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vizh20 Arc User



  • The extra payment is third party, meaning Ultimate Game Card themselves are charging you extra. That money's gone unless you give them their cut. That's probably a lot of the reason the bonus (that seems to be broken for me since I never got it) is in place.
  • Those aren't "proof", those are just accusations. I also note that nothing in those accusations is actually trolling or griefing. It's just "wahh, people are acting weird around me and its breaking my immersion". Simply more mewling from the minority of oversensitive RPers
  • May we have a link to the quote? I'm doubting it can be provided as the standard response in asking for any proof of this hearsay has always been a deafening silence. Even if it were true that a single individual in the developer's organization felt that way, it's quite clear that such extreme, draconian measures have not…
  • Starfleet Dental is the 1980's Frat Movie hero to the unhinged fascist's stuffy College Dean. *tries to see how many players can fit in the Drozana light fixture* DENTAL HOUUUUUUUUUUUSE! *shakes fist*
  • The Elephant in the room here is the unexamined fact, as I have stated numerous times, that the accusations are so incredibly vague. "Griefing" "Ruining Immersion", "Harrassment". The reason that such broad strokes are being used is because the few times that the apparent "crimes" of the fleet in question are described,…
  • Interesting plan. You whould have a special costume for the fleets you dislike, and a separate instance for them, one might say they'd be "Concentrated" there.
  • How would you tell fleets apart then, or even (as you call it) "griefers", should they wear a separate outfit so they can be spotted and avoided? Perhaps a specific insignia on their uniform?
  • I'm seeing more "Weasel Words" like "everyone knows" and the like. The lies continue. I've got a terrible laptop and reasonable but not minimal graphics settings. The balloons crash nothing. Also, say you're on a Gateway 2000 from Buck-a-Day and it does in fact slow down, there's a difference between "framerate slowdown"…
  • Crashing the game? Seriously? Crashing the game? Thirty "idiots"? (oh look, another TOS violation) Known issue? Known to whom? I haven't seen it. Can you provide documentation on this issue? Perhaps a link to a support thread with Cryptic confirmation? Or are you just making up more conspiracy theories to justify your own…
  • So it appears to me we're being presented with both sides of an argument on what's killing RP. a) People busy with LoR, some (hopefully temporary) instancing changes, and general bad behavior among "serious" RPers b) A single fleet wearing the wrong clothing and using social items. Side A) Has the circumstantial evidence…
  • Am I seriously seeing an "I'd beat you up in real life" post? Are mine eyes deceiving me?
  • Games will never contact you by email and ask you to take any action, anything like that is a phishing attempt. If STO really wanted to offer something, they'd create an in-game event to claim a prize.
  • So wait, wait, hold on...so people who aren't violating any terms of service and are playing the game completely within the rules are trying to hide themselves from screenshots? Even when a simple mouseover or click would still identify them? I've heard a lot of insane things in this thread, but this has to rank in the top…
  • I once again ask those people making accusations to actually describe said actions that are violations of the terms of service or aggressive behavior. Right now what I am seeing is a redefinition of "griefing" and "trolling" being tortuously bent to justify what is frankly some very appalling abuse of posters on this…
  • http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=10239281&postcount=2492 Note that danqueller was coming up with insane conspiracy theories about a certain fleet being responsible for the login queues during the LoR launch. One should consider a) the BLATANT breach of the Terms of Service and b) how completely crazy this…
  • All I am seeing here is more statements of ownership and vague, alarmist accusations. I can only guess that the "disruption" was simply using emotes and social items around you while you feel you were entitled to a public space. Were there any actual misconduct around Devs, there would certainly be some type of…
  • No "game". I am simply pointing out the utter hypocrisy on display when you accuse people of trolling by engaging them with insults and verbal abuse. It's frankly appalling and perhaps indicative of the causes of any negative interactions you may have had with players in the past. Edit: sollvax: If in fact this really did…
  • It's funny you are accusing people of trolls while verbally abusing them when they're speaking politely.
  • Thanks for your well-thought out reply, I can see you're just giving your own two cents (although we may disagree, which is fine.) and not attempting to smear anyone, and I really appreciate that. The fleet in question is actually roleplaying. It might be sillier, "wackier" roleplaying, but the group of players are…
  • Would you mind being more specific? How is anyone conducting themselves inappropriately? They're simply responding to a very small minority of the STO community who have taken it upon themselves to spread disinformation. You saw yourself if you've read the entire thread that our main detractor here was lying the entire…
  • Wait wait wait wait wait waiiiiit...... Caught this gem from earlier in the thread. So you're not an RPer but you're the head of RP for your fleet? I'm seeing some major contradictions here. This certainly points to a dishonest smear campaign.
  • So you're admitting you're being immediately hostile to a complete stranger because they're affiliated with a group? That sounds a lot like irrational hatred to me. I also see that it seems the GM disagrees with your perception of events, as we have had no members banned in a very long time. Our organization has very…
  • We're simply fighting against a campaign of misinformation and propaganda, and although yes, that is responding to the trolls, you'll see the "reputation" we have garnered has been entirely due to that campaign. We can't stay silent forever while our good name is tarnished again and again.
  • You never started out being civil, you simply came out the gate with libellous accusations from the very start. Again you're basically proving the point we are making with what you're saying. You have your own personal definition of what "RP" is an wish to impose it upon other people, all social areas, and the general…
  • Not to mention the new instancing, which prevents people from meeting to socialize.
  • Starting Arguments - "Disagreeing with me" Spamming - "Saying Anything I don't like" "Other Disruptive Behavior" - "Doing Anything I don't like" You characterize (knowingly, deceptively and maliciously) the actions of these players as "against" anyone. They're particle effects, they're jokes being told, they're (often)…
  • More "Naming and Shaming". Notice how the apparent "Troll Griefer Hacker Fleet" follows the forum rules, unlike certain people on the other side of the issue. Once again, this comes down to "define trolling". Apparently dancing is trolling. Apparently particle effects are trolling. Apparently having the wrong Fleet name…
  • The reputation exists because a small number of these individuals have done everything in their power to create a public perception of the fleet as some kind of cabal of griefers. People accuse us of being behind server outages, fleet bugs, all kinds of things. Whenever an issue arises, "blame *that* fleet" becomes the…
  • Wow. The "Naming and Shaming" continues against a fleet that's done nothing wrong. Once again, a group of totalitarian extremists have decided anything that isn't being a "background extra" in their own personal Mary Sue fanfic is "trolling" or "harassment". The libellous smear campaign by a small group of unhinged,…
  • I'm having the same issue, and it's been solidly that way for about a week and a bit. Character is Jerry Dougal Started in Starfleet Dental, left fleet to join Shutup Wesley, rejoined Dental, left again to do some business. When I tried to rejoin, the invite came through, I accepted, but there was no effect. Attempts today…