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What is the Arc Client?
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vtbmac07 Arc User



  • The character models in STO don't have moving mouths. None of them. STO isn't like Skyrim or other games of that ilk where such detail is necessary.
  • Where would be the best place to pick up Diplomacy missions? I'm trying to do those so I can get the transwarp locations opened up.
  • I'm having the same problem. No matter how I set everything, it reverts on my next login. I've even found a prefs file in the game folders that has my chosen video settings in it, from how I set them in the game, but none of it is carrying over. [Edit]I just looked in the PWE forums, and someone posted a solution that…
  • When you say the "Steam Launcher," do you mean the STO Launcher with the login on it?
  • You can't install the game without ARC, but you can run it without opening ARC if you use the executable from the install folder. Just go to where the game is installed, and run Star Trek Online.exe The only time I can't run the game this way is when a patch is released, and on those days I run the launcher through ARC to…
  • http://fsd.trekships.org/art/1701.html This link actually details in Matt Jeffrey's own words why he designed the original Enterprise the way he did. Really interesting stuff. There are pages for each of the main ships from the series'. Nothing on ships from other factions, though.
  • Got an upside-down LCARS at the back of the new Origins bridge.