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wolfdelyon Arc User



  • Just finished this story arc. In short - tt's nice, it makes the disdain of the Tal Shiar clear, and it reasonably presents the necessity behind allying with Fed/KDF. However, I do think some small things should be added to the end of the Turning Point mission to make it flow better:* D'Tan should explain better the choice…
  • Hei is all you could find for Finnish players? I'd go with Hyvaa paiva (read "Hu-va pie-va!"), which means good day (much like Bonjour or Guten Tag) in Finnish. (Hey, in this post I used about 10% of my Finnish vocabulary :P)
    in Hello Comment by wolfdelyon March 2013
  • The winter event and first contact day are great in-game "holidays". Any chance of also seeing the Bajorean gratitude festival as an event at some point? I think it will add a lot of Trek to the game, and bring something special to the Bajorean social zone.
  • This happened to me and another player from my fleet too. The response I got from the GM ticket I sent is that they are aware of this problem and the devs are looking into fixing it. Hopefully we'll get a fix soon.
  • Couldn't find it either. Searched everywhere - no account bank on the belfast bridge :confused:.
  • I'm actually pretty happy with PWE compared to other MMO companies. I only tried two of their games (PWI and FW), but both look very nice. On the other hand, I found games like SWTOR and DCUO quite boring and burdensome (from a casual semi-noob perspective). All in all, Cryptic games (STO and CO) were alluring right from…
  • You do know it's an MMO and not a single-player game, right? It makes sense for them to encourage you to play with others and reward cooperation, friendship and community. Not all the rewards need to be based on solo-oriented leveling or gameplay. As for your experience with fleets/guilds - there are some good ones and…
  • You're forgetting that the map represents a 3D world. Think of the map of the world (Earth) - there's this riddle: You go out of your cabin, go half a mile to one direction, turn 90 degrees to the left, go another half-mile, turn left again and go another half-mile and end up at your cabin. You go in, drink tea and…
  • They invest it in all sorts of expenses to keep developing it. There are enough people who really like the game, who think the DOff system was spot-on, who really expect the starbases, and mostly stay away from the forums because they actually PLAY THE GAME instead of asking irrelevant questions. Besides, what do you care…
  • First, without passing any judgement on your intelligence, most CS graduates know barely enough software development to build a simple production-quality business client, let alone a demanding 3D game/simulator/MMO (I know since I actually studied CS and worked in software development for several years). A few classes…
  • I actually think it's not that bad... but there's a CSS fix for FireFox users. I saw some thread about it earlier today. This is a good point - when are we going to see the in-game friends/fleets system integrated with the CORE connect functions? The online/offline thing is just one result of a bigger issue - there's no…