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Ask Cryptic: January 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please!



  • ferowsiferowsi Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    When will we get a trait respec token?
  • paulymanpaulyman Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    So many KDF players would like unique missions not just the same fed missions with their KDF toons playing them. And everybody wants new featured episode missions. I understand that Cryptic is not a huge company and does not have unlimited resources. How to give the players what they want and do it with the employees and budget you have available.

    There are many pretty good foundry authors out there. I am sure many of the more popular foundry authors would jump at the chance to rewrite the klingon missions. I think many of our better authors would be honored to craft the next featured episode. A reward of some sort would be more than what some would even ask for. Something cool like a NPC named after them on DS9 or First City. Of course somebody at Cryptic would have to screen through it and make sure everything was within spec as far as lore canon and the requirements of CBS is concerned.

    We have had player designed ships in game why not player designed missions?
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Sorry if I'm late but I would love to hear an answer to this question...

    How does the process work for a community member suggestion to make it in game? Case in point, 2 years ago or so I asked for the Ferengi Whip to be added as a melee weapon and now we have it. I also suggested that the KDF have playable Ferengi known as marauders, the DOff pack from the Ferengi lockbox for KDF are Marauders!

    While the suggestion of the Ferengi Whip was met by the community with raves of "good suggestion!" the idea of KDF Ferengi was not so well met from the community. (However, I remember DStahl saying he liked the idea!)

    Or even the competition for the Next Enterprise where many of the ship designs were suggested would be used for new ship models.

    So when a player suggests an improvement, change, or idea, who decides or how does it become a viable idea to be in game? And how can the community help or hinder these ideas to becoming active in game?
  • lordtrepidlordtrepid Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am going to keep posting this same question until I get an answer. Will we ever see a proper Carrier Bridge for the Caitian Atrox Carrier? Seeing as it is not designed by Starfleet, it should have a distinct bridge style.
  • shadow4fox3shadow4fox3 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Just wondering if there are any plans to add more bridge layouts to the ships that are in the game. Unique layouts as well for ships that have been bought in the C-Store as well as any that are specials like the breen ship, or those received from the lock boxes or the lobi store.
  • praxi5praxi5 Member Posts: 1,562 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    We get that new features are a ways off, but how about some (Arena) maps?

    Also, any word on when we can expect a Science rebalance, since many skills were made useless with the new skill tree and Rep passives?
  • cyclonis1cyclonis1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've been playing since beta, and have created several sci, eng and tac characters. Having only 3 specs, has made it a little stale.

    Beyond kits and specs, are there an plans to branch out or add specs? I think it would be cool to see Security, Tactical, Operations, Engineering, Science, Medical, and maybe even a Command spec. It might add some variety and diversity to the game. Even if I had to pay for it to be unlocked from the c-store, it would be well worth it in my opinion. Any plans on adding this or an other diversity to the game?

    Also, are there any plans to add more non-borg STFs?
  • seanp84seanp84 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Yes its nice to see "Ask Cryptic" threads contain repeat things like "when are romulans becoming a faction" and "when is kdf going to be fixed" but personally I think it's about time Cryptic answered hard hitting questions regarding users concerns about the game and its future instead of cherry picking questions and forcing silly grinds down our throats.

    Star Trek online has turned from a game that had great potential into something that is a grind fest and a company that wants to nickel and dime you when you get frustrated at the small amount of dilithium you can refine plus not to mention content that looks like it was created within 30 minutes in the foundry by a ten year old.

    My questions to Stahl would be when is the game going to improve and become better instead of having poor content releases and things to make us grind? When are the featured episodes coming back? When are we going to see a substantial increase of proper mission content that's worthy of bring associated to Star Trek instead of running hundreds of stf's to earn gear or do repeat missions on a romulan planet?
  • admiralandyadmiralandy Member Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    When will the Trait Respec be avaliable?

    Will there be a reputation Respec?

    Will these be included separately and/or as a general total character Respec.

    Will these Respecs be added to lifetime subscribers and monthly subscriber rewards as present Respecs are?
  • pwnemesispwnemesis Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    While this may sound like a complaint it actually isn't.

