Whether you're a subscriber or not, the cost to retcon a freeform slot is just ridiculously high (players have quoted this price being ~150 cash alerts), please reduce the global influence cost to something normal people might practically collect for this purpose. Free retcons handed to subscribers are irrelevant to this. Thanks.
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The only change I would like to see is the ability to retcon travel powers seperately from the main powersets.
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This is not fine for normal people. I'm happy for you that you don't mind the current cost but many people disagree. Thanks for posting!
Here is his post for you to try again....
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Travel Powers should be separated out
Specs should be separated out
Advantages should be separated out but still linked
and order should only matter in terms of power tier requirements
Travel Powers are like the number 1 thing that people want to change in a build on a regular basis and the main reason that many people wish for lowered retcon costs. separating them out when removing powers will remove the reduced cost vote from everyone who wishes to simply change a travel power.
Specs are also a factor that gets changed often, however the cost for them is already very low, they just come with an added annoyance of removing your talents as well... I'd like to see the system revamped to allow for individual spec resetting...
Advantages... this is a hard one and the main reason the system is how it is currently... and the bulk of the cost... what I see as a possible work-a-round is to make it so that advantages can be removed in any order, however ranks will remain linked... so removing a R2 advantage on an R3 power would remove R3 as well or not be allowed until R3 is removed first...
Powers... with that out of the way all that remains is powers, and their limitation is only advantages (removing a power should remove all linked advantages) and power tiers... working around power tiers is tricky... and might end up making powers remain in the current "the order you got them" setup... but if at all possible, allow us to remove in any order (only if possible in any way)
This sort of change would likely come with a static cost for advantages & a new cost setup for powers (base + linked advantages) either a static base (based on tier) or a dynamic base (based on order as current)... I'd expect Retcons to drop to no lower than 350G but honestly doubt they will go below 450... there's no real need for them to be much lower than they are now. Retcons are not meant to be something you do regularly
It costs me 0g, not 550g.
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Nothing exists in a vacuum.
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Just be happy that you don't have to complete a Lair such as Nemcon, Andrith or Mandragalore every time you want to retcon anything.
This "solution" would make retcons unavailable to those who can't devote a couple of consecutive hours to the game. The current system at least lets them gradually build up until they can afford it.
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You also haven't responded to the elephant in the room, already voiced by another poster (you unfortunately cherry picked again when quoting him).... What are your thoughts on this?
If you are able to respond to this and other matters raised in this thread that are entirely relevant to the matter of retcon prices then maybe you will be able to move the discussion forward in a more constructive way. Also, as already stated, this is a public forum and I will continue to respond if I wish.
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Or..boost the payout of from smashes. Therefore, people still have to earn their retcons(for golds, whenever they run out of tokens.), and have more reason to play things other than an alert.(Smashes, in this instance.)
42 40s, LTSer.
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42 40s, LTSer.
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Edit: I just tested this. Every new toon I create STARTS with 6 retcon tokens to use.
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On the other hand, if you don't want community input, don't make your posts where the community can see and comment on them.
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42 40s, LTSer.
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Epic Stronghold
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As far as the cost of retcons. The OP is simply not exploring all of his options. This probably comes from only doing alerts and no other content. If you run content and sell items. You'll have enough globals for a retcon at 40. The downside to running XP alerts until you're 40 is you'll have no gear and no in-game income.
If you are 40 then it's time for you to start running content. That means opening up Vibora Bay. It may mean farming the Vibora cemeteries and crypts for rare drops and costume bits. These can sell for enough money to cover several retcons. For example, I needed a retcon on my silver account. I sold some CON mods and 1 costume piece. That earned me the money I needed for a retcon. No smash alerts needed. Level 5+ Con mods sell for 50g and up a piece. Some of the VB (New Shadows, Trey Kings, & Dogz) costumes pieces can get you 150 globals and up.
Another option is to Unlock the dailies for both Unity 1 & 2. Not only do you earn Silver recognition the drops are also fairly good. Not only that you can buy Heroic gear and sell it on the AH. Some of those pieces go from 90g to over 150g.
Get out of the alert cycle and start playing the game.
Epic Stronghold
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He's like a madman howling at the moon.
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42 40s, LTSer.
Also, the 550g quoted for a retcon is for a character at lvl 40(if that figure is correct).....and ,as has already been pointed out, Gold/LTS get a free retcon at lvl 40 specifically for this (to add to their other free ones).
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Is this thread done yet?
And very true, I'm just saying that 150 cash alerts is a pretty large number. Even though golds can get tokens for subscribing, was really just commenting on how large that number is to reach 500 or so G in general.
42 40s, LTSer.
And even without factoring them in, the remaining factors are still stacked against you on this. Retcon prices are NOT too high. When they were 900G they were too high... if anything they should only come down ~50G so that silvers who have not bought the Resource Cap increase can actually afford a full Retcon without making 2 trips.
If you want retcons price reduced start with the only 100% valid reason of "full retcon costs more than Silver's base Resource Cap"... I'm sure you'll get some support for reducing the cost by ~50G to bring it under that 500G cap. But you will NOT get much support for reducing the cost drasticly.
I never see [Zone #1] Superhero@championsplayer: WTS [Hoverboard Flight] for 200 cash alerts. PM me. So....the retcon global cost is completely disconnected from retcons that subscribers get for paying for the game?
That really doesn't wash.
Also, I'll just post this response because the OP only quoted one line of it..... I'd support reducing the cost by 50g to bring it under the 500g Silvers' cap also.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Retconning one of my FFs (including resetting superstats and talents) would indeed be 545g 71n 07l. Yes this is higher than the standard 500g resource limit of silvers but this then also becomes one of the reasons for buying the global resource cap - along with being able to hold and trade larger values in person or via the AH.
Could the retcon have a maximum cost that aligns with standard silver inventory holding limit? Possibly - that would put it at 450g maximum + 50g for superstat/talent removal. I could get behind that even for subs - its good going in knowing exactly how much cash you will need on hand.
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Also the not retconning the first few choices you made can easily save you at least a 100g.....so let's not just ignore this as it's pretty easy to account for it when you're making your build.
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