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Need vs Greed in Fleet Action PUGs



  • terlokiterloki Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I know it's an uphill battle, but I try to use the system as it's intended anyway. I pass on stuff that someone else could probably make more use of than me (i.e.: Low mk stuff when there's a low-level guy in a fleet event), I greed on stuff I want for ec, and I need on stuff I've been looking for, even if it's just a stopgap until I get more ec (neutronium armor, phaser relays, phaser beam arrays, etc. (most of it's for all the cruisers I have on my engy)).

    I don't want to be "that guy" who puts a damper on everyone else's day by picking "need" on everything and hoarding all the loot. I also support shockwave's idea of setting default loot in public matches to round-robin.
    Admiral Katrina Tokareva - U.S.S. Cosmos, Yorktown-class Star Cruiser
    Admiral Dananra Lekall - R.R.W. Teverresh, Deihu-class Warbird
    General J'Kar son of K'tsulan - I.K.S. Dlahath, Vo'devwl-class Carrier
  • voyagerfan9751voyagerfan9751 Member Posts: 1,120 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    terloki wrote: »

    I don't want to be "that guy" who puts a damper on everyone else's day by picking "need" on everything and hoarding all the loot. I also support shockwave's idea of setting default loot in public matches to round-robin.

    That is one of the reasons I started this thread. Honestly, I have no problem with Greeding for EC, Needing for Build (even if it is temporary).

    But from running a few Starbase 24s. I see that much what is said here is true. Most people tend to need. That said, greed becomes essentially a second pass.

    That said, if the general consensus is that everyone is needing everything, then I have no problem with needing and letting the RNG sort it all out.

    That said, Honestly, I would love for either a round robin, or just randomly distribute loot based on the RNG.
  • blaumkerblaumker Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In a game where there is a "genuine" upgrade to be had from these loot drops, a loot system that works is paramount. I think many of us going into these things believing that we want folks getting a fair shake at their loot, and don't want to be taking it unnecessarily.

    Here, everything is currency, though. At max level, you can literally get a more or less full ship loadout of functional blues from the exchange for approximately the energy credit take of one solo space foundry mission or romulan reputation quest run. At lower levels you rank up so quickly that you're looking at a couple hours worth of usage before being obsolete, at most.

    What that winds up meaning is that the screen reading need/greed for an uncommon quality plasma cannon mkX is really reading "temporarily trade one inventory slot for 7500 EC?". Essentially, since we're looking at every drop as currency, we all "need" it the same amount, and human nature means that if we don't "need" the currency, someone else will perceive that they do.

    Round Robin would be great and fair, though it would take a bit of a revamp. Nobody wants to be the guy that always winds up with all the flow capacitors while other guys always seem to land on the deflector.
  • fishworshipper1fishworshipper1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I don't have the ability to look at the loot, monitor my health and shields, use healing/damaging abilities, manage my buffs/debuffs, manage my weapons AND decide whether or not I need and item or i want an item.
    I always need.
  • adabisiadabisi Member Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I pass on everything..I dont need the credits....

    besides every player, with the exception of a few here and there, roll need on everything..

    To them.....you needy little pricks....
    Today we fight the GAULS......monstrous and HAIRY beyond reason.
  • gypsybladegypsyblade Member Posts: 730 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With all the actually "need" for EC to pay for rep and starbase upgrades. I don't see why people still dislike those that need on everything. I need on everything, I vendor and drop things on the exchange. Don't like it? Then you buy me the 4 purple MK XII plasma infusers I still need on two of my characters. I have 6 toons to maintain, I need every bit of EC I can get my lobes on.
  • decroniadecronia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gypsyblade wrote: »
    With all the actually "need" for EC to pay for rep and starbase upgrades. I don't see why people still dislike those that need on everything. I need on everything, I vendor and drop things on the exchange. Don't like it? Then you buy me the 4 purple MK XII plasma infusers I still need on two of my characters. I have 6 toons to maintain, I need every bit of EC I can get my lobes on.

    Some dislike such because they may lose a genuine upgrade for them to someone who just wants the credits. There are plenty of other ways to get credits after all. If someone needs because they need the credits, then they can't get defensive when somene who sees the item as a genuine upgrade gets abit snarky with them.

    As I said earlier I only need on something that is an upgrade to me. I get enough EC and vendor drops from doing dailies or from repeating a mission because I want the reward to try out a new weapon type.
  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    i just want to know how to get the auto looter to work.
    no matter what settings i select there is nothing automatic about it & i still build up a load of white gear id have though the loot threshold would have blocked.
    There is no auto-looter. The setting you're talking about is for when you set up your own team (manually). Items below the threshold won't go to need & greed, whoever picks it up gets it. In queue matches, it's always set to green.
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It it really that bad in STO? In TOR (the only other MMO I play) people from the queues (team finder) don't have such problems. Default choice, as far as I noticed, is greed, with need chosen only if someone really needs something for himself. Some choose need for stuff for their companions, but really - most of rolls I usually see are greeds.

    What's so bad in STO players, that they behave like dicks?

    diffrence is unless its a Mk XII purple console no one needs it. In a traditional MMO where you know drops matter you can get upgrades from a drop lol
  • spork87spork87 Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    blaumker wrote: »
    In a game where there is a "genuine" upgrade to be had from these loot drops, a loot system that works is paramount. I think many of us going into these things believing that we want folks getting a fair shake at their loot, and don't want to be taking it unnecessarily.

    Here, everything is currency, though. At max level, you can literally get a more or less full ship loadout of functional blues from the exchange for approximately the energy credit take of one solo space foundry mission or romulan reputation quest run. At lower levels you rank up so quickly that you're looking at a couple hours worth of usage before being obsolete, at most.

