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txdevildog Arc User



  • I have tried and tried to "assimilate" this info and just don't get it. I've bought extra duty officer packs but I assume this is not the place to buy extra bridge officers? I am Adm level and still feel lost. I have seen ships in the 9-10k for shields, mid-50s for shields, massive weapon power and no clue how to unlock…
  • another question, can I, where do I need to go to buy an extra cloak device? Also, is there a better, more place to go to get more powerful weapons rather than Earth Spacedock? In addition, I am saving Omega Marks for Borg gear.
  • Thanks again for the help risingstar 2009. I know we had a very brief chat, however I've now eliminated my previous alliance mad ready to move forward. I'd like to coordinate a time, maybe 7-11pm Central Time (if you're in the states) to meet and get this done. I am not good with the chat tool so please forgive my…
  • Thanks again, do we each need to be online to send/receive the invite?
  • Thanks for your help risingstar2009, means a lot...I just put an application through the website. Please bear with me as I'm in a significant learning mode. If I'm in-game, do I reach you by typing @risingstar2009 in the lower-left chat console? I tried to use it before in another circumstance but it seems there are…
  • it worked! Thank you all so much. Now I have to decide which one is the strongest, more rounded beast. Does anyone have an alliance I can joun with over a LVL 5 shipyard? I am looking to get a fleet tac escort and long range research vessel and appatently cant do it in the alliance I am in...long story, but at start of my…
  • thanks for the advice, I do appreciate it. i will look for the icon when i get home. Any idea of what I should be looking for, as a icon, on the inventory screen? Everyone, thanks for the patience.
  • I will check again, but I bought it from the ship requisition place in earth spacedock so youd figure it would be there. I tried to check it out a few moments ago and it said "zero" owed as if I bought it. thing is the money to buy the ship (zen) was processed out of my account. I am so confused its ridiculous. Help!!!
  • thanks again, I didnt mean specifically only you could respond, but beleive me I need the help. thanks for the lift, another queation please. I hit 50 today and first bought an Avenger, then a Odyssey. I made sure I had enough slots prior to purchase. the avenger transaction went off without a hitch, as usual, however I…
  • Any help would be appreciated. know im asking a ton of questions but wpuld love to have a moments of your thoughts.. By the way, FIGURED OUT HOW TO FiNALLY CONVERT Marks to Credits. starting to make a bit more sense. thanks again.
  • Thank you so much for the help you've given me. I'm trying to implement it as we speak. Everyone, any particular weapon system, both projector and laser-based, you like more than others? Thanks in advance...
  • Hello, another question...I understand the damage points that can be taken during an attack, however is there some weapons better than other, ie-plasma vs beam vs other, differences in power with different kinds of torpedoes, etc. Thanks for the help, again. DD92
  • Epic, I would agree by a bucket a gold. I ran both Excelsior T5 and my Sovereign tonight. Granted, all combat is not exactly the same with like circumstances but they were about equal in the long run. My favorite is the Excelsior, and has been since I saw Search for Spock in the theaters, however I will say that Sovereign…
  • Thanks Twam, Can you help me with a few terms? What is deboff and stf? Also, can someone explain to me what the best places to go for experience, marks, etc (guessing marks can be obtained through those means)? I have been fighting @ starbase 24 the whole duration of my activity, however if a few folks can lead me to a…
  • Thank you for the help lucho...where do I go to accomplish this? Is it a location or something I do myself without need of another device/location? Is it on a separate console?
  • Thank you all for your honest, solid opinions. I just hit lvl 40 and will probably get the Excelsior tomorrow. I've been a fan since I first saw it in the theaters years ago, and the brief 2 minutes made me a fan. To my surprise I saw them in DS9 show and thought my eyes deceived until I "rewound" the DVR. I've seen videos…
  • Thank you BOTH for all the help. I will try to take a look at the fleet marks info you recommended today. When I first started, I believe lvl10, I got an invite to join a "clan", and was unsure just what that was...no I have no clue how to drop out. I admit, I am lost, particularly if I have a give donations to an fleet…
  • Thank you very much for the offer, and I will definitely pick your brain..I do appreciate it. I've seen folks running around with Borg gear, is that recovered or bought? Also, I've looked at this fleet stuff, I'm screwed and just dont get it. Where to see amounts I have, purposes, how energy credits work, etc. I've seen…
  • Thank you for all the help, I have to muttle through this as best I can, but seems the complexity is not something you just adapt to in 4 months. Just hit lvl 40 today and feel ridiculous I don't know more...plasma vs beam, one projectile over ther other, etc. fricking learning curve. I welcome all advice as well as a…
  • Good afternoon: I know I am re-opening a very old thread, but I really need help from multiple folks as to go about this since I'm new to the game. I am a Commander and have already bought the Excelsior offered with Zen-transfer purchase. Based on the first few bits of this thread it seems I can obtain a much better…