By that I mean stupid players. Stupid as in unwilling to learn or to do what is right/correct when they already know. It is not gear, it is disconnects, it is not the leaver penalty, it is not people being mean, it nothing but the unwillingness of the average player to learn the game.
You roll a TR and the back cap is yours. Kill kill kill kill then they send two then they send three and now it is just trolling the node pulling 3 or 4 of the red team to your node. You look to see what great advantage your team has taken of the 4v1 opportunity you've given them and one of the other nodes is red with the other being contested. Team fail.
You roll a GF and mid is yours. You wreck people until they don't come any more or until they send (again) 3 or 4. Then you just survive as long as possible. Again, of the two nodes left one is red one is contested.
Pick any good class and the results are the same. Tons of kills against hapless pugs but just as many losses because of the idiots you are unlucky enough to have on your team.
Seriously a tutorial please. They have to pass to get into live pvp. One every ten levels then one every ten matches.
It isn't worth spending a single dime on. Because no matter how skilled you are or how good your gear, you can only be on one node at a time.
Stupid people are killing pvp. Please stop being stupid.
Obedience Stick: This epic-quality item is only available to level 70 players with at least 18 PvP Campaign achievements and costs 200,000 AD. If targeted at a teammate who does not possess an Obedience Stick, you can cause that character to move to a second targeted location. In addition, once per hour, a character affected by an Obedience Stick loses AD equal to 500 minus the value of his Tenacity from gear, and is unable to refine any AD for the rest of that day. Finally, by double clicking an Obedience Stick on a target with less than 500 Tenacity, you can shock the target and inflict an injury to it. In dungeon environments, Obedience Sticks have the additional function of being able to seal chests against being opened by any character that does not also possess one.
Wow you're such an elitist... If I want to go towards my base when we spawn then dam I have every right to do that! Who cares if the team loses? If you see your entire team going to base at the start of the game.. then go too! instead of dying alone in 2. Doesn't matter if you lose the game, you still get the AD. I just wish you elitists could stop thinking about yourselves and have some sympathy for us AD leechers uh I mean struggling players!
Wow you're such an elitist... If I want to go towards my base when we spawn then dam I have every right to do that! Who cares if the team loses? If you see your entire team going to base at the start of the game.. then go too! instead of dying alone in 2. Doesn't matter if you lose the game, you still get the AD. I just wish you elitists could stop thinking about yourselves and have some sympathy for us AD leechers uh I mean struggling players!
Here is the thing. 4k AD for 15 minutes of humiliation they suffer. Assuming even $12. an hour at a crappy job, that 15 minutes is worth $3.00. For completing three matches to get the "4k ad", that is 45 minutes. Or $8.00. About 1.25 million ad.
It is a stupid investment. If someone is going to blow $8.00 of their time, why not just spend it on over a million ad? And then come to pvp geared and make an effort to find out whats going on because after all, it is fun.
That's exactly why an Obedience Stick would be a nice addition. You don't care if the team loses, I don't care if you don't get to open your dungeon chest. It's win-win.
I think I agree with macjae on that, even though I know that Obedience stick was just a joke. If those pugs don't care - they spoil my PvP experience badly. I don't pick on player's gear as long as they have some tenacity but once they pull that 4 vs 1 TR or "oh, I am just going to stand on that wall and spamm my at-wills" thing, the party chat may fill with toxic unfriendliness.
It's really annoying having a bad team who either plays like they don't care or just lits up and really doesn't care.
I do like the odd game though when we are losing and my team is new-ish players and i tell them what to do in a nice way so that we can win and they actually listen. A few times I had losing games where enemies had near 1k points and our team had half that, I would tell each player a role and ask them if they would please do it and it's great seeing the team work together and win a game that would have been a loss.
I think I agree with macjae on that, even though I know that Obedience stick was just a joke. If those pugs don't care - they spoil my PvP experience badly. I don't pick on player's gear as long as they have some tenacity but once they pull that 4 vs 1 TR or "oh, I am just going to stand on that wall and spamm my at-wills" thing, the party chat may fill with toxic unfriendliness.
