Animal Pack
- Fixed some scaling issues with the animal heads.
- Fixed some textures where you could not color the skin properly.
- Fixed the Hyena hair texture from having uncolorable spots.
- Added texture options to the Kitsune tails.
- Added gradient colors to many of the other tails.
- Added Otter tail to the animal pack.
- Lowered the amount of jiggle on the ears.
Misc Changes
- Fixed a description error on Sonic Boom.
- Fixed the tooltip for Vampiric Sympathy on Lifedrain to state that it's 20ft.
- Fixed R2 of Power Chord from rooting.
- Lowered Flying Foxbat vehicle to 1000 creds.
- Foxbatcon creds can now stack to 9999 and can no longer be sold to a vendor.
- Slightly increased droprate of Foxbat swag bags.
- Added Spines options to the Fur Chest and Back and Fur Cowl and Back chestwear options. Also added spotted textures. This is available to all players.
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go here: Posts that do not pertain to the current PTS patch will be removed.
These player & moderator maintained threads are checked weekly by the development team.
Also, just wondering, but is there any plans to update the eyes of older heads to have customizable eyes?
I also noticed the annoying bug that prevents you from having your hands and feet different materials still exists. Unless it is only for certain parts.
Just a minor one. There's a costume piece in the Chest Wear category called "Beast Mane". It only occupies the neck area though. So, I wonder if it can be available in the Neck category instead of only the Chest Wear part.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
The additions to the "Fur Chest & Back" and the "Fur Cowl & Back" are not available.
BUG: The Tiger's colour pattern is WRONG! REALLY WRONG! this is not how Tigers work! The patern doesn't even follow the Tiger pateern the existing Feline head has!
Except if you make White snow Tigers, the Second color is taking over the WHOLE HEAD
Nevermind, I will stick with the Feline head, really
Edit: Looks like the brow slider is affecting a couple eyes, setting that to default will fix it until we can patch in a fix.
BUG: All the Eye-related Sliders (Eye, Eye Height, Eye position) somehow effect the new Cat Heads Right Ear
Poor stray kitty, it lost an ear
feline uses skin colour for the lighter area, so it merges with the neck
the feline pattern is actually more like an actual tiger pattern
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Suggestion: Even 72 cred is kind of disappointing for a mission you can only complete 1/year. If it was daily I'd understand, but it's not. Something more like 150-200 would seem to be more appropriate, and make the event seem less grindy (without actually decreasing the grind that much).
Seriously WTF Modeler?
Apparently, The Real Foxbat is supposed to be a repeatable mission. This is as per Kais herself.
If it's not repeating, that's a bug.
That said, the improved drop rates on the swag bag makes them a much better source for tokens now. I earned 300 tokens in about 4 hours.
Bug? The Real Foxbat is on a different timer than Foxhunt. That's annoying, if nothing else.
If as Kaiserin is quoted above the Real Foxbat is repeatable, the timer is broken. I did it at this time yesterday however it is still showing in Completed tab of Mission Journal as 23:36:54 remaining on it's cooldown timer.
Bug: The Real Foxbat mission is not repeatable.
Suggestion: Make mission timer same as the other daily (20Hrs)
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Just doing 4 Alerts and a Nemesis mission yesterday, I got five bags; no farming atall. I got 13 cred.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Issues with the tiger texture:
1. In the texture, the nose and lips are the same colour. An actual tiger's nose is pink and its lips are black. To achieve this extra colour, a character's 'skin' colour could be used for the nosepad.
2. The back of the tiger head's ears are striped. In reality, there are no tigers with striped ears. They ALL have ears with fake eyes' on the back.
3. The cheeks should have more orange.
4. Sub-category whisker attachments would be great.
Please DEVs, take this feedback seriously, the Tiger's pattern is Awful
I really wonder what image of a Tiger the Modeler used as reference, because this Tiger patern looks like it got Bleached
If I cared about the foxbat vehicle I could easily get it... but i don't.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I'm... utterly
Please fix this... 1200 Cred went down to the drain
Also, alts. Lots of alts. Even if i grabbed all the costume bits, i'd still have like a dozen alts who had Foxhunt creds from all the days till now.
(btw, 30 tokens for an hour of grinding isn't exactly a good ratio for those talking about farming)
I was farming my Nemesis in the Lava Temple (another story)--I picked up the Foxbat cred incidentally, while fighting non-trivial mobs.
Imagine just farming Purple Gang or Escaped Prisoners in West Side--you could easily get 100 cred an hour, possibly more.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
It did in the very very very first 1st April Foxbat hunt!
then it was unobtainable for ages
and now its back bugged!
Its the only Foxbatcon-related perk right now which DOESN'T give perk!
and I REALLY want this title for my characters
Seriously, 1200 Cred for a perk and a title which I never got went on waste
If you actually did the Foxbatcon missions, you'd have enough currency for the Flying Foxbat in a weekend of gameplay, maybe less. I got a couple costume unlocks I wanted, myself.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Random's random.
on the Perk/Title discussion related to Foxbat, can anyone confirm if the perk Treed the Fox can be obtained now?
This perk unlocks the Title: FOX HUNTER
but requires you to find the real Foxbat among the Clones (I don't know if its RNG-based)
Ye old wiki archieves
really old perk, from the first Foxbat Hunt, way before the Foxbatcon was created
If DEV can bring it back before the end of this event as well
In the case of vehicles, I got my Flying Fox after about...ehh 8 hours cumulatively, from both daily missions and mob grinding. I think that's a fair level of effort for what I got out of it. Not spectacular by any means, but I did get a themed vehicle for whenever I decide to do a Foxbat themed character.