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Avenger with beams

valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
edited February 2014 in PvP Gameplay
Hey everyone. I asked some questions in the General threads earlier and people were generally helpful and I had some questions about PVP?

First off...when people are talking about vaping...am I correct in assuming that is short for vaporizing aka insta-kill aka insta-pop?

Next...I have an Avenger (non-fleet) and this character is a tact officer and I am currently using some Nukara stuff (I know, not everyones favorite...but I did the work to get Tier 5, so I am going to use them for a while. But here is my big question.

Do the buffs that Duty Officers give for shield penetration stack? Are there stacking penalties? Because I already have Overload beams III and Directed Energy Mod III...and those purple Energy Weapon duty officers (not that I have any yet) give a 35% shield penetration. So if you run all 3 officers, even without DEM, would I be assured shield penetration every time at over 100%? Seems weird, but I have had matches where regardless of if I had shield buffs and reverse shield polarity running.....damage bled through to my haul with a quickness. Heck, a few times my shields weren't even harmed and I blew up.

Also...do you find the the special ability items that come with Zen ships to be worth equipping in PVP? For instance, my avenger comes with a special universal console that fires these dual torps. Are they worth bringing into the battle zone?

Lastly, whether running a beam set up or cannons....in a PVP match, does anyone use or recommend using powers/abilities that hit multiple targets like torp spread of beam fire at will or scatter volley...or do you vets really just concentrate on alpha strike/single target abilities?

Post edited by valtorius on


  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    valtorius wrote: »
    Hey everyone.

    valtorius wrote: »
    First off...when people are talking about vaping...am I correct in assuming that is short for vaporizing aka insta-kill aka insta-pop?

    valtorius wrote: »
    Next...I have an Avenger (non-fleet) and this character is a tact officer

    Do the buffs that Duty Officers give for shield penetration stack? Are there stacking penalties?

    They can stack, but as they are percentage based to proc they do not always stack.

    valtorius wrote: »
    Because I already have Overload beams III and Directed Energy Mod III...and those purple Energy Weapon duty officers (not that I have any yet) give a 35% shield penetration. So if you run all 3 officers, even without DEM, would I be assured shield penetration every time at over 100%?

    The only part that will stack is the amount of penetration if more than one DOFF procs.

    The DOFF chance to proc is not additive, each one is "rolled" separately.

    So they can stack, but they don't always stack.

    valtorius wrote: »
    Also...do you find the the special ability items that come with Zen ships to be worth equipping in PVP?

    Depends on the console, but generally no. Specifically for the Avenger, no not really.

    The Tachyon effect that runs off of Shield Command is decent, but 3 minutes is a long time to wait.

    valtorius wrote: »
    Lastly, whether running a beam set up or cannons....in a PVP match, does anyone use or recommend using powers/abilities that hit multiple targets like torp spread of beam fire at will or scatter volley...or do you vets really just concentrate on alpha strike/single target abilities?


    It depends on the build.

    Right now FAW is in a crazy place, it does probably too much damage to too many targets.

    If you're running all beams though you really don't have a choice but to run FAW for consistent output.
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014


    They can stack, but as they are percentage based to proc they do not always stack.

    The only part that will stack is the amount of penetration if more than one DOFF procs.

    The DOFF chance to proc is not additive, each one is "rolled" separately.

    So they can stack, but they don't always stack.

    Depends on the console, but generally no. Specifically for the Avenger, no not really.

    The Tachyon effect that runs off of Shield Command is decent, but 3 minutes is a long time to wait.

    It depends on the build.

    Right now FAW is in a crazy place, it does probably too much damage to too many targets.

    If you're running all beams though you really don't have a choice but to run FAW for consistent output.

    Thanks. Now I understand the whole shield penetration thing better. If you had a choice, would you use Overload Beams III of FAW III in a PVP Match Because have access to both.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    valtorius wrote: »
    Thanks. Now I understand the whole shield penetration thing better. If you had a choice, would you use Overload Beams III of FAW III in a PVP Match Because have access to both.

    It's two very different build directions.