I can and do overlook gear if you are at least trying to play with your head. I have been there, starting off with terrible gear, but I still didn't persist on playing like a nublet and ignore the advice of experienced players.
However, if the 3 of you with your level 55 non-PVP greens insist on running to 1 and dying against the TR en masse, well then you are just asking to be called out.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
I think I agree with macjae on that, even though I know that Obedience stick was just a joke. If those pugs don't care - they spoil my PvP experience badly. I don't pick on player's gear as long as they have some tenacity but once they pull that 4 vs 1 TR or "oh, I am just going to stand on that wall and spamm my at-wills" thing, the party chat may fill with toxic unfriendliness.
Same. I don't even care about gear. I will ask people to do things so we can win and when they qq about the gear difference I tell them, "then when you die make sure it is on node, contesting it." Die on node. That simple. Keep that up through the match and the more experienced player(s) can do the lifting.
I can and do overlook gear if you are at least trying to play with your head. I have been there, starting off with terrible gear, but I still didn't persist on playing like a nublet and ignore the advice of experienced players.
However, if the 3 of you with your level 55 non-PVP greens insist on running to 1 and dying against the TR en masse, well then you are just asking to be called out.
One of the most satisfying things in this game imo, is when you get a nublet who understands the game and will die 30 times in a match contesting the right nodes; you friend him, maybe twink him a little, let him know what to get and where to get it and he or she turns into a solid pvp player and you do many matches together, winning.
From my pvp experience and every match i've joined i noticed not everyone but most of the players only care about Killing Score more than capturing point for the team to win most my matches my kill is 1-0 score is 5300 do that if you want to win every match i'm not saying don't kill if you face an enemy or he come to your flag just don't chase your enemy every time you see one leave him and go to enemy flag and capture point for your team better than killing your enemy
By that I mean stupid players. Stupid as in unwilling to learn or to do what is right/correct when they already know. It is not gear, it is disconnects, it is not the leaver penalty, it is not people being mean, it nothing but the unwillingness of the average player to learn the game.
You roll a TR and the back cap is yours. Kill kill kill kill then they send two then they send three and now it is just trolling the node pulling 3 or 4 of the red team to your node. You look to see what great advantage your team has taken of the 4v1 opportunity you've given them and one of the other nodes is red with the other being contested. Team fail.
You roll a GF and mid is yours. You wreck people until they don't come any more or until they send (again) 3 or 4. Then you just survive as long as possible. Again, of the two nodes left one is red one is contested.
Pick any good class and the results are the same. Tons of kills against hapless pugs but just as many losses because of the idiots you are unlucky enough to have on your team.
Seriously a tutorial please. They have to pass to get into live pvp. One every ten levels then one every ten matches.
It isn't worth spending a single dime on. Because no matter how skilled you are or how good your gear, you can only be on one node at a time.
Stupid people are killing pvp. Please stop being stupid.
the problem is, a lot of these "stupid" ppl, A LOT, don't speak english
it's incredibly annoying and i wish they could make it english only ....or do some kind of translation so that we see our language (even though they see their language) instead of seeing all kinds of different languages
or add markers you can place that are universal, or something, idk
but anytime you have non-english speakers it's almost for sure a complete failure cause they go full ******
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
One of the most satisfying things in this game imo, is when you get a nublet who understands the game and will die 30 times in a match contesting the right nodes; you friend him, maybe twink him a little, let him know what to get and where to get it and he or she turns into a solid pvp player and you do many matches together, winning.
I have done just that and continue to do what I must for us to win. I cap, I fight on the base s much as I can. In fact, in PuGs I have a 1/3 win ratio. I cannot guarantee a win, but I can promise a solid effort. I have even been commended in VC for doing the right things while the others do not.
The deaths have dropped as I have become a smarter player. Being on a team is about playing one's role. There is very little chance that many of the "casual" PvP player's will understand that. I have seen experienced players not play like that.
In fact, I had someone single me out in a pm to tell me that I was not ****, even though I had the killing blow on him, which was a DHS/SoD while he was running from from a 5v1. His agenda after that was to hound me and kill me any chance he could. It was great, for his team, that he killed me 3 times... while I continued to cap and play my role. I ended up being 2nd over all with 5300 points, 4 kills and 6 deaths... he was 15th with 1300 points, 10 k's and 5 deaths.
Here is what I did after he pm'd me... I played a mind game with someone who was not in my league. I may not be the best with the physical play ATM, but the psychological game... I wrote the book. He was under the impression that I was angry because I replied. My last pm to him, was typed during the last time he killed me. I say the last time because I ignored him after I res'd... making sure that he was fuming. Every time he saw me... his game changed and even though I was with a group.
Who would you say is the better player?
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Will quote myself as i think this is the best solution:
A simple solution for match un-balance and rewards is:
reward based on personal performance, right now players get too penalized if their team loses even if they played good. What you can give is a 150 extra glory to winning team.
Should be like
+100 to player with most points capped
+100 to player with most revived mates
+100 to longest time defending on node
to encourage good domination play
reduced points gain from kills to 10 points (down from 50).
auto-scramble during match. If the score difference get past 200 points, the game takes the best player from winning side and switches the worst player of losing side with him. Nodes cleared, teams back to base, then restart from that point. If difference gets over 300 points, another scramble and so on.
Glory gain is linked too much to who wins and with matchmaking not working well, it's obvious why players leave. Waste of time 10-15 minutes for like 150 glory if your team loses badly, and a puny 250-350 at best if you played wonderfully, ended up 1st but your team lost.
If players know that
a) they get a proportional reward to how they played
b) clearly unbalanced games get "adjusted" automatically so both sides can fight back and have fun
we have less leavers and overall better PvP environment.
Note: i penalized kills cause that actually would PUNISH selfish kill-hungry players and reward true domination play (capping node, defending points, helping mates).
the problem is, a lot of these "stupid" ppl, A LOT, don't speak english
it's incredibly annoying and i wish they could make it english only ....or do some kind of translation so that we see our language (even though they see their language) instead of seeing all kinds of different languages
or add markers you can place that are universal, or something, idk
but anytime you have non-english speakers it's almost for sure a complete failure cause they go full ******
They seem to learn the f word pretty fast though. When I'm like "TR back cap!", I get sworn at repeatedly over and over in engrish. It's so funny sometimes that I want to record it and make vine of broken english pvp nerd rage. But I am already over my ******-bag budget this month and must refrain. CHOPCHOP!
The way I see it where foreign speakers are concerned, that is on me for not knowing their language. Most of the world is expected to just know english and native english speakers only really need to know english, and in the US, a little spanish. Thats kind of crappy for non-english speakers and I am not about making something crappy.
If this were a really good game, in that fantasy land I could see creating a very short and simply vocabulary of game terms for pvp and pve, that are universal.
the problem is, a lot of these "stupid" ppl, A LOT, don't speak english
it's incredibly annoying and i wish they could make it english only ....or do some kind of translation so that we see our language (even though they see their language) instead of seeing all kinds of different languages
or add markers you can place that are universal, or something, idk
but anytime you have non-english speakers it's almost for sure a complete failure cause they go full ******
Final Fantasy 14 has this very thing. Makes communication with the Asians & French WORLDS easier.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
Will quote myself as i think this is the best solution:
I will second that as just about the only to solve the poor play. When someone receives positive reinforcement for hard work they will continue. When someone receives negative reinforcement for "Me first" play... they will see that the people who they killed got more Glory for their hard work.
Often times it is the easiest thing to do... kill someone. It is not easy to run past someone because you are focused on capping.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
I have done just that and continue to do what I must for us to win. I cap, I fight on the base s much as I can. In fact, in PuGs I have a 1/3 win ratio. I cannot guarantee a win, but I can promise a solid effort. I have even been commended in VC for doing the right things while the others do not.
The deaths have dropped as I have become a smarter player. Being on a team is about playing one's role. There is very little chance that many of the "casual" PvP player's will understand that. I have seen experienced players not play like that.
In fact, I had someone single me out in a pm to tell me that I was not ****, even though I had the killing blow on him, which was a DHS/SoD while he was running from from a 5v1. His agenda after that was to hound me and kill me any chance he could. It was great, for his team, that he killed me 3 times... while I continued to cap and play my role. I ended up being 2nd over all with 5300 points, 4 kills and 6 deaths... he was 15th with 1300 points, 10 k's and 5 deaths.
Here is what I did after he pm'd me... I played a mind game with someone who was not in my league. I may not be the best with the physical play ATM, but the psychological game... I wrote the book. He was under the impression that I was angry because I replied. My last pm to him, was typed during the last time he killed me. I say the last time because I ignored him after I res'd... making sure that he was fuming. Every time he saw me... his game changed and even though I was with a group.
Who would you say is the better player?
You trolled him in your own way and apparently were able to kite him around. That is smart.
I don't like the scrambling of teams, but the rest seems fine in that suggestion
the worst thing is people yelling and screaming at the get go of a match. Some people gotta realize some people are just there to enjoy the game, they may not be great they may not care about winning they may only care about the 4k ad but if you go and start "flaming" people they will be less likely to help you win and you'll be actually worse off. That being said, its always great to suggest a strategy - it may not work but at least it's better then losing your cool over a game
Will quote myself as i think this is the best solution: should have learned by now that the MO of the casual PuG, in that scenario, is to simply do nothing and get the new and increased amount of freebie reward by losing.
Like it or not, the reality of PvP is that it involves strong mental. It also involves attitude, the will to win, the motivation to get better so you can get back on some d-bag that kills you all the time. The motivation that drives these competitive individuals to learn about PvP. To read articles, read tips, spend time and money to experiment, to practice, to challenge and then get PWND and humiliated, but pick yourself up and have the guts to try again... etc etc.. this is PvP, and people who can do these are PvPers.
...and then again, there are some just too fragile in all of the above, yet, still want rewards. Their answer is to walk the path of least resistance, least effort, least humiliation. We usually call these 'casuals'. They're the 90% of PuGs, and despite lacking everything, the one thing they don't lack is egos. Which also means these 90% of the PuGs who are casuals, and are very unlikely to ever become good in PvP no matter how long they play, are also the ones who blurt out complaints in the forums.
Getting better in PvP is like a race horse. It first needs to be broken, to be able to receive scientific training and become a prize horse. Most people refuse to acknowledge how much they suck in the first place, so to them, PvP is a constant reminder of that fact thrown right at their faces. So they either stay out and try and bad-mouth PvP every chance they get, or they join up for the daily rewards without even playing at all.
That's how the world of non-PvPers are. It's always been that way since 20 years ago, since the dawn of on-line gaming. It'll probably never change.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User should have learned by now that the MO of the casual PuG, in that scenario, is to simply do nothing and get the new and increased amount of freebie reward by losing.
That is a bold assumption.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Will quote myself as i think this is the best solution:
The problem is the way that score is kept is borked. Let me give you an example:
The back cap is red, you go to it to contest it and make it blue. There is no enemies on or near the back cap. A battle rages on mid which is red dominant, home node is blue. A team mate arrives on the back cap even though the fight is on mid.
The correct course of action which will most help your team to win, is to leave the back cap because someone is already there capping it, and go join the fight on 2.
The incorrect course of action which will hurt your team is to just stay on the back cap with your team mate until it is capped.
The way scoring works, you actually lose points by choosing to the correct course of action. The team mate who made the decision to leech your cap, the decision that hurts his team, is rewarded with 300 points.
This happens over and over again and your team wins due to your selfless commitment to victory and team. But you are pretty far down the scoresheet. I am finding that many pug matches, the pugs won't cap unless there is no enemy on the node. So I have to go node to node killing the enemy team pretty much by myself and constantly leaving the node that is being capped, for one person to stand on it, so I can go and clear another node. Over and over and over again. You end up with like 20 kills, 40 assists, a bunch of deaths and far less points than the cowardly leeches on your team.
So there is no way I could support something that rewards selfish play. What SHOULD give you the most points is dying while defending or attacking a node, and killing while defending or attacking a node. Those should be worth 300 points and the capping its self should be worth 50.
So there is no way I could support something that rewards selfish play. What SHOULD give you the most points is dying while defending or attacking a node, and killing while defending or attacking a node. Those should be worth 300 points and the capping its self should be worth 50.
Couldn't agree more
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
edited April 2015
Actually what it rewards is balanced play. Capping, killing and dying are all part of the PvP game. Yes, some people like to just cap and some like to just kill.
I have been in matches where there was one person on home, at all times; 2 people in mid and 2 people on the red team's home. That was actually a pug that ended up winning.
There are many different styles of play each with a different strategy.
What I think would be a solution to your argument is attaching a minimum collected score being the basis for the PvP Daily.
So, instead of making 4 matches the goal... maybe set the number to a number that signifies serious effort. What would that number be...? Might be better to base it on experience and matches played over a flat number for all people who pick up the quest.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Leadership Council of Civil Anarchy
SYNERGY Alliance
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited April 2015
Then there are players like me...who actually would pvp given a deathmatch scenario, but , because this game lacks one, I have no interest. You see, I like killing stuff and couldn't care less about capturing nodes, fortunately for you pvp players though, I am intelligent enough to know that me running around, ignoring node capturing etc would upset 4 other peoples games and so rather then doing pvp, I just stick to pve where I can kill stuff without upsetting people
One solution would be, to give points for capturing a node depending on the time spent on node.
The last game I played I did backcap. Most of the enemies were as clueless as my team. At one point they (enemies) decided to ignore me and cap our home and mid. My team, all of them, passed two red bases to leech the cap on the enemy base.
The current system rewards stupid selfish behavior. I cant count the players I put on ignore or who ignored me after a PvP match, when I carried their sorry asses to victory, constantly fighting 1v2-4, contesting or defending a point while my 'team' hunted a TR or ran with 4 ppl from point to point, to earn as many points as possible. I ask them to cap or defend, nice and calm, two or more times. I try sarcasm '4ppl on home bold choice as tactics go, plz tell me how we will win with one point?'. In the close two two years I play, I met maybe 5 players who asked for advice. One guy even asked for tips for his pal. Most PuGs answer like 'LOL, lok at my points I am better thany you ...(insert random insult)...'.
I know, that there are good PvP players out there who crush my toons, but most of them run in premades. 90% of PuGs are clueless and undergeared. Thanks to ELO I either get crushed by premades or fight against ppl who have problems to kill my chars 1v2.
Chars: CW, DC, GF, GWF, HR and TR.
grogthemagnifMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,651Arc User
Obedience Stick: This epic-quality item is only available to level 70 players with at least 18 PvP Campaign achievements and costs 200,000 AD. If targeted at a teammate who does not possess an Obedience Stick, you can cause that character to move to a second targeted location. In addition, once per hour, a character affected by an Obedience Stick loses AD equal to 500 minus the value of his Tenacity from gear, and is unable to refine any AD for the rest of that day. Finally, by double clicking an Obedience Stick on a target with less than 500 Tenacity, you can shock the target and inflict an injury to it. In dungeon environments, Obedience Sticks have the additional function of being able to seal chests against being opened by any character that does not also possess one.
The problem is the way that score is kept is borked. Let me give you an example:
The back cap is red, you go to it to contest it and make it blue. There is no enemies on or near the back cap. A battle rages on mid which is red dominant, home node is blue. A team mate arrives on the back cap even though the fight is on mid.
The correct course of action which will most help your team to win, is to leave the back cap because someone is already there capping it, and go join the fight on 2.
The incorrect course of action which will hurt your team is to just stay on the back cap with your team mate until it is capped.
The way scoring works, you actually lose points by choosing to the correct course of action. The team mate who made the decision to leech your cap, the decision that hurts his team, is rewarded with 300 points.
This happens over and over again and your team wins due to your selfless commitment to victory and team. But you are pretty far down the scoresheet. I am finding that many pug matches, the pugs won't cap unless there is no enemy on the node. So I have to go node to node killing the enemy team pretty much by myself and constantly leaving the node that is being capped, for one person to stand on it, so I can go and clear another node. Over and over and over again. You end up with like 20 kills, 40 assists, a bunch of deaths and far less points than the cowardly leeches on your team.
So there is no way I could support something that rewards selfish play. What SHOULD give you the most points is dying while defending or attacking a node, and killing while defending or attacking a node. Those should be worth 300 points and the capping its self should be worth 50.
Could also be 10 points every second you fight on a contested node, 10 points total for capping an un-contested node, 50 points when you cap a contested node (node is red, you out-number the enemy and cap the node while fighting).
Would actually encourage node contesting instead of leeching.
About teams scrable: we know it happens way too often that one team clearly out-powers the other. Now, it often, in pug games, happens due to strong players going all in one team. If you allow scramble while rewarding personal performance, players do not get frustrated if moved to the losing team and instead they know that they will either start fighting back or the game will scramble again empowering the losing team. It's a team-balance during the match when matchmaking fails at doing it from the start.
I think it can't go wrong cause it allows either teams to balance out or teams to take turns at getting the upper hand.
Better than one team sitting at campfire or getting facerolled for 10 minutes.
And with reward coming from personal performance, no one would care about which team wins (which is not important in PuG PvP) but every player would do his best to have a good score, and if you reward good domination play, then you "force" players to avoid playing selfish to get a good reward.
Players would go look for contested points cause it's there that you get the points, and only cap uncontested points when a fight is over.
So, say you go enemy home node, you fight on it and win (get points during fight) then cap, nobody would leave a contested mid to come cap, cause that way they would actually lose points.
Then, again, you reward with glory proportional to personal performance (1st,2nd,3rd exc... aka points earned) which is linked to good play, and give only a minor "additional reward" to "achievements" like longest node contesting, most nodes capped, exc... but the main amount of glory comes from performance.
Tweak a similar system and you will have all players "naturally going with domination flow and gameplay".
WTB Class Reroll please
Wow you're such an elitist... If I want to go towards my base when we spawn then dam I have every right to do that! Who cares if the team loses? If you see your entire team going to base at the start of the game.. then go too! instead of dying alone in 2. Doesn't matter if you lose the game, you still get the AD. I just wish you elitists could stop thinking about yourselves and have some sympathy for us AD leechers uh I mean struggling players!
can't tell if trolling...
Here is the thing. 4k AD for 15 minutes of humiliation they suffer. Assuming even $12. an hour at a crappy job, that 15 minutes is worth $3.00. For completing three matches to get the "4k ad", that is 45 minutes. Or $8.00. About 1.25 million ad.
It is a stupid investment. If someone is going to blow $8.00 of their time, why not just spend it on over a million ad? And then come to pvp geared and make an effort to find out whats going on because after all, it is fun.
WTB Class Reroll please
I do like the odd game though when we are losing and my team is new-ish players and i tell them what to do in a nice way so that we can win and they actually listen. A few times I had losing games where enemies had near 1k points and our team had half that, I would tell each player a role and ask them if they would please do it and it's great seeing the team work together and win a game that would have been a loss.
I can and do overlook gear if you are at least trying to play with your head. I have been there, starting off with terrible gear, but I still didn't persist on playing like a nublet and ignore the advice of experienced players.
However, if the 3 of you with your level 55 non-PVP greens insist on running to 1 and dying against the TR en masse, well then you are just asking to be called out.
Same. I don't even care about gear. I will ask people to do things so we can win and when they qq about the gear difference I tell them, "then when you die make sure it is on node, contesting it." Die on node. That simple. Keep that up through the match and the more experienced player(s) can do the lifting.
One of the most satisfying things in this game imo, is when you get a nublet who understands the game and will die 30 times in a match contesting the right nodes; you friend him, maybe twink him a little, let him know what to get and where to get it and he or she turns into a solid pvp player and you do many matches together, winning.
the problem is, a lot of these "stupid" ppl, A LOT, don't speak english
it's incredibly annoying and i wish they could make it english only
or add markers you can place that are universal, or something, idk
but anytime you have non-english speakers it's almost for sure a complete failure cause they go full ******
I have done just that and continue to do what I must for us to win. I cap, I fight on the base s much as I can. In fact, in PuGs I have a 1/3 win ratio. I cannot guarantee a win, but I can promise a solid effort. I have even been commended in VC for doing the right things while the others do not.
The deaths have dropped as I have become a smarter player. Being on a team is about playing one's role. There is very little chance that many of the "casual" PvP player's will understand that. I have seen experienced players not play like that.
In fact, I had someone single me out in a pm to tell me that I was not ****, even though I had the killing blow on him, which was a DHS/SoD while he was running from from a 5v1. His agenda after that was to hound me and kill me any chance he could. It was great, for his team, that he killed me 3 times... while I continued to cap and play my role. I ended up being 2nd over all with 5300 points, 4 kills and 6 deaths... he was 15th with 1300 points, 10 k's and 5 deaths.
Here is what I did after he pm'd me... I played a mind game with someone who was not in my league. I may not be the best with the physical play ATM, but the psychological game... I wrote the book. He was under the impression that I was angry because I replied. My last pm to him, was typed during the last time he killed me. I say the last time because I ignored him after I res'd... making sure that he was fuming. Every time he saw me... his game changed and even though I was with a group.
Who would you say is the better player?
They seem to learn the f word pretty fast though. When I'm like "TR back cap!", I get sworn at repeatedly over and over in engrish. It's so funny sometimes that I want to record it and make vine of broken english pvp nerd rage. But I am already over my ******-bag budget this month and must refrain. CHOPCHOP!
The way I see it where foreign speakers are concerned, that is on me for not knowing their language. Most of the world is expected to just know english and native english speakers only really need to know english, and in the US, a little spanish. Thats kind of crappy for non-english speakers and I am not about making something crappy.
If this were a really good game, in that fantasy land I could see creating a very short and simply vocabulary of game terms for pvp and pve, that are universal.
Final Fantasy 14 has this very thing. Makes communication with the Asians & French WORLDS easier.
I will second that as just about the only to solve the poor play. When someone receives positive reinforcement for hard work they will continue. When someone receives negative reinforcement for "Me first" play... they will see that the people who they killed got more Glory for their hard work.
Often times it is the easiest thing to do... kill someone. It is not easy to run past someone because you are focused on capping.
You trolled him in your own way and apparently were able to kite him around. That is smart.
the worst thing is people yelling and screaming at the get go of a match. Some people gotta realize some people are just there to enjoy the game, they may not be great they may not care about winning they may only care about the 4k ad but if you go and start "flaming" people they will be less likely to help you win and you'll be actually worse off. That being said, its always great to suggest a strategy - it may not work but at least it's better then losing your cool over a game should have learned by now that the MO of the casual PuG, in that scenario, is to simply do nothing and get the new and increased amount of freebie reward by losing.
Like it or not, the reality of PvP is that it involves strong mental. It also involves attitude, the will to win, the motivation to get better so you can get back on some d-bag that kills you all the time. The motivation that drives these competitive individuals to learn about PvP. To read articles, read tips, spend time and money to experiment, to practice, to challenge and then get PWND and humiliated, but pick yourself up and have the guts to try again... etc etc.. this is PvP, and people who can do these are PvPers.
...and then again, there are some just too fragile in all of the above, yet, still want rewards. Their answer is to walk the path of least resistance, least effort, least humiliation. We usually call these 'casuals'. They're the 90% of PuGs, and despite lacking everything, the one thing they don't lack is egos. Which also means these 90% of the PuGs who are casuals, and are very unlikely to ever become good in PvP no matter how long they play, are also the ones who blurt out complaints in the forums.
Getting better in PvP is like a race horse. It first needs to be broken, to be able to receive scientific training and become a prize horse. Most people refuse to acknowledge how much they suck in the first place, so to them, PvP is a constant reminder of that fact thrown right at their faces. So they either stay out and try and bad-mouth PvP every chance they get, or they join up for the daily rewards without even playing at all.
That's how the world of non-PvPers are. It's always been that way since 20 years ago, since the dawn of on-line gaming. It'll probably never change.
That is a bold assumption.
The problem is the way that score is kept is borked. Let me give you an example:
The back cap is red, you go to it to contest it and make it blue. There is no enemies on or near the back cap. A battle rages on mid which is red dominant, home node is blue. A team mate arrives on the back cap even though the fight is on mid.