    With the addition of the past issues content, Dilithium has become a high demand commodity. So much so that people are selling Zen to get it (putting its value at an all time low), since it is used now in almost everything.

    Are there any plans to make it easier to get Dilithium aside from doing the same daily missions everyday and are there any plans to increase the amount that can be refined?
  • tuskin67tuskin67 Member Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Any more hints towards what the anniversary event will hold?
  • aaronh42aaronh42 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Andorian Starship?
  • ukdivefireukdivefire Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    With the changes that were made to drops in season 7, it seems that MK XII drops have become far more scarce then they once were, with prices in the exchange seeming to reflect that. Is this rarity as intended or something that will be modified in the future?
  • pwnemesispwnemesis Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hi, Dan can you confirm or deny if

    1) Will we have true AUTO-PILOT by December 31, 2013?

    1) AUTO-PILOT:

    I tell the ship's computer to go to Vulcan but it STOPS at a battle and asks if I want to engage or it STOPS at a merchant and ask if I want to trade, or it STOPS at a sector wall and ask if I wish to cross over. No, no, no, computer. I said Vulcan and meant it. Stop sightseeing and get me to my destination, please. I know work is being down to lower the sector wall completely. Fine and good, but until then we could still have sector walls, only when the ship needs to cross sectors, it automatically does so. Now if you want to get fancy and give us the option to turn on or off to skip waypoints, battles, merchants, etc. then I wouldn't object.

    Hit [ESC] key.
    Click "Options"
    Goto Tab "Controls" on popup.
    Find "Keep moving during contact dialogs"
    Select "on" setting.
    Click "OK" button on bottom of popup.
  • jorumgandrjorumgandr Member Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Klingon starships. actual KDF vessels, designed by Klingons, are we going see anymore of them? as much as I like seeing other races bringing their sunday best to the T5 section, I would like to know if the KDF ship yards will be hauling out more of their good stuff.
  • natthaannatthaan Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    1) will we ever see Borg in the c-store to play with every species,as humans and klingons are not the only race to ever get assimilated by the borg.

    2) Will we see Ganham style as a dance move in emotions?
  • wolfdelyonwolfdelyon Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The winter event and first contact day are great in-game "holidays". Any chance of also seeing the Bajorean gratitude festival as an event at some point? I think it will add a lot of Trek to the game, and bring something special to the Bajorean social zone.
  • benkenobi09benkenobi09 Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    When will the Tau Dawa Sector Block with all the planets and systems can used in a foundry mission? And, what can we expect for the anniversary special of Star Trek Online?
  • sirrichardbuttsirrichardbutt Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hey. Long time reader, first time question asker.

    What are YOU most looking forward to in the future?

    I've really enjoyed the new costumes via the Lobi and Winter Wonderland stores. Any chance of us being given hints on when more are to come?
  • athourstathourst Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Any plans on adding in the Dual Quantum torpedo Launcher's for the defiant?
  • jaykehpuppehjaykehpuppeh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm not sure if someone has already asked this, in this round of questions - But I really think its just an important detail as the Klingon Storyline is, or the rest of the 'big' items, that should've been finished already.

    The Skants? When? Why are we still waiting? For those of us, whom see Star Trek as what it is - Equality among the stars. Such a uniform really does finally take that step, and give us, for once, the unisex threads we've been waiting for. Honestly, there is a really sad separation between the Uniforms in-game. The Womens Uniforms have open collars, with chest visibly seen; yet the mens don't. Wheres the logic in that? Can only women have flesh slowing, and men can't? Lets face it, its sexist. I'd much rather being able to wear my sierra 1 uniform, without a thick undershirt. Or at least given the choice, so people can remove it, if they'd like.

    Yes, the TOS Wrap-around has the chest showing. But compare that to all the female options.

    TNG showed, that Gender Equality had been in full effect for a long time. So why has it taken so long for you guys to bring them out? Hell, even make ALL the current uniforms unisex? I can understand there would have to be re-works done on the Biosuit, and T'Pol's jumpsuit to fit a male physique. In the end, it comes down to people whinging about not wanting to see a man doing this, or blah blah blah.

    C'mon Cryptic! Make the stand with us open minded people; this is what Trek is about.