    Although I would first prioritize taking APO 1 over either FAW 3 or BO 3.

    APO 1 + FAW 2 or BO 2 will be equal to or better in terms of output, but also has enough other benefits to make it the better choice.

    You definitely want that.

    If you want to run all beam arrays, you'll want to go with FAW.

    If you want to do something different to get mileage out of BO you would want to mix cannons + 1 DBB or I suppose 1 BA for BO + CRF.
  • antoniosalieriantoniosalieri Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The penetration doffs are not the way to go on a cruiser. Tac team will wipe the pen debuff. You will notice everyone and his monkey runs 2 copies of Tac team.

    That doff really only shines imo on a Vaper build you where talking about... many people use those doffs. They sit and wait though for peoples tac team to expire and attack just as it does so people can't clear the debuff.

    Trying to time that with weapon cycles always going on a cruiser would be very hard.
    Dignity and an empty sack is worth the sack.
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The penetration doffs are not the way to go on a cruiser. Tac team will wipe the pen debuff. You will notice everyone and his monkey runs 2 copies of Tac team.

    That doff really only shines imo on a Vaper build you where talking about... many people use those doffs. They sit and wait though for peoples tac team to expire and attack just as it does so people can't clear the debuff.

    Trying to time that with weapon cycles always going on a cruiser would be very hard.

    Cool, thanks for the info. It's not like I will be getting those Doffs anytime soon...I was just wondering and trying to plan for the future. My original plan was to use tetryon and pop through peoples shields quicker than Ron Jermey through an condom he bought in India....and then smash them with a HY salvo and that whole avenger VATA thing. It has worked a few times. But the timing is tricky and the VATA has that 3 min cool down.

    I'm just not sure whether to use Over load of FAW or both. When I undock, I can use Overload III and then hover over my beams with the cursor and see exactly how much my damage increases. FAW does not do that...it just gives a generic description of "moderate damage to multiple targets".
  • corbinwolf#9797 corbinwolf Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    valtorius wrote: »
    I'm just not sure whether to use Over load of FAW or both. When I undock, I can use Overload III and then hover over my beams with the cursor and see exactly how much my damage increases. FAW does not do that...it just gives a generic description of "moderate damage to multiple targets".

    As mentioned above, FAW itself actually gives more DPS at the moment. Some have argued that FAW is finally working the way it should whilst others are already calling for it to be nerfed. BOIII is a nice tac skill but in PVP, at least at the moment, your DPS isn't as high. Part of what amplifies FAW's power is the A2B build with three purple doffs and the marion doffs. Get some spire tactical consoles as well to max dps.

    At the moment I run TT/B/FAWIII. You could also substitute Attack Pattern Beta with BO or FAW and have the two cycling or choose one then sub FAWIII with Omega. Or keep the set up and put the ensign slot as either BOI or FAWI.

    Unfortunately, torpedoes in general are pointless for the most part in PVP, particularly slow one's like the VATA. The only people I know who run Torp boats in PVP are carriers who are outfitted to spot cloaked ships and hence attack when theyknow their target shields are down.
    "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." - Rocky Balboa (2006)
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    As mentioned above, FAW itself actually gives more DPS at the moment. Some have argued that FAW is finally working the way it should whilst others are already calling for it to be nerfed. BOIII is a nice tac skill but in PVP, at least at the moment, your DPS isn't as high. Part of what amplifies FAW's power is the A2B build with three purple doffs and the marion doffs. Get some spire tactical consoles as well to max dps.

    At the moment I run TT/B/FAWIII. You could also substitute Attack Pattern Beta with BO or FAW and have the two cycling or choose one then sub FAWIII with Omega. Or keep the set up and put the ensign slot as either BOI or FAWI.

    Unfortunately, torpedoes in general are pointless for the most part in PVP, particularly slow one's like the VATA. The only people I know who run Torp boats in PVP are carriers who are outfitted to spot cloaked ships and hence attack when theyknow their target shields are down.

