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turks1 Arc User



  • I was only encouraging Cryptic to consider this idea. They won't do it without making a profit. Think of them as ferengi. I don't want to see you pay anything again, but I'd also like to see the diversity of the ships remain in the game. Once Tier 6 Fleet come out, with the extra console slot (11 in total) AND the…
  • I don't want to be double dipped either, but I honestly think there is no way Cryptic does some kind of Free upgrade to full Tier 6. The alternative is never flying your Dyson Ship (for example) again because when Tier 6 Fleet comes out it will ABSOLUTELY be obsolete.
  • The FACT is this, the excuse for limiting reputation powers was completely invalidated by specializations. PERIOD. A fresh 50 would get murdered by any 60 with all specialization powers.
  • Virus, Regarding your tray bug... I had the same thing happen to me on my T5-U Fleet Daeinos. It has happened on ONLY that ship for me. Have you tried a different ship (just to see)? I may have switched ships briefly and saved that other ships tray, then switched back to the Daeinos and tried again. In addition, have you…
  • Has anyone ever thought about making a spare account on the side, doing some premeditated trolling, getting reported by friends, and then actually seeing what the repercussions are? I would NEVER do such a thing, but I was curious if anyone else might have...
  • Seriously - nothing anyone can say here will change anything. Anyone complaining will be trolled by the "white knights". The Developers are not listening. People have too much money and time invested in the game to show their displeasure by walking away. It's Star Trek...and until something better comes along, we have to…
  • I fly the Romulan one on my main. I'm not sure I will come T6...but a lot of the changes are turning me off to the game...the latest being the dilithium from ques nerf and the no gear will drop in ques nerf...not sure I'll be around anyways. There's so many little things wrong with the game that have irked me over the…
  • Just adding my 2 energy credits to the reduction in dilithium rewards and the fact that ques will no longer award gear...I don't like these changes at all. I make almost all of my energy credits from winning Star Base 24, Elite Crystaline Entity, Gorn Mine Field, etc... They award purples, which I then sell on the…
  • I'd really like to see the new Romulan Warbird/Cruiser have a Lt. COmmander Sci slot.
  • It's going to be a GREAT healing ship...that also has a Lt. Commander Tactical for some punch. I'm very excited about this ship!
  • Anyone else think the New Romulan cruiser was modeled after a pelican?
  • http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/7006963
  • Subspace Beacon - Where's the explination for this space ability? Also, spelling error in the blog: Ability Display Name Viral Impule Burst
  • Why not turn off chat to the opposing faction in Kerrat, or in PvP in general? I think other games do that (turn off chat) for this very reason. Tempers flare in PvP. Being able to mock and ridicule your opponent is a bad idea. Just an idea...would save the moderators some time and headache as well.
  • I can confirm that Kerrat was low in population on Friday 7/18/2014 at 10pm EST. I had an old PVP daily to clear Kerrat 3x...went in there expecting someone...anyone to be in there. I was the only person there. I never saw anyone in there. I got all the 8 scans and all the kill nodes for all three matches and never saw a…
  • Thanks for the responses.
  • I wanted to make a suggestion for the New Earth Space Dock. Now that the Federation is allied with the Romulan Republic (I play Romulan Republic) can we get some romulan technology or green romulan themed colors on the Earth Space Dock in a few places (not the plants) that could reflect this new partnership? A comingling…
  • The article originated from FoxNews. The reason I put it up here is because I love science and I have often wondered how our entire planet might change if or when we find out we're not alone. Will the US Givernment, for example, then make NASA's budget larger?
  • For what it's worth, I agree with the OP that Cryptic should end the war. There is plenty enough out there with the Borg, Elachi, Undine, Iconians, rogue factions ie True Way, Marquis, mirror universe folks to keep the Kingon blood boiling and their warrior ways sharp. We can still skirmish in pvp, but end the war imo.
  • I just attempted the T'liss system. It is still not registering any kills. It's 6/25/2013.
  • I just attempted this mission. It's 6/25/2013. It is still not updating.
  • Great post! Friend me in game, I'll PVP with you anytime (except when I'm doing PVE with the wife). My handle is @Turkz.
  • This is precisely what I am doing. I will not play the Klingons. They're warmongers and, regardless of the delusional people who maintain that they are not villains, they are the villains in this game. Want evidence? Here are some quotes from the in game lore accolades that support my position: "The Klingons will offer no…
  • LOL, I feel ya! My wife came in and was like WTF are you ROLLING on the GROUND laughing about. I pointed out all the KDF tears/posts. Good stuff Cryptic, keep it up!
  • I had the wife buy some popcorn at the grocery store this past weekend. I also had her buy LOTS of Mountain Dew. So, if the servers are not available or log in is impossible, I will be getting my entertainment from the Forum Rage that will ensue (and I think it will be hilarious reading it all!) I don't contribute, but I…
  • Eh, some people like to play the villains...to each their own mate.
  • Please read the following possible explanation for how praxis having been destroyed earlier than in canon... The Narada, after the impact of the U.S.S. Kelvin, was badly damaged but not destroyed, with its weapons, shields and engines offline. As the Romulans tried frantically to repair their ship, they pondered that they…
  • Been stuck at 60% for over 2 hours now. Control X shows intro_rom.bik
    in S L O W Patch Comment by turks1 May 2013
  • I am an Eng captain and I ended up just kiting it around the arena. My health slowly regened whenI was kiting it...so when I got to 50% I turned, beat on him some more, then ran again when I droped below 25%...was a long fight, but doable.
  • Nicely done Cryptic. Can't wait for launch!