I would love to play the game again and am impressed with all the new content. I would even consider lifetime subbing if I could actually play the thing. However, I can't hardly get my charactors to even pop up on the charactor screen, normally disconnect back to log in if I try to select a charactor, and if I do get in…
This was just lag. It had not processed your rank upgrade yet. Mine did same thing and then after my rank upgrade happened due to a lagging quest reward turn in, it popped up as it should.
It seems to me, at lower levels anyways, that its being used exactly as you are trying to. I suspected that most would just have a "TRIBBLE you" mentality and abuse it. It appears however that anytime I hit need, I would say 8 out of 10 times I would win the roll. In a 20 man Starbase 24, it would be highly unlikely to get…