    Thanks mate/'s,
  • mc2014mc2014 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    When will players expect to see more interior designs for starships such as bridges, corridors, sickbay, shuttlebay and the ability to explore more decks on your personal starship? Will interior layouts be customizable? And if so, how flexible will it be?
  • snipe048snipe048 Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hey Dstahl! Always nice to see an ask Cryptic :D

    I have 2 questions:

    1. Are there any plans to add more ship costumes to the C-Store in the (semi-near) future?

    2. Has the Jupiter class Dreadnought come up for Consideration, to be added as a Tier 6 ship down the line?

    Founder and Current CO of Gamma Strike Force

    Player since December 2009
  • turalyon2011turalyon2011 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Please can we have more Ships, Boff and Doff sloth there so many lock box ships and the few from lobi stores i don't want to delete them away.
  • moody83moody83 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Could you make it possible to trade lobi between characters?
    My wallet has just put you on indefinite probation!!!!
  • brickyardbrickyard Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited January 2013

    We already can buy more doff-slots to extend the doff-roster and get more doff mission slots. Wouldn't it be a nice idea to extend the Space/Ground stations as well?

    If I play against other player(s) PvP wise, I would like to see some loot drops from whoever didn't survived the match. The loot should be level equivalent and also give a reasonable chance to drop the same target's consoles/weapons and even some marks/dilithium. Just to reward playing PvP a bit more.

    Happy New Year!
    P2W is Pay to Play for me, what else? Duh! :D
  • meurikmeurik Member Posts: 856 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    pwnemesis wrote: »
    Hit [ESC] key.
    Click "Options"
    Goto Tab "Controls" on popup.
    Find "Keep moving during contact dialogs"
    Select "on" setting.
    Click "OK" button on bottom of popup.

    This solution doesn't solve the underlying problem:

    1. I leave from "Earth", with the intent on traveling to "Deep Space Nine" in the "Beta Ursae Sector Block".
    2. To do so, I need to first leave the "Sol System", confirm transfer.
    3. Upon entering the "Sirius Sector Block", I need to set a destination for the "Beta Ursae Sector Block".
    4. Due to proximity, i'll first get a popup on if I want to enter the "Delta Volanis" cluster, I DO NOT.
    5. Finally, upon hitting the wall leading into it, I confirm transfer into "Beta Ursae Sector Block".
    6. Upon entering the "Beta Ursae Sector Block", I need to set a destination for "Deep Space Nine".
    7. Arriving at "Deep Space Nine" in the "Beta Ursae Sector Block", I need to hit a button to first enter the "Deep Space Nine" system.
    8. Upon entering the "Deep Space Nine" system, I need to set a destination for the station itself.
    9. Arriving at the station, it asks me if I want to dock, and in this case I most certainly do.


    So after 9 long steps in order to travel from Earth to Deep Space Nine, one could possibly imagine that there should be a SIGNIFICANTLY easier method to this madness. Couple of ideas:

    1. Allow travel via "Galaxy Map", setting destination as Deep Space Nine, ship enters DS9 system on it's own, without ANY additional popups asking you to confirm map transfers.

    2. If a system contains a social hub, allow travel directly into said hub without having to first enter the system which contains the hub. In other words, from "Beta Ursae Sector Block", allow transfer directly onto Deep Space Nine station. Or from "Sirius Sector Block", allow transfer directly onto Earth Space Dock, or Starfleet Academy.

    Your above solution only solves the issue of the ship stopping at every useless NPC popup. It does not allow for a true "autopilot" from place to place, without interruption.
  • cobanatorcobanator Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    PvP please tell us PvPer that have been waiting since the start of the game if there is any PvP updates please and thank you
  • kkingrulzzkkingrulzz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I am eager to know what will be coming in season 8, i remember you said that romulans and cardassians will become a playable faction, can you give us any more details?
  • lolimpicardlolimpicard Member Posts: 309
    edited January 2013
    Is there any ETA on the patch to fix the model data issues that have come up with the renderer improvements?

    I hope that's not too technical, I tried to formulate the question in a marketing friendly way.

    I'm referring to the black polygons due to flipped surface normals (or what).
    The overwhelming majority of ships still have these issues.
    He's dead, Jim.
This discussion has been closed.