I don't think we'll be "lucky" - I think it is inevitable. A couple months ago it was below 300. And, not to be repetitive, this is NOT a "minor" dilithium change - this is a game changer.
Enough that they felt they needed to adjust contraband confiscation missions to provide 5 contraband.
Well, in a PerfectWorld, Dilithium would be worth the same, but Zen would be worth less because the value per Zen is less then the value per Cryptic Point. So, it would cost less Dilithium to purchase a single Zen than it would to purchase a single Cryptic Point. However, with as greedy as people are, the prices will likely stay the same, which in essence, devalues dilithium even more.
Really people - if we want dilithium to have more value we have to stop buying CPs (I mean Zen) for such horrendous prices. I guess 275 dil for 1CP or 220 for 1 Zen would be optimal.
Really people - if we want dilithium to have more value we have to stop buying CPs (I mean Zen) for such horrendous prices. I guess 275 dil for 1CP or 220 for 1 Zen would be optimal.
It's ging to take aproximatly 21 missions at that amount just to get a starbase to T1, T2 is likliy to require more and so on and so forth. Provishions work out at 6K per provishion. Every character is going to need a large number of those.
A full starbase at T5 with enougb provishions, ships, e.t.c. could easilly set a fleet back by enormous amounts of dilithium. With no provishions or special projects the T1 along is around 600K. I wouldn't be suprised to see total costs exceeding 100 million for small fleets. large fleets could easilly see much higher values due to all the extra provishions. Not sure if there's unique consles or hangers. But if there is your looking at somwhere around 25 provishions per head with no special builds or experiments in. And if there's a lot of expendable asset usage you could easilly see large fleets spending 100's of K a day, in dilithium. Not counting all the DOFF buying i expect as well thats a LOT of dilithium, even those with millions stocpiled will run out in a matter of weeks unless there's a LOT of similar members in one fleet. Even then give it a month or two and they'll be dry too.
Ok got in game breifely. Seems to be 750 total projects at 10K dilithium apeice for me, (7.5 mill total). Which is a lot less than reports from tribble led me to belive. But that could be because mine is an alt fleet, if they've put scaling in then that could represent tiny amounts compared to bigger fleets. And eitheir way provishions wiol probably chew a ton of the stuff up.
Okay so with a current trade value of 300 dilithium per zen, and with the lower value of zen compared to c-points, the actual value of dilithium has gone down? That can't be right.
Okay so with a current trade value of 300 dilithium per zen, and with the lower value of zen compared to c-points, the actual value of dilithium has gone down? That can't be right.
It's not. The market will correct due to overspeculation and is crashing and rising by a few points every few minutes.
I need my ZEN I bought yesterday to get in on this. Argh!
Enough that they felt they needed to adjust contraband confiscation missions to provide 5 contraband.
You can get several thousand Dil an hour, more if you do Elite.
It's ging to take aproximatly 21 missions at that amount just to get a starbase to T1, T2 is likliy to require more and so on and so forth. Provishions work out at 6K per provishion. Every character is going to need a large number of those.
A full starbase at T5 with enougb provishions, ships, e.t.c. could easilly set a fleet back by enormous amounts of dilithium. With no provishions or special projects the T1 along is around 600K. I wouldn't be suprised to see total costs exceeding 100 million for small fleets. large fleets could easilly see much higher values due to all the extra provishions. Not sure if there's unique consles or hangers. But if there is your looking at somwhere around 25 provishions per head with no special builds or experiments in. And if there's a lot of expendable asset usage you could easilly see large fleets spending 100's of K a day, in dilithium. Not counting all the DOFF buying i expect as well thats a LOT of dilithium, even those with millions stocpiled will run out in a matter of weeks unless there's a LOT of similar members in one fleet. Even then give it a month or two and they'll be dry too.
It's not. The market will correct due to overspeculation and is crashing and rising by a few points every few minutes.
I need my ZEN I bought yesterday to get in on this. Argh!