can't believe they haven't even acknowledged this you guys literally sold this for real money, at least say something it's bugged and doing less dmg than normal bilethorn, it's not a visual bug
i don't even know how to go about this other than WHY WHY is this even a thing you guys feel you need to do??? WHAT THE FRAK is even the reasoning behind this other than to force us into something we might not need/want and then later have to spend time/money/effort to fix? is there some weird cyber role playing storage…
where is it exactly that barb dps cannot "compete"? i only have the preTOMM content to compare on, but i find a lot of the time i'm outdpsing all other better geared dps classes (except ranger really)....(i notice with 156k power i can usually keep up if not overpass dps classes with 180K+ power)... so i'm curious, what…
+1 to most of OP's content.... right now, the must crushing thing for me is pugging RAQ (and to some extent REQ)... notes about RAQ - it sucks, REALLY SUCKS, to sit in RAQueue for 10-30 minutes (or longer), only to get CR/CODG and no one knows what to do, rarely if ever is anyone geared correctly for it, and there is…
well i'll be damned lol, i guess i just hate POM personally if i can continue to be indulged tho.. why is it the design/dev team seems to have an approach of "IL will fix issues?" i understand the approach has to be taken gradually, see what works, what doesn't... but, honestly, and i think a lot of players share this…
can we talk about prophecy of madness? i'd be surprised if that has a "good" completion rate it has such a horrible insanity mechanic and takes way too long imo is there any analytics to support retiring/reworking this instance? and how do you guys count "completion" rate, does that include ppl leaving, or groups leaving…
yeah, i did this earlier today... I honestly want to know how they can supposedly "fix" permafrost and then break the fight even more. Like, test your changes? wtf, no test team maybe? But anyway, the fight is even worse, especially with bugged frostburn that you're supposed to share damage on but just kills anyone that it…
sigh, sorry man but this is a HAMSTER excuse and post i'm glad a lot of the responses to your post have been on point (keeping you in check) it is especially inexcusable after how long the gateway and leadership have been in play, and what's worse is leadership/gateway has really been the only non-insane means of earning…
i like how there's no comment about the matchmaking system, and throwing this event out there with a "deal with it" tone rich get richer designers keep pretending to be oblivious to all the flaws surrounding their pvp system
yup it blows my mind that some random people on the internet are a lot more qualified at logic and reasoning, and basically redesigning this game for the better, than some of these designers it makes me wonder if they just don't play their own game, hindsight is 20/20, but for this team it doesn't seem so
exactly this is another problem with the generic "pvp community" in this game "look at your place in the scoreboard, you're in last and i'm in first, you obviously don't know what you're doing!" thank you for explaining why that argument is nonsensical
i think it's honestly too early to tell, since there's so many variations in gear makeups and builds but, in my honest opinion, as bad as **** has been, and from a very small sample size, class balance is pretty close to being even every class has its advantages and disadvantages (even though some may appear to be tipping…
idiots like this guy are why they'll never fix pvp they're a glutton for punishment and will live and die with their ****ty *** game design "If you are not able and or willing to do this, then GTFO of PvP and go back to the PvE carebear all warm, fuzzy, sunshiney all the time rainbows and unicorns fantasy fiction mmorpg…
it's a vicious VICIOUS cycle right now though...the main reason the pvp population is small and ever dwindling is because of the complete and utter mess that matchmaking's just simply not fun for people to queue only to get roflstomped all over the arena because they haven't "spent" as much "time" in getting the…
this thread is on point but, will most likely be ignored cause lazy design is lazy, working as intended, and already implemented get your logic out of here bruh, too much work i mean, just look at the lazy *** design behind making GG a 10v10 match now...they didn't even make it so you can privately chat with the other 5…
the problem is, a lot of these "stupid" ppl, A LOT, don't speak english it's incredibly annoying and i wish they could make it english only :(....or do some kind of translation so that we see our language (even though they see their language) instead of seeing all kinds of different languages or add markers you can place…
not gonna lie, that's pretty hilarious if there was ever a moment to realize that GWFs are the red deaded stepchild of the classes, this is it haha also notice, they didn't include the fix/tweak to unstoppable gain (gaining based on total damage instead of mitigated damage) they said they were going to include with this…
match 2....i'm pretty sure this a result of the horrible fact that there are so many players that don't speak english...and so end up looking/playing like brainless ******s it really is not so much a problem of pvers/ad go getters, it's a problem with the language/culture barrier imo all your matches really, they sound…