The Enterprise Relaunch Book series goes into detail about the Romulan War that explains the hows and why's of everything asked in the opening post. It's a good series so check it out from your local library.
True, but when was the last time any company spelled out the changes in a ToS on the front page with a big bolded "ToS Changes" telling the customer exactly what those changes were? Because according to the ruling that exact action is what is required to make the changed ToS legally binding. ;) And sry didn't notice that…
Interesting fact about ToS, any click to agree ToS that changes their terms without spelling out exactly what those changes were in a front page announcement is rendered no longer legally binding in the United States. :P There was a court ruling on it a couple years back.
You know if everyone on this thread went out and bought 100 shares of Perfect World Stock they could get together elect a spokesman and order Perfect World not to push through ARC.
I have noticed sometimes my autoattack stops attacking, but I find that is mostly because of mobs not staying targeted once I select them. It is especially bad when I try to tab target. :mad:
What is their obsession with 40 hours? I mean we are going to spend like 2 months just to get to the rep level to unlock the gear then they want us to spend another 2 days to make a single piece of it?
It only seems to happen when you click confirm on the opps report. So instead use the minimize button at the upper right of the popup window to close them at all times.
If people really want to be able to tell Cryptic and PW what to do they just need to buy 1 share of their stock. At which point as a shareholder you can contact and order them to give you a rundown of their business plans for this game. If enough people were to do that the player base could literally take control of the…
Because I can't name a dozen or so games that failed trying to foist the Asian business model on a western audience. They need to understand it just doesn't work in any sustainable way.
I dont think they thought this through very well. If Dilithium becomes more rare then the price per Zen will go down as those people who were previously selling dilithium stop doing so.