME!" It is because he has mind control. He uses it to make people laugh at his jokes, even when they aren't funny. Also, in WAR he used it to make me tank a boss mob on my marauder... Although I guess I should be thanking him for making me less of a wuss.
We all go through a "toughening up" phase during induction into the WildCards. If you're lucky it'll involve scented candles. If you're not, well, lets just say its more businesslike. :eek:
We all go through a "toughening up" phase during induction into the WildCards. If you're lucky it'll involve scented candles. If you're not, well, lets just say its more businesslike. :eek:
Oh, it'll always involve scented candles. The real question is in how they end up being used.
With that said: I love the series of novels also Fortunato!, the Oddity, Cap'n Tripps! whoohoo.
I didn't plan to join a SG because of my irregularity of play and the usual SG drama. But if your SG in any way emulates Dao_Jones' attitude, count me in. I am @akinferno in game. Do I find you guys or do you find me?
My mate decided not to play at the last minute but I enjoy the game too much to drop it, I like to dabble in other games like a digital **** passing myself around the MMO`s and FPS games. Also when I can convince my wife that £200 on a 360 will benefit her then ill be all over xbox live, since im a ***** for Marvel Vs Capcom2!
Hmm I should probably be working but bleh what the boss cant see cant get me fired. You can contact me on @Cheggers i think thats how it works, if not ill try and stalk you in game.
There I was, swinging around Millenium City last night, and something suddenly hit me...
...Ok, ok, so it was a wall. But as I stood there fighting the massive pile of mobs that I landed in after running stupidly into a wall while swinging, I began thinking...Ok, ok, so what I really started thinking was, Damn, I hope I survive this- I don't want to swing all the way back over to this remote effin' quest ring.
But I did survive...And eventually, through no fault of my own, after a bunch of other random adventures and mishaps, it finally occured to me that it was probably time to find a Supergroup that wouldn't mind me whacking into walls at inopportune moments.
Coming to this section of the forums and reading through some of the recruitment threads, Wildcards stands out as a place that I'd like to be. Of course, it could be the head injuries speaking again.
Give me a shout @Nameless_Lackey.
Link is in the first post (and I am way to friggin' lazy to put it here). Get over there now, because Lifetime memberships in WildCards is limited. :P
Sense of humor is a must for me, as most of my toons are humorous and/or just downright strange.
-Doll Face
Do I get a free doll with the lifetime membership though?
(no offense to Dollface meant, but he looks too close to a mime to be cuddle-able )
Pro tip: many people who posted in this thread figured it out. Be like them.
(Hint: I posted my @ name on the first page, along with our guild's website. These tools will aid you in your quest, my adventuresome fellows and fellowettes.)
I make this point because, y'know, if you can't figure out how to get yourself invited into the SG then we, uh... don't want you in the SG.
Required? No. However, much of our conversations take place in vent, and you may miss out on the experience somewhat without it. Additionally, I require anyone PvPing with me to be in vent to hear target calling and whatnot, and most of the other PvPers in the guild will do likewise.
However, we have many people who do not use vent, and our guild chat is anything but quiet, so I suspect you'll do fine.
I'll definitely give you guys a shout in game when i get out of work.
I don't play anything else (probably until SWToR comes out) or I would try to join. I guess I still could, but this game is weird.
Nice name, no requirements, good diversity of beer....
Trying to find ya in-game as soon its up again :rolleyes:
For those who haven't read about this group, these guys are seriously funny. I had just filled out my application form.
Basically, if you have a brain, come check it out. Conversations are rated "R" on average.
Rated "R" for RADICAL. Also possible RIGHTEOUS.
Speaking as one of the inmates who enjoy this asylum, You'll enjoy this vent..
Renegade, Rabid, Robust, Rugged... All words to describe Dao.
Leader kiss-up is mandatory, by the way. We all do it.:)
And if you don't have a brain come check it out anyway, that way we have more entertainment
Your sig is the most hilarious one I've seen yet.
What are you wearing?
if so, look for me in game. well, late tonight ET, i work 13.3 hour days.
I'm not even entirely sure species matters to Dao
Just wondering what time zone/zones the cards operate in?
We have a few people in Europe, a couple of Aussies, a guy in Brazil, a few of those shifty Canadians, and a lot of people all across the time zones within the states. Honestly, I have yet to log in between the hours of 9am PST through 2am PST and not see at least 10 people online, and it's usually more like 20-25 for most of the day. I think we have around 75 folks now, and still growing.
and for what i have on . That would be Shorts
We all go through a "toughening up" phase during induction into the WildCards. If you're lucky it'll involve scented candles. If you're not, well, lets just say its more businesslike. :eek:
I'll leave that to your unsavory minds to ponder.
ALWAYS candles? You lied to me Howla! :mad: