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  • I'd rather have a reliable and serious game developer pick up the franchise and redo it, this game is seriously outdated and neglected in favour of a complete money grab scheme.
  • I'm sensing a major hit on the player base, have fun playing with your thumbs... Because for a "F2P", game this is being heavily monetized. GL
  • Most sci seem a joke because most players think bidimensionallly instead of thinking tridimensional. Wonder why escorts are so popular... The only thing I agree on with anyone is... make cannon dps en par With beam dps. Was talking to some mates the other day about Picard's deborgification. the battle against the cube…
  • Say what romulans dont have a science ship? Ha'nom, if im not mistaken... is such, or am I drunk while typing this?
  • Beam Array: Fire At Will III *on* I think most of you ppl actually aren't conscious of several things. All of this content and everything in the game is themed in a CBS franchise, ergo approval is most likely needed. Which in turn might warrant limits to the margin of maneuver, creative wise, cryptic staff may have, mainly…
  • Here's an idea, observe the overall team peformance by whatever metrics Cryptic can come up with (not that hard), then add rewards (marks/loot/dillithium) based on the percentage performance according to that criteria. If the leecher got 0 to X% (set by cryptic) out of the global team performance, guess what, the rewards…
  • Shhhh, I think that revamping a already overpopulated class' most recent tact ship is more important than say... stepping back and looking at the crappy skill systems that is gimped past recongnition due to past skill specific nerfs. To me, the only class working as intended is actually tact, Science & Engineering ships…
  • We should get a long chair and several hundreds of books then? I mean you're the developer and you cant even keep track of your own changes? What kind of QA employee do you have working there? The holographic QA kind?
  • Tact captains abilities dont rely on ship power levels as you said (+damage), and even if they did, they're stacked up on Weapon power anyway. Worse since any ship uses weapons to some degree, tact captains get the most benefit with the least effort out of all the classes. Sci captains seem to be the fotm target ever since…
  • I'd rather have a overall system revamp, the current one with the continuous adding of ships, consoles, is just too much for a new 50 character. the system was in place to allow for everyone (at the time of the subscription system) to play on the ship they wanted, how they wanted. Now we have a P2W model (and yes that is…
  • Oh no I think Legacy of Romulus being priced as it is, IS actually a sensible thing to do, its just triple the price ppl pay for example... a full FPS game which has no other payment requirements to play online for as long as the game remains online. Yes, that's a reasonable marketing strategy; which leads me to other…
  • I'd bet on Exploration cruiser retrofit, on KDf side well Varanus is a possiblity, but 2 science vessels in 2 daysin a row on each faction?
  • Tribble coated Starships!