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valtorius Arc User



  • I have taken a lot of these suggestions to hear and changed some stuff around...but I really don't see FAW III doing a whole lot. When I use Overload III, I see damage. Since I have been using Tertryon, I have gotten lucky a few times and incinerated someone's shields just as my HY Torps got there. I understand that FAW…
  • As a player new to PVP....I honestly think PVP is dead. WHat new player would want to try it more than a few times? In most other games where they have PVP "Arena" type matches, there is some semblance of a Tier/ranking system even at the later levels to reflect equipped gear and so on. There is no balance here. Even on…
  • I've heard a lot of good things about the Fleet Excelsior, but my Fleet is a small group of high school friends of only which 2-4 are active daily...and we are a way off from getting any good fleet ships.
  • Honestly...because I am stubborn. I just willy nilly began doing reputation missions and ended up picking Nukara for my Tactical Officer. I figured that after I did all that work....I'm using the frickin beams for a while.
  • I'm fooling around with some set ups and seeing what I like. I might, for the first time, go with no torps like you said (although I will miss seeing my VATA torps follow the enemy for minutes as they around them).
  • Cool, thanks for the info. It's not like I will be getting those Doffs anytime soon...I was just wondering and trying to plan for the future. My original plan was to use tetryon and pop through peoples shields quicker than Ron Jermey through an condom he bought in India....and then smash them with a HY salvo and that whole…
  • Thanks. Now I understand the whole shield penetration thing better. If you had a choice, would you use Overload Beams III of FAW III in a PVP Match Because have access to both.
  • I have rare (blue) Mk X anti proton consoles...but I am still torn. And that was sort of always my plan with the Tetryon...smash shields like no other system can and then launch a volley of HY quantums. I might still decide this is the way to go...I am messing with my BOs and trying to figure it out.
  • Thanks you for that info. I might just take that beam off....(at some point I know I am just being stubborn keeping it on, I just don't want to admit that I really wasted a lot of time getting it). I have limited access to better weaponry...but I do have 5 Mk XI anti-proton dual cannons I might switch over to.
  • Thank you...so Overload beam activates with the next beam....rapid fire is for all cannons for a short length of time. Am I correct on this? And do you think mixing things up like this is a good idea because I have seen some limited success in PVP with this. I had The Hyper dual beam, 3 dual cannons, and a quantum in the…
  • Yeah, starting to notice a lot of people don't use it often. I thought maybe that would work out to my advantage in PVP since no one is likely to be using anything with Tetryon resists. I have the Avenger (non-fleet) with all Tetryon and some so-so gear that I have PVPed in, and so far...eh. But realizing how TRIBBLE the…
  • Hey Matt, thanks for the tip. I was browsing posts about the same problems roughly two days ago and changed my proxy server setting. It worked wonderfully and I was able to do a whole fleet action....and then it began lagging out again. I was disheartened to say the least because I thought I had figured out the problem.…
  • Thanks. I ran a trace a couple of days ago and sent the info to Cryptic. I can understand your stance on this not being STO's fault but the server....but from how I understood it...they are the ones who have a contract with CONGENTCO. Regardless, it is STO that is getting my money our money so I feel that they should be…
  • Speaking of jumping to the easiest conclusion...did you read the part where I said I ran a trace and sent them the information...because you seemed to have made a jump yourself. So thanks.
  • Ok, I concede then. You are definitely more well versed in the STO forum workforce and guidelines. As far as this being an "I quit post" or as to it being erased because of the content...I have listed my grievances to STO and am have had no response...so what is my recourse. The one time I had a problem with billing I…
  • I didn't say I quit...I am just not paying for substandard services anymore, and I don't know of too many successful businesses how let their whole workforce off for the holidays, especially customer service reps. And if they remove this post...I guess they are not all on vacation, which makes them not responding to my…
  • Microsoft Windows [Version 6.2.9200] (c) 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Users\adria_000>tracert patchserver.crypticstudios.com Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 4 ms 2 ms 4 ms homeportal [] 2 * 29 ms 29 ms…
  • Same here. Never had one instance in lag for the last month I have been playing. Then yesterday around noon I started getting random server unresponsive messages that would last anywhere from 15 to 100 seconds and would be booted off the server and it has been unplayable since. I play PlanetSide 2 and WarThunder just fine…