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willdekay Arc User



  • I started the Q's Winterfest on the second day thanks to patching nightmares and my first day of doing the Rescue the Gingerbread Colony 90% of the time one player takes off and leaves the rest of us to battle the snowmen while they get an exclusive hidden gift. Leaving the group to pursue a selfish gain is rude and…
  • If any of you have done the Defend the Gingerbread Colony mission yet, here's a scenario that happens about 90% of the time. The gate opens and usually just one of our five players takes off immediately toward the hidden present. He/She doesn't defend or kill they just head ASAP to the little green circle on the mini-map…
  • "Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations" A tenant created in the world of Star Trek and belief that Gene Rodenberry actively promoted in his show. Diversity comes in all forms and as Star Trek fans why aren't we ask to challenge ourselves to be more accepting of others. I for one appreciated the words shared by the…
  • I think the teaser is fun. It's designed to drum up speculation and encourage your attendence to the coming events. People get so caught up on what they want, they forget to just enjoy the ride.
  • Yesterday's Enterprise was one of me and my son's favorite episodes so "Temporal Ambassador" was a blast to do as well as a much desired ship to add to the canon collection. Just awesome work guys!!! The new party popper is a hoot. It cracks me up so many players think the balloons are causing lag, instead of the massive…
  • I have to say the little mini-party Qs are hilarious!
  • What made STO such a fun game was it's diversity of play. When something broke, you could always level another way and I appreciated that. After becoming Free-to-Play the helm of this company turned sharply to methods designed to get a gather more numbers and I understood that given today's economic woes. However, the…
  • Not one glitch this morning with the Fleet Mark dailies so just wanted to say thanks. I know it's got to be tough working on an ever evolving and ever expanding universe. Your efforts are appreciated!!!
  • The "Conduct Purser Duties" is still broken as of 7/25/2012 on the Klingon side; I just completed it on the FED side for the first time today; it's been broken in the past. I've only experienced the glitch with Bekks not showing up once, but all I did is beam out and beam back in and that fixed it. I did the same with the…