The correct course of action which will most help your team to win, is to leave the back cap because someone is already there capping it, and go join the fight on 2.
The incorrect course of action which will hurt your team is to just stay on the back cap with your team mate until it is capped.
The way scoring works, you actually lose points by choosing to the correct course of action. The team mate who made the decision to leech your cap, the decision that hurts his team, is rewarded with 300 points.
This happens over and over again and your team wins due to your selfless commitment to victory and team. But you are pretty far down the scoresheet. I am finding that many pug matches, the pugs won't cap unless there is no enemy on the node. So I have to go node to node killing the enemy team pretty much by myself and constantly leaving the node that is being capped, for one person to stand on it, so I can go and clear another node. Over and over and over again. You end up with like 20 kills, 40 assists, a bunch of deaths and far less points than the cowardly leeches on your team.
So there is no way I could support something that rewards selfish play. What SHOULD give you the most points is dying while defending or attacking a node, and killing while defending or attacking a node. Those should be worth 300 points and the capping its self should be worth 50.
Couldn't agree more
I have been in matches where there was one person on home, at all times; 2 people in mid and 2 people on the red team's home. That was actually a pug that ended up winning.
There are many different styles of play each with a different strategy.
What I think would be a solution to your argument is attaching a minimum collected score being the basis for the PvP Daily.
So, instead of making 4 matches the goal... maybe set the number to a number that signifies serious effort. What would that number be...? Might be better to base it on experience and matches played over a flat number for all people who pick up the quest.
The last game I played I did backcap. Most of the enemies were as clueless as my team. At one point they (enemies) decided to ignore me and cap our home and mid. My team, all of them, passed two red bases to leech the cap on the enemy base.
The current system rewards stupid selfish behavior. I cant count the players I put on ignore or who ignored me after a PvP match, when I carried their sorry asses to victory, constantly fighting 1v2-4, contesting or defending a point while my 'team' hunted a TR or ran with 4 ppl from point to point, to earn as many points as possible. I ask them to cap or defend, nice and calm, two or more times. I try sarcasm '4ppl on home bold choice as tactics go, plz tell me how we will win with one point?'. In the close two two years I play, I met maybe 5 players who asked for advice. One guy even asked for tips for his pal. Most PuGs answer like 'LOL, lok at my points I am better thany you ...(insert random insult)...'.
I know, that there are good PvP players out there who crush my toons, but most of them run in premades. 90% of PuGs are clueless and undergeared. Thanks to ELO I either get crushed by premades or fight against ppl who have problems to kill my chars 1v2.
Could also be 10 points every second you fight on a contested node, 10 points total for capping an un-contested node, 50 points when you cap a contested node (node is red, you out-number the enemy and cap the node while fighting).
Would actually encourage node contesting instead of leeching.
About teams scrable: we know it happens way too often that one team clearly out-powers the other. Now, it often, in pug games, happens due to strong players going all in one team. If you allow scramble while rewarding personal performance, players do not get frustrated if moved to the losing team and instead they know that they will either start fighting back or the game will scramble again empowering the losing team. It's a team-balance during the match when matchmaking fails at doing it from the start.
I think it can't go wrong cause it allows either teams to balance out or teams to take turns at getting the upper hand.
Better than one team sitting at campfire or getting facerolled for 10 minutes.
And with reward coming from personal performance, no one would care about which team wins (which is not important in PuG PvP) but every player would do his best to have a good score, and if you reward good domination play, then you "force" players to avoid playing selfish to get a good reward.
Players would go look for contested points cause it's there that you get the points, and only cap uncontested points when a fight is over.
So, say you go enemy home node, you fight on it and win (get points during fight) then cap, nobody would leave a contested mid to come cap, cause that way they would actually lose points.
Then, again, you reward with glory proportional to personal performance (1st,2nd,3rd exc... aka points earned) which is linked to good play, and give only a minor "additional reward" to "achievements" like longest node contesting, most nodes capped, exc... but the main amount of glory comes from performance.
Tweak a similar system and you will have all players "naturally going with domination flow and gameplay".