    What that winds up meaning is that the screen reading need/greed for an uncommon quality plasma cannon mkX is really reading "temporarily trade one inventory slot for 7500 EC?". Essentially, since we're looking at every drop as currency, we all "need" it the same amount, and human nature means that if we don't "need" the currency, someone else will perceive that they do.

    Round Robin would be great and fair, though it would take a bit of a revamp. Nobody wants to be the guy that always winds up with all the flow capacitors while other guys always seem to land on the deflector.

    agreed, ill say this when i was playing wow, I could need on drops all day and still not afford a good purple weapon while here you can thats the diffrence lol
  • jetwtfjetwtf Member Posts: 1,207
    edited May 2013
    there really shouldnt be a choice as it all should just be roll automaticaly by default and leave need/greed for private events. Simply have the item show as normal but just have the pass button. Thats the only real fair way of setting up a public team when it comes to loot because there is always that one jackhandle that hits need everytime. So since the pubs are need/greed I only do them for the rewards on completion and just ignore the loot unless something purple pops up then i hit need and roll for it.
    Join Date: Nobody cares.
    "I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
  • trokkartrokkar Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It seems to me, at lower levels anyways, that its being used exactly as you are trying to. I suspected that most would just have a "TRIBBLE you" mentality and abuse it. It appears however that anytime I hit need, I would say 8 out of 10 times I would win the roll. In a 20 man Starbase 24, it would be highly unlikely to get those results unless people were not greeding or passing on items on a regular basis. I did just restart this game as I lost my founder account so I am not sure what its like at higher levels.
  • sasheriasasheria Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In a team of people you know, need/greed rule applies. I have learn that in PUGs, might as well need everything cause someone will need it (I usually WAIT to see if anyone greed then I'll go back to need/green method.)
    To grow old is inevitable, to grow up is optional.
    Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
  • valarauko43valarauko43 Member Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I pass. Always, only, ever pass. Mirror universe incursion, red alerts (if invited to team), stf, and anywhere else the system applies, I pass. If I have time to click the button I pass. If I can't take the time to click the button then I guess I "auto-pass". Even when the drop is lit up to tell me it's mine, but need/greed pops up, I pass. It's just easier for me to not want whatever it is, and most of the time I don't even know what I'm passing up. I would rather focus on contributing to the battle and helping the team win. I'll get stuff somewhere else. There's lots of stuff. I'm having fun. Hope you are too.
  • satinaviansatinavian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    trokkar wrote: »
    It seems to me, at lower levels anyways, that its being used exactly as you are trying to. I suspected that most would just have a "TRIBBLE you" mentality and abuse it. It appears however that anytime I hit need, I would say 8 out of 10 times I would win the roll. In a 20 man Starbase 24, it would be highly unlikely to get those results unless people were not greeding or passing on items on a regular basis. I did just restart this game as I lost my founder account so I am not sure what its like at higher levels.
    Before you reach cap, everything is easy enough to not even invest time in outfitting your ship. When you reach cap, you choose the ship, you really want to fly.

    Then you go once through the exchange for some green/blue weapons and matching consoles of level 10-11 depending on how much EC you have. And you are ready for endgame.

    The next upgrade is Borg/Omega/Rom/Maco/HG/Reman 3-piece set, and either reputation weapons or fleet weapons or a combination thereof.

    Which means, no one at endgame needs a weapon, a shield, engine, deflector from random drops.

    That leaves only consoles. The large majority of them are so cheap on the exchange, that pretty much everyone needing it has bought it shortly after reaching cap anyway.

    So, at endgame, no one should need any random loot. Possible exception are people not understanding the game rules. So every player in a Pug should assume, that everyone else in his group just wants to vendor anything dropped.

    There are some exceptions. Purple Mk XII weapons with good mods and purple Mk XI and XII and blue Mk XII consoles of certain kind. But the best consoles seem to come from doff missions, not drops. So... you might find once in a blue moon a random drop that anyone might use. Then you could go to greed, if you recognize it in time and use the system as planned. But even those occasions have the problem, that the item is not bound and anyone could put this thing on the exchange.

    Low-level stuff ? People tend to pass on it to not clutter their inventory, not because they think, other players could really benefit from it. Even here, you will find only need and pass, but not greed.

    Some time ago in STFs, the Need or Greed system was useful because stuff was bound and really sought after. And it worked.
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    skollulfr wrote: »
    i just want to know how to get the auto looter to work.
    no matter what settings i select there is nothing automatic about it & i still build up a load of white gear id have though the loot threshold would have blocked.

    If I interpret your post correctly, the issue you are running into is that you have selected Enable Auto-Loot under Options->Basic. The Loot Threshold under Social->Team Settings actually sets the minimum quality of an item to pop up for Need or Greed. With Enable Auto-Loot checked you will automatically pick up every item in range with only the ones at or above your designated Loot Threshold being rolled for by the team. Of course, that assumes the PUG system has set you to lead, otherwise you follow the team leader's settings.
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
  • breadandcircusesbreadandcircuses Member Posts: 2,355 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In general, I will Need things that I feel I need. I Greed things that I might as well sell for EC's if nobody else wants them, as I've seen groups all-Pass items worth a reasonable amount of EC's. I Pass on things that are utterly worthless to me. By default I'll hit the nearest button if I'm busy healing or shooting things. I go with the simple method :)
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    I do not like Geko ether.
    iconians wrote: »
    With each passing day I wonder if I stepped into an alternate reality. The Cubs win the world series. Donald Trump is President. Britain leaves the EU. STO gets a dedicated PvP season. Engineers are "out of control" in STO.​​
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