Directive 010 - Purple Company Commander
Thanks. but one thing I want to point out is quite frequently I am logged into the forums and not the Arc Wrapper...
Why I don't know, but that is how it normally functions, may want to look into the causes.
yetweallfalldown wrote: »Thanks. but one thing I want to point out is quite frequently I am logged into the forums and not the Arc Wrapper...
Why I don't know, but that is how it normally functions, may want to look into the causes.
If you are logged into the forums, it should also log you into Arc at the same time. It may just require a click to the sign in button to recognize that. I will bring this up to the team though.
yetweallfalldown wrote: »Thanks. but one thing I want to point out is quite frequently I am logged into the forums and not the Arc Wrapper...
Why I don't know, but that is how it normally functions, may want to look into the causes.
If you are logged into the forums, it should also log you into Arc at the same time. It may just require a click to the sign in button to recognize that. I will bring this up to the team though.
yetweallfalldown wrote: »Hubs: Each forum will now live in their own instance and easy to navigate to. The content within each hub will not change during the migration. We’ll also be adjusting what is viewed per category (for example, viewing parent categories within the first page) in order to better identify the areas of focus for each section.
yetweallfalldown wrote: »Search Functions: In our previous feedback thread, there were more search functions requested. We’ve made changes to better archive the searches and have them be accessible including advanced searching.
One area that will change that we want to ensure gets communicated is that we will be removing access to the current forum inboxes as it stands. Instead of using the forum inbox, we recommend using our Arc Mail system, which can be accessed here. The reasoning behind this change is that with the hub separation, we will no longer have a global inbox. Using the Arc Mail feature will ensure that messages get across to all relevant parties. All current messages that are in your inbox will be visible to you once this hub migration is complete.
yetweallfalldown wrote: »One area that will change that we want to ensure gets communicated is that we will be removing access to the current forum inboxes as it stands. Instead of using the forum inbox, we recommend using our Arc Mail system, which can be accessed here. The reasoning behind this change is that with the hub separation, we will no longer have a global inbox. Using the Arc Mail feature will ensure that messages get across to all relevant parties. All current messages that are in your inbox will be visible to you once this hub migration is complete.
I'm sure there's more, but this is all I can think of at the moment.
How about updating the freaking Server Symposium... We have 4 servers now not 8
How about updating the freaking Server Symposium... We have 4 servers now not 8
maybe not. It looks like it's there, just the WYSIWYG editor isn't.We lost all formatting options? BBcode is disabled?
Confirmed @sylenthunder , posting in perfectworld.vanillaforums does not appear in these forums here and vice versa. There seem to be two separate forums at this time. It is very confusing. Also, your signature is different in both... (Or you just changed it XD)
sylenthunder wrote: »The images rotate
khamseenair wrote: »Well now I figured out how to get to the version of this page which the devs will actually see (you've now got so many versions it's stupid). I'd like to give my feedback for the 'update' to the forums.
You've made them insanely difficult to navigate.
There is no easy way to find the sub sections I'd just gotten used to having access to.
There's no easy way to switch between forums for the different games I play.
The layout has not changed at all for the sub sections I've actually managed to find, so the whole reason behind this seems to be null and void.
Signatures are broken again.
We now only have a 1 hour window to edit posts.
I don't understand what you guys think you've achieved by this, but I'm pretty sure you haven't. Somebody please hit Ctrl+Z then step back from the keyboard.
Because they don't seem to work on this "version" of the forums. Formatting options don't show up at all for me. and they don't work if you type them in manually. Which is great cause ESO just announced a forum writing guide event....and can't format. zzzzzzasterelle said:"]Well keep in mind it was the power users and mobile users who were using the native vanillaforums.com version of the forums. The normal people were using the embedded version so they won't notice the fact it's a new version as much. Although the embedded URLs are now all different so bookmarks have been broken.
EDIT: How come I can't get the BBCode editor controls to load properly here?