    I'm fooling around with some set ups and seeing what I like. I might, for the first time, go with no torps like you said (although I will miss seeing my VATA torps follow the enemy for minutes as they around them).
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I wonder why so many people use beams on the Avenger when you can do the same layout with the Fleet Regent and be tankier. Avenger is just for DHC.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I wonder why so many people use beams on the Avenger when you can do the same layout with the Fleet Regent and be tankier. Avenger is just for DHC.

    Honestly...because I am stubborn. I just willy nilly began doing reputation missions and ended up picking Nukara for my Tactical Officer. I figured that after I did all that work....I'm using the frickin beams for a while.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I wonder why so many people use beams on the Avenger when you can do the same layout with the Fleet Regent and be tankier. Avenger is just for DHC.

    its got a better turn rate, and a universal LT that you can actually use, unlike the regent. especially if you dont want to run AtB
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014
    its got a better turn rate, and a universal LT that you can actually use, unlike the regent. especially if you dont want to run AtB
    Fleet Excelsior is also a really good alternative to the avenger. I switched from fleet avenger to fleet excel this weekend. Basically Excel has same console layout (4 tac consoles like a boss) and almost the same boff layout (i think it sacrifices an ensign tac for an ensign engi) but keeps the same shield mod, and has a lot more hull. With 2 Mk XI advanced neutroniums+turn and the bioneural and assimilated module, I got 62k hull. Not bad at all. I love my excel :D:D:D
  • rmxiiirmxiii Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    Fleet Excelsior is also a really good alternative to the avenger. I switched from fleet avenger to fleet excel this weekend. Basically Excel has same console layout (4 tac consoles like a boss) and almost the same boff layout (i think it sacrifices an ensign tac for an ensign engi) but keeps the same shield mod, and has a lot more hull. With 2 Mk XI advanced neutroniums+turn and the bioneural and assimilated module, I got 62k hull. Not bad at all. I love my excel :D:D:D

    SO very true I have some buyers remorse over my Avenger cause of how awesome the Excelsior has been for me. Of course running Fleet Excelsior with A2B here and the increased hull over avenger is nice. Main differences is Avenger has base turn of 9 and an Eng Tac BOFF slot and can equip dual heavy cannons while the old reliable Excelsior has a base turn rate of and that Ens BOFF slot is Engineering and no dual heavy cannons. And a nice side note, it is nice to be able to transwarp nearly any sector most of the time as well.
  • orondisorondis Member Posts: 1,447 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    Fleet Excelsior is also a really good alternative to the avenger. I switched from fleet avenger to fleet excel this weekend. Basically Excel has same console layout (4 tac consoles like a boss) and almost the same boff layout (i think it sacrifices an ensign tac for an ensign engi) but keeps the same shield mod, and has a lot more hull. With 2 Mk XI advanced neutroniums+turn and the bioneural and assimilated module, I got 62k hull. Not bad at all. I love my excel :D:D:D

    I don't really find much use in three ensign engineer slots. Heck I don't find much use for two.
    Previously Alendiak
    Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
    Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    orondis wrote: »
    I don't really find much use in three ensign engineer slots. Heck I don't find much use for two.

    It can work on a very different sort of build.

    For example DMG Control DOFFs, then you can slot 2x 1 EPTx and 1x a different EPTx while still having all of your aux, 2x Lt, 1x Ltc and 1x CMD Eng slot open.

    That's enough for RSP, ES, Aux to SIF and 1 optional power like AID, DEM, EWP, etc.

    So if you wanted to run a beam boat that has at least a moderately good offense but also has enough slots left to support-heal, it's a solid direction.

    For the A2B version you pick up ET 1 which functions as a cleanse and a secondary, aux independent, hull heal. It's not as bad as people think, really.
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I've heard a lot of good things about the Fleet Excelsior, but my Fleet is a small group of high school friends of only which 2-4 are active daily...and we are a way off from getting any good fleet ships.
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014
    orondis wrote: »
    I don't really find much use in three ensign engineer slots. Heck I don't find much use for two.
    For me, I love the 3rd engi slot, In fact i bought some more boff slots specifically for it. I run a dual aux2batt and emptw3 build, so before I activate aux2bat, i pop empta1 if possible. Really helps keep my wep power up :D

    Also the good thing about aux2bat builds is your shield power is constantly around 120-125. I really irritate the romulan vaper in my fleet by popping empts and aux2batt and shrug off his attack with tt1.
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It can work on a very different sort of build.

    For example DMG Control DOFFs, then you can slot 2x 1 EPTx and 1x a different EPTx while still having all of your aux, 2x Lt, 1x Ltc and 1x CMD Eng slot open.

    That's enough for RSP, ES, Aux to SIF and 1 optional power like AID, DEM, EWP, etc.

    So if you wanted to run a beam boat that has at least a moderately good offense but also has enough slots left to support-heal, it's a solid direction.

    For the A2B version you pick up ET 1 which functions as a cleanse and a secondary, aux independent, hull heal. It's not as bad as people think, really.

    the ET1 the excelsior gets is why the excelsior is better then the regent. whats an AtB beam boat need other then FAW2, APO1 or APB1, FAW3? if your dead set on useing EPtW3, the excelsior not a good choice, you cant basically. but if you want to do that your better off using a COM, LTC eng tac cruiser for that, but none have more then 3 tac consoles. but ET1 is better then people think, even on an AtB build just HE2 is often not enough hull heal. you dont need TT as often as you think, only when your getting hit by a cannon related alpha do you need TT. hitting TSS and turning will take care of you well enough most of the rest of the time.
  • ussultimatumussultimatum Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    the ET1 the excelsior gets is why the excelsior is better then the regent. whats an AtB beam boat need other then FAW2, APO1 or APB1, FAW3?

    For Avenger & FACR typically I'd run:

    BFAW 1 > APD or APB 1 > APO 1
    TT 1

    So while I technically take a lower tier FAW, every time I use FAW either APO or APB/D are also up.

    That also allows me to either make up the difference or create some vulnerability options for my team mates to take advantage of whether that's Escorts, Vapers or even hull bleed focused GW / TBR Sci ships or other FAW boats.

    Otherwise, I would just run the Galor for it's top tier layout before I ran the Excelsior with it's ENG Ensign.

    Though I think we both agree that ET 1 is not bad to have by any means, and can actually be a good reserve skill.
  • redz4twredz4tw Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014
    the ET1 the excelsior gets is why the excelsior is better then the regent. whats an AtB beam boat need other then FAW2, APO1 or APB1, FAW3? if your dead set on useing EPtW3, the excelsior not a good choice, you cant basically. but if you want to do that your better off using a COM, LTC eng tac cruiser for that, but none have more then 3 tac consoles. but ET1 is better then people think, even on an AtB build just HE2 is often not enough hull heal. you dont need TT as often as you think, only when your getting hit by a cannon related alpha do you need TT. hitting TSS and turning will take care of you well enough most of the rest of the time.
    So EMPTW3 is not a good skill?
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    So EMPTW3 is not a good skill?

    i was saying you cant use a version 3 EPt skills if your ship has 3 ENS eng. i cant recall how many exactly, but hear EPtW3 has about 2 or 3 tac consoles worth of buffing over EPtW1, or something.
  • rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I wonder why so many people use beams on the Avenger when you can do the same layout with the Fleet Regent and be tankier. Avenger is just for DHC.

    Tanky is a relative term really. I use a bfaw setup on the most nimble cruiser ive ever played. It can chase down and outmaneuver most ships on the field (save speedtanking escorts) with ease.

    Movement is king in PvP you should know that. +2 turn, better engine power bonus, better inertia, better forward facing weapons layout, same shield mod, -1000 hull.

    Yeah im going with the Avenger over the Regent any day of the week.
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
  • valtoriusvaltorius Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have taken a lot of these suggestions to hear and changed some stuff around...but I really don't see FAW III doing a whole lot. When I use Overload III, I see damage. Since I have been using Tertryon, I have gotten lucky a few times and incinerated someone's shields just as my HY Torps got there. I understand that FAW does more DPS over all since you can be hitting multiple targets...but that DPS spread out across 2-4 enemies since trivia. Am I wrong?
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