It is like the exchange just unfixed itself. Items I am listing are not showing. There is also a sudden increase in the price of items - Strange Alien Artifacts have shot up to 900,000+ credits from a low of the high 500's. However, personnel that I list seem to be showing. Only high dollar items are not showing. This…
Thanks mikewendell. Everything I'm listing is showing, for the most part. I'm just still seeing different results when I filter in ways that should show items both ways. Maddening.
Thanks for answering. Would you mind PMing? It is often easier to search for something you're familiar with than something you're not, which is why the "F YOU SEARCH!" responses are not very community building (thanks for not giving it to me!)!
I have a DOFF that is behaving similarly, only it is a Fed Doff and I'm a Fed Character. A Damage Control Engineer, with resolve, that I can't use to fabricate a console from an alien artifact.
I don't think we'll be "lucky" - I think it is inevitable. A couple months ago it was below 300. And, not to be repetitive, this is NOT a "minor" dilithium change - this is a game changer. Enough that they felt they needed to adjust contraband confiscation missions to provide 5 contraband.